
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation             
 Distributed only by permission.                          
 Last modified on Wed Feb 10 16:25:53 1993 by birrell 
      modified on Tue Dec  8 11:32:52 1992 by gnelson 

A {\it pickle} is a representation of a Modula-3 value as a stream of bytes. Writing a value as a pickle and then reading it back produces a value ``equivalent'' to the original value, in the sense that the value's non-ref fields have the same contents and that their REF and OBJECT fields are = in the same places. In other words, pickles preserve value, shape and sharing. You can write pickles for values that have cyclic references (such as doubly-linked lists), or that are arbitrary graph structures.

Pickles are used both to communicate values between two programs running at the same time and to store a value and reuse it in a program running later.

Pickles preserve ordinal values (integers and enumerations) exactly, automatically performing any byte-swapping that may be required. An exception is raised if a pickled ordinal value is too large to be represented in a program reading the pickle.

Pickles preserve floating point values as well as possible considering that the two machines may have different floating point representations.

Pickles do not preserve untraced references. Any untraced references will turn into NIL if they are pickled, regardless of their value.

Pickles preserve the names and signatures of procedures, but the code for the procedures can be different in the program writing the pickle and the program reading the pickle. Object methods are treated the same as procedures.

Sharing is preserved within pickles, but not between pickles.

Pickles are written and read by a single-pass algorithm that uses modest auxiliary tables and does not require a seekable stream.

For example, if you compile and run the following program:

      MODULE P1 EXPORTS Main;  IMPORT Pickle, IO;
        Pickle.Write(IO.OpenWrite("A.pickle"), NEW(T, val := 6))
      END P1.
and then in the same directory, you compile and run the following program:

      MODULE P2 EXPORTS Main; IMPORT Pickle, IO;
        VAR v: U := Pickle.Read(IO.OpenRead("A.pickle"));
        IO.Put(Fmt.Int(v.val) & "\n")
      END P2.
then P2 will read the pickle written by P1 and will print 6. Notice that the type of the pickled reference was named differently in P1 and P2; but this doesn't present any problem, since Modula-3 uses structural equivalence.

If you pickle a BRANDED REF INTEGER, there is no guarantee that you will be able to read it back as a BRANDED REF INTEGER, since the implicit brand can vary from program to program. Therefore, you should use explicit brands in types that will be pickled.

SRC/PM3/EXM3 Incompatibility notes:

1. Pickles written by programs compiled by SRC, PM3, or EZM3 are not generally readable by CM3-compiled programs because of byte-order differences in the writing of fingerprints in pickles. These differences are probably also endian-dependent.

2. In CM3, for a type recorded in a pickle to be readable, the type must be declared in the EXPORT/IMPORT closure of the main program. This is more restrictive than in SRC/PM3/EZM3, where it is enough that the type be declared in an interface or module named in the m3makefile. Thus, porting code that uses pickles from PM3 to CM3 could require adding new IMPORTs.


IMPORT Rd, Thread, Wr;


PROCEDURE Write(wr: Wr.T; ref: REFANY)
    RAISES {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Trace the data structure reachable via traced references from ref, convert it into a pickle, and write the pickle to wr, starting at the current position of wr and leaving wr positioned after the last byte written.
    RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Read a pickle from rd, reconstruct a copy of the pickled data structure, and return it. The bytes to be read start at rd's current position; rd is left positioned after the last byte consumed.
 Most people should go no further.  The remainder of the 
   interface allows you to customize the pickling and unpickling
   of selected types.  There are two ways of doing this: you
   can override the methods of objects called {\it pickle writers}
   and {\it pickle readers}, or you can register {\it specials}
   for particular types.  Several examples are presented
   after the end of the interface.

\paragraph{Pickle writers and readers.} A Pickle.Writer is an object whose write method writes pickles to the writer stored in its wr data field. You can override the write method to produce special effects.

  TypeCode = INTEGER;
Used to represent types of allocated objects. A TypeCode value is valid within a single execution of a single program. There are methods in Writer and Reader objects for writing and reading program-independent representations of a TypeCode.
  Writer <: WriterPublic;
  WriterPublic = OBJECT
      wr: Wr.T;
      write(r: REFANY) RAISES
        {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
      writeType(tc: TypeCode) RAISES
        {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
      writeInt(i: INTEGER) RAISES
        {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
If w is a Pickle.Writer, then w.write(r) traces the data structure reachable via traced references from r, converts it into a pickle, and writes the pickle to w.wr, starting at the current position of w.wr and leaving w.wr positioned after the last byte written.

The default method w.write(r) behaves as follows:

\begin{itemize} \item If r=NIL, write a representation of NIL on w.wr.

\item Otherwise if r has been previously written to the current pickle, write the index of r in this pickle on w.wr.

\item Otherwise, find the Special (as defined below) for the closest supertype of r's allocated type for which a special has been registered. Let sp be this special (note that there always is such a special, since the implementation registers a special for REFANY). Call writeType(, then write a representation of TYPECODE(r), then invoke sp.write(r, w). \end{itemize}

The call w.writeType(tc) writes bytes on w.wr to represent the type tc in a program-independent fashion. These bytes are a fingerprint: fingerprints have the property that if two Modula-3 types are equivalent, then their fingerprints are equal; and with extremely hight probability, if their fingerprints are equal then they are equivalent. Note that the implementation of this method optimizes so that if a type is written to a pickle many times, occurences after the first typically occupy only one byte.

The call w.writeInt(i) writes bytes on w.wr to represent the integer i in a platform-independent fashion. In particular, the readInt method of a subsequent Pickle.Reader can read the integer correctly, even if executed on a platform with different byte order or integer size (if possible).

A Pickle.Writer may be serially re-used to pickle multiple objects.

The call Pickle.Write(wr, ref) is equivalent to (but more efficient than) the following:

      NEW(Pickle.Writer, wr := wr).write(ref)
A Pickle.Reader is an object whose read method reads pickles from the reader stored in its rd data field. You can override the read method to produce special effects.

  Reader <: ReaderPublic;
  ReaderPublic = OBJECT
      rd: Rd.T;
      read(): REFANY RAISES
        {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
      readType(): TypeCode RAISES
        {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
      readInt(): INTEGER RAISES
        {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
      noteRef(ref: REFANY; id: RefID);
If r is a Pickle.Reader, then reads a pickle from r.rd, reconstructs a copy of the pickled data structure, and returns it. The bytes to be read start at r.rd's current position; r.rd is left positioned after the last byte consumed.

The default method behaves as follows:

\begin{itemize} \item If r.rd contains a representation of NIL, consume those bytes and return NIL.

\item Otherwise, if r.rd contains the index of a previously read value in this pickle, consume those bytes and return that value.

\item Otherwise compute sc = readType(), and proceed as follows. Find the registered special sp (as defined below) whose field equals sc. Read the representation of a type code ac from r.rd. Let id be the index that the result of this method will have in the pickle. Invoke, r, id), call r.noteRef(result, id), and return the result. Note that in the default case sp will be RootSpecial(), defined below. \end{itemize}

In order to implement the second case above, the Pickle.Reader maintains a table mapping indexes to references. In simple cases this table can be maintained entirely by the method, which places the result of the invocation into the table. But if the value being unpickled will contain an occurence of its own reference (the second case above), the reference must be placed in the table before unpickling that occurence. To do so, the special's read method must call r.noteRef before any such occurrence. More exactly, a special's read method must call r.noteRef before any occurrence of the ref that the read method will return, giving noteRef the reference and the refID that was a parameter of the read method. If there is no such occurrence, the special need not (but may) call r.noteRef. It is a checked runtime error to call r.noteRef with a value other than the value that will be returned by the special's read method; it is OK to call r.noteRef multiple times with the same value.

The call r.readType reads bytes from r.rd that represent a type, as written by the writeType method of a Writer, and converts them into a typecode valid in the current execution of the current program. If there is no such type, or if the bytes couldn't correspond to ones written by the writeType method, raises Pickle.Error.

The call r.readInt reads bytes from r.rd that represent an integer, as written by a writer's writeInt method, and converts them into an integer, taking into consideration reperesentation differences such as byte order and integer length. It raises Pickle.Error if the integer cannot be represented on this machine.

A Pickle.Reader may be serially re-used to unpickle multiple objects.

The call Read(rd) is equivalent to (but more efficient than) the following:

      RETURN NEW(Reader, rd := rd).read();
\paragraph{Specials.} Specials provide for customized pickling of specified data types on every call of read or write in this process. A client can achieve this effect for individual calls of read or write by using a sub-class of Pickle.Reader or Pickle.Writer, and checking for that sub-class (using TYPECASE) inside the special. The implementation of this interface registers a special for the type REFANY; this is special is the value of a call NEW(Special), i.e. its methods are the default methods of the type Special. There are three constraints on the methods of a special:

\begin{itemize} \item the methods must leave the Rd.T or Wr.T positioned after the last byte read or written;

\item the read method must consume the number of bytes written by the write method;

\item the read method must produce a value equivalent to the one that was given to the write method. \end{itemize}

If these rules are violated, the result could be either a checked runtime error or an invalid result from reading a pickle.

There are many ways to program a special. For example, the write method could modify the value and then call the root special. Or the write method could create a related value and call writer.write or Special.write. Or it could write some data fields individually and call writer.write for selected sub-values of its value. Or it could use mixtures of these techniques.

  SpecialPublic = OBJECT
      prev: SpecialPublic := NIL;
      sc: TypeCode;
      write(ref: REFANY; writer: Writer)
        RAISES {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
      read(reader: Reader; id: RefID): REFANY
        RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure,
  Special <: SpecialPublic;
The special's write method should write a representation of ref's contents on wr, in a manner analogous to the default Special.write method. The value ref is not NIL and its allocated type is a sub-type of sc.

The default write method calls writer.writeType(TYPECODE(ref)), then writes on writer.wr the bytes of ref's untraced data fields, then calls writer.write(x) for each traced value x directly contained in ref.

The special's read method must return an appropriate value read from rd. If the value might involve a reference to itself, the special must pass the value and id to r.noteRef before the first such occurrence of the value. In other situations the special need not (but may) call r.noteRef. See the earlier discussion of the method.

The result of the read method must be a value acceptable in the context where the method is being invoked. For example, if the method is being invoked to read the contents of a field of a record, the result must be assignable to the declared type of the field. It is always correct to return a value of the same type as the value that was written when the pickle was created, but a sub-type might be acceptable too.

The default read method reads a typecode tc by calling reader.readType(), allocates a value whose type-code is tc, passes the allocated value to the reader's noteRef method, reads the bytes of its untraced data fields from reader.rd, then for each directly contained traced reference calls and assigns the result into the appropriate field of the allocated value; finally it returns the value.

Note that the special's methods can use the writeType and readType methods of the Writer or Reader to record relevant type information. For example they could record the allocated type of the value being pickled in the same way as the default methods do, or they could record more extensive type information if available, such as the entire type ancestry of the value's type.

PROCEDURE RegisterSpecial(sp: Special);
Register sp as the special for pickling and unpickling objects having type code
 After you call RegisterSpecial(sp), the special sp will be
   called from a Pickle.Writer's write method, or a
   Pickle.Reader's read method, to pickle or unpickle objects
   whose type is, or whose type is a sub-type of
   and has no closer registered special.  It is a checked runtime
   error to register a special sp when there is already a
   special registered with the same  There is always a
   special registered for REFANY that special's methods are
   the default methods of the type Special. 

PROCEDURE ReRegisterSpecial(sp: Special);
ReRegister sp as the special for pickling and unpickling objects having type code Registering means that, unlike with RegisterSpecial, a special can already exist for sp. It will be saved in sp.prev and can be called by the read and write methods of sp.
END Pickle2.
\paragraph{Examples.} For example, suppose you are writing a pickle that contains many references of type TEXT, and you want to modify the pickling process so that any texts that are Text.Equal will share storage. (By default, texts in the pickle will share storage if and only if they shared storage in the original data structure.) Of course this modification will mean that the unpickled value will have more sharing than the original value. A simple way to achieve this is to build the following subtype of Pickle.Writer:

      TYPE WriterP = Pickle.Writer OBJECT
        tbl: TxtTxtTbl.T
        init(): WriterP := InitP
        write := WriteP
      PROCEDURE WriteP(self: WriterP; r: REFANY)
        RAISES {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} =
        VAR txt: TEXT;
          IF ISTYPE(r, TEXT) THEN
            IF self.tbl.get(r, txt) THEN 
              r := txt
              EVAL self.tbl.put(r, r)
          Pickle.Writer.write(self, r)
        END WriteP;
      PROCEDURE InitP(self: WriterP): WriterP =
          self.tbl := NEW(TxtTxtTbl.T).init()
          RETURN self
        END InitP;
The WriterP object keeps a table with an entry for every text that has been encountered in the pickle. When the method WriteP encounters a reference r of type TEXT, it checks if the table contains a text txt that is Text.Equal to r. (A TxtTxtTbl.T considers two texts to be the same key if they are Text.Equal.) If so, txt is pickled instead of r; if not, r is entered into the table so that if any text is later encountered that is Text.Equal to r, then r will be pickled in its place. In either case, the subtype method WriteP delegates the actual work of writing the bytes into the pickle to its supertype method Pickle.Writer.write.

Given the program above, you can pickle a data structure ref to the writer wr, identifying texts that have the same contents, with:

       NEW(WriterP, wr := wr).init()(ref)
For this example, no special processing is necessary when reading; you just use an ordinary Pickle.Reader, or a normal call to Pickle.Read.

Next we consider a simple example of the use of specials. Suppose that you have a type defined by

in which the tc field represents a Modula-3 typecode. Since typecodes are address-space specific, it is necessary to translate the tc field so that it represents the same Modula-3 type in the address space reading the pickle as it did in the address space that wrote the pickle. This is achieved by using the procedures RTTypeFP.ToFingerPrint and RTTypeFP.FromFingerprint, which translate between typecodes and type fingerprints. A type fingerprint is a 64-bit hash value that with high probability identifies a Modula-3 type in an address-space independent way. A fingerprint is represented as an ARRAY [0..7] OF [0..255].

Here is one way to register specials for type T:

      TYPE TSpecial = Pickle.Special OBJECT
          write := WriteT;
          read := ReadT
      PROCEDURE WriteT(
          self: TSpecial; 
          ref: REFANY; 
          wr: Pickle.Writer)
        RAISES {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} =
          t: T := ref; 
          fp := RTTypeFP.ToFingerPrint(; 
          FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO 
            Wr.PutChar(wr.wr, VAL(fp[i], CHAR)) 
        END WriteT;
      PROCEDURE ReadT(
          ac: INTEGER; 
          rd: Pickle.Reader; 
          id: RefID): REFANY
        RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, 
                Thread.Alerted} =
        VAR fp: ARRAY [0..7] OF [0..255]; res: T; BEGIN
          FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO 
            fp[i] := ORD(Rd.GetChar(rd.rd)) 
          res := NEW(t, tc := RTTypeFP.FromFingerprint(fp));
          rd.noteRef(res, id);
          res.ref :=;
          RETURN res
        END ReadT;
        NEW(TSpecial, tc := TYPECODE(T)))
It is important to understand the call to rd.noteRef made by the special's read method. The effect of the call is to make an entry in the pickle reader's table recording that res is the reference associated with id. This is essential because the recursive call to might encounter additional instances of id, if some value t of type T is reachable from its own t.ref field.

As a final example, suppose that T is an object instead of a REF RECORD:

The solution above still works for objects whose allocated type is T, but it doesn't work for objects whose allocated type is a subtype of T that has additional fields. Here are new methods for the special that automatically handle subtypes (assuming that any additional fields do not themselves require non-standard translation):

      PROCEDURE WriteT(
          self: TSpecial; 
          ref: REFANY; 
          wr: Pickle.Writer)
        RAISES {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} =
          t: T := ref; 
          fp := RTTypeFP.ToFingerPrint(; 
          FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO 
            Wr.PutChar(wr.wr, VAL(fp[i], CHAR)) 
          Special.write(t, wr)
        END WriteT;
      PROCEDURE ReadT(
          ac: INTEGER; 
          rd: Pickle.Reader; 
          id: RefID): REFANY
        RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, 
                Thread.Alerted} =
          fp: ARRAY [0..7] OF [0..255]; 
          res: T; 
          FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO 
            fp[i] := ORD(Rd.GetChar(rd.rd)) 
          res := Special.Read(ac, rd, id);
 := RTTypeFP.FromFingerprint(fp);
          RETURN res
        END ReadT;
In this case the special uses the root special to transmit the whole object in the usual way. The write special also sends the fingerprint, which the read special uses to fix up the typecode. Notice that with this strategy, the call to rd.noteRef is not required.