
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation.       
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Last modified on Thu Jul 14 11:37:56 PDT 1994 by mcjones 

The FS interface provides persistent storage (files) and naming (directories). \index{directory}


IMPORT OSError, File, Pathname, Time;

PROCEDURE GetAbsolutePathname(p: Pathname.T): Pathname.T
   RAISES {OSError.E};
Return an absolute pathname referring to the same file or directory as p.
 The new pathname will not involve any symbolic links or relative
   arcs (that is, occurrences of Pathname.Parent or
   \index{absolute pathname!from relative pathname}

The procedures OpenFile and OpenFileReadonly look up a pathname and return a file handle, which is an object allowing a file to be read and perhaps written. The returned value will be of some subtype of File.T, depending on the kind of object named by p. If the object is a regular file, the type will be RegularFile.T. If the object is a terminal, the type will be Terminal.T. Other, system-specific subtypes are also possible. Under appropriate conditions, OpenFile can create a new regular file. OSError.E is raised if the pathname passed to OpenFile or OpenFileReadonly is that of a directory.

  CreateOption = {Never, Ok, Always};
  AccessOption = {OnlyOwnerCanRead, ReadOnly, Default};

    p: Pathname.T;
    truncate: BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    create: CreateOption := CreateOption.Ok;
    template: File.T := NIL;
    access: AccessOption := AccessOption.Default): File.T
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Return an object permitting writing and reading an existing or newly-created file named p.
 Suppose p names an existing regular file.  If create = Always,
   then OSError.E is raised.  Otherwise, the existing file is
   opened, after truncating it to zero size if truncate = TRUE.

On the other hand, suppose the file named by p does not exist. If create = Never, then OSError.E is raised. Otherwise, a new file is created. Normally the new file is a regular file, but some implementations may determine the type of the new file from the identity of the directory in which it is being created. The access control settings of the new file are set using the values of template and access. If template # NIL, then access is ignored and the new file is given the same per-file access control settings as template. If template = NIL, the file's access control settings are determined by an implementation-defined default value, with possible restrictions determined by the value of access:

\begin{description} \item[OnlyOwnerCanRead] read access is allowed only by this user \item[ReadOnly] write access is allowed to no one (except via the File.T returned by this call of OpenFile) \item[Default] the default applies with no restrictions. \end{description} \index{creating a file} \index{file!creation}

A newly-created file f has

      buffer(f) = stable(f) = empty sequence
      mtime(f) = current time
      locked(f) = Process.NullID
OpenFile doesn't change mtime(f) of an existing file f.

If OpenFile returns a regular file handle, say h, then its initial state will be:

      type(h) = RegularFile.FileType
      readable(h) = writable(h) = TRUE
      cur(h) = 0
      file(h) = file with pathname p
To append to an existing file, perform the call

      EVAL, 0)
after opening h.

PROCEDURE OpenFileReadonly(p: Pathname.T): File.T
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Return an object permitting reading the file named by p.
 If p names a regular file, the call OpenFileReadonly(p) returns
   a file handle h with

      type(h) = Atom.FromText("RegularFile")
      readable(h) = TRUE
      writable(h) = FALSE
      cur(h) = 0
      file(h) = file with pathname p

PROCEDURE CreateDirectory(p: Pathname.T) RAISES {OSError.E};
Create a directory named by p.

PROCEDURE DeleteDirectory(p: Pathname.T) RAISES {OSError.E};
Delete the directory named by p. OSError.E is raised if the directory contains entries (other than perhaps Pathname.Current and Pathname.Parent).

PROCEDURE DeleteFile(p: Pathname.T)
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Delete the file or device named by p. OSError.E is raised if p names a directory.
 Note: Under Win32, DeleteFile raises OSError.E if p is open.
   Under POSIX, an open file may be deleted; the file doesn't actually
   disappear until every link (pathname) for it is deleted. 

PROCEDURE Rename(p0, p1: Pathname.T)
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Rename the file or directory named p0 as p1.
 Some implementations automatically delete an existing file named
   p1, others raise OSError.E.  Some implementations disallow a
   rename where p0 and p1 name different physical storage devices
   (different root directories or file systems).  

  Iterator <: PublicIterator;
  PublicIterator = OBJECT METHODS
    next(VAR (*OUT*) name: TEXT): BOOLEAN;
    nextWithStatus(VAR (*OUT*) name: TEXT;
      VAR (*OUT*) stat: File.Status): BOOLEAN RAISES {OSError.E};

VAR (*CONST*) DirectoryFileType: File.Type;
Equal to {\tt Atom.FromText("Directory").}

PROCEDURE Iterate(p: Pathname.T): Iterator
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Return an iterator for the entries of the directory named by p.
 An Iterator supplies information about the entries in a
   directory: names and, optionally, status.  The iteration does not
   include entries corresponding to Pathname.Current or

The methods have the following specifications:

If more entries remain, the call sets n to the name of the next one and returns TRUE. It returns FALSE without setting n if no more entries remain.

If more entries remain, the call i.nextWithStatus(n, s) sets n to the name of the next one, sets s to the status of that entry, and returns TRUE. The value of s.type is DirectoryFileType if the entry is a directory. The call returns FALSE without setting n or s if no more entries remain.

The call i.close() releases the resources used by i, after which time it is a checked runtime error to use i. Every iterator should be closed.

You iterate over the entries in a directory with code like this:

        i := FS.Iterate(pathname);
        name: TEXT;
          WHILE DO
            Process name
Use nextWithStatus instead of next if you would otherwise call Status (or the File.T status method) on most of the entries (in some implementations, nextWithStatus requires an extra disk access).

What can be assumed if a directory is being updated concurrently with an iteration? An entry that is not inserted or deleted will occur in the iteration at least once, and an entry that occurs in the iteration must have been in the directory at some moment.

PROCEDURE Status(p: Pathname.T): File.Status
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Return information about the file or directory named by p.
 Possible values of stat.type include

      FS.DirectoryFileType (a directory)
      RegularFile.FileType (a disk file)
      Terminal.FileType (a terminal)
If p is a disk file, stat.modificationTime and stat.size will be set.

See also the status method of File.T and the nextWithStatus method of Iterator.

PROCEDURE SetModificationTime(
    p: Pathname.T;
    READONLY t: Time.T)
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Change the modification time of the file or directory named by p to t.


FS's implementation is in: