MODULE; RandomWolframCA
Gnu CopyLefted.
Abstract: Pseudo-random number generator by Warren D. Smith.
IMPORT RandomBasic, Word; IMPORT RandomRep; <* UNUSED *> CONST Module = "RandomWolframCA."; CONST wolfnum = 5; MSbit = Word.LeftShift(2_1, Word.Size - 1); REVEAL T = TPublic BRANDED OBJECT wolfarr: ARRAY [0 .. wolfnum - 1] OF Word.T; (* initialize with random bits *) OVERRIDES init := Init; engine := Engine; END; PROCEDURE************************************************************ S.Wolfram: Advances Applied Math 7 (1986) 123- had proposed the following nonlinearInit (SELF: T; initrng: RandomBasic.T; ): T = VAR BEGIN FOR i := wolfnum - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO SELF.wolfarr[i] := initrng.generateWord(); END; RETURN SELF; END Init;
cellular automaton
random number generator:
Consider a 1D circular array of bits B[0..modulus-1].
At the t-th time step, you update according to
Bnew[i] = Bold[i-1] XOR ( Bold[i] OR Bold[i+1] )
where the subscripts have circular wraparound. (Somehow,
I don't think a 1-line formula involving 3 bits published in 1986
is out of the public domain.) The time-series
B[0] form a random-appearing bit sequence, according to a large
number of empirical tests by Wolfram. Unfortunately you only get
1 bit at a time. An equivalent formula in the bit-complement universe is
Bnew[i] = Bold[i-1] XOR ( Bold[i] AND Bold[i+1] )
and this also suggests the new idea of replacing the bits B by nonnegative
integers Y mod 2^wordsize and then
Ynew[i] = Yold[i-1] + ( Yold[i] * Yold[i+1] )
would be the same as Wolfram on its LS bits, but will generate a full word
at a time.
PROCEDUREEngine (SELF: T; ): BOOLEAN = VAR origcarry, carry, borrow: BOOLEAN; x, a, b : Word.T; BEGIN borrow := (Word.And(SELF.wolfarr[0], 2_1) # 0); origcarry := (Word.And(SELF.wolfarr[LAST(SELF.wolfarr)], MSbit) # 0); FOR i := LAST(SELF.wolfarr) TO FIRST(SELF.wolfarr) BY -1 DO x := SELF.wolfarr[i]; (* old word *) IF i > 0 THEN (* get carry from word below [borrow is from word above] *) carry := (Word.And(SELF.wolfarr[i - 1], MSbit) # 0); ELSE carry := origcarry; END; a := Word.RightShift(x, 1); a := Word.Or(a, Word.LeftShift(ORD(borrow), Word.Size - 1)); b := Word.LeftShift(x, 1); b := Word.Or(b, ORD(carry)); (* CA update formula -> new word: *) SELF.wolfarr[i] := Word.Xor(a, Word.Or(x, b)); (* get borrow from old word for next time: *) borrow := (Word.And(x, 2_1) # 0); END; RETURN borrow; END Engine; BEGIN END RandomWolframCA.