MODULE; IMPORT FileRdErr; IMPORT Scan; IMPORT ExtSection; IMPORT Override; IMPORT BracedCode; IMPORT CharRange; IMPORT LoadSpec; IMPORT TextSubs; IMPORT TextReader; IMPORT Pragma; IMPORT PragmaRead; IMPORT Text; IMPORT TextTextTbl; IMPORT Wr, TextWr; IMPORT Rd, TextRd; IMPORT Thread; IMPORT Import; IMPORT FloatMode, Lex; IMPORT Fmt; IMPORT InitGen; ExtBody
<* FATAL Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> <* FATAL FloatMode.Trap, Lex.Error *> TYPE Self = OBJECT secondPass: TextSubs.T; type, proc: Override.T; pragSubs: TextTextTbl.T; spec: LoadSpec.Info; typeExt := ""; END; SelfPragma = Pragma.T OBJECT self: Self; key: TEXT; END; PROCEDUREPrintAlloc (self: Self; body: TEXT; VAR cur: INTEGER; wr: Wr.T) = VAR rd := TextRd.New(body); start, len: INTEGER; name: TEXT; BEGIN (* hopefully only lexers use this *) Rd.Seek(rd, cur); WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) IN CharRange.AlphaNum DO END; Rd.UnGetChar(rd); WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) IN CharRange.WhiteSpace DO END; Rd.UnGetChar(rd); start := Rd.Index(rd); TRY WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) IN CharRange.AlphaNum DO END; Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => END; len := Rd.Index(rd) - start; name := Text.Sub(body, start, len); EVAL self.spec.allocTypes.put(name, NIL); Wr.PutText(wr, "VAR result:" & name & ":=NewPT(self.allocate_" & name & ",TYPECODE(" & name & "));BEGIN BEGIN\n "); Wr.PutText(wr, FixTheBody(self, BracedCode.GetAhead(rd), 0, NIL)); Wr.PutText(wr, "\n END;RETURN result;END"); cur := Rd.Index(rd); END PrintAlloc; PROCEDUREFixTheBody (self: Self; body: TEXT; argCount: INTEGER;rd:Rd.T): TEXT = VAR argUsed := NEW(REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN, argCount+1); cur, last, save: INTEGER := 0; c: CHAR; wr := TextWr.New(); pre: TEXT := ""; PROCEDURE DoVal() = BEGIN IF cur = Text.Length(body) OR Text.GetChar(body, cur) # '.' THEN Wr.PutText(wr, ".val"); END; END DoVal; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO LAST(argUsed^) DO argUsed[i] := FALSE; END; WHILE cur # Text.Length(body) DO cur := Text.FindChar(body, '$', last); IF cur = -1 THEN cur := Text.Length(body); END; Wr.PutText(wr, Text.Sub(body, last, cur-last)); IF cur < Text.Length(body) THEN INC(cur); IF cur = Text.Length(body) THEN c := ' '; ELSE c := Text.GetChar(body, cur); END; CASE c OF | '1'..'9' => save := cur; Wr.PutChar(wr, 'n'); WHILE cur < Text.Length(body) AND Text.GetChar(body, cur) IN CharRange.Digit DO Wr.PutChar(wr, Text.GetChar(body, cur)); INC(cur); END; save := Scan.Int(Text.Sub(body, save, cur-save)); IF save > argCount THEN FileRdErr.E(rd, "parameter out of range: $" & Fmt.Int(save)); END; argUsed[save] := TRUE; DoVal(); | 'R' => PrintAlloc(self, body, cur, wr); | '$' => INC(cur); Wr.PutText(wr, "result"); DoVal(); ELSE Wr.PutText(wr, "self.getText()"); END; last := cur; END; END; FOR i := 1 TO argCount DO IF NOT argUsed[i] THEN pre := pre & "EVAL n" & Fmt.Int(i) & ";"; END; END; RETURN pre & TextWr.ToText(wr); END FixTheBody; PROCEDUREProcSubs (self: Self; form, body: TEXT; argCount: INTEGER; rd: Rd.T): TEXT = VAR subs := NEW(TextSubs.T).init(); BEGIN (* Term.WrLn("ProcSubs: " & form & "/" & body); *) subs.add("\\\n", ""); subs.add("%body", FixTheBody(self, body, argCount, rd)); subs.add("%yaccName", self.spec.methMN); RETURN subs.apply(form); END ProcSubs; PROCEDUREParseProc (p: SelfPragma; rd: Rd.T) = VAR self := p.self; name, mn, bodyform := ""; c: CHAR; frag: TEXT; argCount: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE Rd.GetChar(rd) IN CharRange.WhiteSpace DO END; Rd.UnGetChar(rd); REPEAT c := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF c IN CharRange.AlphaNum THEN name := name & Text.FromChar(c);END; UNTIL NOT c IN CharRange.AlphaNum; IF c = '{' THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd);END; frag := BracedCode.GetAhead(rd); IF c = ':' THEN IF Text.Length(frag) # 0 THEN EVAL self.spec.types.get(name, mn); self.type.add(name, " " & name & " = " & mn & "." & name & " BRANDED \"" & self.spec.outMN & "." & name & "\"" & " OBJECT\n " & frag & "\n END;\n", rd); frag := InitGen.Get("\n result.%name :=%val;",frag); IF self.spec.kind # 'y' THEN IF NOT Text.Equal(frag, "") THEN FileRdErr.E(rd,"Token fields cannot be automatically initialized"); END; END; self.secondPass.add("(*%TYPEINIT%" & name & "%*)",frag); END; IF self.spec.kind#'l' THEN self.typeExt := "_" & name;END; ELSE IF Text.Length(frag) # 0 THEN name := name & self.typeExt; EVAL self.spec.procs.get(name, bodyform); argCount := 0; EVAL self.spec.argCount.get(name, argCount); self.proc.add(name, ProcSubs(self, bodyform, frag, argCount,rd), rd); END; END; END ParseProc; PROCEDUREExtraOver (self: Self) = VAR argCount: INTEGER; proc, body, type: TEXT; iter := self.spec.procs.iterate(); BEGIN IF self.spec.kind = 'y' THEN WHILE, body) DO IF NOT self.proc.overridden(proc) THEN EVAL self.spec.retType.get(proc, type); EVAL self.spec.argCount.get(proc, argCount); IF self.type.overridden(type) THEN self.proc.add(proc, ProcSubs(self, body, "(* just allocating the new type *)", argCount, NIL), NIL); END; END; END; END; END ExtraOver; PROCEDUREParseSubs (p: SelfPragma; rd: Rd.T) = VAR prev: TEXT; BEGIN EVAL p.self.pragSubs.get(p.key, prev); EVAL p.self.pragSubs.put(p.key, prev & BracedCode.Match(rd)); Rd.UnGetChar(rd); (* PragmaRead will eat the '}' *) END ParseSubs; PROCEDUREParse (from: Rd.T; READONLY spec: LoadSpec.Info): T = VAR prag := NEW(PragmaRead.T).init(); subs := NEW(TextSubs.T).init(); self := NEW(Self, secondPass := NEW(TextSubs.T).init(), type := NEW(Override.T).init(spec.types), proc := NEW(Override.T).init(spec.procs), spec := spec, pragSubs := NEW(TextTextTbl.Default).init()); parseProc := NEW(SelfPragma, self := self, do := ParseProc); import := NEW(Import.T).init(); PROCEDURE SubsPrags() = VAR pragma := ExtSection.GetText(spec.kind, ExtSection.T.Pragma); cur := NEW(TextReader.T).init(pragma).shatter("\t\n ","",TRUE); parseSubs: SelfPragma; BEGIN WHILE cur # NIL DO EVAL self.pragSubs.put(cur.head, ""); parseSubs := NEW(SelfPragma, self := self, key := cur.head, do := ParseSubs); prag.add(parseSubs, cur.head); cur := cur.tail; END; END SubsPrags; PROCEDURE PragSubs() = VAR iter := self.pragSubs.iterate(); key, value: TEXT; BEGIN WHILE, value) DO subs.add(key, value); END; END PragSubs; PROCEDURE AllocFmt(form: TEXT): TEXT = VAR subs: TextSubs.T; iter := self.spec.allocTypes.iterate(); name, dummy: TEXT; wr := TextWr.New(); BEGIN WHILE, dummy) DO subs := NEW(TextSubs.T).init(); (* subs.add("%tok", self.spec.tokMN); *) subs.add("%name", name); Wr.PutText(wr, subs.apply(form)); END; RETURN TextWr.ToText(wr); END AllocFmt; BEGIN prag.add(parseProc, "%proc"); prag.add(parseProc, ""); SubsPrags(); (* add pragmas that substitute text *) prag.apply(from); (* read input *) PragSubs(); (* make substitutions collected by SubsPrags *) ExtraOver(self); (* override remaining procs returning ext types *) subs.add("\\\n",""); subs.add("%gen","(* generated by kext *)"); self.type.importRemaining(); subs.add("%gnTypes", self.type.getText()); subs.add("%gnProcs", self.secondPass.apply(self.proc.getText())); subs.add("%ovr", self.proc.getProcAssignText()); subs.add("%tok", spec.tokMN); subs.add("%name", spec.outMN); subs.add("%orig", spec.orig); subs.add("%tokOrig", spec.tokOrig); subs.add("%tkimp", subs.apply(ExtSection.Res("extform.tokimport.i3"))); import.addModule(spec.tokMN); IF spec.methMN # NIL THEN import.addModule(spec.methMN); subs.add("%meth", spec.methMN); END; subs.add("%import", import.toDeclaration()); subs.add("%alloc",AllocFmt(" allocate_%name: Allocator := NIL;\n")); subs.add("%purge",AllocFmt("\n + Purge(self.allocate_%name)")); RETURN subs; END Parse; BEGIN END ExtBody.