
GENERIC INTERFACE MatrixDecomposition(R, V, M);
Arithmetic for Modula-3, see doc for details

Abstract: Simultaneous Linear Equations.

FROM Arithmetic IMPORT Error;

Triangular Matrices

A triangular matrix A is of the form:

      a11 a12 a13 a14
      0   a22 a23 a24
      0   0   a33 a34
      0   0   0   a44
A x = b can be solved for x by back substitution
PROCEDURE BackSubst (A: M.T; x, b: V.T; ) RAISES {Error};
Tridiagonal Matrices

A tridiagonal matrix A has diagonals a,b,c:

       b1 c1  0    ...
       a2 b2 c2    ...
        0 a3 b3 c3 ...
                      aN-1 bN-1 cN-1
                           aN   bN

PROCEDURE HouseHolderD (A: M.T; ); (* nxn *)
Convert A to tridiagonal form (destroying original A)

TYPE Tridiagonals = RECORD a, b, c: V.T;  END;

PROCEDURE SplitTridiagonal (A: M.T;  (* matrix that contains only three
                                        central diagonals, not checked *)
  ): Tridiagonals;

PROCEDURE SolveTridiagonal (t: Tridiagonals; r: V.T; VAR u: V.T; )
  RAISES {Error};
Solve for u in A*u=r, where A is given as a,b,c
 nxn Matrices 

A general nxn real matrix A is of the form

      a11 a12 a13
      a21 a22 a23
      a31 a32 a33XS
A x = b can be solved for x by Gaussian Elimination and backsubstitution PROCEDURE GaussElim(A: M.T; x,b:V.T; pivot:BOOLEAN:=TRUE ) RAISES {Error}; (* Generally, we need to pivot to assure division by the largest coeff. However, sometimes we already know the matrix is in the correct form and can avoid pivoting. In that case, set pivot:=FALSE
LU Factoring

  LUFactors =
      L, U : M.T;
      index: REF IndexArray;
      sign: [-1 .. 1];           (* 1, if the number of inversions in index
                                    is even, -1 if it is odd.  (should be
                                    better (number_of_inversions MOD 2)) *)

PROCEDURE LUFactor (A: M.T; ): LUFactors RAISES {Error};

PROCEDURE LUBackSubst (LU: LUFactors; b: V.T; ): V.T;

PROCEDURE LUInverse (LU: LUFactors; ): M.T;

PROCEDURE LUDet (LU: LUFactors; ): R.T RAISES {Error};
after LUFactor on A and no backsubs, returns determinant

PROCEDURE Inverse (A: M.T; ): M.T RAISES {Error};
destructive low-level routines

PROCEDURE LUFactorD (VAR A: M.TBody;  (* in: matrix to factorize, out:
                                         merged lower and upper triangular
                                         factor matrixes *)
                     VAR index: IndexArray;  (* line permutations *)
                     VAR d: [-1 .. 1];  (* parity of permutations, needed
                                           for determinant computation *))
  RAISES {Error};
Factor A into Lower/Upper portions Destroys A's values.

                        VAR B: V.TBody;  (* in: right hand side b, out:
                                            solution vector x *)
                        READONLY index: IndexArray; );
After LUfactor on A, solves A dot x = b.

PROCEDURE LUInverseD (VAR A: M.TBody;  (* A must be LU factorized inplace,
                                          it will be destroyed *)
                      READONLY index: IndexArray; ): M.T;
Rational Cholesky decomposition. LU decomposition specialized to symmetric matrices. It is proven to work on symmetric positive definite matrices.

  CholeskyResult = RECORD
                     L: M.T;
                     D: V.T;

PROCEDURE Cholesky (A: M.T; ): CholeskyResult;

  LSFlag = {Transposed};
  LSFlagSet = SET OF LSFlag;

         x  : V.T;               (* solution vector *)
         res: R.T;               (* square of the minimal distance *)

PROCEDURE LeastSquares
  (A: M.T; READONLY B: ARRAY OF V.T; flags := LSFlagSet{}; ):
For each j compute x with minimal norm ||A*x-B[j]||. The matrix A must have full rank. The signature is compatible with the corresponding LAPACK function. However this routines is simply based on normal equations and will certainly fail in various cases due to numerical instabilities.
 QR Factoring 

Singular Value Decomposition

In the problem A*x=b, we can decompose to A = U*W*V^T. Then x=V*diag(W)*U^T*b. There are also others things which can be solved once we have U,V,W.

PROCEDURE SVDGolub( A:M.T; (* mxn matrix

b:V.T;         (* nx1 col matrix *)
           rhs:CARDINAL;       (* number of right hand sides *)
           matU:BOOLEAN;       (* make U in the decomposition *)
           matV:BOOLEAN;       (* make V in the decomposition *)
           VAR U,V,W:M.T  (* decomposition products *)
           ) RAISES {Error};
Do SVD via Golub and Reinsch

           A:M.T;         (* mxn matrix *)
           b:V.T;         (* nx1 col matrix *)
           rhs:CARDINAL;       (* number of right hand sides *)
           matU:BOOLEAN;       (* make U in the decomposition *)
           matV:BOOLEAN;       (* make V in the decomposition *)
           VAR U,V,W:M.T  (* decomposition products *)
           ) RAISES {Error};
Do SVD via T. Chan's ACM algorithm 581

PROCEDURE SVDSolve(U,V,W:M.T; (* decomposition *)
                    b:V.T;     (* rightside *)
                    VAR x:V.T    (* result *)
                   ) RAISES {Error};

END MatrixDecomposition.