
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Fri Mar 12 10:57:52 PST 1993 by meehan     
      modified on Tue Jun 16 21:55:37 PDT 1992 by muller     


IMPORT FormsVBT, Rsrc;

  ErrorReporter = OBJECT
                    apply (msg: TEXT) <* LL = *>

PROCEDURE Init (fv           : FormsVBT.T;
                name         : TEXT;
                er           : ErrorReporter;
                helpfindfirst                  := "helpfindfirst";
                helpfindnext                   := "helpfindnext";
                helpfindprev                   := "helpfindprev";
                helpfindtext                   := "helpfindtext";
                manpagetext                    := "manpagetext";
                notfound                       := "notfound";
                helpcase                       := "helpcase";
                path         : Rsrc.Path       := NIL              )
  RAISES {FormsVBT.Error};

PROCEDURE TextReverse (t: TEXT): TEXT;
This produces a new text with the characters in opposite order.

END Manpage.
fv is a FormsVBT.T that will be used for displaying a file (e.g., a manpage) and providing some string-search capabilities. name is the name of a resource (e.g., a file) containing the text of the manpage. fv should have buttons and various text-fields, described below, that are used for displaying the file and searching. Init attaches procedures to the buttons, and it forks a thread to read the file into one of the text-fields, so that the text will be ready the first time the user asks for it. The intention is that the text will be displayed in pop-up window attached to a Help button of some sort.

The file is opened without locking, so this shouldn't interfere with user actions. After the file has been opened, is locked briefly while a pointer to the text is stored in the object; we don't actually copy the bytes until the user views that part of the file. If the user opens the window before the file has been read, the process will block until the text is ready.

If the name of the Boolean (helpcase) or popup (notfound) is NIL, then there will be no attachment; the Boolean defaults to being case-insensitive.

If the named buttons are missing, then Init will raise an exception. All errors that occur in the thread that reads the file, or during the search, are signaled by calling er.apply with locked. An unsuccessful search isn't an error; that causes a subwindow to pop up and disappear two seconds later.

The form, fv, must have the following named VBTs:

      helpfindtext '-- the name of the TypeIn that contains the
         string to search for'
      helpfindfirst '-- the name of the Button that will cause
         a search for the first occurrence of the string'
      helpfindnext '-- the name of the Button that will cause
         a search for the next occurrence of the string'
      helpfindprev -- the name of the Button that will cause
|    a search for the previous occurrence of the string'
| manpagetext -- the name of the TextEdit (should be ReadOnly)
         where the text of the file should appear'
      notfound -- the name of a ZChild or ZChassis displaying a
|    message like Not found'', which will pop up if the
|    search is unsuccessful.'
| helpcase -- the name of the Boolean that controls
         case-sensitivity during the search. ("TRUE" means