
 Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                             
 Distributed only by permission.                                           
 Last modified on Sun Sep 18 18:17:49 PDT 1994 by heydon                   

where PQ = PQueue(Priority).

REVEAL PQ.Default <: DefaultPub;

  EltsArray = REF ARRAY OF PQ.Elt;

  DefaultPub = PQ.DefaultPub OBJECT
    sz: CARDINAL := 0;                   (* number of elements in heap *)
    heap: EltsArray := NIL;      (* elements stored in heap[] *)

END PQueueRep.
A PQueue.Default is represented by a data structure called a {\it heap}. A heap is a complete binary tree in which each node has a priority at least that of its parent. Hence, the root of the tree has minimal priority.

A priority queue pq: PQueue.Default is {\it valid} (written Valid(pq)) iff pq.heap # NIL. The methods init(pq, sizeHint) and fromArray(pq, e) establish Valid(pq), and all of the other methods beside pCompare require Valid(pq).

A valid priority queue pq: PQueue.Default satisfies the following invariants:

1. 0 <= <= LAST(pq.heap^)

2. (forall i: 1 < i <= sz: pq.pCompare(pq.heap[i DIV 2], pq.heap[i]) < 1)

The heap is represented by an array pq.heap, and a count pq.size of the number of elements in the heap. The pq.size elements are stored in the array entries pq.heap[1] through pq.heap[pq.size]. The element pq.heap[1] is the root of the heap, and the parent of element i is the element i DIV 2. The second invariant is the heap invariant: the priority of a non-root element is at least that of its parent.

For a complete description of priority queues, see Algorithms in Modula-3, Robert Sedgewick, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1993, Chapter 11.