MODULE------------------------------------------------------ error files ---; IMPORT Fmt, FmtTime, IntRefTbl, Pathname, Text, Thread, Wr; IMPORT BrowserDB, Buf, CMarkUp, Decl, Default, Editor, HTML, ID; IMPORT LexMisc, Marker, MarkUp, Node, OS, Pkg, Roots, Source, Wx; REVEAL T = Node.Named_T BRANDED "BuildCache.T" OBJECT root : Pkg.T; wd : TEXT; body : TEXT; file_head : ErrFile; file_tail : ErrFile; built : INTEGER; OVERRIDES class := Class; iterate := Iterate; next := Next; gen_page := GenPage; END; VAR mu := NEW (MUTEX); PROCEDURE BuildCache LookUp (root: Pkg.T): T = VAR ref: REFANY; BEGIN LOCK mu DO IF (cache # NIL) AND cache.get (GenName (root), ref) THEN RETURN NARROW (ref, Node.List).head; END; END; RETURN NIL; END LookUp; PROCEDURENew (root: Pkg.T; wd: TEXT): T = VAR t := NEW (T); BEGIN IF (cache = NIL) THEN LOCK mu DO IF (cache = NIL) THEN cache := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); END; END; END; := GenName (root); t.parent := Roots.BuildCacheRoot; t.sibling := NIL; t.root := root; t.wd := wd; t.body := NIL; t.file_head := NIL; t.file_tail := NIL; t.built := OS.Now (); RETURN t; END New; PROCEDURETimestamp (t: T): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN t.built; END Timestamp; PROCEDUREGenName (n: Node.T): ID.T = VAR arcs : ARRAY [0..19] OF Node.T; len := Node.FindArcs (n, arcs); nm : TEXT := ID.ToText (arcs[0].arcname ()); BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO len-1 DO nm := nm & "_" & ID.ToText (arcs[i].arcname ()); END; RETURN ID.Add (nm); END GenName; PROCEDUREAttachBody (t: T; body: TEXT) = VAR ref: REFANY; nd: Node.List; BEGIN t.body := body; LOCK mu DO IF cache.get (, ref) THEN nd := ref; nd.head := t; ELSE EVAL cache.put (, NEW (Node.List, head := t, tail := NIL)); END; END; END AttachBody; PROCEDUREAddError (t: T; fname, lineno, msg: TEXT; warn: BOOLEAN): Node.T = VAR file := FindFile (t, fname); line := LexMisc.ScanInt (lineno); err := NEW (ErrMsg, line := line, msg := msg, warn := warn); e0, e1 : ErrMsg; BEGIN e0 := file.msg_tail; e1 := NIL; WHILE (e0 # NIL) AND (e0.line > line) DO e1 := e0; e0 := e0.prev; END; IF (e1 = NIL) THEN (* add to the end of the list *) := NIL; err.prev := file.msg_tail; IF (file.msg_tail = NIL) THEN file.msg_head := err; ELSE := err; END; file.msg_tail := err; ELSIF (e0 = NIL) THEN (* add to the beginning of the list *) := file.msg_head; err.prev := NIL; IF (file.msg_head # NIL) THEN file.msg_head.prev := err; END; file.msg_head := err; ELSE (* insert in the middle of the list *) := e1; err.prev := e0; := err; e1.prev := err; END; RETURN file; END AddError; PROCEDUREClass (<*UNUSED*> t: T): Node.Class = BEGIN RETURN Node.Class.CacheEntry; END Class; PROCEDUREIterate (t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState) = BEGIN s.d := t.file_head; END Iterate; PROCEDURENext (<*UNUSED*> t: T; VAR s: Node.IteratorState): BOOLEAN = VAR f: ErrFile; BEGIN WHILE (s.d # NIL) DO f := s.d; s.d := f.sibling; IF f.match (s.pattern) THEN s.match := f; RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END Next; PROCEDUREGenPage (t: T; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN wx.put (t.body); HTML.ViewOnly (action, data, wx); HTML.End (wx); END GenPage;
VAR viewID := ID.Add ("view"); editMakeID := ID.Add ("editmake"); TYPE ErrFile = Node.Named_T OBJECT fname : TEXT; path : TEXT; time : OS.FileTime; prev_file : ErrFile; msg_head : ErrMsg; msg_tail : ErrMsg; OVERRIDES class := ErrClass; iterate := ErrIterate; next := ErrNext; gen_page := ErrGenPage; END; TYPE ErrMsg = REF RECORD line : INTEGER := 0; msg : TEXT := NIL; warn : BOOLEAN := FALSE; next : ErrMsg := NIL; prev : ErrMsg := NIL; END; PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- error annotations ---FindFile (t: T; nm: TEXT): ErrFile = VAR f: ErrFile; BEGIN f := t.file_tail; WHILE (f # NIL) DO IF Text.Equal (nm, f.fname) THEN RETURN f; END; f := f.prev_file; END; (* no match, create a new file node *) f := NEW (ErrFile); := ID.Add (Pathname.Last (nm)); f.fname := nm; f.path := FindPath (t, nm); f.time := OS.LastModified (f.path); f.msg_head := NIL; f.msg_tail := NIL; f.parent := t; f.sibling := NIL; f.prev_file := t.file_tail; IF (t.file_tail # NIL) THEN t.file_tail.sibling := f; ELSE t.file_head := f; END; t.file_tail := f; RETURN f; END FindFile; PROCEDUREFindPath (t: T; nm: TEXT): TEXT = BEGIN IF Pathname.Absolute (nm) THEN RETURN nm; ELSIF Text.Equal (Text.Sub (nm, 0, 2), "..") THEN RETURN OS.MakePath (Node.FullPath (t.root), Text.Sub (nm, 3)); ELSE RETURN OS.MakePath (Node.FullPath (t), Default.build_dir, nm); END; END FindPath; PROCEDUREErrClass (<*UNUSED*> t: ErrFile): Node.Class = BEGIN RETURN Node.Class.BuildError; END ErrClass; PROCEDUREFindSource (t: ErrFile): Source.T = VAR key := ID.Add (Pathname.Last (t.path)); x_path : TEXT; ref : REFANY; src : Source.T; nd : Node.List; BEGIN IF BrowserDB.db.units.get (key, ref) THEN nd := ref; WHILE (nd # NIL) DO src := nd.head; x_path := Node.FullPath (src); IF OS.FileNameEq (t.path, x_path) THEN RETURN src; END; nd := nd.tail; END; END; RETURN NIL; END FindSource; CONST IsM3 = ARRAY Source.Kind OF BOOLEAN { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, .. }; PROCEDUREErrIterate (t: ErrFile; VAR s: Node.IteratorState) = VAR nodes: Node.Set; src := FindSource (t); BEGIN s.a := 1; s.b := 0; s.d := NIL; IF (src # NIL) AND IsM3 [src.kind] THEN nodes := Decl.FindNodes (src, s.pattern); IF (nodes.cnt > 0) THEN s.a := 0; s.b := nodes.cnt; s.d := nodes.elts; END; END; END ErrIterate; PROCEDUREErrNext (<*UNUSED*> t: ErrFile; VAR s: Node.IteratorState): BOOLEAN = VAR elts: Node.Array := s.d; BEGIN IF (s.a < s.b) THEN s.match := elts[s.a]; INC (s.a); RETURN TRUE; END; RETURN FALSE; END ErrNext; PROCEDUREErrGenPage (t: ErrFile; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR txt: TEXT; modtime := OS.LastModified (t.path); BEGIN IF (action = ID.NoID) OR (action = viewID) THEN action := viewID; ELSIF (action = editMakeID) THEN Editor.Run (OS.MakePath (Pathname.Prefix (t.path), "m3makefile"), "1"); action := viewID; ELSE txt := ID.ToText (action); IF Text.Equal ("edit.", Text.Sub (txt, 0, 5)) THEN Editor.Run (t.path, Text.Sub (txt, 5)); action := viewID; END; END; HTML.Begin (t, wx); wx.put ("<P><STRONG>Path:</STRONG> <TT>"); HTML.GenFileRef (t.path, wx); wx.put (t.path, "</A></TT>"); IF (modtime # OS.NO_TIME) THEN wx.put (" <STRONG>Last modified:</STRONG> ", FmtTime.Short (OS.FileToM3Time (modtime))); END; Pkg.GenBuildNote (t, wx); wx.put ("\n"); IF (modtime # t.time) THEN wx.put ("<BR><STRONG><FONT COLOR=#FF0000>This file has been modified", " since the errors were generated.</FONT></STRONG>\n"); END; wx.put ("<P>\n"); GenView (t, t.path, wx); HTML.ViewOnly (action, data, wx); HTML.End (wx); END ErrGenPage; PROCEDUREGenView (t: ErrFile; path: TEXT; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR buf := Buf.FromFile (path, pad := 1); ext: TEXT; makefile := OS.MakePath (Pathname.Prefix (path), "m3makefile"); BEGIN IF (buf = NIL) THEN wx.put ("<P><STRONG>Unable to open \"", path, "\"</STRONG>\n"); RETURN; END; wx.put ("<P>\n"); IF (OS.LastModified (makefile) # OS.NO_TIME) THEN wx.put ("<A HREF=\"./[editmake]\">[edit m3makefile]</A>"); END; IF t.msg_head # NIL THEN wx.put (" <A HREF=\"#ERROR-LINE-"); wx.putInt (t.msg_head.line); wx.put ("\">[first error]</A>"); END; IF t.msg_tail # NIL AND t.msg_tail # t.msg_head THEN wx.put (" <A HREF=\"#ERROR-LINE-"); wx.putInt (t.msg_tail.line); wx.put ("\">[last error]</A>"); END; wx.put ("<HR>\n"); ext := Pathname.LastExt (path); IF OS.FileNameEq (ext, "m3") OR OS.FileNameEq (ext, "i3") OR OS.FileNameEq (ext, "mg") OR OS.FileNameEq (ext, "ig") THEN MarkUp.Annotate (buf, wx, ErrMarkups (t), NIL); ELSE CMarkUp.Annotate (buf, wx, ErrMarkups (t)); END; END GenView;
TYPE MarkupList = RECORD head, tail : Marker.LineInsertion := NIL; END; PROCEDUREErrMarkups (f: ErrFile): Marker.LineInsertion = <*FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> CONST Icon = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "error", "warn" }; VAR err : ErrMsg := f.msg_head; wx := NEW (Wx.T).init (NIL); next_err : ErrMsg := NIL; prev_err : ErrMsg := NIL; marks : MarkupList; BEGIN WHILE (err # NIL) DO IF (err.prev = NIL) OR (err.prev.line # err.line) THEN (* start a new error line *) wx.put ("<A NAME=\"ERROR-LINE-"); wx.putInt (err.line); wx.put ("\"></A>"); AddMarkup (marks, err.line-1, wx.toText ()); wx.put ("\n\n"); END; (* generate the current error message *) HTML.PutImg (Icon[err.warn], wx); wx.put (" <FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><STRONG>*** ", err.msg, " ***</STRONG></FONT>\n"); IF ( = NIL) OR ( # err.line) THEN (* finish the current error line *) wx.put (" <A HREF=\"./[edit."); wx.putInt (err.line); wx.put ("]#ERROR-LINE-"); wx.putInt (err.line); wx.put ("\">"); wx.put ("[edit]"); (** HTML.PutImg ("edit", wx); **) wx.put ("</A>"); IF ( # NIL) THEN wx.put (" <A HREF=\"#ERROR-LINE-"); wx.putInt (; wx.put ("\">"); wx.put ("[next error]"); (** HTML.PutSmallImg ("arrow-down", wx); **) wx.put ("</A>"); ELSIF (f.sibling # NIL) THEN next_err := NARROW (f.sibling, ErrFile).msg_head; IF (next_err # NIL) THEN wx.put (" "); HTML.GenRef (f.sibling, wx, "ERROR-LINE-" & Fmt.Int (next_err.line)); wx.put ("[next error]"); (** HTML.PutSmallImg ("arrow-down", wx); **) wx.put ("</A>"); END; END; IF (prev_err # NIL) THEN wx.put (" <A HREF=\"#ERROR-LINE-"); wx.putInt (prev_err.line); wx.put ("\">"); wx.put ("[previous error]"); (** HTML.PutSmallImg ("arrow-up", wx); **) wx.put ("</A>"); ELSIF (f.prev_file # NIL) THEN prev_err := f.prev_file.msg_tail; IF (prev_err # NIL) THEN wx.put (" "); HTML.GenRef (f.prev_file, wx, "ERROR-LINE-" & Fmt.Int (prev_err.line)); wx.put ("[previous error]"); (** HTML.PutSmallImg ("arrow-up", wx); **) wx.put ("</A>"); END; END; wx.put ("\n"); AddMarkup (marks, err.line, wx.toText ()); prev_err := err; END; err :=; END; RETURN marks.head; END ErrMarkups; PROCEDUREAddMarkup (VAR x: MarkupList; line: INTEGER; txt: TEXT) = VAR m := NEW (Marker.LineInsertion, line := line, insert := txt, next := NIL); BEGIN IF (x.head = NIL) THEN x.head := m; ELSE := m; END; x.tail := m; END AddMarkup; BEGIN END BuildCache.