The FmtBuf
interface provides functionality similar to the Fmt
interface, but the formatted result is written into a user-supplied
character buffer, rather than being returned as a TEXT
INTERFACEEach of these routines has the same specification as the corresponding routine in theFmtBuf ; IMPORT Fmt, Word; IMPORT Real AS R, LongReal AS LR, Extended AS ER; TYPE T = ARRAY OF CHAR; Base = Fmt.Base; Style = Fmt.Style;
interface, except that they write the result into
the character buffer b
and return the number of characters written.
A checked run-time error occurs if the buffer b
is not large enough
to hold the result. See the FmtBufF
interface for an analysis of a
conservative upper-bound on the required buffer size.
PROCEDURE Int(VAR (*OUT*) b: T; n: INTEGER; base: Base := 10): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE Unsigned(VAR (*OUT*) b: T; n: Word.T; base: Base := 16): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE Real( VAR (*OUT*) b: T; x: REAL; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := R.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE) : CARDINAL; PROCEDURE LongReal( VAR (*OUT*) b: T; x: LONGREAL; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := LR.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE) : CARDINAL; PROCEDURE Extended( VAR (*OUT*) b: T; x: EXTENDED; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := ER.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE) : CARDINAL; END FmtBuf.