INTERFACEThere is a pre-defined argument giving the config file name: switch argument: -config <configFile> env argument: HTTP_CONFIG <configFile> default value: .http_configApp ; EXCEPTION Error(TEXT); (* Error is almost never raised directly. It is raised through a call on the log method with an Error status *) CONST LogStatusText = ARRAY LogStatus OF TEXT{"Verbose", "Debug", "Status", "Error"}; TYPE LogStatus = {Verbose, Debug, Status, Error}; Log <: LogPublic; LogPublic = OBJECT METHODS log(msg: TEXT; status: LogStatus) RAISES {Error}; (* "log" is used to report a message "msg" and a "status". If status is Error, then the "log" method should raise "Error" with "msg" as its argument. *) END; VAR defaultLog: Log; (* writes Verbose, Debug and Status messages to stdout. writes Error messages to stderr and RAISES Error. *) nullLog: Log; (* throws away all input *) CONST AnyArgument = NIL; TYPE ArgSource = {Switch, Env, Config, Default, None}; (* The argument sources correspond to command line switches, environment variables, configuration file entries, user interface objects and default values respectively. *) ArgHandler <: ArgHandlerPublic; ArgHandlerPublic = OBJECT id: INTEGER := 0; (* a local identifier that makes it convenient for a single procedure to distinguish arguments *) hasParam: BOOLEAN := TRUE; paramName: TEXT := ""; (* "hasParam" is TRUE if the option expects a parameter, otherwise it is treated as a boolean value. "paramName" is the string displayed for the parameter if there is an error to report*) default: TEXT := ""; (* The default value for the argument *) METHODS init(switchName, envName, configName: TEXT := NIL; register := TRUE): ArgHandler; (* initialize an arg handler. The names give the name of the element that is the source of the argument in that environment. If register is TRUE, then call RegisterArgHandler with the handler. *) set(src: ArgSource; value: TEXT; log: Log) RAISES{Error}; (* the "set" method is called at startup time. It is only called with a single "src", but might be called multiple times if there are multiple instances of an argument. The different argument sources have different priority. The command line switches have top priority, then environment variables, then config file entries and finally default values. If "switchName" is "AnyArgument" then "set" is called once for each unnamed argument in the command line. "src" is the source of the initialization. "value" is the value of the argument. If "self.hasParam" is FALSE, the "value" is "TRUE" if the option is mentioned. *) END;
PROCEDURE RegisterArgHandler(handler: ArgHandler);Initialize the program arguments from the command line switches, environment variables, config file and defaults. If log = NIL then log := HTTP.defaultLog If defaultConfigFile = NIL then defaultConfigFile :=
If logConfiguration then all of the argument values are written
to the log
PROCEDURE InitializeArguments(log: Log := NIL; defaultConfigFile: TEXT := NIL; logConfiguration: BOOLEAN := TRUE) RAISES {Error}; PROCEDURE Debug(): BOOLEAN; (* debug = TRUE AND noDebug = FALSE *) PROCEDURE Verbose(): BOOLEAN; (* verbose = TRUE AND noVerbose = FALSE *) TYPE Value = {Debug, NoDebug, Verbose, NoVerbose}; PROCEDURE SetValue(value: Value; f: BOOLEAN);
These procedures check the value of the standard arguments for debug and verbose modes. There are arguments for setting debug and verbose.switch env config default -debug APP_DEBUG debug:
-noDebug APP_NODEBUG noDebug:FALSE
-verbose APP_VERBOSE verbose:FALSE
-noVerbose APP_NOVERBOSE noVerbose:FALSE
if ipAddr
then the local IP address is returned
(i.e. Otherwise the host name is return
appears to be the same host as the local machine, then returnTRUE
. Otherwise returnFALSE
END App.