Arithmetic for Modula-3, see doc for details
IMPORT Rd, Wr, Thread; IMPORT Lex AS L; IMPORT FloatMode; FROM FmtLexSupport IMPORT Precedence; TYPE T = P.T; TYPE FmtStyle = RECORD elemStyle := RF.FmtStyle{}; END; PROCEDURE Fmt (x: T; READONLY style := FmtStyle{}; ): TEXT RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure}; TYPE TexFlag = {PowerSum (* present as coefficient vector or as sum of powers of a given variable? *) , SimplePower (* for powerSum: z and 1 instead of z^1 and z^0 *) , OmitZero (* for powerSum: omit zero terms *) , Reverse (* high powers first *) }; TexFlagSet = SET OF TexFlag; TexStyle = RECORD flags := TexFlagSet{}; var : TEXT := "x"; elemStyle := RF.TexStyle{}; END; PROCEDURE Tex (x: T; READONLY style := TexStyle{}; within := Precedence.Sum; ): TEXT RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure}; TYPE LexStyle = RECORD sep := ' '; elemStyle := RF.LexStyle{}; END; PROCEDURE Lex (rd: Rd.T; READONLY style := LexStyle{}; ): T RAISES {L.Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted}; END PolynomialFmtLex.