INTERFACEAnimateVBT ; IMPORT VBT, Time, PaintOp; IMPORT IntervalTimer;
cycles through its children VBTs,
waiting for duration
seconds each time.
Animated VBTs belong to a ``group'', so that all of the animations can change in a single lockstep.
Each animation must include at least one snapshot.
TYPE T <: Public; Private <: VBT.Leaf; Public = Private OBJECT METHODS init(READONLY snapshots: ARRAY OF VBT.T; group: Group := NIL; bg: PaintOp.T := PaintOp.Bg): T; reset(position: CARDINAL := 0); END; (* The call "init" initializes an animated VBT given a set of snapshots, the animation group and the background. The call "reset" can be used to reset the animated vbt back to a particular location. If "group" is "NIL" then the animation gets its own unique group. *) Group <: GroupPublic; GroupPublic = IntervalTimer.T OBJECT METHODS init (duration: Time.T): Group; reset (position: CARDINAL := 0); END; (* Specialized groups may be created so that the animations of more than one animated VBT are synchronized. *) PROCEDURE New(READONLY snapshots: ARRAY OF VBT.T; duration: Time.T := DefaultDuration): T;
Creates a new animated VBT, each frame of which will stay on the screen for at least the specified duration.
PROCEDURE Blink (ch: VBT.T; bg: PaintOp.T := PaintOp.Bg): T;
Blinks a VBT by screen by animating the set containingch
and abg
cause the animation to halt or continue.
CONST DefaultDuration = 1.0D0; END AnimateVBT.