
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Mon Jan 27 16:13:49 PST 1997 by heydon                       
      modified on Tue Feb 21 14:44:17 1995 by gnelson                      
      modified on Fri Aug  7 21:53:57 PDT 1992 by myers                    

INTERFACE JunoCompile;
Compile Juno expressions, predicates, functions, and procedures.

Each of the compilation procedures in this interface takes a JunoAST.T to compile and a JunoScope.T scope that is used to resolve free variables. Each has the side-effect of decorating its argument AST, and each raises Error in the event of a compilation error.

Compiling a Juno predicate, function, or procedure is a two-step process. Clients must first call NewPred, NewFunc, or NewProc to transform the declaration AST into a JunoScope.Entity. They should then pass that entity to PredDecl, FuncDecl, or ProcDecl, respectively, to install a bytestream in the run-time code table.

These procedures are re-entrant; they use an internal mutex to guarantee serialization.

IMPORT JunoAST, JunoScope, JunoRT;
FROM JunoCompileErr IMPORT Error;


    expr: JunoAST.Expr;
    scp: JunoScope.T;
    nm: JunoAST.Id;
    VAR (*OUT*) val_slot: CARDINAL;
    pure := FALSE):
    JunoRT.ByteStream RAISES {Error};
Sets val_slot and returns the bytestream of a command compiled under scp that, when executed, stores the value of the expression expr in JunoRT.value_tbl[val_slot]. nm is printed in debugging output for this compilation. If pure is TRUE and expr references a global variable or procedure, then raises Error.

PROCEDURE PredDecl(nm: JunoAST.Id; pred: JunoScope.Pred; scp: JunoScope.T)
    RAISES {Error};
Compile the predicate with signature and body determined from pred using scp to resolve all its free variables, and place the resulting code in JunoRT.code_tbl[pred.index]. nm is printed in debugging output for this compilation.

By compiling a predicate, we mean: 1) installing the normal form for the predicate body in the JunoScope.Pred entity corresponding to nm in scp, and 2) compiling the query (body)?() -- where body is the predicate body -- with all IN arguments to the predicate assumed to be known variables.

PROCEDURE FuncDecl(nm: JunoAST.Id; func: JunoScope.Func; scp: JunoScope.T)
    RAISES {Error};
Compile the function with signature and body determined from func using scp to resolve all its free variables, and place the resulting code in JunoRT.code_tbl[func.index]. nm is printed in debugging output for this compilation.

By compiling a function, we mean: 1) installing the normal form for the function body in the JunoScope.Func entity corresponding to nm in scp, and 2) compiling the query (body)?(res) -- where body is the function body and res is its single OUT parameter -- with all IN arguments to the function assumed to be known variables.

PROCEDURE ProcDecl(nm: JunoAST.Id; proc: JunoScope.Proc; scp: JunoScope.T):
    JunoAST.Cmd RAISES {Error};
Compile the procedure with signature and body determined from proc using scp to resolve all its free variables, and place the resulting code in JunoRT.code_tbl[proc.index]. nm is printed in debugging output for this compilation. Return the command produced by the front-end of the compiler that is to be fed into the back-end (assembler).

PROCEDURE SaveSlots(wr: Wr.T);
Write to wr the indexes of any internal JunoRT slots that are stored in the compiler or assembler.

PROCEDURE RestoreSlots(rd: Rd.T);
Read from wr the indexs stored by SaveSlots, and set the internal slots to the values read.

END JunoCompile.