MODULE** PROCEDURE Translate (READONLY M : T; x, y, z : REAL) : T = VAR N := T {Row {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, x}, Row {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, y}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, z}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; BEGIN RETURN Multiply (N, M); END Translate; **; IMPORT Math, Mth, Point3; PROCEDURE Matrix4 Identity () : T = BEGIN RETURN Id; END Identity;
PROCEDURETranslate (READONLY M : T; x, y, z : REAL) : T = BEGIN
<* ASSERT M[3][0] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][1] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][2] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][3] = 1.0 *>
RETURN T {Row{M[0][0], M[0][1], M[0][2], M[0][3] + x}, Row{M[1][0], M[1][1], M[1][2], M[1][3] + y}, Row{M[2][0], M[2][1], M[2][2], M[2][3] + z}, Row{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; END Translate; PROCEDURE*** PROCEDURE TransformPoint3 (READONLY M : T; READONLY p : Point3.T) : Point3.T = BEGIN RETURN Point3.T {M[0][0] * p.x + M[0][1] * p.y + M[0][2] * p.z + M[0][3], M[1][0] * p.x + M[1][1] * p.y + M[1][2] * p.z + M[1][3], M[2][0] * p.x + M[2][1] * p.y + M[2][2] * p.z + M[2][3]}; END TransformPoint3; **Scale (READONLY M : T; x, y, z : REAL) : T = VAR N := T {Row { x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, Row {0.0, y, 0.0, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, z, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; BEGIN RETURN Multiply (N, M); END Scale; PROCEDURERotateX (READONLY M : T; theta : REAL) : T = VAR a := Mth.sin (theta); b := Mth.cos (theta); N := T {Row {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, Row {0.0, b, -a, 0.0}, Row {0.0, a, b, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; BEGIN RETURN Multiply (N, M); END RotateX; PROCEDURERotateY (READONLY M : T; theta : REAL) : T = VAR a := Mth.sin (theta); b := Mth.cos (theta); N := T {Row { b, 0.0, a, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, Row { -a, 0.0, b, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; BEGIN RETURN Multiply (N, M); END RotateY; PROCEDURERotateZ (READONLY M : T; theta : REAL) : T = VAR a := Mth.sin (theta); b := Mth.cos (theta); N := T {Row { b, -a, 0.0, 0.0}, Row { a, b, 0.0, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; BEGIN RETURN Multiply (N, M); END RotateZ;
PROCEDURETransformPoint3 (READONLY M : T; READONLY p : Point3.T) : Point3.T = BEGIN WITH w = M[3][0] * p.x + M[3][1] * p.y + M[3][2] * p.z + M[3][3] DO RETURN Point3.T { (M[0][0] * p.x + M[0][1] * p.y + M[0][2] * p.z + M[0][3]) / w, (M[1][0] * p.x + M[1][1] * p.y + M[1][2] * p.z + M[1][3]) / w, (M[2][0] * p.x + M[2][1] * p.y + M[2][2] * p.z + M[2][3]) / w}; END; END TransformPoint3; PROCEDUREMultiply (READONLY M, N : T) : T = VAR P : T; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO FOR j := 0 TO 3 DO P[i][j] := 0.0; FOR k := 0 TO 3 DO P[i][j] := P[i][j] + M[i][k] * N[k][j]; END; END; END; RETURN P; END Multiply;
is stolen from Cube
, a 3D Programming language that I did back in
in Illinois. Cube was implemented in Modula-3.
PROCEDUREInvert (<*NOWARN*> A : T) : T RAISES {Error} = VAR p : ARRAY [0 .. 3] OF INTEGER; B : T; (* * LUP_Solve is taken pretty directly from * [Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, p. 753] *) PROCEDURE LUP_Solve (READONLY b : Row) : Row = VAR x : Row; y : Row; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO y[i] := b[p[i]]; FOR j := 0 TO i-1 DO y[i] := y[i] - A[i][j] * y[j]; END; END; FOR i := 3 TO 0 BY -1 DO x[i] := y[i]; FOR j := i+1 TO 3 DO x[i] := x[i] - A[i][j] * x[j]; END; x[i] := x[i] / A[i][i]; END; RETURN x; END LUP_Solve; (* * LUP_Decomposition is taken pretty directly from * [Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, p. 759] *) PROCEDURE LUP_Decomposition () RAISES {Error} = VAR q : REAL; g : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO p[i] := i; END; FOR k := 0 TO 2 DO q := 0.0; FOR i := k TO 3 DO IF ABS(A[i][k]) > q THEN q := ABS(A[i][k]); g := i; END; END; IF q = 0.0 THEN (* Transformation matrix is singular *) RAISE Error; END; VAR t := p[k]; BEGIN p[k] := p[g]; p[g] := t; END; (* swap *) FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO VAR t := A[k][i]; BEGIN A[k][i] := A[g][i]; A[g][i] := t; END; END; FOR i := k+1 TO 3 DO A[i][k] := A[i][k] / A[k][k]; FOR j := k+1 TO 3 DO A[i][j] := A[i][j] - A[i][k] * A[k][j]; END; END; END; END LUP_Decomposition; (* * The main part of the inversion routine is taken pretty directly from * [Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, p. 762-763] *) BEGIN LUP_Decomposition (); WITH v0 = LUP_Solve (Row {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}), v1 = LUP_Solve (Row {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}), v2 = LUP_Solve (Row {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}), v3 = LUP_Solve (Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}) DO FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO B[i] := Row {v0[i], v1[i], v2[i], v3[i]}; END; END; RETURN B; END Invert;
In the old version of TransformUnitCube
, I computed the result matrix M
by using trigonometric functions (and I would be very embarrassed to tell
just how long it took me to get this function right). This approach was
of course motivated by the geometric interpretation on the function
(projecting the unit cube through scaling, rotations, and translation
onto the cube with corners p0
PROCEDURE TransformUnitCube (p0, a0, b0, c0 : Point3.T) : T = VAR p, a, b, c : Point3.T; M : T; N : T; sx, sy, sz : REAL; angle1, angle2, angle3 : REAL; BEGIN M := Identity (); M := Translate (M, -p0.x, -p0.y, -p0.z); p := TransformPoint3 (M, p0); a := TransformPoint3 (M, a0); b := TransformPoint3 (M, b0); c := TransformPoint3 (M, c0);
M := Identity ();
(* We want to rotate vector a
around the y axis such that it falls into
the x-y plane. So, we need to find the angle angle1
between the
projection of a
onto the x-z plane and the x axis.
IF a.z = 0.0 THEN (* If "a.z" = 0, then "a" is already in the x-y plane. *) angle1 := 0.0; ELSE (* a.z # 0, hence Length ( (a.x, 0, a.z) ) > 0 *) angle1 := Mth.asin (a.z / Point3.Length (Point3.T {a.x, 0.0, a.z})); END; IF a.x < 0.0 THEN angle1 := Math.Pi - angle1; END; M := RotateY (M, angle1); p := TransformPoint3 (M, p); a := TransformPoint3 (M, a); b := TransformPoint3 (M, b); c := TransformPoint3 (M, c); M := Identity (); (* We want to rotate vector "a" around the z axis such that it falls onto the x axis. So, we need to find the angle "angle2" between "a" and the x axis. Note that the previous rotation moved "a" into the x-y plane, hence "a.z" is 0, hence we do not need to project "a" onto any plane. Also, note that "a" is guaranteed to have a positive length. *) angle2 := - Mth.asin (a.y / Point3.Length (a)); IF a.x < 0.0 THEN angle2 := Math.Pi - angle2; END; M := RotateZ (M, angle2); p := TransformPoint3 (M, p); a := TransformPoint3 (M, a); b := TransformPoint3 (M, b); c := TransformPoint3 (M, c); M := Identity (); (* At this point, "a" should be lying on the positive half of x axis, and "b" and "c" should both be lying in the y-z plane. We want to rotate "b" around the x axis so that it lies on the positive half of the y axis. *) angle3 := -Mth.asin (b.z / Point3.Length (b)); IF b.y < 0.0 THEN angle3 := Math.Pi - angle3; END; M := RotateX (M, angle3); p := TransformPoint3 (M, p); a := TransformPoint3 (M, a); b := TransformPoint3 (M, b); c := TransformPoint3 (M, c); sx := Point3.Length (a); sy := Point3.Length (b); sz := Point3.Length (c); (* Construct N *) N := Identity (); N := Scale (N, sx, sy, sz); N := RotateX (N, -angle3); N := RotateZ (N, -angle2); N := RotateY (N, -angle1); N := Translate (N, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z); RETURN N; END TransformUnitCube; *) PROCEDUREBasic Assertions: (1) M has been created by combining rotations, translations, and uniform(!) scalings. (2) s > 0 PROCEDURE Decompose ((* inTransformUnitCube (p, a, b, c : Point3.T) : T = BEGIN RETURN T {Row {a.x - p.x, b.x - p.x, c.x - p.x, p.x}, Row {a.y - p.y, b.y - p.y, c.y - p.y, p.y}, Row {a.z - p.z, b.z - p.z, c.z - p.z, p.z}, Row { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; END TransformUnitCube; PROCEDUREUnitSphereMaxSquishFactor (READONLY M : T) : REAL = (* Given a vector v, DecomposeVector returns a unit vector u parallel to v and the length l of v. In other words, u = Point3.Scale (v, 1.0) and l = Point3.Length (v). *) PROCEDURE Iterate (READONLY AAt : T; v : Point3.T; VAR u : Point3.T; VAR l : REAL) = BEGIN v := TransformPoint3 (AAt, v); l := Mth.sqrt (v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z); u := Point3.T {v.x / l, v.y / l, v.z / l}; END Iterate; CONST eps = 0.05; VAR A, At, AAt : T; v1, v2, v3, v : Point3.T; s1, s2, s3, s : REAL; delta : REAL; s_prev : REAL; BEGIN A := T {Row {M[0][0], M[0][1], M[0][2], 0.0}, Row {M[1][0], M[1][1], M[1][2], 0.0}, Row {M[2][0], M[2][1], M[2][2], 0.0}, Row { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; At := T {Row {M[0][0], M[1][0], M[2][0], 0.0}, Row {M[0][1], M[1][1], M[2][1], 0.0}, Row {M[0][2], M[1][2], M[2][2], 0.0}, Row { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; AAt := Multiply (A, At); (*** start with 3 mutually orthogonal unit vectors ***) Iterate (AAt, Point3.T {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, v1, s1); Iterate (AAt, Point3.T {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, v2, s2); Iterate (AAt, Point3.T {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, v3, s3); (*** decide which one yielded the largest scaling ***) IF s1 >= s2 AND s1 >= s3 THEN v := v1; s_prev := s1; ELSIF s2 >= s1 AND s2 >= s3 THEN v := v2; s_prev := s2; ELSIF s3 >= s1 AND s3 >= s2 THEN v := v3; s_prev := s3; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; (*** Iterate until the scale factor approaches a fixed point ***) REPEAT Iterate (AAt, v, v, s); delta := ABS (s / s_prev) - 1.0; s_prev := s; UNTIL delta < eps; RETURN Mth.sqrt (s); END UnitSphereMaxSquishFactor;
<*NOWARN*> M : T; (* out *) VAR tx, ty, tz, s, angX, angY, angZ : REAL) = VAR a, b, c: Point3.T; BEGIN <* ASSERT M[3][0] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][1] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][2] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][3] = 1.0 *> (* separate the translation component *) tx := M[0][3]; ty := M[1][3]; tz := M[2][3]; (* remove the translation component from M *) M[0][3] := 0.0; M[1][3] := 0.0; M[2][3] := 0.0; (* We assumed uniform scaling, which makes it very easy to determine s. *) WITH p0 = Point3.T {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, p1 = TransformPoint3 (M, p0) DO s := Point3.Length (p1); END; (* Also, for a uniform scaling S, SM = MS for any matrix M. So, we can remove S easily. *) FOR i := 0 TO 2 DO FOR j := 0 TO 2 DO M[i][j] := M[i][j] / s; END; END; (* Take three orthogonal unit vectors *) a := Point3.T {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; b := Point3.T {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; c := Point3.T {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; (* Apply M to them *) a := TransformPoint3 (M, a); b := TransformPoint3 (M, b); c := TransformPoint3 (M, c); (* We want to rotate vector "a" around the z axis such that it falls into the x-z plane. So, we need to find the angle "angZ" between the projection of "a" onto the x-y plane and the z axis. *) IF a.y = 0.0 THEN (* If "a.y" = 0, then "a" is already in the x-z plane. *) angZ := 0.0; ELSE (* a.y # 0, hence Length ( (a.x, 0, a.y) ) > 0 *) angZ := - Mth.asin (a.y / Point3.Length (Point3.T {a.x, a.y, 0.0})); END; IF a.x < 0.0 THEN angZ := Math.Pi - angZ; END; WITH N = RotateZ (Id, angZ) DO a := TransformPoint3 (N, a); b := TransformPoint3 (N, b); c := TransformPoint3 (N, c); END; (* We want to rotate vector "a" around the y axis such that it falls onto the x axis. So, we need to find the angle "angY" between "a" and the x axis. Note that the previous rotation moved "a" into the x-z plane, hence "a.y" is 0, hence we do not need to project "a" onto any plane. Also, note that "a" is guaranteed to have a positive length. *) angY := Mth.asin (a.z / Point3.Length (a)); IF a.x < 0.0 THEN angY := Math.Pi - angY; END; WITH N = RotateY (Id, angY) DO a := TransformPoint3 (N, a); b := TransformPoint3 (N, b); c := TransformPoint3 (N, c); END; (* At this point, "a" should be lying on the positive half of x axis, and "b" and "c" should both be lying in the y-z plane. We want to rotate "b" around the x axis so that it lies on the positive half of the y axis. *) angX := - Mth.asin (b.z / Point3.Length (b)); IF b.y < 0.0 THEN angX := Math.Pi - angX; END; WITH N = RotateX (Id, angX) DO a := TransformPoint3 (N, a); b := TransformPoint3 (N, b); c := TransformPoint3 (N, c); END; angX := - angX; angY := - angY; angZ := - angZ; END Decompose; *)Basic Assertions: (1) M has been created by combining rotations, translations, and uniform(!) scalings. (2) s > 0
PROCEDUREThe matrix returned by this function can be thought of as having 2 parts. The first part (next to the coordinate point when it is being transformed) moves theDecomp (<*NOWARN*> M : T; VAR tx, ty, tz, s : REAL) : T RAISES {Error} = BEGIN <* ASSERT M[3][0] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][1] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][2] = 0.0 *> <* ASSERT M[3][3] = 1.0 *> (* separate the translation component *) tx := M[0][3]; ty := M[1][3]; tz := M[2][3]; (* remove the translation component from M *) M[0][3] := 0.0; M[1][3] := 0.0; M[2][3] := 0.0; (* We assumed uniform scaling, which makes it very easy to determine s. *) WITH p0 = Point3.T {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, p1 = TransformPoint3 (M, p0) DO s := Point3.Length (p1); END; (* Also, for a uniform scaling S, SM = MS for any matrix M. So, we can remove S easily. *) FOR i := 0 TO 2 DO FOR j := 0 TO 2 DO M[i][j] := M[i][j] / s; END; END; IF NOT Orthonormal (M) THEN RAISE Error; ELSE RETURN M; END; END Decomp; PROCEDURETranspose (READONLY M : T) : T = BEGIN RETURN T {Row {M[0][0], M[1][0], M[2][0], M[3][0]}, Row {M[0][1], M[1][1], M[2][1], M[3][1]}, Row {M[0][2], M[1][2], M[2][2], M[3][2]}, Row {M[0][3], M[1][3], M[2][3], M[3][3]}}; END Transpose; PROCEDUREEqual (READONLY A, B : T) : BOOLEAN = CONST eps = 0.0005; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO FOR j := 0 TO 3 DO IF ABS (A[i][j] - B[i][j]) > eps THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END Equal; PROCEDUREOrthonormal (READONLY U : T) : BOOLEAN = PROCEDURE DotProduct (u, v : Row) : REAL = BEGIN RETURN u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1] + u[2]*v[2] + u[3]*v[3]; END DotProduct; PROCEDURE Zero (x : REAL) : BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN ABS (x) < 0.0001; END Zero; PROCEDURE One (x : REAL) : BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN Zero (x - 1.0); END One; BEGIN WITH Ut = Transpose (U), u0 = SUBARRAY (Ut[0], 0, 4), u1 = SUBARRAY (Ut[1], 0, 4), u2 = SUBARRAY (Ut[2], 0, 4), u3 = SUBARRAY (Ut[3], 0, 4), d00 = DotProduct (u0, u0), d01 = DotProduct (u0, u1), d02 = DotProduct (u0, u2), d03 = DotProduct (u0, u3), d11 = DotProduct (u1, u1), d12 = DotProduct (u1, u2), d13 = DotProduct (u1, u3), d22 = DotProduct (u2, u2), d23 = DotProduct (u2, u3), d33 = DotProduct (u3, u3) DO RETURN One (d00) AND One (d11) AND One (d22) AND One (d33) AND Zero (d01) AND Zero (d02) AND Zero (d03) AND Zero (d12) AND Zero (d13) AND Zero (d23); END; END Orthonormal; PROCEDUREOrthoProjMatrix (height, aspect, near, far: REAL): T = VAR width := height * aspect; depth := near - far; BEGIN <* ASSERT depth # 0.0 AND width # 0.0 AND height # 0.0 *> RETURN T {Row{1.0 / width, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5}, Row{0.0, 1.0 / height, 0.0, 0.5}, Row{0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / depth, 1.0 - near / depth}, Row{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; END OrthoProjMatrix; PROCEDUREPerspProjMatrix (fovy, distance, aspect, near, far: REAL): T = VAR eyedist := distance - near; depth := near - far; frac := 1.0 + near / eyedist; fovy2 := MIN (ABS(fovy), FLOAT (Math.Pi, REAL)) / 2.0; height := 2.0 * eyedist * FLOAT (Math.tan (FLOAT (fovy2, LONGREAL))); width := height * aspect; BEGIN <* ASSERT near > far AND fovy # 0.0 AND aspect # 0.0 AND distance > near *> RETURN T {Row {1.0 / width, 0.0, -0.5 / eyedist, frac / 2.0}, Row {0.0, 1.0 / height, -0.5 / eyedist, frac / 2.0}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / depth, -far / depth}, Row {0.0, 0.0, -1.0 / eyedist, frac}}; END PerspProjMatrix;
point to the origin. The second part performs the rotation
of the data.
The three basis vectors of the rotation are obtained as follows:
- The Z basis vector b
is determined by subtracting from
from to
normalizing it to unit length.
- The Y basis vector e
is determined by calculating the vector
perpendicular to b
and in the plane defined by the Z basis vector
and the up
vector and then normalizing it.
- The X basis vector f
is calculated by e CROSS b
This method is called the Gram-Schmidt process
See Foley/van Dam/Feiner/Hughes pages 1102f and 1112 for details.
The resulting matrix looks like this:
| fx fy fz 0 | | 1 0 0 -tox | | fx fy fz -to DOT f | | ex ey ez 0 |*| 0 1 0 -toy |=| ex ey ez -to DOT e | | bx by bz 0 | | 0 0 1 -toz | | bx by bz -to DOT b | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
PROCEDURELookatViewMatrix (from, to, up: Point3.T): T = BEGIN WITH b = Point3.ScaleToLen (Point3.Minus (from, to), 1.0), e = Point3.ScaleToLen (Point3.Minus (up, Point3.TimesScalar (b, Point3.DotProduct (b, up))), 1.0), f = Point3.CrossProduct (e, b) DO RETURN T {Row {f.x, f.y, f.z, -Point3.DotProduct (to, f)}, Row {e.x, e.y, e.z, -Point3.DotProduct (to, e)}, Row {b.x, b.y, b.z, -Point3.DotProduct (to, b)}, Row {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; END; END LookatViewMatrix; BEGIN END Matrix4.