Copyright 1996-2000 Critical Mass, Inc. All Rights Reserved. See file COPYRIGHT-CMASS for details.
05/16/2001 - Fixed bugs that caused T.proc not to be used and that prevented specification of the time zone. -- R.C.Coleburn
MODULE; IMPORT Time, IntervalTimer, Font, TextVBT, PaintOp, Date; REVEAL Private = TextVBT.T BRANDED OBJECT END; T = Public BRANDED OBJECT timer: Timer; proc: FmtProc; zone: Date.TimeZone; OVERRIDES init := Init; END; TYPE Timer = IntervalTimer.T OBJECT vbt: T; OVERRIDES wakeup := Wakeup END; PROCEDURE ClockVBT Wakeup (self: Timer) = BEGIN TextVBT.Put (self.vbt, self.vbt.proc(Time.Now(),; END Wakeup; PROCEDUREInit (v: T; fnt: Font.T; halign: REAL; bgFg: PaintOp.ColorQuad; proc: FmtProc; zone: Date.TimeZone): T = BEGIN EVAL TextVBT.T.init(v, "", fnt := fnt, halign := halign, valign := 0.5, bgFg := bgFg); v.timer := NEW(Timer, vbt := v).init(1.0D0); v.proc := proc; := zone; RETURN v; END Init; BEGIN END ClockVBT.