MODULE; IMPORT Transform; IMPORT TransformList; IMPORT TransformOther; IMPORT RealPoint; IMPORT CacheDrawContext; IMPORT DrawContext; IMPORT DrawContextClass; IMPORT LinoText; IMPORT Line; IMPORT LineStyle; IMPORT PaintOp; FROM Debug IMPORT S; IMPORT Fmt; CONST DebugLevel = 19; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED "PSReaderGuts" OBJECT trans: TransformList.T; pen, pathStart: RealPoint.T; path: CacheDrawContext.T; lineWidth: REAL; textSize: REAL; to: DrawContext.T; freshPath: BOOLEAN; color := PaintOp.Fg; OVERRIDES init := Init; save := Save; restore := Restore; newPath := NewPath; closePath := ClosePath; lineTo := LineTo; moveTo := MoveTo; stroke := Stroke; scale := Scale; translate := Translate; setLineWidth := SetLineWidth; scaleFont := ScaleFont; show := Show; END; PROCEDURE PSReaderGuts Init (self: T; to: DrawContext.T): T = VAR scale := FLOAT(to.resDPI)/72.0; BEGIN self.trans := TransformList.List1(TransformOther.FlipV); self.pen := RealPoint.T{0.0,0.0}; self.path := NIL; self.lineWidth := 1.0; self.textSize := 1.0; := to; self.scale(scale, scale); self.freshPath := FALSE; SC(self); RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDURESC (self: T) = BEGIN S("Scale is " & Fmt.Real(self.trans.head.a11), DebugLevel); END SC; PROCEDURESave (self: T) = BEGIN S("Save", DebugLevel); self.trans := TransformList.Cons(self.trans.head, self.trans); SC(self); END Save; PROCEDURERestore (self: T) = BEGIN S("Restore", DebugLevel); self.trans := self.trans.tail; <* ASSERT self.trans # NIL *> SC(self); END Restore; PROCEDUREScale (self: T; h, v: REAL) = BEGIN S("Scale: " & Fmt.Real(h) & "," & Fmt.Real(v), DebugLevel); (* h := 1.0; v := -1.0; *) self.trans.head := Transform.Compose( TransformOther.AnIsoScaleAboutReal(h, v, self.pen), self.trans.head); SC(self); END Scale; PROCEDURETranslate (self: T; h, v: REAL) = BEGIN self.trans.head := Transform.Compose( Transform.Translate(h, v, TransformOther.Identity), self.trans.head); END Translate; PROCEDURESetLineWidth (self: T; w: REAL) = BEGIN self.lineWidth := w; END SetLineWidth; PROCEDURENewPath (self: T) = BEGIN self.path := NEW(CacheDrawContext.T, resDPI :=; self.moveTo(0.0, 0.0); self.freshPath := TRUE; (* it's gotta be either the "newpath" or the "clip" after the bounding-box path creation which resets the pen. anyone know the PS specs? *) END NewPath; PROCEDUREMoveTo (self: T; h, v: REAL) = BEGIN self.pen := TransformOther.ApplyToRealPoint(self.trans.head, RealPoint.T{h,v}); IF self.freshPath THEN self.pathStart := self.pen; self.freshPath := FALSE; END; END MoveTo; PROCEDURERealScale (self: T; r: REAL): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN TransformOther.RoundApplyToReal(self.trans.head, r); END RealScale; PROCEDURELineFrom (self: T; old: RealPoint.T) = VAR s: LineStyle.T; BEGIN IF self.path # NIL THEN s := LineStyle.T{color := self.color, thick := RealScale(self, self.lineWidth)}; self.path.line(Line.T{a := RealPoint.Round(old), b := RealPoint.Round(self.pen), s := s}); END; END LineFrom; PROCEDURELineTo (self: T; h, v: REAL) = VAR old := self.pen; BEGIN MoveTo(self, h, v); LineFrom(self, old); END LineTo; PROCEDUREClosePath (self: T) = VAR old := self.pen; BEGIN self.pen := self.pathStart; LineFrom(self, old); END ClosePath; PROCEDUREStroke (self: T) = BEGIN self.path.recall(; self.path := NIL; END Stroke; PROCEDUREScaleFont (self: T; s: REAL) = BEGIN self.textSize := s; END ScaleFont; PROCEDUREShow (self: T; t: TEXT; attach: LinoText.Attach) = BEGIN SC(self); S("Show, size = " & Fmt.Real(self.textSize) & " -> " & Fmt.Int(RealScale(self, self.textSize)), DebugLevel);{a := RealPoint.Round(self.pen), t := t, size := RealScale(self, self.textSize), attach := attach, color := self.color}); END Show; BEGIN END PSReaderGuts.