
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Fri Jul 15 13:48:55 PDT 1994 by mcjones 
      modified on Fri Jan 15 17:25:01 PST 1993 by mjordan 

A RegularFile.T, or regular file handle, provides access to a persistent extensible sequence of bytes.

INTERFACE RegularFile;

IMPORT File, OSError;

  T <: Public;
  Public = File.T OBJECT METHODS
    seek(origin: Origin; offset: INTEGER): INTEGER
      RAISES {OSError.E};
    flush() RAISES {OSError.E};
    lock(): BOOLEAN RAISES {OSError.E};
    unlock() RAISES {OSError.E}
  Origin = {Beginning, Current, End};

VAR (*CONST*) FileType: File.Type;
Equal to {\tt Atom.FromText("RegularFile").}

END RegularFile.
Like every File.T, a regular file handle h has the components

      type(h)      an atom, equal to FileType
      readable(h)  a boolean
      writable(h)  a boolean
A regular file handle h also has the components

      cur(h)       an integer, the index of the next byte to read or write
      file(h)      the identity of a regular file
There may be distinct regular file handles h1 and h2 with file(h1) equal to file(h2), and more than one process may hold a single regular file handle (see Process.Create).

A regular file (not a handle) f has the components

      buffer(f)  an extensible byte sequence
      stable(f)  an extensible byte sequence
      mtime(f)   a Time.T, the last modification time
      locked(f)  a Process.ID
The sequences buffer(f) and stable(f) are zero-based and always have the same length. stable(f) represents the contents of the file on the disk or other persistent storage medium, while buffer(f) represents write-behind caching performed by the operating system. From time to time, a daemon performs

      WITH i = some integer i in the range [0..len(buffer(f))-1] DO
        stable(f)[i] := buffer(f)[i]
The methods described in this interface are atomic with respect to the daemon.

The meaning of the call, mayBlock)
is given by the specification of together with these definitions, where f = file(h):

      src(h)    = buffer(f)
      srcCur(h) = cur(h)
      srcEof(h) = TRUE
Because srcEof(h) is always TRUE, read never blocks. However, a subsequent read can return more data if an interleaved write extends buffer(f). If cur(h) is negative (because of a prior seek), read raises OSError.E.

The meaning of the call

is given by the specification of File.T.write together with these definitions, where f = file(h):

      snk(h)    = buffer(f)
      snkCur(h) = cur(h)
In addition, write sets mtime(file(h)) to the current time. If write is called when cur(h) > size(f) (because of a prior seek), it extends f with bytes of undefined value. If cur(h) is negative, write raises OSError.E.

The call

is equivalent to the following, in which stat is a local variable of type Status:

      stat.type := FileType;
      stat.modificationTime := mtime(file(h));
      stat.size := len(buffer(file(h)));
      RETURN stat
The call, offset)
is equivalent to

      CASE origin OF
        Origin.Beginning => cur(h) := offset
      | Origin.Current => cur(h) := cur(h)+offset
      | Origin.End => cur(h) := len(buffer(file(h)))+offset
      RETURN cur(h)
Note that seek never changes the length of the file, although a subsequent write may do so. Use the call, 0) to determine cur(h) without changing it.

The call

is equivalent to

      WITH f = file(h) DO
        FOR i := 0 TO len(buffer(f))-1 DO
          stable(f)[i] := buffer(f)[i]
The call

extends the normal action of the close method with

      IF locked(file(h) = Process.GetMyID() THEN
        locked(file(h)) := Process.NullID
If the file h is not already locked by the calling process (i.e., if locked(file(h)) # Process.GetMyID()), the call

is equivalent to:

      IF locked(file(h)) = Process.NullID THEN
        locked(file(h)) := Process.GetMyID();
      ELSIF locked(file(h)) = Process.GetMyID() THEN
In the event that h is already locked by the calling process, the result of h.lock() is implementation-dependent. However, clients can work around the undefined nature of the operation in this case by keeping track of locked(file(h)) explicitly.

The call

is equivalent to:

      IF locked(file(h)) # Process.GetMyID() THEN
        RAISE OSError.E
      locked(file(h)) := Process.NullID
Some implementations raise an exception if a process tries to read or write a file locked by another process. You should treat this as a checked runtime error rather than writing code to catch and recover from the exception; the same applies to unlocking a file that you didn't lock.

You lock a file with code like

        MaxTry = 3;
        RetryInterval = 5.0D0;
      VAR try := 1;
        WHILE NOT h.lock() DO
          IF try=MaxTry THEN Give up END;
        TRY Read or write h FINALLY h.unlock() END
The regular file underlying a regular file handle is monitored, thus allowing concurrent operations. We leave unspecified the unit of atomicity for reads and writes, so a set of processes sharing a file that needs to be updated should use the lock and unlock methods. A regular file handle itself should be treated as unmonitored. A client thread typically needs to perform a seek followed by a read or write as an atomic unit, which can be implemented with a mutex in the client.