
 Copyright (C) 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Wed Dec 15 15:06:26 PST 1993 by mcjones    
      modified on Sat Aug  3 00:54:38 1991 by kalsow         
      modified on Fri Aug 17 01:56:52 1990 by muller         

A FileRd.T, or file reader, is a reader on a File.T. \index{buffered file I/O} \index{file!buffered I/O}


IMPORT Rd, File, OSError, Pathname;

  T <: Public;
    init(h: File.T): T RAISES {OSError.E}
If r is a file reader and h is a file handle, the call r.init(h) initializes r so that reading r reads characters from h, and so that closing r closes h.
 If h is a regular file handle, r.init(h) causes r to be a
   nonintermittent, seekable reader and initializes cur(r) to

For any other file handle h, r.init(h) causes r to be an intermittent, nonseekable reader and initializes cur(r) to zero.

If a subsequent reader operation on r raises Rd.Failure, the associated exception argument is the AtomList.T argument accompanying an OSError.E exception from a file operation on h.

PROCEDURE Open(p: Pathname.T): T RAISES {OSError.E};
Return a file reader whose source is the file named p. If the file does not exist, OSError.E is raised with an implementation-defined code.
 The call Open(p) is equivalent to

      RETURN NEW(T).init(FS.OpenFileReadonly(p))

END FileRd.