
 Copyright (C) 1997, Digital Equipment Corporation        
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Created on Thu Mar 27 10:20:42 PST 1997 by heydon        
 Last modified on Tue Dec  2 09:29:07 PST 1997 by heydon  

A BitVector.T is an unbounded vector of Boolean values. There is no limit to the size of a bit vector, but the default implementation does not represent sparse vectors any more efficiently than dense ones. Bit vectors are useful for representing sets of small, non-negative integers.



CONST Brand = "BitVector-1.0";

  T <: Public;
    (* initialization / reset all bits *)
    init(sizeHint: CARDINAL := 0; freeMem := FALSE): T;

    (* copy *)
    copy(): T;

    (* size *)
    empty(): BOOLEAN;
    size(): CARDINAL;
    cardinality(): CARDINAL;

    (* reading/writing individual bits *)
    read(i: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN;
    write(i: CARDINAL; val: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN;
    set(i: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN;
    reset(i: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN;

    (* reading/writing consecutive groups of bits *)
    readSub(start, len: CARDINAL): Word.T;
    writeSub(start, len: CARDINAL; val: Word.T);
    writeInterval(lo, hi: CARDINAL; val: BOOLEAN);
    setInterval(lo, hi: CARDINAL);
    resetInterval(lo, hi: CARDINAL);

    (* determine least unset bit *)
    leastUnsetExcept(except: T := NIL; setIt := TRUE): CARDINAL;
    leastUnset(setIt := TRUE): CARDINAL;

    (* destructive bit-wise operations *)
    and(bv: T): T;
    or(bv: T): T;
    xor(bv: T): T;
    minus(bv: T): T;

  Iterator <: PublicIter;
    init(bv: T): Iterator;
    next(VAR (*OUT*) res: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE Equal(bv1, bv2: T): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff bv1 and bv2 contain the same collection of set bits.

PROCEDURE Subset(bv1, bv2: T): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff the collection of set bits in bv1 is a subset of the bits set in bv2.

PROCEDURE ProperSubset(bv1, bv2: T): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff the collection of set bits in bv1 is a proper subset of the bits set in bv2.

PROCEDURE And(bv1, bv2: T): T;
PROCEDURE Or(bv1, bv2: T): T;
PROCEDURE Xor(bv1, bv2: T): T;
PROCEDURE Minus(bv1, bv2: T): T;
Allocate and return a new bit vector that is the bitwise AND, OR, exclusive-OR, and difference, respectively, of the bit vectors bv1 and bv2.

PROCEDURE Hash(bv: T): Word.T;
Return a hash value for bv.

END BitVector.

\subsection{BitVector.T methods}

First, two definitions. The \emph{size} of a bit vector is one plus the index of its most significant set bit. The \emph{index} of a bit within a bit vector is its position in the vector; the index of the least significant bit is 0.

The expression NEW(T) evaluates to a new, empty bit vector. To create a new bit vector whose expected size is sizeHint, use the init method: the expression NEW(T).init(sizeHint) evaluates to a new, empty bit vector whose expected size is sizeHint.

The init method may also be called on an existing bit vector to reset all of its bits. The call bv.init(sizeHint, freeMem) resets all of the bits of the bit vector bv, and allocates enough memory for it to have an expected size of sizeHint. If freeMem is false and the bit vector can already store sizeHint bits, no new memory is allocated.

The call bv.copy() returns a new (deep) copy of the bit vector bv.

The call bv.empty() returns TRUE if and only if the bit vector bv has no set bits. This method takes time proportional to the bit vector's size in the worst case.

The call bv.size() returns an upper bound on the size of the bit vector bv. This method takes constant time. By definition of the size of a bit vector, all set bits in the bit vector have indices strictly less than the value returned by the size method.

The call bv.cardinality() returns the number of set bits in the bit vector bv. This method takes time proportional to the bit vector's size in the worst case.

The call returns TRUE if and only if the bit at index i of bv is set. This method takes constant time.

The call bv.write(i, val) sets the bit at index i of bv to the value val, and returns its original value. The calls bv.set(i) and bv.reset(i) are equivalent to the calls bv.write(i, TRUE) and bv.write(i, FALSE), respectively. All three methods take constant time.

The call bv.readSub(start, len) returns the len bits of the bit vector bv starting at index start in the low-order len bits of the result. len is required to be at most BITSIZE(Word.T). The call bv.writeSub(start, len, val) writes the low-order len bits of val into the bit vector bv at position start. Again, len is required to be at most BITSIZE(Word.T). Both the readSub and writeSub methods require constant time.

The call bv.writeInterval(lo, hi, val) sets all bits of the bit vector bv with indices in the closed interval [lo, hi] to the value val. The calls bv.setInterval(lo, hi) and bv.resetInterval(lo, hi) are equivalent to bv.writeInterval calls passing a val or TRUE and FALSE, respectively. All three of these methods take time proportional to the size of the interval [lo, hi].

The call bv.leastUnsetExcept(except, setIt) returns the unset bit in bv with smallest index that is not also set in the bit vector except. If except is NIL, then it is treated like an empty bit vector. If setIt is true, the bit with the returned index is also set. The call bv.leastUnset(setIt) is equivalent to bv.leastUnsetExcept(NIL, setIt).

The calls bv1.and(bv2), bv1.or(bv2), bv1.xor(bv2), and bv1.minus(bv2) destructively set the bit vector bv1 to the bitwise AND, OR, exclusive-OR, and difference, respectively, of the bit vectors bv1 and bv2.

\subsection{BitVector.Iterator Methods}

The expression NEW(Iterator).init(bv) evaluates to an object for iterating over the set bits of the bit vector bv.

If it is of type Iterator, then sets i to the index of the next set bit in the iterator's bit vector if one exists, and returns TRUE. Otherwise, i is unchanged and the method returns FALSE. The results of the next method are undefined if the bit vector on which the iterator was initialized has been modified since the iterator was created.


All operations on objects of type BitVector.T are unmonitored. The read-only methods are size, read, readSub, and hash. Although the copy, empty, cardinality, leastUnsetExcept, and leastUnset methods may seem like they are read-only, they may actually have benevolent side-effects on the bit vector. Those bit vectors passed as arguments to the and, or, xor, and minus methods are never written. Neither are the bit vectors passed to the Subset, And, Or, Xor, and Minus procedures; the Equal and ProperSubset procedures may have benevolent side-effects on their arguments.

\subsection{Implementing Subtypes}

To implement a subtype of a BitVector.T, see the BitVectorRep interface, which reveals the representations of both BitVector.T and BitVector.Iterator objects.