MODULE; IMPORT TextSeq, Wr, Text, Fmt, Cstdint; IMPORT M3CG, M3CG_Ops, Target, TIntN, TFloat, TargetMap; IMPORT Stdio; IMPORT RTIO, RTProcess; FROM TargetMap IMPORT CG_Bytes; FROM M3CG IMPORT Name, ByteOffset, TypeUID, CallingConvention; FROM M3CG IMPORT BitSize, ByteSize, Alignment, Frequency; FROM M3CG IMPORT Var, Proc, Label, Sign, BitOffset; FROM M3CG IMPORT Type, ZType, AType, RType, IType, MType; FROM M3CG IMPORT CompareOp, ConvertOp, RuntimeError, MemoryOrder, AtomicOp; FROM Target IMPORT CGType; FROM M3CG_Ops IMPORT ErrorHandler; IMPORT Wrx86, M3ID, TInt; M3C
IMPORT Wrx86, M3ID, M3CField, M3CFieldSeq; IMPORT SortedIntRefTbl;
Taken together, these help debugging, as you get more lines in the C and the error messages reference C line numbers
CONST output_line_directives = TRUE; CONST output_extra_newlines = FALSE;ztype: zero extended type -- a
type that is a multiple of 32 bits in size
* a type to store in registers, a type
* to store on the compile-time or runtime stack
* a type to pass a parameter as
* mtype: memory type -- a smaller
type that is possibly truncated to fit
* an in-memory layout
REVEAL U = Public BRANDED "M3C.U" OBJECT wr : Wrx86.T := NIL; c : Wr.T := NIL; debug := FALSE; stack : TextSeq.T := NIL; enum_type: TEXT := NIL; (*enum: Enum_t := NIL;*) enum_id: TEXT := NIL; enum_value: CARDINAL := 0; unit_name: TEXT := NIL; function: CProc := NIL; param_count := 0; init_inited := FALSE; init_exported := FALSE; init_fields: TextSeq.T := NIL; current_init_offset: INTEGER := 0; initializer: TextSeq.T := NIL; init_type := Type.Void; init_type_count := 0; init := 0; label := 0; in_procedure := 0; in_block := 0; file: TEXT := NIL; line: INTEGER := 0; line_directive := ""; nl_line_directive := "\n"; last_char_was_newline := FALSE; suppress_line_directive: INTEGER := 0; global_var: TEXT := NIL; (* based on M3x86 *) in_proc_call := 0; (* based on M3x86 *) reportlabel := 0; (* based on M3x86 *) usedfault := FALSE; (* based on M3x86 *) width := 0; OVERRIDES next_label := next_label; set_error_handler := set_error_handler; begin_unit := begin_unit; end_unit := end_unit; import_unit := import_unit; export_unit := export_unit; set_source_file := set_source_file; set_source_line := set_source_line; declare_typename := declare_typename; declare_array := declare_array; declare_open_array := declare_open_array; declare_enum := declare_enum; declare_enum_elt := declare_enum_elt; declare_packed := declare_packed; declare_record := declare_record; declare_field := declare_field; declare_set := declare_set; declare_subrange := declare_subrange; declare_pointer := declare_pointer; declare_indirect := declare_indirect; declare_proctype := declare_proctype; declare_formal := declare_formal; declare_raises := declare_raises; declare_object := declare_object; declare_method := declare_method; declare_opaque := declare_opaque; reveal_opaque := reveal_opaque; set_runtime_proc := set_runtime_proc; import_global := import_global; declare_segment := declare_segment; bind_segment := bind_segment; declare_global := declare_global; declare_constant := declare_constant; declare_local := declare_local; declare_param := declare_param; declare_temp := declare_temp; free_temp := free_temp; declare_exception := declare_exception; begin_init := begin_init; end_init := end_init; init_int := init_int; init_proc := init_proc; init_label := init_label; init_var := init_var; init_offset := init_offset; init_chars := init_chars; init_float := init_float; import_procedure := import_procedure; declare_procedure := declare_procedure; begin_procedure := begin_procedure; end_procedure := end_procedure; begin_block := begin_block; end_block := end_block; note_procedure_origin := note_procedure_origin; set_label := set_label; jump := jump; if_true := if_true; if_false := if_false; if_compare := if_compare; case_jump := case_jump; exit_proc := exit_proc; load := load; store := store; load_address := load_address; load_indirect := load_indirect; store_indirect := store_indirect; load_nil := load_nil; load_integer := load_integer; load_float := load_float; compare := compare; add := add; subtract := subtract; multiply := multiply; divide := divide; div := div; mod := mod; negate := negate; abs := abs; max := max; min := min; cvt_int := cvt_int; cvt_float := cvt_float; set_union := set_union; set_difference := set_difference; set_intersection := set_intersection; set_sym_difference := set_sym_difference; set_member := set_member; set_compare := set_compare; set_range := set_range; set_singleton := set_singleton; not := not; and := and; or := or; xor := xor; shift := shift; shift_left := shift_left; shift_right := shift_right; rotate := rotate; rotate_left := rotate_left; rotate_right := rotate_right; widen := widen; chop := chop; extract := extract; extract_n := extract_n; extract_mn := extract_mn; insert := insert; insert_n := insert_n; insert_mn := insert_mn; swap := swap; pop := cg_pop; copy := copy; copy_n := copy_n; zero := zero; zero_n := zero_n; loophole := loophole; abort := abort; check_nil := check_nil; check_lo := check_lo; check_hi := check_hi; check_range := check_range; check_index := check_index; check_eq := check_eq; add_offset := add_offset; index_address := index_address; start_call_direct := start_call_direct; call_direct := call_direct; start_call_indirect := start_call_indirect; call_indirect := call_indirect; pop_param := pop_param; pop_struct := pop_struct; pop_static_link := pop_static_link; load_procedure := load_procedure; load_static_link := load_static_link; comment := comment; store_ordered := store_ordered; load_ordered := load_ordered; exchange := exchange; compare_exchange := compare_exchange; fence := fence; fetch_and_op := fetch_and_op; END;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR BitSizeToEnumCGType := ARRAY [0..32] OF M3CG.Type { M3CG.Type.Void, .. };
PROCEDURESetLineDirective (u: U) = BEGIN IF output_line_directives = FALSE THEN RETURN; END; IF u.line > 0 AND u.file # NIL THEN u.line_directive := "#line " & Fmt.Int(u.line) & " \"" & u.file & "\"\n"; u.nl_line_directive := "\n" & u.line_directive; IF u.last_char_was_newline THEN print(u, u.line_directive); ELSE print(u, u.nl_line_directive); END; ELSE u.line_directive := ""; u.nl_line_directive := "\n"; END; END SetLineDirective; VAR anonymousCounter: INTEGER; PROCEDUREFixName (name: Name): Name = BEGIN IF name = 0 OR Text.GetChar (M3ID.ToText (name), 0) = '*' THEN WITH t = M3ID.Add("L_" & Fmt.Int(anonymousCounter)) DO INC(anonymousCounter); RETURN t; END; END; RETURN name; END FixName;
TYPE CField = M3CField.T; TYPE CFieldSeq = M3CFieldSeq.T;
TYPE Type_t = OBJECT bit_size: INTEGER := 0; (* FUTURE Target.Int or LONGINT
byte_size: INTEGER := 0; (* FUTURE Target.Int or LONGINT *) typeid: INTEGER := 0; cg_type: M3CG.Type := M3CG.Type.Addr; (*name_id: INTEGER; name_text: TEXT;*) END;We probably need
: Integer_t, Enum_t, Subrange_t
TYPE Integer_t = Type_t OBJECT END; TYPE Float_t = Type_t OBJECT END; TYPE Record_t = Type_t OBJECT END; TYPE Enum_t = Type_t OBJECT (* min is zero *) max: INTEGER; (* FUTURE Target.Int or LONGINT *) END; TYPE Subrange_t = Type_t OBJECT min: INTEGER; (* FUTURE Target.Int or LONGINT *) max: INTEGER; (* FUTURE Target.Int or LONGINT *) END; TYPE Ref_t = Type_t OBJECT referent: Type_t; END; TYPE Array_t = Type_t OBJECT index_typeid: INTEGER; element_typeid: INTEGER; index_type: Type_t; element_type: Type_t; END; TYPE FixedArray_t = Array_t OBJECT END; TYPE OpenArray_t = Array_t OBJECT END; VAR typeidToType := NEW(SortedIntRefTbl.Default).init(); PROCEDURE Type_Init(t: Type_t): Type_t = BEGIN IF t.bit_size = 0 THEN t.bit_size := TargetMap.CG_Size[t.cg_type]; END; IF t.byte_size = 0 THEN t.byte_size := TargetMap.CG_Bytes[t.cg_type]; END; EVAL typeidToType.put(t.typeid, t); RETURN t; END Type_Init; PROCEDURE TypeidToType_Get(typeid: TypeUID): Type_t = VAR type: REFANY := NIL; BEGIN EVAL typeidToType.get(typeid, type); RETURN NARROW(type, Type_t); END TypeidToType_Get; *)see see RT0.i3
<*NOWARN*>CONST UID_INTEGER = 16_195C2A74; (* INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_LONGINT = 16_05562176; (* LONGINT *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_WORD = 16_97E237E2; (* CARDINAL *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_LONGWORD = 16_9CED36E7; (* LONGCARD *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_REEL = 16_48E16572; (* REAL *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_LREEL = 16_94FE32F6; (* LONGREAL *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_XREEL = 16_9EE024E3; (* EXTENDED *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_BOOLEAN = 16_1E59237D; (* BOOLEAN [0..1] *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_CHAR = 16_56E16863; (* CHAR [0..255] *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_WIDECHAR = 16_88F439FC; <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_MUTEX = 16_1541F475; (* MUTEX *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_TEXT = 16_50F86574; (* TEXT *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_UNTRACED_ROOT = 16_898EA789; (* UNTRACED ROOT *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_ROOT = 16_9D8FB489; (* ROOT *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_REFANY = 16_1C1C45E6; (* REFANY *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_ADDR = 16_08402063; (* ADDRESS *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_RANGE_0_31 = 16_2DA6581D; (* [0..31] *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_RANGE_0_63 = 16_2FA3581D; (* [0..63] *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC1 = 16_9C9DE465; (* PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC2 = 16_20AD399F; (* PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC3 = 16_3CE4D13B; (* PROCEDURE (x: INTEGER): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC4 = 16_FA03E372; (* PROCEDURE (x, n: INTEGER): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC5 = 16_509E4C68; (* PROCEDURE (x: INTEGER; n: [0..31]): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC6 = 16_DC1B3625; (* PROCEDURE (x: INTEGER; n: [0..63]): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC7 = 16_EE17DF2C; (* PROCEDURE (x: INTEGER; i, n: CARDINAL): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_PROC8 = 16_B740EFD0; (* PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER; i, n: CARDINAL): INTEGER *) <*NOWARN*>CONST UID_NULL = 16_48EC756E; (* NULL *) TYPE CVar = M3CG.Var OBJECT name: Name; type: Type; is_const := FALSE; proc: CProc; END; TYPE CProc = M3CG.Proc OBJECT name: Name; n_params: INTEGER := 0; (* FUTURE: remove this *) return_type: Type; level: INTEGER := 0; callingConvention: CallingConvention; exported: BOOLEAN; parent: CProc := NIL; params: REF ARRAY OF CVar; locals: TextSeq.T := NIL; END;CONST IntegerTypeSizes = ARRAY OF INTEGER {8, 16, 32, 64}; CONST IntegerTypeSignedness = ARRAY OF BOOLEAN { FALSE, TRUE };
CONST Prefix = ARRAY OF TEXT { "#ifdef __cplusplus", "extern \"C\" {", "#endif",
/* const is extern const in C, but static const in C++,
,* but gcc gives a warning for the correct portable form \
extern const\,
,#if defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__GNUC__)
,#define EXTERN_CONST extern const
,#define EXTERN_CONST const
"#if !(defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__cdecl))", "#define __cdecl /* nothing */", "#endif", "#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__stdcall)", "#define __stdcall /* nothing */", "#endif", "typedef signed char INT8;", "typedef unsigned char UINT8, WORD8;", "typedef short INT16;", "typedef unsigned short UINT16, WORD16;", "typedef int INT32;", "typedef unsigned int UINT32, WORD32;", "#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__DECC) || defined(__int64)", "typedef __int64 INT64;", "typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64;", "#else", "typedef long long INT64;", "typedef unsigned long long UINT64;", "#endif",
/* WORD_T/INTEGER are always exactly the same size as a pointer.
,* VMS sometimes has 32bit size_t/ptrdiff_t but 64bit pointers. */
"#if __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64 || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__ppc64__)", "typedef INT64 INTEGER;", "typedef UINT64 WORD_T;", "#else", "typdef long INTEGER;", "typdef unsigned long WORD_T;", "#endif", "typedef char *ADDRESS;", "typedef float REAL;", "typedef double LONGREAL;", "typedef /*long*/ double EXTENDED;", "#define m3_extract_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_extract_##T(T value,WORD_T offset,WORD_T count){return((value>>offset)&~(((~(T)0))<<count));}", "#define m3_insert_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_insert_##T(T x,T y,WORD_T offset,WORD_T count){T mask=(~((~(T)0)<<count))<<offset;return(((y<<offset)&mask)|(x&~mask));}", "#define m3_signextend_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_sign_extend_##T(T value,WORD_T count){return(value|((value&(((T)-1)<<(count-1)))?(((T)-1)<<(count-1)):0));}", "m3_signextend_T(UINT32)", "m3_signextend_T(UINT64)", "m3_extract_T(UINT32)", "m3_extract_T(UINT64)", "m3_insert_T(UINT32)", "m3_insert_T(UINT64)", "#define SET_GRAIN (sizeof(WORD_T)*8)", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_member(WORD_T elt,WORD_T*set){return(set[elt/SET_GRAIN]&(((WORD_T)1)<<(elt%SET_GRAIN)))!=0;}", "static void __stdcall m3_set_union(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*c,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){WORD_T i,n_words = n_bits / SET_GRAIN;for (i = 0; i < n_words; i++)a[i] = b[i] | c[i];}", "static void __stdcall m3_set_intersection(WORD_T n_bits, WORD_T* c, WORD_T* b, WORD_T* a){WORD_T i,n_words = n_bits / SET_GRAIN;for (i = 0; i < n_words; i++)a[i] = b[i] & c[i];}", "static void __stdcall m3_set_difference(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*c,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){WORD_T i,n_words=n_bits/SET_GRAIN;for(i=0;i<n_words;++i)a[i]=b[i]&(~c[i]);}", "static void __stdcall m3_set_sym_difference(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*c,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){WORD_T i,n_words=n_bits/SET_GRAIN;for(i=0;i<n_words;++i)a[i]=b[i]^c[i];}", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_eq(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){return(memcmp(a,b,n_bits/8)==0);}", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_ne(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){return(memcmp(a,b,n_bits/8)!=0);}", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_le(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){WORD_T n_words=n_bits/SET_GRAIN;WORD_T i;for(i=0;i<n_words;++i)if(a[i]&(~b[i]))return 0;return 1;}", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_lt(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){WORD_T n_words=n_bits/SET_GRAIN;WORD_T i,eq=0;for(i=0;i<n_words;++i)if(a[i]&(~b[i]))return 0;else eq|=(a[i]^b[i]);return(eq!=0);}", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_ge(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){return set_le(n_bits,a,b);}", "static WORD_T __stdcall m3_set_gt(WORD_T n_bits,WORD_T*b,WORD_T*a){return set_lt(n_bits,a,b);}", "#define M3_HIGH_BITS(a) ((~(WORD_T)0) << (a))", "#define M3_LOW_BITS(a) ((~(WORD_T)0) >> (SET_GRAIN - (a) - 1))", "static void __stdcall m3_set_range(WORD_T b, WORD_T a, WORD_T*s){if(a>=b){WORD_T i,a_word=a/SET_GRAIN,b_word=b/SET_GRAIN,high_bits=M3_HIGH_BITS(a%SET_GRAIN),low_bits=M3_LOW_BITS(b%SET_GRAIN);if(a_word==b_word){s[a_word]|=(high_bits&low_bits);}else{s[a_word]|=high_bits;for(i=a_word+1;i<b_word;++i)s[i]=~(WORD_T)0;s[b_word]|=low_bits;}}}", "static void __stdcall m3_set_singleton(WORD_T a,WORD_T*s){s[a/SET_GRAIN]|=(((WORD_T)1)<<(a%SET_GRAIN));}", "#define m3_shift_T(T) T m3_shift_##T(T value,INTEGER shift){if((shift>=(sizeof(T)*8))||(shift<=-(sizeof(T)*8)))value=0;else if(shift<0)value<<=shift;else if(shift>0)value>>=shift;return value;}", "m3_shift_T(UINT32)", "m3_shift_T(UINT64)", "/* return positive form of a negative value, avoiding overflow */", "/* T should be an unsigned type */", "#define M3_POS(T, a) (((T)-((a) + 1)) + 1)", "#define m3_rotate_left_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_rotate_left_##T (T a, int b) { return ((a << b) | (a >> ((sizeof(a) * 8) - b))); }", "#define m3_rotate_right_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_rotate_right_##T(T a, int b) { return ((a >> b) | (a << ((sizeof(a) * 8) - b))); }", "#define m3_rotate_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_rotate_##T(T a, int b) { b &= ((sizeof(a) * 8) - 1); if (b > 0) a = m3_rotate_left_##T(a, b); else if (b < 0) a = m3_rotate_right_##T(a, -b); return a; }", "#define m3_abs_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_abs_##T(T a) { return ((a < 0) ? ((T)-(U##T)a) : a); }", "#define m3_min_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_min_##T(T a, T b) { return ((a < b) ? a : b); }", "#define m3_max_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_max_##T(T a, T b) { return ((a > b) ? a : b); }", "#define m3_div_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_div_##T(T a, T b) \\", "{ \\", " int aneg = (a < 0); \\", " int bneg = (b < 0); \\", " if (aneg == bneg || a == 0 || b == 0) \\", " return (a / b); \\", " else \\", " { \\", " /* round negative result down by rounding positive result up \\", " unsigned math is much better defined, see gcc -Wstrict-overflow=4 */ \\", " U##T ua = (aneg ? M3_POS(U##T, a) : (U##T)a); \\", " U##T ub = (bneg ? M3_POS(U##T, b) : (U##T)b); \\", " return -(T)((ua + ub - 1) / ub); \\", " } \\", "} \\", "", "#define m3_mod_T(T) static T __stdcall m3_mod_##T(T a, T b) \\", "{ \\", " int aneg = (a < 0); \\", " int bneg = (b < 0); \\", " if (aneg == bneg || a == 0 || b == 0) \\", " return (a % b); \\", " else \\", " { \\", " U##T ua = (aneg ? M3_POS(U##T, a) : (U##T)a); \\", " U##T ub = (bneg ? M3_POS(U##T, b) : (U##T)b); \\", " a = (T)(ub - 1 - (ua + ub - 1) % ub); \\", " return (bneg ? -a : a); \\", " } \\", "}", "", "m3_div_T(INT32)", "m3_mod_T(INT32)", "m3_rotate_left_T(UINT32)", "m3_rotate_right_T(UINT32)", "m3_rotate_T(UINT32)", "m3_abs_T(INT32)", "m3_min_T(UINT32)", "m3_max_T(UINT32)", "m3_min_T(INT32)", "m3_max_T(INT32)", "m3_div_T(INT64)", "m3_mod_T(INT64)", "m3_rotate_left_T(UINT64)", "m3_rotate_right_T(UINT64)", "m3_rotate_T(UINT64)", "m3_abs_T(INT64)", "m3_min_T(UINT64)", "m3_max_T(UINT64)", "m3_min_T(INT64)", "m3_max_T(INT64)", "double floor(double);", "double ceil(double);", "INT64 llroundl(long double);", "static INT64 __stdcall m3_floor(EXTENDED f) { return floor(f); }", "static INT64 __stdcall m3_ceil(EXTENDED f) { return ceil(f); }", "static INT64 __stdcall m3_trunc(EXTENDED f) { return (INT64)f; }", "static INT64 __stdcall m3_round(EXTENDED f) { return (INT64)llroundl(f); }", ""}; <*NOWARN*>CONST Suffix = ARRAY OF TEXT { "#ifdef __cplusplus", "} /* extern \"C\" */", "#endif" }; CONST typeToText = ARRAY CGType OF TEXT { "UINT8", "INT8", "UINT16", "INT16", "UINT32", "INT32", "UINT64", "UINT64", "REAL", "LONGREAL", "EXTENDED", "ADDRESS", "STRUCT", "void" }; PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------Tests () = PROCEDURE Trunc1(f: REAL): Cstdint.int16_t = BEGIN RETURN TRUNC(f); END Trunc1; PROCEDURE Trunc2(f: REAL): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN TRUNC(f); END Trunc2; PROCEDURE Trunc3(f: REAL): CARDINAL = BEGIN RETURN TRUNC(f); END Trunc3; BEGIN END Tests; CONST CompareOpC = ARRAY CompareOp OF TEXT { "==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=" }; CONST ConvertOpName = ARRAY ConvertOp OF TEXT { "round", "trunc", "floor", "ceil" }; CONST CompareOpName = ARRAY CompareOp OF TEXT { "eq", "ne", "gt", "ge", "lt", "le" };
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------pop (u: U; n: CARDINAL := 1) = BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO n DO EVAL u.stack.remlo(); END; END pop; <*NOWARN*>PROCEDUREpush (u: U; type: Type; t: TEXT) = BEGIN (* print(u, "{s0=" & t & ";"); *) u.stack.addlo(t); END push; PROCEDUREget (u: U; n: CARDINAL := 0): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN u.stack.get(n); END get; PROCEDURESuppressLineDirective (u: U; adjust: INTEGER; <*UNUSED*>reason: TEXT) = BEGIN INC(u.suppress_line_directive, adjust); (* RTIO.PutText("suppress_line_directive now " & Fmt.Int(u.suppress_line_directive) & " due to " & reason & "\n"); RTIO.Flush(); *) END SuppressLineDirective; PROCEDURE
PROCEDURENew (cfile: Wr.T): M3CG.T = VAR u := NEW (U); BEGIN u.wr := Wrx86.New (Stdio.stdout); (*u.debug := TRUE;*) u.c := cfile; u.init_fields := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); u.initializer := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(); u.stack := NEW(TextSeq.T).init();
EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Integer_t, cg_type := Target.Integer.cg_type, typeid := UID_INTEGER)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Integer_t, cg_type := Target.Word.cg_type, typeid := UID_WORD)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Integer_t, cg_type := Target.Int64.cg_type, typeid := UID_LONGINT)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Integer_t, cg_type := Target.Word64.cg_type, typeid := UID_LONGWORD));
EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Float_t, cg_type := Target.Real.cg_type, typeid := UID_REEL)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Float_t, cg_type := Target.Longreal.cg_type, typeid := UID_LREEL)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Float_t, cg_type := Target.Extended.cg_type, typeid := UID_XREEL));
EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Enum_t, cg_type := Target.Word8.cg_type, typeid := UID_BOOLEAN, max := 1)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Enum_t, cg_type := Target.Word8.cg_type, typeid := UID_CHAR, max := 16_FF)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Enum_t, cg_type := Target.Word16.cg_type, typeid := UID_WIDECHAR, max := 16_FFFF));
EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Subrange_t, cg_type := Target.Integer.cg_type, typeid := UID_RANGE_0_31, min := 0, max := 31)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Subrange_t, cg_type := Target.Integer.cg_type, typeid := UID_RANGE_0_63, min := 0, max := 31));
EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_MUTEX)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_TEXT)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_ROOT)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_REFANY)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_ADDR)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC1)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC2)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC3)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC4)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC5)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC6)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC7)); EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, cg_type := Target.Address.cg_type, typeid := UID_PROC8));
(* EVAL Type_Init(NEW(Type_t, bit_size := 0, byte_size := 0, typeid := UID_NULL)); *) RETURN u; END New;----------------------------------------------------------- ID counters ---
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ READONLY configuration ---next_label (u: U; n: INTEGER := 1): Label = VAR label := u.label; BEGIN INC(u.label, n); RETURN label; END next_label;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------- compilation units ---set_error_handler (<*NOWARN*>u: U; <*NOWARN*>p: ErrorHandler) = BEGIN END set_error_handler;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ debugging line numbers ---F1 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN F2(F3(F4(F5(F6(F7(F8(F9(F10(F11(F12(F13(F14(a))))))))))))); END F1; PROCEDUREF2 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F2; PROCEDUREF3 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F3; PROCEDUREF4 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F4; PROCEDUREF5 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F5; PROCEDUREF6 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F6; PROCEDUREF7 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F7; PROCEDUREF8 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F8; PROCEDUREF9 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F9; PROCEDUREF10 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F10; PROCEDUREF11 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F11; PROCEDUREF12 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F12; PROCEDUREF13 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F13; PROCEDUREF14 (a: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN a; END F14; PROCEDUREbegin_unit (u: U; optimize: INTEGER) = (* called before any other method to initialize the compilation unit *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_unit"); u.wr.Int (optimize); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* begin unit */\n"); SuppressLineDirective(u, 1, "begin_unit"); FOR i := FIRST(Prefix) TO LAST(Prefix) DO print(u, Prefix[i]); print(u, "\n"); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "begin_unit"); u.global_var := NIL; u.in_proc_call := 0; u.reportlabel := u.next_label(); u.usedfault := FALSE; END begin_unit; PROCEDUREend_unit (u: U) = (* called after all other methods to finalize the unit and write the resulting object *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_unit"); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* end unit */\n"); u.line_directive := ""; (* really suppress *) u.nl_line_directive := "\n"; (* really suppress *) SuppressLineDirective(u, 1, "end_unit"); FOR i := FIRST(Suffix) TO LAST(Suffix) DO print(u, Suffix[i]); print(u, "\n"); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "end_unit"); END end_unit; PROCEDUREimport_unit (u: U; name: Name) = (* note that the current compilation unit imports the interface 'name' *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("import_unit"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.NL (); END END import_unit; PROCEDUREexport_unit (u: U; name: Name) = (* note that the current compilation unit exports the interface 'name' *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("export_unit"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.NL (); END END export_unit;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- debugging type declarations ---set_source_file (u: U; file: TEXT) = (* Sets the current source file name. Subsequent statements and expressions are associated with this source location. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.OutT ("\t\t\t\t\t-----FILE "); u.wr.OutT (file); u.wr.OutT (" -----"); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* set_source_file */ "); END; u.file := file; SetLineDirective(u); END set_source_file; PROCEDUREset_source_line (u: U; line: INTEGER) = (* Sets the current source line number. Subsequent statements and expressions are associated with this source location. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.OutT ("\t\t\t\t\t-----LINE"); u.wr.Int (line); u.wr.OutT (" -----"); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* set_source_line */ "); END; u.line := line; SetLineDirective(u); END set_source_line;
PROCEDUREdeclare_typename (u: U; typeid: TypeUID; name: Name) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_typename"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* declare_typename */ "); END; (* print(u, "typedef M" & Fmt.Unsigned(typeid) & " " & M3ID.ToText(name) & ";\n"); *) END declare_typename;
& Fmt.Unsigned(x);
END TypeIDToText;
PROCEDUREdeclare_array (u: U; typeid, index_typeid, element_typeid: TypeUID; total_bit_size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_array"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (index_typeid); u.wr.Tipe (element_typeid); u.wr.BInt (total_bit_size); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_array */ "); END;
WITH index_type = TypeidToType_Get(index_typeid), element_type = TypeidToType_Get(element_typeid) DO IF index_type = NIL THEN RTIO.PutText(
declare_array nil index_type\n
); RTIO.Flush(); END; IF element_type = NIL THEN RTIO.PutText(declare_array nil element_type\n
); RTIO.Flush(); END; EVAL typeidToType.put(typeid, NEW(FixedArray_t, typeid := typeid, byte_size := total_bit_size DIV 8, bit_size := total_bit_size, index_type := index_type, element_type := element_type));print(u,
typedef struct{
); print(u, TypeIDToText(element_typeid)); print(u,_elts[
); print(u, Fmt.Int(total_bit_size DIV element_type.bit_size)); print(u,];}
); print(u, TypeIDToText(typeid)); print(u,;
); END;
END declare_array; PROCEDUREdeclare_open_array (u: U; typeid, element_typeid: TypeUID; bit_size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_open_array"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (element_typeid); u.wr.BInt (bit_size); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_open_array */ "); END; <* ASSERT bit_size MOD 32 = 0 *>
WITH element_type = TypeidToType_Get(element_typeid) DO IF element_type = NIL THEN RTIO.PutText(
declare_array nil element_type\n
); RTIO.Flush(); END; print(u,typedef struct {
); print(u, TypeIDToText(element_typeid)); print(u,* _elts; CARDINAL _size
); IF bit_size > Target.Integer.size * 2 THEN print(u,s[
); print(u, Fmt.Int((bit_size - Target.Integer.size) DIV Target.Integer.size)); print(u,]
); END; print(u,;}
& TypeIDToText(element_typeid) &;
); EVAL typeidToType.put(typeid, NEW(OpenArray_t, typeid := typeid, byte_size := bit_size DIV 8, bit_size := bit_size, element_typeid := element_typeid, element_type := element_type)); END;
END declare_open_array; PROCEDUREdeclare_enum (u: U; typeid: TypeUID; n_elts: INTEGER; bit_size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_enum"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Int (n_elts); u.wr.BInt (bit_size); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_enum */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, n_elts, "declare_enum n_elts"); <* ASSERT bit_size = 8 OR bit_size = 16 OR bit_size = 32 *>
WITH type = NEW(Enum_t, typeid := typeid, max := n_elts - 1, cg_type := BitSizeToEnumCGType[bit_size]) DO <* ASSERT u.enum = NIL *> u.enum := type; EVAL Type_Init(type); u.enum_id := TypeIDToText(typeid); u.enum_value := 0; u.enum_type :=
& Fmt.Int(bit_size); print(u,typedef
& u.enum_type && u.enum_id &
); END;
END declare_enum; PROCEDUREdeclare_enum_elt (u: U; name: Name) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_enum_elt"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_enum_elt */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "declare_enum_elt");
& u.enum_id &_
& M3ID.ToText(name) &((
& u.enum_type &)
& Fmt.Int(u.enum_value) &)\n
); INC (u.enum_value); IF u.enum_value = u.enum.max + 1 THEN u.enum := NIL; u.enum_id := NIL; u.enum_type := NIL; u.enum_value := 10000; END;
END declare_enum_elt; PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- runtime hooks ---declare_packed (u: U; typeid: TypeUID; bit_size: BitSize; base: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_packed"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.BInt (bit_size); u.wr.Tipe (base); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_packed */ "); END; END declare_packed; PROCEDUREdeclare_record (u: U; typeid: TypeUID; bit_size: BitSize; n_fields: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_record"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.BInt (bit_size); u.wr.Int (n_fields); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_record */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, n_fields, "declare_record n_fields"); END declare_record; PROCEDUREdeclare_field (u: U; name: Name; offset: BitOffset; size: BitSize; typeid: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_field"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.BInt (offset); u.wr.BInt (size); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_field */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "declare_field"); END declare_field; PROCEDUREdeclare_set (u: U; typeid, domain: TypeUID; size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_set"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (domain); u.wr.BInt (size); print (u, "/* declare_set */ "); END; END declare_set; PROCEDUREdeclare_subrange (u: U; typeid, domain: TypeUID; READONLY min, max: Target.Int; size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_subrange"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (domain); u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(min, NUMBER(min))); (* What about size? *) u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(max, NUMBER(max))); (* What about size? *) u.wr.BInt (size); print (u, "/* declare_subrange */ "); END; END declare_subrange; PROCEDUREdeclare_pointer (u: U; typeid, target: TypeUID; brand: TEXT; traced: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_pointer"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (target); u.wr.Txt (brand); u.wr.Bool (traced); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_pointer */ "); END; END declare_pointer; PROCEDUREdeclare_indirect (u: U; typeid, target: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_indirect"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (target); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* declare_indirect */ "); END; END declare_indirect; PROCEDUREdeclare_proctype (u: U; typeid: TypeUID; n_formals: INTEGER; result: TypeUID; n_raises: INTEGER; callingConvention: CallingConvention) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_proctype"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Int (n_formals); u.wr.Tipe (result); u.wr.Int (n_raises); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_proctype */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, n_formals + (ORD(n_raises >= 0) * n_raises), "declare_proctype n_formals + n_raises"); END declare_proctype; PROCEDUREdeclare_formal (u: U; name: Name; typeid: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_formal"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* declare_formal */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "declare_formal"); END declare_formal; PROCEDUREdeclare_raises (u: U; name: Name) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_raises"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_raises */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "declare_raises"); END declare_raises; PROCEDUREdeclare_object (u: U; typeid, super: TypeUID; brand: TEXT; traced: BOOLEAN; n_fields, n_methods: INTEGER; field_size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_object"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (super); u.wr.Txt (brand); u.wr.Bool (traced); u.wr.Int (n_fields); u.wr.Int (n_methods); u.wr.BInt (field_size); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_object */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, n_fields + n_methods, "declare_object n_fields + n_methods"); END declare_object; PROCEDUREdeclare_method (u: U; name: Name; signature: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_method"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Tipe (signature); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_method */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "declare_method"); END declare_method; PROCEDUREdeclare_opaque (u: U; typeid, super: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_opaque"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Tipe (super); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_opaque */ "); END; END declare_opaque; PROCEDUREreveal_opaque (u: U; lhs, rhs: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("reveal_opaque"); u.wr.Tipe (lhs); u.wr.Tipe (rhs); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* reveal_opaque */ "); END; END reveal_opaque; PROCEDUREdeclare_exception (u: U; name: Name; arg_type: TypeUID; raise_proc: BOOLEAN; base: Var; offset: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_exception"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Tipe (arg_type); u.wr.Bool (raise_proc); u.wr.VName (base); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_exception */ "); END; END declare_exception;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- variable declarations ---set_runtime_proc (u: U; name: Name; p: Proc) = VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_runtime_proc"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* set_runtime_proc */ "); END; END set_runtime_proc;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------- static variable initialization ---import_global (u: U; name: Name; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; typeid: TypeUID): Var = VAR var := NEW(CVar, type := type, name := FixName(name)); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("import_global"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* import_global */ "); END; RETURN var; END import_global; PROCEDUREdeclare_segment (u: U; name: Name; typeid: TypeUID; is_const: BOOLEAN): Var = VAR fixed_name := FixName(name); var := NEW(CVar, name := fixed_name, is_const := is_const); text: TEXT := NIL; length := 0; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_segment"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Bool (is_const); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* declare_segment */ "); IF name # 0 THEN text := M3ID.ToText(name); length := Text.Length(text); IF length > 2 THEN <* ASSERT Text.GetChar(text, 0) # '_' *> <* ASSERT Text.GetChar(text, 1) = '_' OR Text.GetChar(text, 2) = '_' *> text := Text.Sub(text, 2); WHILE Text.GetChar(text, 0) = '_' DO text := Text.Sub(text, 1); END; u.unit_name := text; END; END; text := M3ID.ToText(fixed_name); print(u, "struct " & text & "_t;"); IF is_const THEN print(u, "const "); END; print(u, "static struct " & text & "_t " & text & ";"); RETURN var; END declare_segment; PROCEDUREbind_segment (u: U; v: Var; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; exported, inited: BOOLEAN) = VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("bind_segment"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (exported); u.wr.Bool (inited); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* bind_segment */ "); END bind_segment; PROCEDUREdeclare_global (u: U; name: Name; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; typeid: TypeUID; exported, inited: BOOLEAN): Var = BEGIN print (u, "/* declare_global */ "); RETURN DeclareGlobal(u, name, size, alignment, type, typeid, exported, inited, FALSE); END declare_global; PROCEDUREdeclare_constant (u: U; name: Name; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; typeid: TypeUID; exported, inited: BOOLEAN): Var = BEGIN print (u, "/* declare_constant */ "); RETURN DeclareGlobal(u, name, size, alignment, type, typeid, exported, inited, TRUE); END declare_constant; PROCEDUREDeclareGlobal (u: U; name: Name; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; typeid: TypeUID; exported, inited, is_const: BOOLEAN): Var = CONST DeclTag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "declare_global", "declare_constant" }; VAR var := NEW(CVar, name := FixName(name)); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd (DeclTag [is_const]); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Bool (exported); u.wr.Bool (inited); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN var; END DeclareGlobal; PROCEDUREdeclare_local (u: U; name: Name; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; typeid: TypeUID; in_memory, up_level: BOOLEAN; frequency: Frequency): Var = VAR var := NEW(CVar, type := type, name := FixName(name)); text: TEXT; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_local"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Bool (in_memory); u.wr.Bool (up_level); u.wr.Int (frequency); u.wr.VName (var); (*u.wr.Int (var.offset);*) u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_local */ "); END; IF type = Type.Struct THEN text := "struct{char a[" & Fmt.Int(size) & "];}"; ELSE text := typeToText[type]; END; text := text & " " & M3ID.ToText( & ";"; IF u.in_procedure > 0 OR u.in_block > 0 THEN print(u, text); ELSE u.function.locals.addhi(text); END; RETURN var; END declare_local; PROCEDUREfunction_prototype (u: U; proc: CProc) = VAR params := proc.params; BEGIN SuppressLineDirective(u, 1, "funtion_prototype"); print(u, typeToText[proc.return_type] & " __stdcall " & M3ID.ToText(; IF NUMBER (params^) = 0 THEN print(u, "(void)"); ELSE print(u, "("); FOR i := FIRST(params^) TO LAST(params^) DO WITH param = params[i] DO print(u, typeToText[param.type]); print(u, " "); print(u, M3ID.ToText(; IF i # LAST(params^) THEN print(u, ","); ELSE print(u, ")"); END; END; END; END; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "funtion_prototype"); END function_prototype; PROCEDUREdeclare_param (u: U; name: Name; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; typeid: TypeUID; in_memory, up_level: BOOLEAN; frequency: Frequency): Var = VAR var := NEW(CVar, type := type, name := FixName(name), type := type); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_param"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Bool (in_memory); u.wr.Bool (up_level); u.wr.Int (frequency); u.wr.VName (var); (*u.wr.Int (var.offset);*) u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_param */ "); END; u.function.params[u.param_count] := var; SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "declare_param"); INC(u.param_count); IF u.param_count = NUMBER(u.function.params^) THEN function_prototype(u, u.function); print(u, ";"); u.param_count := -1000; (* catch bugs *) END; RETURN var; END declare_param; PROCEDUREdeclare_temp (u: U; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment; type: Type; in_memory:BOOLEAN): Var = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_temp"); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (in_memory); (*u.wr.VName (var);*) (*u.wr.Int (var.offset);*) u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_temp => declare_local */ "); END; RETURN declare_local(u, 0, size, alignment, type, -1, in_memory, FALSE, M3CG.Always); END declare_temp; PROCEDUREfree_temp (u: U; v: Var) = VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("free_temp"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* free_temp */ "); END; END free_temp;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDUREs ---begin_init (u: U; v: Var) = VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_init"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* begin_init */ "); u.current_init_offset := 0; SuppressLineDirective(u, 1, "begin_init"); END begin_init; PROCEDUREend_init (u: U; v: Var) = VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); init_fields := u.init_fields; initializer := u.initializer; var_name := M3ID.ToText(; comma := ""; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_init"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* end_init */ "); end_init_helper(u); IF var.is_const THEN print(u, "const "); END; print(u, "static struct " & var_name & "_t{"); WHILE init_fields.size() > 0 DO print (u, init_fields.remlo()); END; print(u, "}" & var_name & "={"); WHILE initializer.size() > 0 DO print(u, comma); print(u, initializer.remlo()); comma := ","; END; print (u, "};"); SuppressLineDirective(u, -1, "end_init"); END end_init; PROCEDUREinit_to_offset (u: U; offset: ByteOffset) = VAR pad := offset - u.current_init_offset; init_fields := u.init_fields; initializer := u.initializer; BEGIN <* ASSERT offset >= u.current_init_offset *> <* ASSERT pad >= 0 *> <* ASSERT u.current_init_offset >= 0 *> IF pad > 0 THEN end_init_helper(u); init_fields.addhi ("char " & M3ID.ToText(FixName(0)) & "[" & Fmt.Int(pad) & "];"); initializer.addhi("{0}"); END; END init_to_offset; PROCEDUREend_init_helper (u: U) = BEGIN IF u.init_type_count > 0 THEN u.init_fields.addhi("[" & Fmt.Int(u.init_type_count) & "];"); END; u.init_type_count := 0; END end_init_helper; PROCEDUREinit_helper (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; type: Type) = BEGIN init_to_offset (u, offset); IF offset = 0 OR u.init_type # type OR offset # u.current_init_offset THEN end_init_helper(u); u.init_fields.addhi(typeToText[type] & " " & M3ID.ToText(FixName(0))); END; INC(u.init_type_count); u.init_type := type; u.current_init_offset := offset + TargetMap.CG_Bytes[type]; END init_helper; PROCEDUREinit_int (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; READONLY value: Target.Int; type: Type) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_int"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(value, CG_Bytes[type])); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* init_int */ "); END; init_helper(u, offset, type); u.initializer.addhi(TInt.ToText(value)); END init_int; PROCEDUREinit_proc (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; p: Proc) = VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_proc"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* init_proc */ "); END; init_helper(u, offset, Type.Addr); (* FUTURE: better typing *) u.initializer.addhi("(ADDRESS)&" & M3ID.ToText(; END init_proc; PROCEDUREinit_label (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; value: Label) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_label"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.Lab (value); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* init_label */ "); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END init_label; PROCEDUREinit_var (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; v: Var; bias: ByteOffset) = VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_var"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.Int (bias); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* init_var */ "); END; init_helper(u, offset, Type.Addr); (* FUTURE: better typing *) IF bias # 0 THEN u.initializer.addhi(Fmt.Int(bias) & "+"& "(ADDRESS)&" & M3ID.ToText(; ELSE u.initializer.addhi("(ADDRESS)&" & M3ID.ToText(; END; END init_var; PROCEDUREinit_offset (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; value: Var) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_offset"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.VName (value); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* init_offset */ "); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END init_offset; PROCEDUREinit_chars (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; value: TEXT) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_chars"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.Txt (value); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* init_chars */ "); END init_chars; PROCEDUREinit_float (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; READONLY float: Target.Float) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_float"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.Flt (float); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* init_float */ "); END init_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ statements ---import_procedure (u: U; name: Name; n_params: INTEGER; return_type: Type; callingConvention: CallingConvention): Proc = VAR proc := NEW(CProc, name := FixName(name), n_params := n_params, return_type := return_type, callingConvention := callingConvention, locals := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(), params := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CVar, n_params)); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("import_procedure"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Int (n_params); u.wr.TName (return_type); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* import_procedure */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, n_params, "import_procedure n_params"); u.param_count := 0; u.function := proc; IF n_params = 0 THEN function_prototype(u, proc); print(u, ";"); END; RETURN proc; END import_procedure; PROCEDUREdeclare_procedure (u: U; name: Name; n_params: INTEGER; return_type: Type; level: INTEGER; callingConvention: CallingConvention; exported: BOOLEAN; parent: Proc): Proc = VAR proc := NEW(CProc, name := FixName(name), n_params := n_params, return_type := return_type, level := level, callingConvention := callingConvention, exported := exported, parent := parent, locals := NEW(TextSeq.T).init(), params := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CVar, n_params)); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_procedure"); u.wr.ZName (name); u.wr.Int (n_params); u.wr.TName (return_type); u.wr.Int (level); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.Bool (exported); u.wr.PName (parent); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* declare_procedure */ "); END; SuppressLineDirective(u, n_params, "declare_procedure n_params"); u.param_count := 0; u.function := proc; RETURN proc; END declare_procedure; PROCEDUREbegin_procedure (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_procedure"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* begin_procedure */ "); INC(u.in_procedure); u.function := proc; function_prototype(u, proc); print(u, "{"); WHILE proc.locals.size() > 0 DO print(u, proc.locals.remlo()); END; END begin_procedure; PROCEDUREend_procedure (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_procedure"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* end_procedure */ "); DEC(u.in_procedure); print(u, "}"); END end_procedure; PROCEDUREbegin_block (u: U) = (* marks the beginning of a nested anonymous block *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_block"); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* begin_block */ "); INC(u.in_block); print (u, "{"); END begin_block; PROCEDUREend_block (u: U) = (* marks the ending of a nested anonymous block *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_block"); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* end_block */ "); DEC(u.in_block); print (u, "}"); END end_block; PROCEDUREnote_procedure_origin (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("note_procedure_origin"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* note_procedure_origin */ "); END note_procedure_origin;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ load/store ---set_label (u: U; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> barrier: BOOLEAN) = (* define 'label' to be at the current pc *) BEGIN print (u, "/* set_label */ "); print(u, "L" & Fmt.Unsigned(label) & ":;"); END set_label; PROCEDUREjump (u: U; label: Label) = (* GOTO label *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("jump"); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); END; print (u, "/* jump */ "); print(u, "goto L" & Fmt.Unsigned(label) & ";"); END jump; PROCEDUREif_true (u: U; itype: IType; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> frequency: Frequency) = (* IF (s0.itype # 0) GOTO label; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("if_true"); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* if_true */ "); END; print(u, "if(" & s0 & ")goto L" & Fmt.Unsigned(label) & ";"); pop(u); END if_true; PROCEDUREif_false (u: U; itype: IType; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> frequency: Frequency) = (* IF (s0.itype = 0) GOTO label; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("if_false"); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); print (u, "/* if_false */ "); END; print(u, "if(!(" & s0 & "))goto L" & Fmt.Unsigned(label) & ";"); pop(u); END if_false; PROCEDUREif_compare (u: U; ztype: ZType; op: CompareOp; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> frequency: Frequency) = (* IF (s1.ztype op s0.ztype) GOTO label; pop(2) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("if_compare"); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.OutT (" " & CompareOpName[op]); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* if_compare */ "); END; print(u, "if((" & s1 & ")" & CompareOpC[op] & "(" & s0 & "))goto L" & Fmt.Unsigned(label) & ";"); pop(u, 2); END if_compare; PROCEDUREcase_jump (u: U; itype: IType; READONLY labels: ARRAY OF Label) = (* "GOTO labels[s0.itype]; pop" with no range checking on s0.itype *) (*VAR s0 := get(u);*) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("case_jump"); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.Int (NUMBER(labels)); FOR i := FIRST (labels) TO LAST (labels) DO u.wr.Lab (labels [i]); END; u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* case_jump */ "); pop(u); END case_jump; PROCEDUREexit_proc (u: U; type: Type) = (* Returns s0.type if type is not Void, otherwise returns no value. *) VAR s0: TEXT; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("exit_proc"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* exit_proc */ "); IF type = Type.Void THEN print(u, "return;"); ELSE s0 := get(u); IF type = Type.Addr THEN s0 := "(ADDRESS)" & s0; END; print(u, "return " & s0 & ";"); pop(u); END; END exit_proc;
PROCEDUREaddress_plus_offset (in: TEXT; in_offset: INTEGER): TEXT = BEGIN IF in_offset # 0 THEN in := "(" & Fmt.Int(in_offset) & "+(ADDRESS)" & in & ")"; END; RETURN in; END address_plus_offset; PROCEDUREload_helper (u: U; in: TEXT; in_offset: INTEGER; in_mtype: MType; out_ztype: ZType) = VAR text: TEXT; BEGIN <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[out_ztype] >= CG_Bytes[in_mtype] *> text := "*(volatile " & typeToText[in_mtype] & "*)" & address_plus_offset(in, in_offset); IF in_mtype # out_ztype THEN text := "((" & typeToText[out_ztype] & ")(" & text & "))"; END; push(u, out_ztype, text); END load_helper; PROCEDUREload (u: U; v: Var; offset: ByteOffset; mtype: MType; ztype: ZType) =
push; s0.ztype := Mem [ ADR(var) + offset ].mtype; The only allowed (mtype->ztype) conversions are {Int,Word}{8,16} -> {Int,Word}{32,64} and {Int,Word}32 -> {Int,Word}64. The source type, mtype, determines whether the value is sign-extended or zero-extended.
VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* load */ "); END; load_helper(u, "&" & M3ID.ToText(, offset, mtype, ztype); END load; PROCEDUREstore_helper (u: U; in: TEXT; in_ztype: ZType; out_address: TEXT; out_offset: INTEGER; out_mtype: MType) = BEGIN <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[in_ztype] >= CG_Bytes[out_mtype] *> print(u, "(*(volatile " & typeToText[out_mtype] & "*)" & address_plus_offset(out_address, out_offset) & ")=(" & typeToText[in_ztype] & ")(" & in & ");"); END store_helper; PROCEDUREstore (u: U; v: Var; offset: ByteOffset; ztype: ZType; mtype: MType) =
Mem [ ADR(var) + offset ].mtype := s0.ztype; pop
VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("store"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* store */ "); END; pop(u); store_helper(u, s0, ztype, "&" & M3ID.ToText(, offset, mtype); END store; PROCEDUREload_address (u: U; v: Var; offset: ByteOffset) =
push; s0.A := ADR(var) + offset
VAR var := NARROW(v, CVar); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_address"); u.wr.VName (var); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* load_address */ "); END; push(u, Type.Addr, address_plus_offset("&" & M3ID.ToText (, offset)); END load_address; PROCEDUREload_indirect (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; mtype: MType; ztype: ZType) =
s0.ztype := Mem [s0.A + offset].mtype
VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_indirect"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* load_indirect */ "); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[ztype] >= CG_Bytes[mtype] *> pop(u); load_helper(u, s0, offset, mtype, ztype); END load_indirect; PROCEDUREstore_indirect (u: U; offset: ByteOffset; ztype: ZType; mtype: MType) =
Mem [s1.A + offset].mtype := s0.ztype; pop (2)
VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("store_indirect"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* store_indirect */ "); END; pop(u, 2); store_helper(u, s0, ztype, s1, offset, mtype); END store_indirect;-------------------------------------------------------------- literals ---
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ arithmetic ---load_nil (u: U) = (* push; s0.A := NIL *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_nil"); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* load_nil */ "); END; push(u, Type.Addr, "0"); (* UNDONE NULL or (ADDRESS)0? *) END load_nil; PROCEDUREload_integer (u: U; type: IType; READONLY i: Target.Int) = (* push; s0.type := i *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_integer"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(i, CG_Bytes[type])); (* UNDONE? *) u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* load_integer */ "); END; (* TODO: use suffixes L, U, UL, ULL, i64, ui64 via #ifdef and macro *) push(u, type, "((" & typeToText[type] & ")" & TInt.ToText(i) & ")"); END load_integer; PROCEDUREload_float (u: U; type: RType; READONLY float: Target.Float) = (* push; s0.type := float *) VAR buffer: ARRAY [0..BITSIZE(EXTENDED)] OF CHAR; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_float"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Flt (float); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* load_float */ "); (* TODO: use suffixes *) push(u, type, "((" & typeToText[type] & ")" & Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(buffer, 0, TFloat.ToChars(float, buffer))) & ")"); END load_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------ sets ---cast (expr: TEXT; type: Type): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN "((" & typeToText[type] & ")(" & expr & "))"; END cast; PROCEDUREcompare (u: U; ztype: ZType; itype: IType; op: CompareOp) = (* s1.itype := (s1.ztype op s0.ztype); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("compare"); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.OutT (" " & CompareOpName[op]); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* compare */ "); END; (* ASSERT cond # Cond.Z AND cond # Cond.NZ *) pop(u); push(u, itype, cast(cast(s1, ztype) & CompareOpC[op] & cast(s0, ztype), itype)); END compare; PROCEDUREadd (u: U; type: AType) = (* s1.type := s1.type + s0.type; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("add"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* add */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "+" & cast(s0, type), type)); END add; PROCEDUREsubtract (u: U; type: AType) = (* s1.type := s1.type - s0.type; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("subtract"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* subtract */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "-" & cast(s0, type), type)); END subtract; PROCEDUREmultiply (u: U; type: AType) = (* s1.type := s1.type * s0.type; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("multiply"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* multiply */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "*" & cast(s0, type), type)); END multiply; PROCEDUREdivide (u: U; type: RType) = (* s1.type := s1.type / s0.type; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("divide"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* divide */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "/" & cast(s0, type), type)); END divide; CONST SignName = ARRAY Sign OF TEXT { " P", " N", " X" }; PROCEDUREdiv (u: U; type: IType; a, b: Sign) = (* s1.type := s1.type DIV s0.type; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("div"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.OutT (SignName [a]); u.wr.OutT (SignName [b]); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* div */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "/" & cast(s0, type), type)); END div; PROCEDUREmod (u: U; type: IType; a, b: Sign) = (* s1.type := s1.type MOD s0.type; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("mod"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.OutT (SignName [a]); u.wr.OutT (SignName [b]); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* mod */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "%" & cast(s0, type), type)); END mod; PROCEDUREnegate (u: U; type: AType) = (* s0.type := - s0.type *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("negate"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* negate */ "); END; pop(u); push(u, type, cast("-" & cast(s0, type), type)); END negate; PROCEDUREabs (u: U; type: AType) = (* s0.type := ABS (s0.type) (noop on Words) *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("abs"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* abs */"); END; pop(u); push(u, type, "m3_abs_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s0 & ")"); END abs; PROCEDUREmax (u: U; type: ZType) = (* s1.type := MAX (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("max"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* max */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_max_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s0 & "," & s1 & ")"); END max; PROCEDUREmin (u: U; type: ZType) = (* s1.type := MIN (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("min"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* min */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_min_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s0 & "," & s1 & ")"); END min; PROCEDUREcvt_int (u: U; rtype: RType; itype: IType; op: ConvertOp) = (* s0.x := ROUND (s0.type) *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("cvt_int"); u.wr.TName (rtype); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.OutT (" " & ConvertOpName[op]); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* cvt_int */ "); END; pop(u); push(u, itype, "(" & typeToText[itype] & ")m3_" & ConvertOpName[op] & "((" & typeToText[rtype] & ")(" & s0 & "))"); END cvt_int; PROCEDUREcvt_float (u: U; atype: AType; rtype: RType) = (* s0.x := FLOAT (s0.type, x) *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("cvt_float"); u.wr.TName (atype); u.wr.TName (rtype); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* cvt_float */ "); END; (* UNDONE is this correct? *) pop(u); push(u, atype, "((" & typeToText[rtype] & ")(" & typeToText[atype] & ")(" & s0 & "))"); END cvt_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- Word.T bit operations ---set_op3 (u: U; size: ByteSize; op: TEXT) = (* s2.B := s1.B op s0.B; pop(3) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); s2 := get(u, 2); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN (*u.wr.Cmd (BuiltinDesc[builtin].name);*) u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* " & op & " */ "); END; pop(u, 3); print(u, op & "(" & s2 & "," & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END set_op3; PROCEDUREset_union (u: U; size: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B + s0.B; pop(2) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, size, "set_union"); END set_union; PROCEDUREset_difference (u: U; size: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B - s0.B; pop(2) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, size, "set_difference"); END set_difference; PROCEDUREset_intersection (u: U; size: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B * s0.B; pop(2) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, size, "set_intersection"); END set_intersection; PROCEDUREset_sym_difference (u: U; size: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B / s0.B; pop(2) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, size, "set_sym_difference"); END set_sym_difference; PROCEDUREset_member (u: U; size: ByteSize; type: IType) = (* s1.type := (s0.type IN s1.B); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_member"); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* set_member */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "set_member(" & s0 & "," & s1 & ")"); END set_member; PROCEDUREset_compare (u: U; size: ByteSize; op: CompareOp; type: IType) = (* s1.type := (s1.B op s0.B); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_compare"); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.OutT (" " & CompareOpName[op]); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* set_compare */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_set_" & CompareOpName[op] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END set_compare; PROCEDUREset_range (u: U; size: ByteSize; type: IType) = (* s2.A [s1.type .. s0.type] := 1's; pop(3) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); s2 := get(u, 2); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_range"); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* set_range */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_set_range(" & s2 & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END set_range; PROCEDUREset_singleton (u: U; size: ByteSize; type: IType) = (* s1.A [s0.type] := 1; pop(2) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_singleton"); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* set_singleton */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_set_singleton(" & s0 & "," & s1 & ")"); END set_singleton;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ misc. stack/memory ops ---not (u: U; type: IType) = (* s0.type := Word.Not (s0.type) *) VAR s0 := get(u); t := "(" & typeToText[type] & ")"; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("not"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* not */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast("~" & cast(s0, type), type)); END not; PROCEDUREand (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.And (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("and"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* and */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "&" & cast(s0, type), type)); END and; PROCEDUREor (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Or (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("or"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* or */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "|" & cast(s0, type), type)); END or; PROCEDURExor (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Xor (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("xor"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* xor */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "^" & cast(s0, type), type)); END xor; PROCEDUREshift_left (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Shift (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("shift_left"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* shift_left */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & "<<" & cast(s0, type), type)); END shift_left; PROCEDUREshift_right (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Shift (s1.type, -s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("shift_right"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* shift_right */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, cast(cast(s1, type) & ">>" & cast(s0, type), type)); END shift_right; PROCEDUREshift (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Shift (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("shift"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* shift */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_shift_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END shift; PROCEDURErotate (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Rotate (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("rotate"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* rotate */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_rotate_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END rotate; PROCEDURErotate_left (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Rotate (s1.type, s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("rotate_left"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* rotate_left */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_rotate_left" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END rotate_left; PROCEDURErotate_right (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Rotate (s1.type, -s0.type); pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("rotate_right"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* rotate_right */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_rotate_right" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END rotate_right; PROCEDUREwiden (u: U; sign_extend: BOOLEAN) = (* s0.I64 := s0.I32; IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s0; *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("widen"); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.NL (); END; <*ASSERT FALSE*> END widen; PROCEDUREchop (u: U) = (* s0.I32 := Word.And (s0.I64, 16_ffffffff); *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("chop"); u.wr.NL (); END; <*ASSERT FALSE*> END chop; PROCEDUREextract (u: U; type: IType; sign_extend: BOOLEAN) = (* s2.type := Word.Extract(s2.type, s1.type, s0.type); IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s2 END; pop(2) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); s2 := get(u, 2); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("extract"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* extract */ "); END; pop(u, 3); <* ASSERT sign_extend = FALSE *> push(u, type, "m3_extract_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s2 & "," & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END extract; PROCEDUREextract_n (u: U; type: IType; sign_extend: BOOLEAN; n: CARDINAL) = (* s1.type := Word.Extract(s1.type, s0.type, n); IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s1 END; pop(1) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("extract_n"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* extract_m */ "); END; pop(u, 2); <* ASSERT sign_extend = FALSE *> push(u, type, "m3_extract_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & "," & Fmt.Int(n) & ")"); END extract_n; PROCEDUREextract_mn (u: U; type: IType; sign_extend: BOOLEAN; m, n: CARDINAL) = (* s0.type := Word.Extract(s0.type, m, n); IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s0 END; *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("extract_mn"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.Int (m); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* extract_mn */ "); END; pop(u); s0 := "m3_extract_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s0 & "," & Fmt.Int(m) & "," & Fmt.Int(n) & ")"; IF sign_extend THEN s0 := "m3_signextend_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s0 & ")"; END; push(u, type, s0); END extract_mn; PROCEDUREinsert (u: U; type: IType) = (* s3.type := Word.Insert (s3.type, s2.type, s1.type, s0.type); pop(3) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); s2 := get(u, 2); s3 := get(u, 3); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("insert"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* insert */ "); END; pop(u, 4); push(u, type, "m3_insert_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s3 & "," & s2 & "," & s1 & "," & s0 & ")"); END insert; PROCEDUREinsert_n (u: U; type: IType; n: CARDINAL) = (* s2.type := Word.Insert (s2.type, s1.type, s0.type, n); pop(2) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); s2 := get(u, 2); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("insert_n"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* insert_n */ "); END; pop(u, 3); push(u, type, "m3_insert_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s2 & "," & "," & s1 & "," & s0 & "," & Fmt.Int(n) & ")"); END insert_n; PROCEDUREinsert_mn (u: U; type: IType; m, n: CARDINAL) = (* s1.type := Word.Insert (s1.type, s0.type, m, n); pop(2) *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("insert_mn"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (m); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* insert_mn */ "); END; pop(u, 2); push(u, type, "m3_insert_" & typeToText[type] & "(" & s1 & "," & s0 & "," & Fmt.Int(m) & "," & Fmt.Int(n) & ")"); END insert_mn;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------- conversions ---swap (u: U; a, b: Type) = (* tmp := s1; s1 := s0; s0 := tmp *) VAR temp := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("swap"); u.wr.TName (a); u.wr.TName (b); u.wr.NL (); END; u.stack.put(1, get(u, 0)); u.stack.put(0, temp); END swap; PROCEDUREcg_pop (u: U; type: Type) = (* pop(1) (i.e. discard s0) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* pop */ "); END; pop(u); END cg_pop; PROCEDUREcopy_n (u: U; itype: IType; mtype: MType; overlap: BOOLEAN) = (* Mem[s2.A:s0.ztype] := Mem[s1.A:s0.ztype]; pop(3)*) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("copy_n"); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.Bool (overlap); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* copy_n */ "); END; (* UNDONE *) END copy_n; PROCEDUREcopy (u: U; n: INTEGER; type: MType; overlap: BOOLEAN) = (* Mem[s1.A:sz] := Mem[s0.A:sz]; pop(2)*) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("copy"); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (overlap); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* copy */ "); END; (* UNDONE *) END copy; PROCEDUREzero_n (u: U; itype: IType; mtype: MType) = (* Mem[s1.A:s0.itype] := 0; pop(2) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("zero_n"); u.wr.TName (itype); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT FALSE *> (* zero_n is implemented incorrectly in the gcc backend, * therefore it must not be used. *) END zero_n; PROCEDUREzero (u: U; n: INTEGER; type: MType) = (* Mem[s0.A:sz] := 0; pop(1) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("zero"); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* zero */ "); END; (* UNDONE *) END zero;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ traps & runtime checks ---loophole (u: U; from, to: ZType) = (* := LOOPHOLE(s0.from, to) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("loophole"); u.wr.TName (from); u.wr.TName (to); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* loophole */ "); (* If type is already a pointer, then we should not add pointer here. * As well, if type does not contain a pointer, then we should store the * value in a non-stack-packed temporary and use its address. * We don't have code to queue up temporary declarations. * (for that matter, to limit/reuse temporaries) *) u.stack.put(0, "*(" & typeToText[to] & "*)&" & get(u, 0)); END loophole;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- address arithmetic ---abort (u: U; code: RuntimeError) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("abort"); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* abort */ "); print(u, "{m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); END abort; PROCEDUREcheck_nil (u: U; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.A = NIL) THEN abort(code) *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_nil"); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* check_nil */ "); END; print(u, "{const ADDRESS _s0=" & s0 & ";if(!_s0)m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); END check_nil; PROCEDUREcheck_lo (u: U; type: IType; READONLY j: Target.Int; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.type < i) THEN abort(code) *) VAR typename := typeToText[type]; i := TIntN.FromTargetInt(j, CG_Bytes[type]); s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_lo"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TInt (i); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* check_lo */ "); END; print(u, "{const " & typename & " _i=" & TIntN.ToText(i) & ";const " & typename & " _s0=" & s0 & ";if(_s0<_i)m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); END check_lo; PROCEDUREcheck_hi (u: U; type: IType; READONLY j: Target.Int; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (i < s0.type) THEN abort(code) *) VAR typename := typeToText[type]; i := TIntN.FromTargetInt(j, CG_Bytes[type]); s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_hi"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TInt (i); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* check_hi */ "); END; print(u, "{const " & typename & " _i=" & TIntN.ToText(i) & ";const " & typename & " _s0=" & s0 & ";if(_i<_s0)m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); END check_hi; PROCEDUREcheck_range (u: U; type: IType; READONLY xa, xb: Target.Int; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.type < a) OR (b < s0.type) THEN abort(code) *) VAR typename := typeToText[type]; a := TIntN.FromTargetInt(xa, CG_Bytes[type]); b := TIntN.FromTargetInt(xb, CG_Bytes[type]); s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_range"); u.wr.TInt (a); u.wr.TInt (b); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* check_range */ "); END; print(u, "{const " & typename & " _a=" & TIntN.ToText(a) & ";const " & typename & " _b=" & TIntN.ToText(b) & ";const " & typename & " _s0=" & s0 & ";if((_s0<_a)||(_b<_s0))m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); END check_range; PROCEDUREcheck_index (u: U; type: IType; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF NOT (0 <= s1.type < s0.type) THEN abort(code) END; pop *) (* s0.type is guaranteed to be positive so the unsigned check (s0.W <= s1.W) is sufficient. *) VAR typename := typeToText[type]; s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_index"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* check_index */ "); END; print(u, "{const " & typename & " _array_size=" & s0 & ";const " & typename & " _index=" & s1 & ";if(_array_size<=_index)m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); pop(u); END check_index; PROCEDUREcheck_eq (u: U; type: IType; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.type # s1.type) THEN abort(code); Pop (2) *) VAR typename := typeToText[type]; s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_eq"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* check_eq */ "); END; print(u, "{const " & typename & " _s0=" & s0 & ";const " & typename & " _s1=" & s1 & ";if(_s0 != s_1)m3_abort(" & Fmt.Int(ORD(code)) & ");}"); END check_eq; <*NOWARN*>PROCEDUREreportfault (u: U; code: RuntimeError) = BEGIN END reportfault; <*NOWARN*>PROCEDUREmakereportproc (u: U) = BEGIN END makereportproc;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE calls ---add_offset (u: U; offset: INTEGER) = (* s0.A := s0.A + offset *) VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("add_offset"); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* add_offset */ "); END; pop(u); push(u, Type.Addr, address_plus_offset(s0, offset)); END add_offset; PROCEDUREindex_address (u: U; type: IType; size: INTEGER) = (* s1.A := s1.A + s0.type * size; pop *) VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("index_address"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* index_address */ "); END; IF size = 0 THEN pop(u); <* ASSERT FALSE *> ELSE pop(u, 2); push(u, Type.Addr, "((" & typeToText[type] & "*)" & s0 & ")[" & Fmt.Int(size) & "]"); END; END index_address;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- procedure and closure types ---start_call_direct (u: U; p: Proc; level: INTEGER; type: Type) = (* begin a procedure call to a procedure at static level 'level'. *) VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("start_call_direct"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.Int (level); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* start_call_direct */ "); (* UNDONE *) END; END start_call_direct; PROCEDUREstart_call_indirect (u: U; type: Type; callingConvention: CallingConvention) = (* begin a procedure call to a procedure at static level 'level'. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("start_call_indirect"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* start_call_indirect */ "); END; (* UNDONE *) END start_call_indirect; PROCEDUREpop_param (u: U; type: MType) = (* pop s0 and make it the "next" parameter in the current call *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop_param"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); print(u, "/* pop_param */ "); END; (* UNDONE *) END pop_param; PROCEDUREpop_struct (u: U; typeid: TypeUID; size: ByteSize; alignment: Alignment) = (* pop s0 and make it the "next" parameter in the current call * NOTE: it is passed by value *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop_struct"); u.wr.Tipe (typeid); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.Int (alignment); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* pop_struct */ "); (* UNDONE *) END pop_struct; PROCEDUREpop_static_link (u: U) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop_static_link"); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* pop_static_link */ "); (* UNDONE *) END pop_static_link; PROCEDUREcall_direct (u: U; p: Proc; type: Type) = (* call the procedure identified by block b. The procedure returns a value of type type. *) VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("call_direct"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* call_direct */ "); (* UNDONE *) END call_direct; PROCEDUREcall_indirect (u: U; type: Type; callingConvention: CallingConvention) = (* call the procedure whose address is in s0.A and pop s0. The procedure returns a value of type type. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("call_indirect"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* call_indirect */ "); (* UNDONE *) END call_indirect;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------------- misc. ---load_procedure (u: U; p: Proc) = (* push; s0.A := ADDR (proc's body) *) VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_procedure"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* load_procedure */ "); push(u, Type.Addr, "0/*UNDONE*/"); (* UNDONE *) END load_procedure; PROCEDUREload_static_link (u: U; p: Proc) = (* push; s0.A := (static link needed to call proc, NIL for top-level procs) *) VAR proc := NARROW(p, CProc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_static_link"); u.wr.PName (proc); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* load_static_link */ "); push(u, Type.Addr, "0/*UNDONE*/"); (* UNDONE *) END load_static_link;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- atomics ---comment (u: U; a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = VAR i: INTEGER := -1; BEGIN Cmt2 (u, a, i); Cmt2 (u, b, i); Cmt2 (u, c, i); Cmt2 (u, d, i); Cmt1 (u, "\n", i); END comment; PROCEDURECmt1 (u: U; text: TEXT; VAR width: INTEGER) = VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF (NOT u.debug OR text = NIL) THEN RETURN END; FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length (text) - 1 DO ch := Text.GetChar (text, i); IF (ch = '\n' OR ch = '\r') THEN u.wr.OutC (ch); width := -1; ELSE IF (width = -1) THEN u.wr.OutT ("\t# "); width := 0; END; u.wr.OutC (ch); END END; END Cmt1; PROCEDURECmt2 (u: U; text: TEXT; VAR width: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (NOT u.debug OR text = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF text = NIL THEN RETURN END; Cmt1 (u, text, width); print(u, "/* comment: " & text & " */\n"); END Cmt2;
PROCEDUREstore_ordered (u: U; ztype: ZType; mtype: MType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
Mem [s1.A].mtype := s0.ztype; pop (2)
VAR s0 := get(u, 0); s1 := get(u, 1); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("store_ordered"); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* store_ordered => store */ "); store_helper(u, s0, ztype, s1, 0, mtype); END store_ordered; PROCEDUREload_ordered (u: U; mtype: MType; ztype: ZType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
s0.ztype := Mem [s0.A].mtype
VAR s0 := get(u); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_ordered"); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* load_ordered */ "); pop(u); load_helper(u, s0, 0, mtype, ztype); END load_ordered; PROCEDUREexchange (u: U; mtype: MType; ztype: ZType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
tmp := Mem [s1.A + offset].mtype; Mem [s1.A + offset].mtype := s0.ztype; s0.ztype := tmp; pop
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("exchange"); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* exchange */ "); END exchange; PROCEDUREcompare_exchange (u: U; mtype: MType; ztype: ZType; result_type: IType; <*UNUSED*>success, failure: MemoryOrder) =
original := Mem[s2.A].mtype; spurious_failure := whatever; IF original = Mem[s1.A].mtype AND NOT spurious_failure THEN Mem [s2.A].mtype := s0.ztype; s2.result_type := 1; ELSE Mem [s2.A].mtype := original; x86 really does rewrite the original value, atomically s2.result_type := 0; END; pop(2); This is permitted to fail spuriously. That is, even if Mem[s2.a] = Mem[s1.a], we might still go down the then branch.
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("compare_exchange"); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.TName (result_type); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* compare_exchange */ "); END compare_exchange; PROCEDUREfence (u: U; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
* x86: Exchanging any memory with any register is a serializing instruction.
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("fence"); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* fence */ "); END fence; CONST AtomicOpName = ARRAY AtomicOp OF TEXT { "add", "sub", "or", "and", "xor" }; PROCEDUREfetch_and_op (u: U; atomic_op: AtomicOp; mtype: MType; ztype: ZType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
original := Mem [s1.A].mtype; Mem [s1.A].mtype := original op s0.ztype; s1.ztype := original; pop=> store the new value, return the old value
Generally we use interlocked compare exchange loop. Some operations can be done better though.
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("fetch_and_op"); u.wr.OutT (AtomicOpName[atomic_op]); u.wr.TName (mtype); u.wr.TName (ztype); u.wr.NL (); END; print(u, "/* fetch_and_op */ "); END fetch_and_op; BEGIN
BitSizeToEnumCGType[8] := M3CG.Type.Word8; BitSizeToEnumCGType[16] := M3CG.Type.Word16; BitSizeToEnumCGType[32] := M3CG.Type.Word32;