MODULE*** can't find any nodes before the roots are initialized, otherwise the get NIL parent links! PROCEDURE Init () = VAR index: T; BEGIN index := Find (; IMPORT Bundle, IntRefTbl, Pathname, Thread, Wr; IMPORT ConfigItem, ErrLog, ID, Node, HTML, CM3_IDE_Bundle, Roots; IMPORT Text2, Wx; REVEAL T = Node.Named_T BRANDED "Fixed.T" OBJECT is_html : BOOLEAN; body : TEXT; OVERRIDES class := Class; iterate := Iterate; next := Next; gen_page := GenPage; END; VAR mu := NEW (MUTEX); found := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (); rsrcs := CM3_IDE_Bundle.Get (); PROCEDURE Fixed Find (nm: TEXT): T = VAR id := ID.Add (nm); ref: REFANY; t: T; BEGIN LOCK mu DO IF found.get (id, ref) THEN RETURN ref; END; t := NEW (T, name := id, parent := Roots.ResourceRoot); t.is_html := NOT Text2.CIEqual (Pathname.LastExt (nm), "gif"); t.body := Bundle.Get (rsrcs, nm); IF (t.body = NIL) THEN ErrLog.Msg ("Unable to locate resource \"", nm, "\""); t := NIL; (* darn *) END; EVAL found.put (id, t); END; RETURN t; END Find; PROCEDUREClass (<*UNUSED*> t: T): Node.Class = BEGIN RETURN Node.Class.Resource; END Class; PROCEDUREIterate (<*UNUSED*> t: T; <*UNUSED*> VAR s: Node.IteratorState) = BEGIN END Iterate; PROCEDURENext (<*UNUSED*> t: T; <*UNUSED*> VAR s: Node.IteratorState): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN FALSE; END Next; PROCEDUREGenPage (t: T; wx: Wx.T; action: ID.T; data: Node.FormData) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF t.is_html THEN wx.put ("Content-type: text/html\n"); (** HTML.GenLocation (t, wx); **) IF ConfigItem.X[ConfigItem.T.Use_multiple_windows].bool THEN wx.put ("Window-target: ", Node.ClassWindow [Node.Class.Resource], "\n"); END; wx.put ("\n"); (* end of HTTP header *) EmitBody (t, wx); HTML.ViewOnly (action, data, wx); ELSE wx.put ("Content-type: image/gif\n\n"); wx.put (t.body); END; END GenPage; CONST HeadMarks = ARRAY OF TEXT { "</HEAD>", "</head>", "<BODY>", "<body>" }; TitleMarks = ARRAY OF TEXT { "</H1>","</h1>","</H2>","</h2>","</H3>","</h3>" }; BaseMarks = ARRAY OF TEXT { "<BASE", "<base" }; EndBodyMarks= ARRAY OF TEXT { "</BODY>", "</body>" }; PROCEDUREEmitBody (t: T; wx: Wx.T) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR base_loc, end_head, end_title, end_body, done: INTEGER; body := t.body; BEGIN IF (body = NIL) THEN RETURN END; end_head := FindMark (body, HeadMarks); base_loc := FindMark (body, BaseMarks); end_title := FindMark (body, TitleMarks); done := 0; IF (base_loc < 0) AND (end_head >= 0) THEN (* the file doesn't have a <BASE> tag and we know where to put one! *) wx.putSub (body, 0, end_head); done := end_head; HTML.GenBase (t, wx, leaf := TRUE); END; IF (end_title > done) THEN (* we found a title, let's add a pathfinder after it *) wx.putSub (body, done, end_title + 5 - done); done := end_title + 5; HTML.GenPathFinder (t, wx); END; (* added this section to comply w/Farshad Nayeri's copyright legend requirement for the open-source release--RCC, 2008_0618 *) end_body := FindMark (body, EndBodyMarks); IF (end_body >= done) THEN wx.putSub (body, done, end_body - done); done := end_body; HTML.GenCopyright (wx); (*DebugMsg("Fixed.EmitBody; name=" & ID.ToText( & ", end_body=" & Fmt.Int(end_body) & ", done=" & Fmt.Int(done));*) END; (* if *) wx.putSub (body, done); END EmitBody; PROCEDUREFindMark (txt: TEXT; READONLY marks: ARRAY OF TEXT): INTEGER = VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST (marks) TO LAST (marks) DO x := Text2.FindSubstring (txt, marks[i]); IF (x >= 0) THEN RETURN x; END; END; RETURN -1; END FindMark; PROCEDUREInit () = BEGIN END Init;
IF index = NIL THEN
ErrLog.Msg (Unable to locate CM3-IDE resources
Process.Exit (1);
WebServer.RegisterRoot (index.html
, index);
WebServer.RegisterRoot (start.html
, index);
END Init;