Arithmetic for Modula-3, see doc for detailsAbstract: Implementation of Modula-3 version of NR92, ch 5.
CONST Module = "EulerSum."; PROCEDUREEulerSum (VAR sum : R.T; (* partial sum to date *) term : R.T; (* j-th value *) jterm: CARDINAL; (* which j *) VAR nterm: CARDINAL; (* how high is n so far *) ) = (* Used to evaluate summation series. The caller has to provide vars for wksp and nterm, but never modify them directly. Start with jterm:=1 and term:=<first value>. Then for each call thereafter do the next jterm and term, in order. Sum remains up to date, so you can quit whenever your exit criteria are met. *) <* UNUSED *> CONST ftn = Module & "EulerSum"; VAR tmp1, tmp2: R.T; wksp := NEW(REF ARRAY OF R.T, nterm + 1); (* workspace for calcs *) BEGIN IF jterm = 1 THEN nterm := 1; wksp[1] := term; sum := RT.Half * term; ELSE tmp1 := wksp[1]; FOR j := 1 TO nterm - 1 DO tmp2 := wksp[j + 1]; wksp[j + 1] := RT.Half * (wksp[j] + tmp1); tmp1 := tmp2; END; wksp[nterm + 1] := RT.Half * (wksp[nterm] + tmp1); IF ABS(wksp[nterm + 1]) < ABS(wksp[nterm]) THEN (* increase p, and use longer table *) INC(nterm); sum := sum + RT.Half * wksp[nterm]; ELSE (* increase n, table doesn't change *) sum := sum + wksp[nterm + 1]; END; END; END EulerSum; BEGIN END EulerSum.