Heap-ordered binary trees, with top-down updates. Reference: Cecilia Aragon and Raimund Seidel, FOCS 1989.
GENERIC MODULESortedTable (Key, Value, Tbl);
are types,Tbl=Table(Key, Value)
, andKey.Compare(READONLY k1, k2: Key.T): [-1..1]
is a total order.
IMPORT Random; TYPE Cmp = [-1 .. +1]; (* comparison: <, =, > *) TYPE Public = T OBJECT METHODS init(): Default; keyCompare(READONLY k1, k2: Key.T): Cmp; END; REVEAL Default = Public BRANDED DefaultBrand OBJECT h : Node; (* the root of the tree is h.hi *) rand : Random.T; (* used to generate priorities for heap *) sz : CARDINAL := 0; (* number of entries *) topL, topR : Node; (* used in SplitNode *) topNode : Node; (* used in Concat *) OVERRIDES get := Get; put := Put; delete := Delete; size := Size; iterate := Iterate; iterateOrdered := IterateOrdered; init := Init; keyCompare := KeyCompare END; TYPE Node = REF RECORD key : Key.T; value : Value.T; lo : Node := NIL; hi : Node := NIL; priority: INTEGER (* random num; tree is a heap on these *) END; CONST MaxPriority = LAST(INTEGER);
<*UNUSED*> PROCEDURE Validate (table: Default) RAISES {} = (* Check that the tree is a heap on priorities and that each node's key is greater than every key in its left subtree and less than every key in its right subtree.
VAR count := 0; PROCEDURE V (x : Node; (* not NIL *) parentPriority : INTEGER; lowerBound, upperBound: Key.T; checkLowerBound, checkUpperBound: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN INC(count); IF checkLowerBound THEN <* ASSERT table.keyCompare (lowerBound, x.key) = -1 *> END; IF checkUpperBound THEN <* ASSERT table.keyCompare (x.key, upperBound) = -1 *> END; <* ASSERT parentPriority >= x.priority *> IF x.lo # NIL THEN V (x.lo, x.priority, lowerBound, x.key, checkLowerBound, TRUE); END; IF x.hi # NIL THEN V (x.hi, x.priority, x.key, upperBound, TRUE, checkUpperBound); END END V; BEGIN <* ASSERT (table.h.priority = MaxPriority) AND (table.h.lo = NIL) *> IF table.h.hi # NIL THEN V(table.h.hi, MaxPriority, table.h.key, table.h.key, FALSE, FALSE) (* h.key is just a valid element of type Key.T; it never participates in a comparison *) END; <* ASSERT count = table.sz *> END Validate; *) PROCEDUREKeyCompare (<*UNUSED*> tbl: Default; READONLY k1, k2: Key.T): Cmp = BEGIN RETURN Key.Compare (k1, k2); END KeyCompare; PROCEDUREInit (tbl: Default): Default = BEGIN tbl.rand := NEW (Random.Default).init(); tbl.topL := NEW (Node); tbl.topR := NEW (Node); tbl.topNode := NEW (Node); tbl.h := NEW (Node, priority := MaxPriority); RETURN tbl END Init;
<*UNUSED*> PROCEDURE FindNode ( tbl : Default; READONLY k : Key.T; VAR(*OUT
f, x : Node): BOOLEAN = VAR cmp: Cmp; BEGIN f := tbl.h; x := f.hi; WHILE (x # NIL) DO cmp := tbl.keyCompare (k, x.key); IF cmp = 0 THEN RETURN TRUE; END; f := x; IF (cmp < 0) THEN x := x.lo; ELSE x := x.hi; END: END; RETURN FALSE; END FindNode; *) PROCEDUREGet ( tbl : Default; READONLY k : Key.T; VAR(*OUT*) v : Value.T): BOOLEAN = VAR x : Node := tbl.h.hi; cmp : Cmp; BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) DO cmp := tbl.keyCompare (k, x.key); IF cmp = 0 THEN v := x.value; RETURN TRUE; END; IF (cmp < 0) THEN x := x.lo; ELSE x := x.hi; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END Get; PROCEDURESplitNode ( tbl : Default; READONLY splitKey : Key.T; toSplit : Node; VAR (*OUT*) outL, outR: Node): BOOLEAN =
Split the subtree of tbl rooted at toSplit into two trees, composed of those nodes left of (with keys less than) splitKey and right of (with keys greater than) splitKey. Delete any node with key = splitKey that appears in the tree. Return TRUE iff a node with splitKey was present in the tree. Return the result subtrees in outL and outR. This is a destructive operation, so the caller should ensure that only one call to this procedure is active at any time.
Since SortedTable.T can be subtyped by a client, Split should not do a NEW; instead, the caller should pass in tables to be modified by Split. --PMcJ 11 Nov 92
VAR found : BOOLEAN := FALSE; x : Node := tbl.topL; (* Walk down left tree with this node *) y : Node := tbl.topR; (* Walk down right tree with this node *) BEGIN WHILE (toSplit # NIL) DO CASE tbl.keyCompare (toSplit.key, splitKey) OF | -1 => x.hi := toSplit; x := toSplit; toSplit := toSplit.hi; | 0 => found := TRUE; (* delete toSplit *) y.lo := toSplit.hi; y := toSplit; toSplit := toSplit.lo; | +1 => y.lo := toSplit; y := toSplit; toSplit := toSplit.lo; END; END; x.hi := NIL; y.lo := NIL; outL := tbl.topL.hi; outR := tbl.topR.lo; RETURN found; END SplitNode; PROCEDUREPut (tbl: Default; READONLY k: Key.T; READONLY v: Value.T): BOOLEAN = VAR cmp : Cmp := 1; (* initially, x is right child of f *) f : Node := tbl.h; (* father of x *) x : Node := f.hi; pri : INTEGER := tbl.rand.integer(0, LAST(INTEGER)); BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) AND (pri < x.priority) DO cmp := tbl.keyCompare (k, x.key); IF cmp = 0 THEN x.value := v; RETURN TRUE; END; f := x; IF (cmp < 0) THEN x := x.lo; ELSE x := x.hi; END; END; (* didn't find a match and we have a "big" heap priority => insert *) VAR new := NEW (Node, key := k, value := v, priority := pri); found := (x # NIL) AND SplitNode (tbl, k, x,new.lo,new.hi); BEGIN IF NOT found THEN INC(tbl.sz) END; IF (cmp < 0) THEN f.lo := new; ELSE f.hi := new; END; RETURN found; END; END Put; PROCEDUREConcat (table: Default; left, right: Node): Node =
Left and right are nodes in table (or at least with keys comparable with table.keyCompare). All the keys in the left subtree are less than the keys in the right subtree. Build and return a tree that is the concatenation of the two subtrees.
VAR upper : Node; f : Node := table.topNode; prev : [0..1] := 1; next : [0..1]; BEGIN IF (left = NIL) THEN RETURN right; END; IF (right = NIL) THEN RETURN left; END; WHILE (left # right) DO (* depends on disjoint trees with NIL leaves *) IF (left = NIL) THEN upper := right; right := right.lo; next := 0; ELSIF (right = NIL) OR (left.priority > right.priority) THEN upper := left; left := left.hi; next := 1; ELSE (* left.priority <= right.priority *) upper := right; right := right.lo; next := 0; END; IF (prev = 0) THEN f.lo := upper; ELSE f.hi := upper; END; f := upper; prev := next; END; IF (prev = 0) THEN f.lo := NIL; ELSE f.hi := NIL; END; RETURN table.topNode.hi; END Concat; PROCEDUREDelete ( tbl : Default; READONLY k : Key.T; VAR(*OUT*) v : Value.T) : BOOLEAN = VAR f : Node := tbl.h; x : Node := f.hi; prev : [0..1] := 1; cmp : Cmp; n : Node; BEGIN WHILE (x # NIL) DO cmp := tbl.keyCompare (k, x.key); IF cmp = 0 THEN n := Concat (tbl, x.lo, x.hi); IF (prev = 0) THEN f.lo := n; ELSE f.hi := n; END; v := x.value; DEC(tbl.sz); RETURN TRUE; END; f := x; IF (cmp < 0) THEN x := x.lo; prev := 0; ELSE x := x.hi; prev := 1; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END Delete; PROCEDURESize (tbl: Default): CARDINAL = BEGIN RETURN tbl.sz END Size; CONST MaxStack = 50;(* allows tree with 2**(50/2) = 33,554,432 entries *) (* randomness ==> maybe fewer entries *) TYPE PublicIterator = Tbl.Iterator OBJECT METHODS seek (READONLY key: Key.T) END; TYPE DefaultIterator = PublicIterator BRANDED OBJECT table : Default := NIL; done : BOOLEAN := FALSE; ascend: BOOLEAN := FALSE; top : CARDINAL := 0; stack : ARRAY [0 .. MaxStack] OF Node OVERRIDES init := InitIterator; next := Next; seek := Seek END; PROCEDUREIterateOrdered (table: Default; up: BOOLEAN := TRUE): Iterator = VAR it := NEW(DefaultIterator, table := table, ascend := up); BEGIN EVAL it.init(); RETURN it; END IterateOrdered; PROCEDUREIterate (table: Default): Tbl.Iterator = BEGIN RETURN table.iterateOrdered() END Iterate; PROCEDUREInitIterator (it: DefaultIterator): Tbl.Iterator = VAR n: Node; BEGIN it.done := FALSE; it.top := 0; IF it.ascend THEN n := it.table.h; ELSE n := NEW(Node, lo := it.table.h.hi); END; it.stack[it.top] := n; RETURN it; END InitIterator; PROCEDURENext ( it : DefaultIterator; VAR (*OUT*) key : Key.T; VAR (*OUT*) value: Value.T ): BOOLEAN =
Advance to the successor of the current node (the element at the top of the iterator stack). The stack contains the ancestors of the current node that have not yet been visited. If it.ascend = TRUE (FALSE), this means that the current node is in the left (right) subtree of every other node on the stack.
VAR x : Node := it.stack[it.top]; next : [0..1] := ORD (it.ascend); prev : [0..1] := ORD (NOT it.ascend); n : Node; BEGIN <* ASSERT NOT it.done *> IF (next = 0) THEN n := x.lo; ELSE n := x.hi; END; IF n = NIL THEN IF it.top = 0 THEN it.done := TRUE; RETURN FALSE; END; DEC(it.top); x := it.stack[it.top]; key := x.key; value := x.value; RETURN TRUE; END; (* Replace the top of the stack with its "next" child, *) (* and push the path to the most previous descendant of x *) IF (next = 0) THEN x := x.lo; ELSE x := x.hi; END; it.stack[it.top] := x; LOOP IF (prev = 0) THEN n := x.lo; ELSE n := x.hi; END; IF (n = NIL) THEN EXIT; END; x := n; INC(it.top); it.stack[it.top] := x END; key := x.key; value := x.value; RETURN TRUE END Next; PROCEDURESeek (it: DefaultIterator; READONLY key: Key.T) =
If table.done, then crash. Otherwise, define x = stack[top], and define pred(x) and succ(x) to be the predecessor and successor of x in symmetric order in the table. Reset it.stack so that x.key < key <= succ(x).key if it.ascend and pred(x).key <= key < x.key otherwise.The implementation is more efficient if key is still ahead of the current position of the iterator.
CONST CmpVal = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF Cmp { -1, +1 }; VAR tbl : Default := it.table; cmpval : Cmp := CmpVal [it.ascend]; (* parameterize branches *) cmp : Cmp; x, n : Node; topelt : Node; top : CARDINAL; BEGIN <* ASSERT NOT it.done *> (* Fix up stack if key is on the wrong side of it. Avoid comparisons with keys that have not been explicitly set, such as tbl.h.key. *) x := it.stack[it.top]; IF (x # tbl.h) AND (x.lo # tbl.h.hi) (* not a virgin stack *) AND (tbl.keyCompare (key, x.key) # cmpval) THEN it.top := 0; IF it.ascend THEN n := tbl.h; ELSE n := NEW (Node); n.lo := tbl.h.hi; END; it.stack[0] := n; END; (* Now key lies strictly to the right (left if NOT it.ascend) of the path stored in it.stack. *) WHILE (it.top # 0) AND (tbl.keyCompare (key, it.stack[it.top - 1].key) = cmpval) DO DEC(it.top); END; (* Now key lies to the right (left if NOT it.ascend) of stack[top] and, if top>0, not right (not left) of stack[top-1]. All stack entries strictly below top will remain unchanged; top may or may not be changed. *) (* The discussion of the following algorithm is phrased for it.ascend = TRUE; the code handles both cases by parameterizing with cmpval. Search for key, as in FindNode. Each step localizes key to a particular subtree. The stack records all the right ancestors of the current subtree. top and topelt record the closest left ancestor of the current subtree. Whenever we fall off the bottom of the tree, we throw away all the right ancestors below topelt and replace them by topelt: key lies in the interval (topelt, succ(topelt)] in symmetric order; we make topelt the last node on the stack so subsequent calls to Next will find the correct element. *) cmp := cmpval; top := it.top; topelt := it.stack[top]; x := topelt; LOOP IF (cmp < 0) THEN x := x.lo; ELSE x := x.hi; END; IF x = NIL THEN EXIT END; cmp := tbl.keyCompare (key, x.key); IF cmp = 0 THEN cmp := -cmpval; END; IF cmp = cmpval THEN topelt := x; top := it.top; ELSE it.stack[it.top] := x; INC(it.top); END; END; it.top := top; it.stack[top] := topelt; END Seek; BEGIN END SortedTable.