Last Modified On Fri May 29 16:53:29 PDT 1992 by muller
INTERFACEThis interface provides procedures to start performance tools.PerfTool ; IMPORT Rd, Wr, Text;
PROCEDURE Start (name: Text.T; VAR rd: Rd.T; VAR wr: Wr.T): BOOLEAN; (* start the tool name. If the operation is successful, return true; rd is a reader connected to stdout of the tool; wr is a writer connected to stdin of the tool. If the operation fails, return false. *) PROCEDURE StartAndWait (name: Text.T; VAR rd: Rd.T; VAR wr: Wr.T): BOOLEAN; (* start the tool name. If the operation is successul, wait until the tool writes a character to its stdout and return TRUE; rd is a reader connected to stdout of the tool; wr is a writer connected to stdin of the tool. If the operation fails, return FALSE. *) PROCEDURE ParamStart (param: Text.T; VAR rd: Rd.T; wr: Wr.T): BOOLEAN; (* If the Modula runtime parameter "param" is not set, just return FALSE. Otherwise, use the value of that parameter to determine the name of the tool: it is the name of the parameter if its value is "", it is the value otherwise. Return Start (name, rd, wr). *) PROCEDURE ParamStartAndWait (param: Text.T; VAR rd: Rd.T; VAR wr: Wr.T): BOOLEAN; (* If the Modula runtime parameter "param" is not set, just return FALSE. Otherwise, use the value of that parameter to determine the name of the tool: it is the name of the parameter if its value is "", it is the value otherwise. Return StartAndWait (name, rd, wr). *) END PerfTool.