
This is an extension of the Pathname interface in libm3, written by members of DEC SRC. It exports an abstract data type and is intended to be more efficient for use in Tables and other hash structures, as hash-values are cached within the APN.T object

IMPORT Pathname, Word;

CONST Brand = "APNModule 0.1";
TYPE Type = {Posix, Win, Native, Default, Unknown};
  T <: Default;
  Default = OBJECT
    init(pn : TEXT; type := Type.Default) : T;
    denotation(type := Type.Default) : Pathname.T;
    isValid() : BOOLEAN;
    isAbsolute() : BOOLEAN;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXCEPTION Invalid; FIXME: seems to be unused. Just remove it?


PROCEDURE New(pn : TEXT; type := Type.Default) : T;
Return a newly allocated APN.T object with contents `pn'
PROCEDURE Equal(p, q : T) : BOOLEAN;
returns true if p and q are textually equal
PROCEDURE Hash(pn : T) : Word.T;
hash function for pathnames
Return TRUE iff pn conforms to the pathname syntax of this operating system.
 When a pathname with invalid syntax is passed to a procedure in
   this interface not declared as raising the exception Invalid,
   the result is undefined, but safe. 


Return TRUE iff pn is an absolute pathname. Equivalent to Decompose(pn).getlo() # NIL, but faster.
PROCEDURE Prefix(pn: T): T;
Return a pathname equal to pn up to, but not including, the final arc name. If pn consists only of a root directory name, Prefix(pn) returns pn.
PROCEDURE Last(pn: T): T;
Return the final arc name in pn. If pn consists only of a root directory name, Last(pn) returns the empty string.
PROCEDURE Base(pn: T): T;
Return a pathname equal to pn except with Last(pn) replaced by its base.
PROCEDURE Join(pn, base: T; ext: TEXT): T;
PROCEDURE JoinS(pn:T; base, ext: TEXT): T;
Return a pathname formed by prepending pn to base (if pn is not NIL) and appending ext to base (if ext is not NIL). More precisely, this is equivalent to the following, in which a is a local variable of type Arcs:

      IF pn = NIL THEN a := NIL
        IF Absolute(base) THEN Cause checked runtime error END;
        a := Decompose(pn)
      IF ext # NIL THEN base := base & "." & ext END;
      RETURN Compose(
        TextSeq.Cat(a, TextSeq.Sub(Decompose(base), 1)))

The value returned by Join will be a valid pathname only if the base and ext conform to the syntax of the particular operating system, as specified at the end of this section.


PROCEDURE LastBase(pn: T): T;
Return the base of the final arc name of pn. It is a checked runtime error if pn is empty or consists only of a root directory name.
Return the extension of the last arc name of pn. It is a checked runtime error if pn is empty or consists only of a root directory name.
PROCEDURE ReplaceExt(pn: T; ext: TEXT): T;
Return a pathname equal to pn except with the extension of the final arc name replaced with ext, which must be non-NIL.
PROCEDURE Denotation(pn : T; type := Type.Default) : Pathname.T;
VAR caseSensitivePathnames : BOOLEAN;
This value will be set to true on POSIX and FALSE on WIN32 systems by default. It may be changed to influence the pathname comparisons (Equal) and the internal representation (all lowercase if false).