MODULE; IMPORT WYSIWYGify; IMPORT PSReaderGuts; IMPORT LinoText; IMPORT Scan; IMPORT Text; IMPORT TextUtils; IMPORT TextReader; IMPORT TextTextTbl; IMPORT CacheDrawContext; IMPORT DrawContext; IMPORT DrawContextClass; IMPORT PSTextBounder; IMPORT Rd; IMPORT Wr; IMPORT TextWr; IMPORT Thread; IMPORT FloatMode; IMPORT Lex; FROM Debug IMPORT S; CONST DebugLevel = 20; <* FATAL FloatMode.Trap, Lex.Error *> <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> PROCEDURE PSReader UnComment (rd: Rd.T): TEXT = VAR wr := TextWr.New(); line: TEXT; BEGIN TRY LOOP line := Rd.GetLine(rd); (* S("got line: " & line, DebugLevel); *) IF Text.Length(line) # 0 AND Text.GetChar(line, 0) # '%' THEN Wr.PutText(wr, line); Wr.PutChar(wr, '\n'); END; END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => END; (* S("uncommented: " & TextWr.ToText(wr), DebugLevel); *) RETURN TextWr.ToText(wr); END UnComment; PROCEDUREStripDelims (VAR acc: TEXT; d1, d2: CHAR) = BEGIN S("strip " & Text.FromChar(d1) & Text.FromChar(d2) & " from \"" & acc & "\"", DebugLevel); IF Text.GetChar(acc, 0) = d1 AND Text.GetChar(acc, Text.Length(acc)-1) = d2 THEN acc := Text.Sub(acc, 1, Text.Length(acc)-2); END; END StripDelims; PROCEDURERead (rd: Rd.T; to: DrawContext.T) = VAR tr := NEW(TextReader.T).init(UnComment(rd)); word, acc, rest, theText, arg1, arg2: TEXT; macros := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init(); guts := NEW(PSReaderGuts.T).init(to); sawSW, sawDiv := TRUE; PROCEDURE Next(): BOOLEAN = VAR newWord: TEXT; BEGIN IF"\t\n ", word, TRUE) THEN (* S("raw word: " & word, DebugLevel); *) newWord := word; WHILE macros.get(newWord, newWord) DO S("lookup: " & newWord, DebugLevel); (* allow multi-word recursive macros *) tr.pushBack(newWord & " "); WITH true ="\t\n ", newWord, TRUE) DO <* ASSERT true *> END; <* ASSERT NOT Text.Equal(word, newWord) *> END; word := newWord; RETURN TRUE; ELSE S("NO MORE.", DebugLevel); RETURN FALSE; END; END Next; PROCEDURE Is(what: TEXT): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN Text.Equal(word, what); END Is; BEGIN (* IF"", word) THEN S("stole: " & word, DebugLevel); ELSE S("where'd it go?", DebugLevel); END; *) WHILE Next() DO CASE Text.GetChar(word, 0) OF | '/' => rest := Text.Sub(word, 1); acc := ""; WHILE Next() AND NOT (Is("def") OR Is("findfont")) DO IF Text.Length(acc) = 0 OR Text.GetChar(acc, Text.Length(acc)-1) # '}' THEN IF Text.Length(acc) # 0 THEN acc := acc & " "; END; acc := acc & word; END; END; | '(' => theText := word; IF Text.GetChar(word, Text.Length(word)-1) # ')' THEN WHILE Next() AND Text.GetChar(word, Text.Length(word)-1) # ')' DO IF Text.Length(theText) # 0 THEN theText := theText & " "; END; theText := theText & word; END; IF Text.Length(theText) # 0 THEN theText := theText & " "; END; theText := theText & word; END; StripDelims(theText, '(', ')'); sawDiv := FALSE; sawSW := FALSE; ELSE END; S("got word: " & word, DebugLevel); IF Is("def") THEN StripDelims(acc, '{', '}'); S("defining " & rest & " = \"" & acc & "\"", DebugLevel); EVAL macros.put(rest, acc); ELSIF Is("gsave") THEN; ELSIF Is("grestore") THEN guts.restore(); ELSIF Is("scale") THEN guts.scale(Scan.Real(arg2), Scan.Real(arg1)); ELSIF Is("translate") THEN guts.translate(Scan.Real(arg2), Scan.Real(arg1)); ELSIF Is("setlinewidth") THEN guts.setLineWidth(Scan.Real(arg1)); ELSIF Is("scalefont") THEN guts.scaleFont(WYSIWYGify.ScanTextSizeFromPS(arg1)); ELSIF Is("newpath") THEN guts.newPath(); ELSIF Is("moveto") THEN guts.moveTo(Scan.Real(arg2), Scan.Real(arg1)); ELSIF Is("lineto") THEN guts.lineTo(Scan.Real(arg2), Scan.Real(arg1)); ELSIF Is("closepath") THEN guts.closePath(); ELSIF Is("stroke") THEN guts.stroke(); ELSIF Is("show") THEN VAR attach: LinoText.Attach; BEGIN (* the following is obviously a hack *) IF sawSW THEN IF sawDiv THEN attach := LinoText.Attach.CenterBase; ELSE attach := LinoText.Attach.East; END; ELSE attach := LinoText.Attach.West; END; theText := TextUtils.Replace(theText, "\\", "");, attach); END; sawSW := FALSE; sawDiv := FALSE; ELSIF Is("div") THEN sawDiv := TRUE; ELSIF Is("stringwidth") THEN sawSW := TRUE; END; arg2 := arg1; arg1 := word; END; END Read; PROCEDURENew (rd: Rd.T := NIL; captureResDPI: INTEGER): T = VAR self := NEW(CacheDrawContext.T); BEGIN self.resDPI := captureResDPI; self.textBounder := NEW(PSTextBounder.T).init(); IF rd # NIL THEN Read(rd, self); END; RETURN self; END New; BEGIN END PSReader.