
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Tue Apr 16 15:59:58 PDT 1996 by heydon                   
      modified on Sun Jun 11 17:26:29 PST 1995 by gnelson                  
      modified on Sat Aug 22 21:52:18 PDT 1992 by myers                    
A Drawing.T represents the state of the drawing view.


IMPORT JunoConfig, View, JunoPt, JunoAST;
IMPORT VBT, PaintOp, Point;

  T = View.Drawing;

  Child <: ChildWriteOnly;
  ChildWriteOnly <: ChildPublic;
  ChildPublic = VBT.Leaf BRANDED "Drawing.ChildPublic" OBJECT
    xform: JunoPt.Transform
    init(origin := JunoConfig.Origin.SW): Child;
    getOrigin(): JunoConfig.Origin;
    setOrigin(origin: JunoConfig.Origin)
The child of the drawing view has type Child. A new child is created by calling NEW(Child).init(). xform is the transformation to use to convert between Juno and Trestle coordinates.

The type ChildWriteOnly can be used as the child of a drawing window that produces output, but does not handle user input, such as a separate animation window.

The default rescreen and reshape methods of a ChildWriteOnly conspire to maintain the xform field correctly. In addition, the default reshape method invokes the child's repaint method on Region.Full.

  ArgType = {Click, CreateClick, Drag, Text};

  Arg = RECORD
    name: JunoAST.QId;
    loc, locUp: JunoPt.T;		 (* Click, CreateClick, or Drag arg *)
    text: TEXT := NIL;			 (* Text arg *)

  Tool = OBJECT
    label: TEXT;
    argType: REF ARRAY OF ArgType;
    setup(d: T; time: VBT.TimeStamp) := NIL;
    <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
    apply(d: T; READONLY arg: ARRAY OF Arg) := NIL;

<* SPEC Tool.apply(tl, d, arg) REQUIRES sup(LL) = VBT.mu *>
A Drawing.Tool represents one of the tools that a user can select through the Juno user interface. It should never be instantiated directly. Instead, you should instantiate one of its two main subtypes: a Drawing.ArgTool or a Drawing.SetTool.

A tool t has the name t.label, and the types of its arguments (if any) are determined by t.argType. Its setup method is called before any of the arguments to the tool are available (even if the tool has 0 arguments); the apply method is called after all of the arguments to the tool are available. The default setup method is a no-op. The apply method should not do a VBT.Sync on the drawing view.

ArgTool <: ArgToolPublic;
  ArgToolPublic = Tool BRANDED "Drawing.ArgToolPublic" OBJECT
    name: JunoAST.QId;
    in_cnt: CARDINAL := 0

  ProcToolPublic = ArgTool BRANDED "Drawing.ProcToolPublic" OBJECT
    out_cnt, inout_cnt: CARDINAL := 0
    text(d: T; txt: TEXT);

  PredTool <: ArgTool;
  FuncTool <: ArgTool;
  ProcTool <: ProcToolPublic;

  SetTool <: Tool;
There are two kinds of drawing tools: ArgTool and SetTool. The former tool takes one or more arguments, which are clicked or typed through the user interface. The latter tool is associated with a procedure for calling a Set procedure with a fixed set of values; a SetTool's argType array should be empty.

A tool t takes NUMBER(t.argType^) arguments. How the user interface accepts these arguments depends on their types, as described below. When the tool receives its allotment of arguments, t.apply is invoked with those arguments. The data stored in each argument depends on the type of the corresponding argument, as follows:

Click argument: Clicking selects the point nearest the down click; shift-click creates a new point at the location of the down click. In the corresponding argument, name is the name of the selected point, and loc is its location.

CreateClick argument: Clicking creates a new point at the location of the down click. In the corresponding argument, name is the name of the new point, and loc is its location.

Drag argument: Clicking selects the point nearest the down click; the user can then drag the point with the mouse. In the corresponding argument, name is the name of the selected point, loc is its initial location, and locUp is the location of the last up click. Moreover, the t.pre method is invoked on the initial down click, the t.post method is invoked on the final up click, and the t.during method is invoked whenever the mouse moves while the point is being dragged.

Text argument: Entered from the keyboard, terminated by <RETURN>. This type is only allowed as the last argument to a procedure. The text method will be called when this argument is reached, and after each character (not counting the terminating <RETURN>) is typed. The txt argument to the text method is the current sequence of characters typed (as modified by line-editing characters like backspace). The corresponding Arg a has a.name = NIL and a.text equal to the final text string typed by the user.

PROCEDURE NewArgArray(n: CARDINAL; type: ArgType): REF ARRAY OF ArgType;
Return a new ArgType array of size n all of type type.

PROCEDURE FinishTextTool(d: T): BOOLEAN;
If the user was typing the last argument to a text tool, then apply the tool, unselect it, and return TRUE. Do nothing and return FALSE otherwise.

PROCEDURE Make(d: T; skipify: BOOLEAN);
Redraw d by running the version of the current command consistent with skipify.

Reset the PostScript state, clear the drawing, run the current command, and paint the final annotations in d. Return the text of an error message, or NIL if there were no errors.

PROCEDURE Annotations(d: T);
Paint the final annotations in the drawing d: the current path, the grid, and the point labels.

Equal to VBT.Sync(v), but useful for logging purposes. v should be the Filter.Child of a Drawing.T.

PROCEDURE SetLabelStyle(d: T; style: [0..2]);
Set d's label style: 0 means no labels, 1 means crosses, and 2 means dots and point names. Update the drawing if necessary.

PROCEDURE SelectTool(d: T; t: Tool; time: VBT.TimeStamp);
Select the tool t for the drawing d. If t is NIL, the current tool is deselected. In either case, if the user was currently typing the last argument of a text tool, apply the tool as if the user had hit <RETURN>.

PROCEDURE NewCreateTool(): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking one CreateClick argument whose apply method is a no-op.

VAR (* READONLY *) HorToolSym, VerToolSym, CongToolSym, ParaToolSym: Atom.T;
These are the names of the Hor, Ver, Cong, and Para tools.

PROCEDURE NewPredTool(name: JunoAST.QId; in_cnt: CARDINAL): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking in_cnt Click arguments whose apply method adds to the current command's constraint the application of the named predicate to the argument points.

PROCEDURE NewFuncTool(name: JunoAST.QId; in_cnt: CARDINAL): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking 1 + in_cnt Click arguments whose apply method adds to the current command's constraint an equality between the first argument point and the application of the named function to the remaining in_cnt argument points.

PROCEDURE NewProcTool(name: JunoAST.QId; in_cnt: CARDINAL;
  out_cnt, inout_cnt: CARDINAL := 0; isText := FALSE): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking out_cnt + inout_cnt + in_cnt Click arguments whose apply method adds to the current command the application of the named procedure to the argument points. If isText is TRUE, then the last argument has type ArgType.Text.

PROCEDURE NewFreezeTool(): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking 1 Click argument whose apply method toggles the frozen attribute of its argument.

PROCEDURE NewAdjustTool(): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking 1 Drag argument whose apply attempts to move the point named in its argument to the locUp position contained in that argument. If the point is frozen, then the point is simply moved.

If the point is unfrozen, it is temporarily frozen and moved. If this move succeeds, the point is returned to its unfrozen state. However, if this initial move fails, the point is unfrozen and moved again.

PROCEDURE NewRelTool(): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking 3 Click arguments whose apply method changes the current command so that the last argument is REL the pair of the first two.

PROCEDURE NewRel1Tool(): ArgTool;
Return a new tool taking 2 Click arguments whose apply method changes the current command so that the first argument is R2.Plus(second argument, (x,y)) for some numbers x and y.

PROCEDURE NewGridTools(tb: VBT.Split; d: T): ArgTool;
Return a new GridOn tool taking 2 Click arguments whose apply method turns grid mode on, unselects the current tool, and replaces the GridOn tool by a GridOff tool in the toolbox tb with associated drawing view d.

PROCEDURE NewSetTool(procNm: JunoAST.QId; arg: JunoAST.Expr): SetTool;
Create a new set tool that, when invoked, adds the procedure call procNm(arg) to the current command.

PROCEDURE PaintPath(d: T);
Paint d's current PostScript path as a red line with a white (opaque) outline.

PROCEDURE PaintPoint(ch: Child; name: TEXT; op: PaintOp.T; pt: Point.T);
Paint the point named name using op at location pt in the drawing child ch.

PROCEDURE SourceUntrue(d: T; how: View.ModKind);
Declare that the source window has been modified; how indicates the kind of modification. If continuous parsing is turned on, this will update the source window.

PROCEDURE DisplayError(d: T; errmsg: TEXT); <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Display a drawing error in the source window.

END Drawing.

interface View is in: