
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Mon Sep 12 17:05:54 PDT 1994 by heydon                   

Defines a procedure for solving a conjunctive normal form constraint. This procedure performs both unification closure to solve for list structure, and Newton-Raphson iteration to solve for numeric values.


  Private <: ROOT;
  Public = Private OBJECT
    known: BOOLEAN;
    val: RTVal.T;
  Var <: Public;
  Vars = REF ARRAY OF Var;
If x is a Var, the x.known implies x.val is a legal Juno value. If x.known = FALSE but x.val # NIL, then x.val is a hint for the initial value of x.

  Constraint <: REFANY;
  Constraints = REF ARRAY OF Constraint;

PROCEDURE New(known := FALSE; val: RTVal.T := NIL): Var;
Return a new, valid Var with the given field values. It will remain valid until the next call to Dispose.

PROCEDURE NewEqual(x, y: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = y.

PROCEDURE NewCons(x, y, z: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = (y,z).

PROCEDURE NewPlus(x, y, z: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = y + z.

PROCEDURE NewTimes(x, y, z: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = y * z.

PROCEDURE NewAtan(x, y, z: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = ATAN(y, z).

PROCEDURE NewSin(x, y: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = SIN(y).

PROCEDURE NewCos(x, y: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint x = COS(y).

PROCEDURE NewExp(x, y: Var): Constraint;
Return constraint x = EXP(y).

PROCEDURE NewReal(x: Var): Constraint;
Return the constraint REAL(x).

PROCEDURE NewText(x: Var): Constraint;
Return constraint TEXT(x).

PROCEDURE Dispose();
Invalidate and reclaim all existing Var's and Constraint's.

Solve c for its unknowns and return TRUE, setting their val fields so as to solve the constraints. Return FALSE if there is no solution. If P returns FALSE, it can have arbitrary effects on the known and val fields of variables referenced in c.

Requires that Init has been called on every variable referenced in c since each was last passed in a call to P.

END JunoSolve.