
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 Digital Internal Use Only                                                 
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 Last modified on Thu Jun 23 14:39:34 PDT 1994 by najork                   
       Created on Fri Feb  4 15:23:40 PST 1994 by najork                   

A VectorLightGO.T is a geometric object that is emitting directed light and is infinitely far away from all other scene objects, so that all light rays falling onto the scene are parallel to each other.

The common real-world example of a vector light source is the sun (the Earth-Sun distance being so large that all sun rays falling onto earth are close to parallel).


IMPORT Color, GO, LightGO, PointProp, Point3;

  T <: Public;
  Public = LightGO.T OBJECT
    init () : T;
l.init() initializes a new vector light source l and returns it.

PROCEDURE New (c : Color.T; dir : Point3.T) : T;
New(c,dir) creates a new vector light source l and returns it. It also attaches attaches the following properties to l: \begin{verbatim} (LightGO.Colour,ColourProp.NewConst(c)) (LightGO.Switch,BooleanProp.NewConst(TRUE)) (Direction,PointProp.NewConst(dir)) \end{verbatim}

  Direction : PointProp.Name;
In addition to the properties observed by all \type{GO}{T}'s and \type{LightGO}{T}'s, there is one additional property that is observed by VectorLightGO.T's. Direction is the name of a property that determines the direction of the light emitted by the light sources; it associates with a property value of type \type{PointProp}{Val}.

PROCEDURE SetDirection (o : GO.T; dir : Point3.T);
SetDirection is a convenience procedure. The expression SetDirection(o,dir) is equivalent to o.setProp(Direction.bind(PointProp.NewConst(dir))).

END VectorLightGO.