
Arithmetic for Modula-3, see doc for details

Abstract: Generic wrapper routines for (mainly) transcendent functions

If R.T is

REAL, then the instantiated module is like Mth

LONGREAL, then the instantiated module is a wrapper for Math with procedure names conforming to the conventions

EXTENDED, then the instantiated module may be used for transcendental computations but the precision is only that of LONGREAL because this is the precision of the standard C math library

SqRt should throw an exception if applied to negative numbers


TYPE Ftn = PROCEDURE (x: T; ): T;

  (*---distinguished elements---*)
  Zero     = RB.Zero;
  Half     = RB.Half;
  One      = RB.One;
  MinusOne = RB.MinusOne;
  Two      = RB.Two;

  E = FLOAT(2.71828182845904523536028747135266249776X0, T); (* e *)
  LnFour = FLOAT(1.38629436111989061883446424291635313615X0, T); (* ln(4) *)
  SqRt2ByE = FLOAT(0.85776388496070679648018964127877247812X0, T); (* sqrt(2/e) *)
  SqRtTwo = FLOAT(1.41421356237309504880168872420969807857X0, T); (* sqrt(2) *)

  LnTwo = LnFour * Half;         (*FLOAT(0.693147180559945D0,T);*)(* ln(2) *)

  Pi   = FLOAT(3.14159265358979323846264338327950288420X0, T);
  LnPi = FLOAT(1.14472988584940017414342735135305871165X0, T); (* ln(pi) *)
  SqRtPi = FLOAT(1.77245385090551602729816748334114518280X0, T);

  TwoPi      = Two * Pi;
  OneOverPi  = One / Pi;
  TwoOverPi  = Two / Pi;
  FourOverPi = Two * TwoOverPi;

  EulerGamma = FLOAT(0.57721566490153286060651209008240243106X0, T); (* Euler's
  GoldenRatio = FLOAT(1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772X0, T); (* golden
                                                                         ratio *)
  DegPerRad = FLOAT(180.0D0, R.T) / Pi; (* degrees per radian *)
  RadPerDeg = Pi / FLOAT(180.0D0, R.T); (* radians per degree *)

  Base            = R.Base;
  Precision       = R.Precision;
  MaxFinite       = R.MaxFinite;
  MinPos          = R.MinPos;
  MinPosNormal    = R.MinPosNormal;
  MaxExpDigits    = R.MaxExpDigits;
  MaxSignifDigits = R.MaxSignifDigits;

  (*---boundaries for precision testing---*)
  Tiny = R.MinPos * FLOAT(1000.0, T); (* nearly 0.0 *)
  Huge = R.MaxFinite / FLOAT(1000.0, T); (* nearly infinite *)
  (*Eps = Pow(FLOAT(R.Base,T),-FLOAT(R.Precision,T)); (* approx relative
     machine precision *) *)
  (*Eps = LongFloat.Scalb(One,-R.Precision);*)
  Eps = RX.Eps;

<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Abs (c: T; ): T;       (* magnitude *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE AbsSqr (c: T; ): T;    (* square of the magnitude *)
---- Exponential and Logarithm functions ----
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Exp (x: T; ): T;       (* e^x *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Expm1 (x: T; ): T;     (* e^(x-1) *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Ln (x: T; ): T;        (* ln(x) *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Ln1p (x: T; ): T;      (* ln(1+x) *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Lb (x: T; ): T;        (* log2(x) *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Lg (x: T; ): T;        (* log10(x) *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Log (x, y: T; ): T;    (* log_y(x) *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Pow (x, y: T; ): T;    (* x^y *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE SqRt (x: T; ): T;      (* square root of x *)
---- Trigonometric functions ----
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Cos (x: T; ): T;       (* cosine of x radians. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Sin (x: T; ): T;       (* sine of x radians. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Tan (x: T; ): T;       (* tangent of x radians. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArcCos (x: T; ): T;    (* arc cosine of x in radians. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArcSin (x: T; ): T;    (* arc sine of x in radians. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArcTan (x: T; ): T;    (* arc tangent of x in radians. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArcTan2 (y, x: T; ): T; (* arc tangent of y/x in radians. *)
---- Hyperbolic trigonometric functions ----

<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE CosH (x: T; ): T;      (* hyperbolic cosine of x. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE SinH (x: T; ): T;      (* hyperbolic sine of x. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE TanH (x: T; ): T;      (* hyperbolic tangent of x. *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArCosH (x: T; ): T;    (* inverse hyperbolic cosine of x *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArSinH (x: T; ): T;    (* inverse hyperbolic sine of x *)
<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE ArTanH (x: T; ): T;    (* inverse hyperbolic tangent of x *)
---- Other Functions ----

<* INLINE *>
PROCEDURE Sgn (x: T; ): T;       (* One if x is positive, MinusOne if x is
                                    negative, Zero if x is zero *)

END FloatTrans.