MODULE; IMPORT Math, Mth, Point3; TYPE CircleCache = REF RECORD prec : INTEGER; verts : REF ARRAY OF Point3.T; next : CircleCache; END; VAR circleCache : CircleCache := NIL; PROCEDURE AuxG GetUnitCirclePoints (prec : INTEGER) : REF ARRAY OF Point3.T = VAR tmp := circleCache; ang := 0.0; BEGIN WHILE tmp # NIL DO IF tmp.prec = prec THEN (* We have cached a circle at this resolution, so return it *) RETURN tmp.verts; END; tmp :=; END; (* So far, we have not computed a circle at this resolution ... *) WITH v = NEW (REF ARRAY OF Point3.T, prec + 1), Dang = 2.0 * FLOAT(Math.Pi, REAL) / FLOAT (prec) DO FOR i := 0 TO prec - 1 DO v[i] := Point3.T {Mth.sin(ang), Mth.cos(ang), 0.0}; ang := ang + Dang; END; v[prec] := v[0]; circleCache := NEW (CircleCache, prec := prec, verts := v, next := circleCache); RETURN v; END; END GetUnitCirclePoints; BEGIN END AuxG.