<* PRAGMA LL *> MODULEIf; IMPORT Editor, JunoConfig; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoUnparse; IMPORT TextPort; IMPORT VBT, Rect; IMPORT Wr, Formatter, TextWr, Thread; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> REVEAL T = Public BRANDED "PublicView.T" OBJECT e: Editor.T; width: INTEGER := -1; OVERRIDES init := Init; reshape := Reshape; END; PublicView
is a public view on a module editor, then t.width
is the most
recent width at which the text was unparsed. Since the text in a module
public view is read-only, we don't have to unparse the trees if the width
has not changed since the last unparsing.
PROCEDUREInit (pv: T; e: Editor.T): T = BEGIN EVAL TextPort.T.init(pv, font := JunoConfig.codeFont, readOnly := TRUE, wrap := FALSE); pv.e := e; RETURN pv; END Init; PROCEDUREReshape (pv: T; READONLY cd: VBT.ReshapeRec) = <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.v *> BEGIN IF NOT Rect.IsEmpty(cd.new) THEN (* the public view child was just selected *) RedoText(pv) END; TextPort.T.reshape(pv, cd) END Reshape; PROCEDURERedoText (pv: T) = VAR width := Editor.Width(pv); BEGIN IF pv.width # width THEN pv.width := width; Unparse(pv, width) END END RedoText; PROCEDUREUnparse (pv: T; width: CARDINAL) = VAR wr := TextWr.New(); BEGIN UnparseTrees(Editor.Trees(pv.e), wr, width); TextPort.SetModified(pv, TRUE); TextPort.SetText(pv, TextWr.ToText(wr)); TextPort.SetModified(pv, FALSE); Wr.Close(wr) END Unparse; PROCEDUREUnparseTrees (f: Editor.Forest; wr: Wr.T; width: CARDINAL) = PROCEDURE NewLine(fmt: Formatter.T) = BEGIN Formatter.NewLine(fmt, freshLine := FALSE) END NewLine; VAR fmt := Formatter.New(wr, width); BEGIN WHILE f # NIL DO TYPECASE f.tree OF JunoAST.Module (m) => JunoUnparse.ToFmt(fmt, m, indent := 0, prec := JunoConfig.realPrec, private := FALSE); NewLine(fmt); NewLine(fmt); Formatter.Flush(fmt) | JunoAST.Comment (c) => IF NOT c.private THEN JunoUnparse.ToFmt(fmt, c, indent := 0, prec := JunoConfig.realPrec, private := FALSE); NewLine(fmt); NewLine(fmt); Formatter.Flush(fmt) END | JunoAST.UIDecl (d) => IF d.name = Editor.PointToolSym OR d.name = Editor.TextToolSym OR d.name = Editor.SetToolSym THEN JunoUnparse.ToFmt(fmt, d, indent := 0, prec := JunoConfig.realPrec, private := FALSE); NewLine(fmt); Formatter.Flush(fmt) END | JunoAST.Decl (d) => IF NOT d.private THEN JunoUnparse.ToFmt(fmt, d, indent := 0, prec := JunoConfig.realPrec, private := FALSE); NewLine(fmt); Formatter.Flush(fmt) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; f := f.next END; Formatter.Close(fmt) END UnparseTrees; BEGIN END PublicView.