INTERFACEA FilePool.T is an object that facilitates operations on a set of files contained in one directory.FilePool ; IMPORT Rd, Wr, TextSeq, Pathname;
EXCEPTION Error(TEXT);---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE ProcClosure = OBJECT METHODS proc(fn : TEXT) RAISES ANY; END;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE PredClosure = OBJECT METHODS pred(fn : TEXT) : BOOLEAN RAISES {Error}; END;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE T <: Public; Public = OBJECT METHODS (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) init(dir : Pathname.T) : T RAISES {Error}; (* Initialize the internal cache with information about all files in directory `dir'. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) update() RAISES {Error}; (* Reinitialize the internal cache from the file system. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) list(pattern : TEXT := NIL; ordinaryOnly := TRUE) : TextSeq.T RAISES {Error}; (* Return a list of all files, excluding the current and parent directory. If `pattern' is non-NIL, it is used to match against all the file names. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) getReader(fn : TEXT) : Rd.T RAISES {Error}; (* Return a reader for file `fn'. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) getWriter(fn : TEXT) : Wr.T RAISES {Error}; (* Return a destructive writer for file `fn'. Destructive means that if this operations is called, the contents of the file are erased. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) content(fn : TEXT) : TEXT RAISES {Error}; (* Return the contents of file `fn' as a text. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) createNewFile(fn : TEXT := NIL) : TEXT RAISES {Error}; (* Create a new file with a unique name and return this name. If `fn' is non-NIL, take it as the file name and raise an exception if it already exists. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) delete(fn : TEXT) RAISES {Error}; (* Delete the named file. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) apply(cl : ProcClosure; pattern : TEXT := NIL; ordinaryOnly := TRUE) RAISES ANY; (* Apply the closure `cl' to all cached file names. *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*) select(cl : PredClosure; pattern : TEXT := NIL; ordinaryOnly := TRUE) : TextSeq.T RAISES {Error}; (* Apply the predicate `cl' to all cached file names and return the list of the names that evaluated to TRUE. *) END; END FilePool.