
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Created by Marc Najork                                                    
 Last modified on Fri Feb  3 13:57:57 PST 1995 by najork                   

A SurfaceGO.T is a geometric objects which is composed of surfaces (as opposed to lines). Surfaces differ from non-surfaces in a number of ways: \begin{itemize} \item Surfaces interact with light sources, non-surfaces don't \item Surfaces can be transparent, non-surfaces are always opaque \end{itemize}


IMPORT BooleanProp, Color, ColorProp, GO, LineTypeProp, RasterModeProp,
       RealProp, ShadingProp;

A SurfaceGO.T is a subtype of \type{GO}{T}. No additional fields or methods are revealed to the user.

  DistinguishFacets        : BooleanProp.Name;
  Colour                   : ColorProp.Name;
  BackColour               : ColorProp.Name;
  RasterMode               : RasterModeProp.Name;
  AmbientReflectionCoeff   : RealProp.Name;
  DiffuseReflectionCoeff   : RealProp.Name;
  SpecularReflectionCoeff  : RealProp.Name;
  SpecularReflectionConc   : RealProp.Name;
  TransmissionCoeff        : RealProp.Name;
  SpecularReflectionColour : ColorProp.Name;
  Lighting                 : BooleanProp.Name;
  Shading                  : ShadingProp.Name;
  EdgeVisibility           : BooleanProp.Name;
  EdgeColour               : ColorProp.Name;
  EdgeType                 : LineTypeProp.Name;
  EdgeWidth                : RealProp.Name;
In addition to the properties observed by all \type{GO}{T}'s, there are various additional properties that are observed by SurfaceGO.T's:

DistinguishFacets is the name of a boolean property that decides whether front- and back-faces of surfaces should be distinguished. If this property is not specified, front- and back-faces are not distinguished.

{\em NOTE: In order for this property to make sense, I should introduce other surface-related properties: All properties from Colour to Shading could have backface analogs.}

Color is the name of a color property that specifies the color of the surface. If this property is not specified, the surface is drawn in white.

RasterMode is the name of an raster mode property that specifies what rasterization technique is used to draw the surface (solid, hollow, or empty). If this property is not specified, the surface is drawn solid.

AmbientReflectionCoeff is the name of a real property that specifies the ambient reflection coefficient of the surface. If this property is not specified, the ambient reflection coefficient is taken to be 0.5.

DiffuseReflectionCoeff is the name of a real property that specifies the diffuse reflection coefficient of the surface. If this property is not specified, the diffuse reflection coefficient is taken to be 1.

SpecularReflectionCoeff is the name of a real property that specifies the specular reflection coefficient of the surface. If this property is not specified, the specular reflection coefficient is taken to be 0.

SpecularReflectionConc is the name of a real property that specifies the specular reflection concentration of the surface. If this property is not specified, the specular reflection concentration is taken to be 0.

TransmissionCoeff is the name of a real property that specifies the transparency of the surface (with 0 being completely opaque and 1 being completely transparent). If this property is not specified, the transmission coefficient is taken to be 0.

SpecularReflectionColour is the name of a color property that specifies the color of specular reflected light. If this property is not specified, the specular reflection color is taken to be white.

Lighting is the name of a boolean property that decides whether or not lighting and shading computations shall be performed. If this property is not specified, lighting and shading computations are performed.

Shading is the name of a shading property that specifies what shading method shall be used. If this property is not specified, flat shading is used.

EdgeVisibility is the name of a boolean property that specifies whether or not the edges of the individual polygons of the surface shall be outlined. If this property is not specified, no surface edges will be drawn.

EdgeColour is the name of a color property that determines the color of the surface edges (if they are visible). If this property is not specified and edges are visible, they are drawn in white.

EdgeType is the name of a line type property that determines the line type of the surface edges (provided they are visible). If this property is not specified and edges are visible, they are drawn solid.

EdgeWidth is the name of a real property that determines the width of the surface edges (provided they are visible). If this property is not specified and edges are visible, they are drawn with a width of 1.

The following procedures provide sugaring to attach surface-related properties to geometric objects:

PROCEDURE SetDistinguishFacets (o : GO.T; v : BOOLEAN);
The expression SetDistinguishFacets(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(DistinguishFacets.bind(BooleanProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetColour (o : GO.T; v : Color.T);
The expression SetColour(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(Colour.bind(ColorProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetBackColour (o : GO.T; v : Color.T);
The expression SetBackColour(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(BackColour.bind(ColorProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetRasterMode (o : GO.T; v : RasterModeProp.Kind);
The expression SetRasterMode(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(RasterMode.bind(RasterModeProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetAmbientReflectionCoeff (o : GO.T; v : REAL);
The expression SetAmbientReflectionCoeff(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(AmbientReflectionCoeff.bind(RealProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetDiffuseReflectionCoeff (o : GO.T; v : REAL);
The expression SetDiffuseReflectionCoeff(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(DiffuseReflectionCoeff.bind(RealProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetSpecularReflectionCoeff (o : GO.T; v : REAL);
The expression SetSpecularReflectionCoeff(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(SpecularReflectionCoeff.bind(RealProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetSpecularReflectionConc (o : GO.T; v : REAL);
The expression SetSpecularReflectionConc(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(SpecularReflectionConc.bind(RealProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetTransmissionCoeff (o : GO.T; v : REAL);
The expression SetTransmissionCoeff(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(TransmissionCoeff.bind(RealProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetSpecularReflectionColour (o : GO.T; v : Color.T);
The expression SetSpecularReflectionColour(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(SpecularReflectionColour.bind(ColorProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetLighting (o : GO.T; v : BOOLEAN);
The expression SetLighting(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(Lighting.bind(BooleanProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetShading (o : GO.T; v : ShadingProp.Kind);
The expression SetShading(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(Shading.bind(ShadingProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetEdgeVisibility (o : GO.T; v : BOOLEAN);
The expression SetEdgeVisibility(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(EdgeVisibility.bind(BooleanProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetEdgeColour (o : GO.T; v : Color.T);
The expression SetEdgeColour(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(EdgeColour.bind(ColorProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetEdgeType (o : GO.T; v : LineTypeProp.Kind);
The expression SetEdgeType(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(EdgeType.bind(LineTypeProp.NewConst(v))).

PROCEDURE SetEdgeWidth (o : GO.T; v : REAL);
The expression SetEdgeWidth(o,v) is equivalent to o.setProp(EdgeWidth.bind(RealProp.NewConst(v))).

END SurfaceGO.