

* For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre * ( or Steven Feiner ( * at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University, * 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027. * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the * City of New York. Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department. *

ConvertPacking is a module that provides assistance in converting a data value from one representation to another, where the representations are represented by RTPacking.Ts.

When an instance of ConvertPacking.T is initialized, an internal program is created describing how to convert an instance of type typecode from memory format from to memory format to.

When a conversion is desired, convert should be called. The first parameter to convert is the address of the data area to be filled in. It should be an address of the sort returned by RTHeap.GetDataAdr(ref). The remaining two parameters are used during the conversion process. The first is called to acquire data from the source. The second is used to fill in references: it is up to the caller to provide a suitable reference each time getRef is called.


IMPORT RTPacking, PklAction, Thread, Rd, Wr;


CONST Brand = "ConvertPacking 1.0";

  T <: Public;

    init(typecode: INTEGER; from: RTPacking.T; local: RTPacking.T;
         VAR (*OUT*) nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER): T RAISES {Error};
    getDim(VAR (*OUT*) nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER);
    convertRead(dest: ADDRESS; v: ReadVisitor;
                number: INTEGER): ADDRESS RAISES
        {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
    write(src: ADDRESS; v: WriteVisitor; number: INTEGER): ADDRESS RAISES
        {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
convert() will uses the visitor v to fill in the data area pointed to be dest. dest should point to the beginning of the data address of a traced reference type with typecode typecode. If typecode is an Open Array type, then the resulting converter will be set up to convert one instance of the open array element. Furthermore, init and getDim will return the number of dimensions and element packing of the open array. It is up to the caller to call convert the appropriate number of times with the correct address each time.

convert will call v.readData each time it needs some data from the conversion source, v.skipData to skip a number of data bytes from the source and v.readRef to obtain a reference. It returns the next address after the block of data filled in by the conversion.

write will write out a reference in the analogous manner to convert, without doing any conversions. It assumes the local data format is the local packing passed to init.

TYPE ReadVisitor <: RVPublic;
       readData(VAR data: ARRAY OF CHAR) RAISES
        {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
       skipData(length: INTEGER) RAISES
        {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
       readRef(type: RefType): REFANY RAISES
        {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
When v.readData is called, the array data should be filled in with bytes from the conversion source. When v.skipData is called, length data bytes in the conversion source should be skipped over.

TYPE WriteVisitor <: WVPublic;
       writeData(VAR data: ARRAY OF CHAR) RAISES
        {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
       skipData(length: INTEGER) RAISES
        {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
       writeRef(type: RefType; ref: REFANY) RAISES
        {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
When v.writeData is called, the array data should be writen output destination. When v.skipData is called, length data bytes in the destination should be skipped over.

  RefType = PklAction.RefType;  (* => {Ref, UntracedRef, Proc} *)
v.readRef or v.writeRef is called each time the convertRead or write methods (respectively) hit a reference data entry that needs to be dealt with. Because of the way Pickling works, the single RefType parameter is sufficient for the unpickling code to obtain the required reference.

PROCEDURE New(typecode: INTEGER; from: RTPacking.T; local: RTPacking.T;
              VAR (*OUT*) nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER): T
  RAISES {Error};
Same as NEW(T).init(typecode, from, to, nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack);
 These are the data conversions we currently support. 
  Kind = {Copy, Swap, Copy32to64, Copy64to32, Swap32to64, Swap64to32};

PROCEDURE GetWordKind(from: RTPacking.T; local: RTPacking.T): Kind;
The result is good for all ordinal types except LONGINT.

PROCEDURE GetLongintKind(from: RTPacking.T; local: RTPacking.T): Kind;
The result is good only for LONGINT.

END ConvertPacking.