
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Sun Oct 26 13:38:59 PST 1997 by heydon                   
      modified on Sun Feb 19 16:09:28 PDT 1995 by gnelson                  
      modified on Fri Aug  7 21:51:52 PDT 1992 by myers                    

A CurrCmd.T maintains an abstract syntax tree and allows editing commands to be performed on it. A CurrCmd.T has no graphical representation.

A CurrCmd is a Juno command of the form:

         CurrCmd ::= VAR <variables> IN [ <constraint> -> ] <command> END       (1)
                   | <command>                                                  (2)
where <variables> is a near-var list (i.e., a list of variables with optional hints), <constraint> is a Juno constraint (hence, a conjunction), and <command> is a Juno command. The two forms of a CurrCmd are referred to in the rest of this interface as case (1) and case (2), respectively. The two cases are distinguished because the outer-most command in case (2) is NOT a projection.

CurrCmds talk to their clients using the update and enable methods. update is called when the AST is changed. enable is called whenever DisableClients is called, typically when one of the clients wishes to obtain an exclusive lock on the AST.

It is an error to make modifications to the AST contained in the CurrCmd.T, except through the procedures provided here.

Some of the variables in the AST are considered to be points. A point is a variable that is declared to be either near a pair (h,v), where h and v are both real-number constants, or near a position (x,y) REL (p,q) where p and q are identifiers representing points. CurrCmd provides procedures for accessing and modifying the points.

A CurrCmd.T also contains a scope, in which the current command is compiled.


IMPORT JunoAST, Atom, JunoScope, JunoPt;
IMPORT JunoValue, JunoRT;

  T <: TPublic;
    codeValid := FALSE;
    skipify: BOOLEAN;
    slot := -1
  Real = JunoValue.Real;
If t: T, the boolean t.codeValid is TRUE iff the compiled code in the global code table reflects t's AST and t.skipify. If t.codeValid is TRUE, then slot is the index of the compiled code in JunoRT.code_tbl for the current command.

----------------- Creation / Replacement / Accessors --------------------

PROCEDURE New(ast: JunoAST.Cmd; scp: JunoScope.T := NIL): T;
Create a new CurrCmd.T object. If scp is NIL, a new top-level scope is created. Requires ast # NIL.

PROCEDURE ChangeAST(cc: T; ast: JunoAST.Cmd);
Respectively return the current command associated with cc, or set the current command associated with cc to cmd. The latter procedure requires ast # NIL.
 Various components of the AST returned by GetAST(cc) may be extracted
   using the following procedures: 

PROCEDURE GetVariables(ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.NearVarList;
In case (1), return the <variables> section of ast; in case (2), return an emtpy NearVarList.

PROCEDURE GetVariable(ast: JunoAST.T; v: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.NearVarLink;
If the variable v is one of the variables in GetVariables(ast), then return its link. Otherwise, return NIL.

PROCEDURE GetConstraint(ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Formula;
In case (1), return the <constraint> section of ast, or Juno TRUE if there isn't one; in case (2), return Juno TRUE.

PROCEDURE GetCmd(ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Cmd;
Return the <command> section of ast.
 --------------------- Scope-Related Operations -------------------------- 

PROCEDURE GetScope(cc: T): JunoScope.T;
PROCEDURE SetScope(cc: T; scp: JunoScope.T);
Observe / report cc's top-level scope.

PROCEDURE NewDeclName(cc: T; prefix: TEXT; tryEmptySuffix := FALSE): TEXT;
Return a name of the form prefix & N, where N is the smallest non-negative integer such that that name is not bound in ccmd's scope. If tryEmptySuffix is TRUE and prefix is not defined in the current scope, then prefix is returned.
 --------------------------- Modification -------------------------------- 

PROCEDURE Skipify(ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Cmd;
Return a version of ast in which the portion of ast that would be returned by GetCmd(ast) is replaced by SKIP.

PROCEDURE AddVariable(cc: T; name: JunoAST.Id;
    loc: JunoPt.T; near: JunoAST.Expr; frozen := FALSE);
In case (1), appends a new variable to the <variables> of cc; in case (2), changes cc to have the form of case (1) with a single new variable. In either case, the new variable is named name, has value loc, and hint near. If frozen = TRUE, then the new variable is asserted to be equal to its hint. Requires that near # NIL and that, in case (1), <variables> does not already contain a variable named name.

PROCEDURE AddConstraint(cc: T; con: JunoAST.Constraint);
Conjoins the constraint con to the right-most disjunct of the <constraint> of cc. If cc has no <constraint>, con is added as a new guard of the cc <command>.

PROCEDURE AddCommand(cc: T; cmd: JunoAST.Cmd);
Appends cmd to the <command> of cc. If that <command> is SKIP, then SKIP is replaced by cmd.

Destructively remove the last command from the <command> of cc. This procedure is a no-op if the <command> is SKIP. If the <command> is not a sequence, then it is replaced by SKIP. Return TRUE iff the current command was changed.

PROCEDURE DoRel(cc: T; c, a, b: JunoAST.Id);
Destructively change the hint for the point c in the AST. If the hint was previously of the form c ~= (x, y) REL (a, b), then it is changed to an absolute hint of the form c ~= (x', y'). Otherwise, it is changed to a hint of the form c ~= (x, y) REL (a, b), without changing its position (unless the points a and b have the same location, in which case this procedure is a no-op). The names c, a, and b must be local variables of the current AST.

PROCEDURE DoRel1(cc: T; c, a: JunoAST.Id);
Like DoRel, but makes c's hint relative to the single point a, that is, of the form R2.Plus(a, (x,y)).
 ------------------------ Operations on Points --------------------------- 

PROCEDURE PointLocation(cc: T; id: JunoAST.Id; VAR (*OUT*) h, v: Real):
Report the location of the point id. Return FALSE if the variable id does not exist, or is not a point; return TRUE otherwise.

PROCEDURE FreezePoint(cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id);
Toggle the frozen attribute of the point named a in cc.

PROCEDURE IsFrozen(cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff a is the name of a frozen point in cc.

PROCEDURE MovePoint(cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id; h, v: Real);
Move the point a in cc to (h,v) by changing its hint. The syntactic form of a's hint will be preserved. A checked run-time error occurs if a is not one of cc's variables or if it does not have a hint.

TYPE PointProc = PROCEDURE(atom: Atom.T; READONLY pt: JunoPt.T);

PROCEDURE ForAllPoints(cc: T; p: PointProc);
Call the procedure p for each point. The procedure p will be invoked with the name and absolute location of each point-valued variable named in the current command cc.
 ------------------------ Folding Operations ----------------------------- 

TYPE FoldKind = { Pred, Proc, ProcNoArgs };

Indicates that the argument identifier was named as an explicit argument to the folded procedure, but no such variable exists in the current command.

PROCEDURE GetFoldArgs(cc: T): JunoAST.IdList;
Return the names of variables in the current command with no hints or with literal, point-valued hints. These are the variables that should become arguments to the folded procedure when the user has not specified any arguments explicitly.

PROCEDURE FoldByHeader(cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; kind := FoldKind.Proc):
  JunoAST.Decl RAISES {BadFoldArg};
Return a new predicate or procedure declaration named name corresponding to the current command. If kind is Pred, then the current command's body is ignored, and a predicate definition is made; otherwise, a procedure definition is made. If kind is ProcNoArgs, then the folded procedure has not arguments; all locals of the current command become locals of the folded procedure. Otherwise, hdr.ins provides the lits of arguments to the resulting predicate or procedure, and any locals of cc that are not in hdr.ins and that have absolute hints will automatically be converted to have relative hints.

PROCEDURE FoldByName(cc: T; name: JunoAST.Id; kind := FoldKind.Proc):
Like FoldByHeader, but when kind # ProcNoArgs, the arguments of the folded predicate or procedure are determined automatically using GetFoldArgs above. The parameters of the folded predicate or procedure are those locals that are either unhinted, or whose hints are literal point values.

PROCEDURE FoldAnim(cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader;
  sliderPts: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.ProcDecl RAISES {BadFoldArg};
Produce the declaration of the current command cc folded as an animation with name and arguments determined from hdr, and slider points sliderPts.

PROCEDURE FoldAnimFrame(cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader;
  sliderPts: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.ProcDecl;
Return the declaration for the Frame procedure resulting from folding the current command cc as an animation with name and arguments determined from hdr, and slider points sliderPts. The name of the resulting procedure will be the hdr.name concatenated with Frame. If that procedure is already defined in the current command scope, then trailing digits are added as necessary to produce an unused name.

PROCEDURE FoldAnimCreator(cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader;
  frameNm: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.ProcDecl;
Return the declaration for the Anim-creation procedure resulting from folding the current command cc as an animation with name and arguments determined from hdr. The name of the resulting procedure will be the hdr.name concatenated with Anim. If that procedure is already defined in the current command scope, then trailing digits are added as necessary to produce an unused name. The resulting procedure returns an animation whose closure is for the procedure named frameNm.

PROCEDURE FoldAnimCmd(cc: T; args: JunoAST.IdList; animProcNm: JunoAST.Id):
Return the command that should become the current command when the current command cc is folded as an animation, animProcNm is the name of the procedure produced by FoldAnimCreator, and args is the list of fold arguments.
 ------------------------- Running / Updating ---------------------------- 

  RTError = RECORD
    errorMsg: TEXT;
    execRes: JunoRT.ExecRes
In the event of a run-time error, errorMsg is a descriptive error message, and execRes is the execution result produced by the Juno machine.


  RAISES {CompileError, RuntimeError};
Compile the current command in the current scope, and then execute it. If skipify is TRUE, apply Skipify to the current command before compiling it. Returns TRUE iff the current command was modified due to the hints of the variables being updated.

Raises CompileError in the event of a compilation error; the argument of the exception is a descriptive error message. Raises RuntimeError in the event of a run-time error.

PROCEDURE UpdateHints(cc: T): BOOLEAN;
Update the hints for the variables in cc to reflect their current values in the oldest frame of the run-time stack. Requires that the indexes of the variables in that stack agree with the indexes in cc. Returns TRUE iff any hints were updated.

END CurrCmd.

interface JunoValue is in: