MODULE---------------------------------------------------------------------------M3x86 EXPORTSM3x86 ,M3x86Rep ; IMPORT Wr, Text, Fmt, IntRefTbl, Word; IMPORT M3CG, M3ID, M3CG_Ops, Target, TFloat; IMPORT TIntN, TWordN; IMPORT M3ObjFile, TargetMap; FROM TargetMap IMPORT CG_Bytes; FROM M3CG IMPORT Name, ByteOffset, TypeUID, CallingConvention; FROM M3CG IMPORT BitSize, ByteSize, Alignment, Frequency; FROM M3CG IMPORT Var, Proc, Label, No_label, Sign, BitOffset; FROM M3CG IMPORT Type, ZType, AType, RType, IType, MType; FROM M3CG IMPORT CompareOp, ConvertOp, RuntimeError, MemoryOrder, AtomicOp; FROM M3CG_Ops IMPORT ErrorHandler; FROM M3ObjFile IMPORT Seg; IMPORT Wrx86, Stackx86, Codex86; FROM Stackx86 IMPORT MaxMin, ShiftType; FROM Codex86 IMPORT Cond, Op, FOp, unscond, revcond, FloatBytes; TYPE RuntimeHook = REF RECORD name : Name; proc : Proc; END; REVEAL U = Public BRANDED "M3x86.U" OBJECT rawwr : Wr.T := NIL; wr : Wrx86.T := NIL; cg : Codex86.T := NIL; vstack : Stackx86.T := NIL; obj : M3ObjFile.T := NIL; debug := FALSE; Err : ErrorHandler := NIL; runtime : IntRefTbl.T := NIL; (* Name -> RuntimeHook *) textsym : INTEGER; init_varstore : x86Var := NIL; init_count : INTEGER; (* calls are never nested; results are stored in temporaries and repushed F1(F2(F3()) compiles to temp = F3() temp = F2(temp) F1(temp) (whether it is the same temp, is a different matter; I don't know) *) call_param_size := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF INTEGER { 0, 0 }; in_proc_call : [0 .. 1] := 0; static_link := ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF x86Var { NIL, NIL }; current_proc : x86Proc := NIL; param_proc : x86Proc := NIL; in_proc : BOOLEAN; procframe_ptr : ByteOffset; exit_proclabel : Label := -1; last_exitbranch := -1; n_params : INTEGER; next_var := 1; next_proc := 1; next_scope := 1; builtins : ARRAY Builtin OF x86Proc; global_var : x86Var := NIL; lineno : INTEGER; source_file : TEXT := NIL; reportlabel : Label; usedfault := FALSE; OVERRIDES NewVar := NewVar; next_label := next_label; set_error_handler := set_error_handler; begin_unit := begin_unit; end_unit := end_unit; import_unit := import_unit; export_unit := export_unit; set_source_file := set_source_file; set_source_line := set_source_line; declare_typename := declare_typename; declare_array := declare_array; declare_open_array := declare_open_array; declare_enum := declare_enum; declare_enum_elt := declare_enum_elt; declare_packed := declare_packed; declare_record := declare_record; declare_field := declare_field; declare_set := declare_set; declare_subrange := declare_subrange; declare_pointer := declare_pointer; declare_indirect := declare_indirect; declare_proctype := declare_proctype; declare_formal := declare_formal; declare_raises := declare_raises; declare_object := declare_object; declare_method := declare_method; declare_opaque := declare_opaque; reveal_opaque := reveal_opaque; set_runtime_proc := set_runtime_proc; import_global := import_global; declare_segment := declare_segment; bind_segment := bind_segment; declare_global := declare_global; declare_constant := declare_constant; declare_local := declare_local; declare_param := declare_param; declare_temp := declare_temp; free_temp := free_temp; declare_exception := declare_exception; begin_init := begin_init; end_init := end_init; init_int := init_int; init_proc := init_proc; init_label := init_label; init_var := init_var; init_offset := init_offset; init_chars := init_chars; init_float := init_float; import_procedure := import_procedure; declare_procedure := declare_procedure; begin_procedure := begin_procedure; end_procedure := end_procedure; begin_block := begin_block; end_block := end_block; note_procedure_origin := note_procedure_origin; set_label := set_label; debug_set_label := debug_set_label; jump := jump; if_true := if_true; if_false := if_false; if_compare := if_compare; case_jump := case_jump; exit_proc := exit_proc; load := load; store := store; load_address := load_address; load_indirect := load_indirect; store_indirect := store_indirect; load_nil := load_nil; load_integer := load_integer; load_float := load_float; compare := compare; add := add; subtract := subtract; multiply := multiply; divide := divide; div := div; mod := mod; negate := negate; abs := abs; max := max; min := min; cvt_int := cvt_int; cvt_float := cvt_float; set_union := set_union; set_difference := set_difference; set_intersection := set_intersection; set_sym_difference := set_sym_difference; set_member := set_member; set_compare := set_compare; set_range := set_range; set_singleton := set_singleton; not := not; and := and; or := or; xor := xor; shift := shift; shift_left := shift_left; shift_right := shift_right; rotate := rotate; rotate_left := rotate_left; rotate_right := rotate_right; widen := widen; chop := chop; extract := extract; extract_n := extract_n; extract_mn := extract_mn; insert := insert; insert_n := insert_n; insert_mn := insert_mn; swap := swap; pop := pop; copy := copy; copy_n := copy_n; zero := zero; zero_n := zero_n; loophole := loophole; abort := abort; check_nil := check_nil; check_lo := check_lo; check_hi := check_hi; check_range := check_range; check_index := check_index; check_eq := check_eq; add_offset := add_offset; index_address := index_address; start_call_direct := start_call_direct; call_direct := call_direct; start_call_indirect := start_call_indirect; call_indirect := call_indirect; pop_param := pop_param; pop_struct := pop_struct; pop_static_link := pop_static_link; load_procedure := load_procedure; load_static_link := load_static_link; comment := comment; store_ordered := store_ordered; load_ordered := load_ordered; exchange := exchange; compare_exchange := compare_exchange; fence := fence; fetch_and_op := fetch_and_op; END;
CONST CompareOpName = ARRAY CompareOp OF TEXT { " EQ", " NE", " GT", " GE", " LT", " LE" }; CompareOpCond = ARRAY CompareOp OF Cond { Cond.E, Cond.NE, Cond.G, Cond.GE, Cond.L, Cond.LE }; CompareOpProc = ARRAY [CompareOp.GT .. CompareOp.LE] OF Builtin { Builtin.set_gt, Builtin.set_ge, Builtin.set_lt, Builtin.set_le }; CONST ConvertOpName = ARRAY ConvertOp OF TEXT { " round", " trunc", " floor", " ceiling" }; ConvertOpKind = ARRAY ConvertOp OF FlToInt { FlToInt.Round, FlToInt.Truncate, FlToInt.Floor, FlToInt.Ceiling }; CONST Alignmask = ARRAY [1 .. 8] OF INTEGER (* 1 => -1 2 => -2 3 4 => -4 5 6 7 8 => -8 *) { 16_FFFFFFFF, 16_FFFFFFFE, 0, 16_FFFFFFFC, 0, 0, 0, 16_FFFFFFF8 };---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------- ID counters ---New (logfile: Wr.T; obj: M3ObjFile.T): M3CG.T = VAR u := NEW (U, obj := obj, runtime := NEW (IntRefTbl.Default).init (20)); BEGIN IntType[Type.Int8] := Target.Int8; IntType[Type.Int16] := Target.Int16; IntType[Type.Int32] := Target.Int32; IntType[Type.Int64] := Target.Int64; IntType[Type.Word8] := Target.Word8; IntType[Type.Word16] := Target.Word16; IntType[Type.Word32] := Target.Word32; IntType[Type.Word64] := Target.Word64; TIntN.Init(); IF logfile # NIL THEN u.debug := TRUE; u.wr := Wrx86.New (logfile); ELSE u.wr := NIL; END; := Codex86.New (u, u.wr); u.vstack := Stackx86.New (u,, u.debug); FOR b := FIRST (u.builtins) TO LAST (u.builtins) DO u.builtins[b] := NIL; END; RETURN u; END New;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ READONLY configuration ---next_label (u: U; n: INTEGER := 1): Label = BEGIN RETURN; END next_label;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------- compilation units ---set_error_handler (u: U; p: ErrorHandler) = BEGIN u.Err := p;; u.vstack.set_error_handler(p); END set_error_handler;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ debugging line numbers ---begin_unit (u: U; optimize : INTEGER) = (* called before any other method to initialize the compilation unit *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_unit"); u.wr.Int (optimize); u.wr.NL (); END;;; u.vstack.init(); u.next_var := 1; u.next_proc := 1; u.next_scope := 1; u.global_var := NIL; u.in_proc_call := 0; u.reportlabel :=; u.usedfault := FALSE; FOR b := FIRST (u.builtins) TO LAST (u.builtins) DO u.builtins [b] := NIL; END; u.textsym := u.obj.define_symbol(M3ID.Add("TextSegment"), Seg.Text, 0);; END begin_unit; PROCEDUREend_unit (u: U) = (* called after all other methods to finalize the unit and write the resulting object *) BEGIN IF u.usedfault THEN makereportproc(u); END; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_unit"); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.end();; END end_unit; PROCEDUREimport_unit (u: U; n: Name) = (* note that the current compilation unit imports the interface 'n' *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("import_unit"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.NL (); END END import_unit; PROCEDUREexport_unit (u: U; n: Name) = (* note that the current compilation unit exports the interface 'n' *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("export_unit"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.NL (); END END export_unit;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- debugging type declarations ---set_source_file (u: U; file: TEXT) = (* Sets the current source file name. Subsequent statements and expressions are associated with this source location. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.OutT ("\t\t\t\t\t-----FILE "); u.wr.OutT (file); u.wr.OutT (" -----"); u.wr.NL (); END; u.source_file := file; u.obj.set_source_file(file); END set_source_file; PROCEDUREset_source_line (u: U; line: INTEGER) = (* Sets the current source line number. Subsequent statements and expressions are associated with this source location. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.OutT ("\t\t\t\t\t-----LINE"); u.wr.Int (line); u.wr.OutT (" -----"); u.wr.NL (); END; u.lineno := line; u.obj.set_source_line(line); END set_source_line;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- runtime hooks ---declare_typename (u: U; type: TypeUID; n: Name) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_typename"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_typename; PROCEDUREdeclare_array (u: U; type, index, elt: TypeUID; s: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_array"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (index); u.wr.Tipe (elt); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_array; PROCEDUREdeclare_open_array (u: U; type, elt: TypeUID; s: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_open_array"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (elt); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_open_array; PROCEDUREdeclare_enum (u: U; type: TypeUID; n_elts: INTEGER; s: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_enum"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Int (n_elts); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_enum; PROCEDUREdeclare_enum_elt (u: U; n: Name) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_enum_elt"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_enum_elt; PROCEDUREdeclare_packed (u: U; type: TypeUID; s: BitSize; base: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_packed"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.Tipe (base); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_packed; PROCEDUREdeclare_record (u: U; type: TypeUID; s: BitSize; n_fields: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_record"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.Int (n_fields); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_record; PROCEDUREdeclare_field (u: U; n: Name; o: BitOffset; s: BitSize; type: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_field"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.BInt (o); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_field; PROCEDUREdeclare_set (u: U; type, domain: TypeUID; s: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_set"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (domain); u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_set; PROCEDUREdeclare_subrange (u: U; type, domain: TypeUID; READONLY min, max: Target.Int; s: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_subrange"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (domain); u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(min, NUMBER(min))); (* What about s for size? *) u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(max, NUMBER(max))); (* What about s for size? *) u.wr.BInt (s); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_subrange; PROCEDUREdeclare_pointer (u: U; type, target: TypeUID; brand: TEXT; traced: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_pointer"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (target); u.wr.Txt (brand); u.wr.Bool (traced); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_pointer; PROCEDUREdeclare_indirect (u: U; type, target: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_indirect"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (target); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_indirect; PROCEDUREdeclare_proctype (u: U; type: TypeUID; n_formals: INTEGER; result: TypeUID; n_raises: INTEGER; cc: CallingConvention) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_proctype"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Int (n_formals); u.wr.Tipe (result); u.wr.Int (n_raises); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.NL (); END END declare_proctype; PROCEDUREdeclare_formal (u: U; n: Name; type: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_formal"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_formal; PROCEDUREdeclare_raises (u: U; n: Name) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_raises"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_raises; PROCEDUREdeclare_object (u: U; type, super: TypeUID; brand: TEXT; traced: BOOLEAN; n_fields, n_methods: INTEGER; field_size: BitSize) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_object"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (super); u.wr.Txt (brand); u.wr.Bool (traced); u.wr.Int (n_fields); u.wr.Int (n_methods); u.wr.BInt (field_size); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_object; PROCEDUREdeclare_method (u: U; n: Name; signature: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_method"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Tipe (signature); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_method; PROCEDUREdeclare_opaque (u: U; type, super: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_opaque"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Tipe (super); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_opaque; PROCEDUREreveal_opaque (u: U; lhs, rhs: TypeUID) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("reveal_opaque"); u.wr.Tipe (lhs); u.wr.Tipe (rhs); u.wr.NL (); END END reveal_opaque; PROCEDUREdeclare_exception (u: U; n: Name; arg_type: TypeUID; raise_proc: BOOLEAN; base: Var; offset: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_exception"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Tipe (arg_type); u.wr.Bool (raise_proc); u.wr.VName (base); u.wr.Int (offset); u.wr.NL (); END END declare_exception;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- variable declarations ---GetRuntimeHook (u: U; n: Name): RuntimeHook = VAR ref: REFANY; e: RuntimeHook; BEGIN IF u.runtime.get (n, ref) THEN e := ref; ELSE e := NEW (RuntimeHook, name := n, proc := NIL); EVAL u.runtime.put (n, e); END; RETURN e; END GetRuntimeHook; PROCEDUREset_runtime_proc (u: U; n: Name; p: Proc) = VAR e := GetRuntimeHook (u, n); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_runtime_proc"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; e.proc := p; END set_runtime_proc; PROCEDUREget_runtime_hook (u: U; n: Name; VAR p: Proc) = VAR e := GetRuntimeHook (u, n); BEGIN p := e.proc; END get_runtime_hook;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------- static variable initialization ---NewVar (u: U; type: Type; uid: TypeUID; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; name: Name := M3ID.NoID): x86Var = VAR v := NEW (x86Var, tag := u.next_var, var_type := type, var_size := s, var_align := a, seg := Seg.Data); BEGIN IF name = M3ID.NoID THEN := M3ID.Add("T$" & Fmt.Int(v.tag)); ELSIF uid = -1 THEN := M3ID.Add("_M" & M3ID.ToText(name)); ELSE := M3ID.Add("_" & M3ID.ToText(name)); END; INC (u.next_var); RETURN v; END NewVar; PROCEDUREimport_global (u: U; n: Name; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; m3t: TypeUID): Var = VAR v := NewVar(u, type, m3t, s, a, n); BEGIN v.symbol := u.obj.import_symbol(; v.offset := 0; v.loc :=; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("import_global"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (m3t); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN v; END import_global; PROCEDUREdeclare_segment (u: U; n: Name; m3t: TypeUID; is_const: BOOLEAN): Var = CONST SegMap = ARRAY BOOLEAN(*is_const*) OF Seg { Seg.Data, Seg.Text }; VAR v := NewVar(u, Type.Void, m3t, 0, 4, n); BEGIN IF (u.global_var = NIL) AND (NOT is_const) THEN u.global_var := v; END; v.seg := SegMap [is_const]; v.symbol := u.obj.define_symbol(, v.seg, 0); v.offset := 0; v.loc :=; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_segment"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Tipe (m3t); u.wr.Bool (is_const); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN v; END declare_segment; PROCEDUREbind_segment (u: U; v: Var; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; exported, inited: BOOLEAN) = VAR realvar := NARROW(v, x86Var); BEGIN <* ASSERT inited *> realvar.var_type := type; realvar.var_size := s; realvar.var_align := a; IF exported THEN u.obj.export_symbol(realvar.symbol); END; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("bind_segment"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (exported); u.wr.Bool (inited); u.wr.NL (); END END bind_segment; PROCEDUREdeclare_global (u: U; n: Name; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; m3t: TypeUID; exported, inited: BOOLEAN): Var = BEGIN RETURN DeclareGlobal(u, n, s, a, type, m3t, exported, inited, FALSE); END declare_global; PROCEDUREdeclare_constant (u: U; n: Name; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; m3t: TypeUID; exported, inited: BOOLEAN): Var = BEGIN RETURN DeclareGlobal(u, n, s, a, type, m3t, exported, inited, TRUE); END declare_constant; PROCEDUREDeclareGlobal (u: U; n: Name; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; m3t: TypeUID; exported, inited, is_const: BOOLEAN): Var = CONST SegMap = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF Seg { Seg.Data, Seg.Text }; CONST DeclTag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "declare_global", "declare_constant" }; VAR v := NewVar(u, type, m3t, s, a, n); BEGIN v.loc :=; v.seg := SegMap [is_const]; IF inited THEN v.symbol := u.obj.define_symbol (, v.seg, 0); ELSE v.symbol := u.obj.define_bss_symbol (, s, a); END; IF exported THEN u.obj.export_symbol (v.symbol); END; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd (DeclTag [is_const]); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (m3t); u.wr.Bool (exported); u.wr.Bool (inited); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN v; END DeclareGlobal; PROCEDUREdeclare_local (u: U; n: Name; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; m3t: TypeUID; in_memory, up_level: BOOLEAN; f: Frequency): Var = VAR v: x86Var; BEGIN IF u.in_proc THEN v := get_temp_var (u, type, s, a, n); ELSE v := create_temp_var (u, type, s, a, n); END; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_local"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (m3t); u.wr.Bool (in_memory); u.wr.Bool (up_level); u.wr.Int (f); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (v.offset); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN v; END declare_local; PROCEDUREmangle_procname (base: M3ID.T; arg_size: INTEGER; std_call: BOOLEAN): M3ID.T = VAR buf: ARRAY [0..3] OF CHAR; txt := M3ID.ToText(base); len := Text.Length(txt); BEGIN (* return the 64bit functions unchanged *) IF len > NUMBER(buf) THEN Text.SetChars(SUBARRAY(buf, 0, NUMBER(buf)), txt); IF buf = ARRAY OF CHAR{'_', 'm', '3', '_'} THEN RETURN base END; END; IF std_call THEN RETURN M3ID.Add(Fmt.F ("_%s@%s", txt, Fmt.Int (arg_size))); ELSE RETURN M3ID.Add(Fmt.F ("_%s", txt)); END; END mangle_procname; PROCEDUREdeclare_param (u: U; n: Name; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; m3t: TypeUID; in_memory, up_level: BOOLEAN; f: Frequency): Var = VAR v := NewVar(u, type, m3t, s, 4, n); BEGIN (* Assume a = 4 and ESP is dword aligned... *) s := (s + 3) DIV 4 * 4; v.offset := u.param_proc.paramsize; v.loc := VLoc.temp; v.parent := u.param_proc; INC(u.param_proc.paramsize, s); <* ASSERT u.n_params > 0 *> DEC(u.n_params); IF u.n_params = 0 AND u.param_proc.stdcall THEN (* callee cleans & mangled name *) := mangle_procname(, u.param_proc.paramsize - 8, std_call := TRUE); IF u.param_proc.import THEN u.param_proc.symbol := u.obj.import_symbol(; ELSE u.param_proc.symbol := u.obj.define_symbol(, Seg.Text, 0); END; IF u.param_proc.exported THEN u.obj.export_symbol(u.param_proc.symbol); END END; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_param"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Tipe (m3t); u.wr.Bool (in_memory); u.wr.Bool (up_level); u.wr.Int (f); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (v.offset); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN v; END declare_param; PROCEDUREdeclare_temp (u: U; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; type: Type; in_memory:BOOLEAN): Var = VAR v: x86Var; BEGIN <* ASSERT u.in_proc *> v := get_temp_var(u, type, s, a); IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_temp"); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (in_memory); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (v.offset); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN v; END declare_temp; PROCEDUREget_temp_var (u: U; type: Type; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; n: Name := M3ID.NoID): x86Var = BEGIN (* round size and alignment up to 4 *) IF s < 4 THEN s := 4; END; IF a < 4 THEN a := 4; END; (* reuse an existing temporary variable if possible *) FOR i := 0 TO u.current_proc.tempsize - 1 DO WITH temp = u.current_proc.temparr[i] DO IF AND temp.var.var_size = s AND temp.var.var_align >= a THEN (* reinitialize existing temporary variable *) := FALSE; temp.var.var_type := type; temp.var.stack_temp := FALSE; temp.var.scope := u.next_scope - 1; RETURN temp.var; END END END; (* grow temporary variable array if necessary *) IF u.current_proc.tempsize = u.current_proc.templimit THEN expand_temp(u); END; (* initialize new temporary variable *) WITH temp = u.current_proc.temparr[u.current_proc.tempsize] DO temp.var := create_temp_var(u, type, s, a, n); <* ASSERT temp.var.var_type = type *> := FALSE; temp.var.scope := u.next_scope - 1; END; INC(u.current_proc.tempsize); RETURN u.current_proc.temparr[u.current_proc.tempsize - 1].var; END get_temp_var; PROCEDUREexpand_temp (u: U) = VAR newarr := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Temp, u.current_proc.templimit * 2); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO (u.current_proc.templimit - 1) DO newarr[i] := u.current_proc.temparr[i]; END; u.current_proc.templimit := u.current_proc.templimit * 2; u.current_proc.temparr := newarr; END expand_temp; PROCEDUREcreate_temp_var (u: U; type: Type; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment; n: Name): x86Var = VAR v := NewVar(u, type, 0, s, a, n); BEGIN v.loc := VLoc.temp; v.parent := u.current_proc; u.current_proc.framesize := Word.And(u.current_proc.framesize + a - 1, Alignmask[a]); INC(u.current_proc.framesize, s); v.offset := -u.current_proc.framesize; RETURN v; END create_temp_var; PROCEDUREfree_temp (u: U; v: Var) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("free_temp"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.NL (); END; FOR i := 0 TO u.current_proc.tempsize - 1 DO IF (NOT u.current_proc.temparr[i].free) AND u.current_proc.temparr[i].var = v THEN u.current_proc.temparr[i].free := TRUE; RETURN; END END; Err(u, "Couldn't find var to free in 'free_temp'"); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END free_temp;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ procedures ---begin_init (u: U; v: Var) = VAR realvar := NARROW(v, x86Var); offs, pad: INTEGER; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_init"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.init_varstore = NIL *> u.init_varstore := realvar; offs := u.obj.cursor(realvar.seg); IF Word.And(offs, realvar.var_align - 1) # 0 THEN pad := realvar.var_align - Word.And(offs, realvar.var_align - 1); INC(offs, pad); IF Word.And(pad, 3) # 0 THEN u.obj.append(realvar.seg, 0, Word.And(pad, 3)); pad := Word.And(pad, 16_FFFFFFFC); END; pad := pad DIV 4; FOR i := 1 TO pad DO u.obj.append(realvar.seg, 0, 4); END END; u.obj.move_symbol(realvar.symbol, offs); u.init_count := 0; END begin_init; PROCEDUREend_init (u: U; v: Var) = VAR realvar := NARROW(v, x86Var); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_init"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT v = u.init_varstore *> pad_init(u, realvar.var_size); u.init_varstore := NIL; END end_init; PROCEDUREinit_int (u: U; o: ByteOffset; READONLY value: Target.Int; type: Type) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_int"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.TInt (TIntN.FromTargetInt(value, CG_Bytes[type])); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; pad_init(u, o); u.obj.appendBytes(u.init_varstore.seg, SUBARRAY(value, 0, CG_Bytes[type])); INC(u.init_count, CG_Bytes[type]); END init_int; PROCEDUREinit_proc (u: U; o: ByteOffset; value: Proc) = VAR realproc := NARROW(value, x86Proc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_proc"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.PName (value); u.wr.NL (); END; pad_init(u, o); u.obj.append(u.init_varstore.seg, 0, 4); INC(u.init_count, 4); u.obj.relocate(u.init_varstore.symbol, o, realproc.symbol); END init_proc; PROCEDUREinit_label (u: U; o: ByteOffset; value: Label) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_label"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.Lab (value); u.wr.NL (); END; pad_init(u, o);, o, value); INC(u.init_count, 4); END init_label; PROCEDUREinit_var (u: U; o: ByteOffset; value: Var; bias: ByteOffset) = VAR realvar := NARROW(value, x86Var); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_var"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.VName (value); u.wr.Int (bias); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT realvar.loc = *> pad_init(u, o); u.obj.append(u.init_varstore.seg, bias, 4); INC(u.init_count, 4); u.obj.relocate(u.init_varstore.symbol, o, realvar.symbol); END init_var; PROCEDUREinit_offset (u: U; o: ByteOffset; value: Var) = VAR realvar := NARROW(value, x86Var); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_offset"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.VName (value); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT realvar.loc = VLoc.temp *> pad_init(u, o); u.obj.append(u.init_varstore.seg, realvar.offset, 4); INC(u.init_count, 4); END init_offset; PROCEDUREinit_chars (u: U; o: ByteOffset; value: TEXT) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_chars"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.Txt (value); u.wr.NL (); END; pad_init(u, o); WITH len = Text.Length(value) DO FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO u.obj.append(u.init_varstore.seg, ORD(Text.GetChar(value, i)), 1); END; INC(u.init_count, len); END END init_chars; PROCEDUREinit_float (u: U; o: ByteOffset; READONLY f: Target.Float) = VAR flarr: FloatBytes; size: INTEGER; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("init_float"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.Flt (f); u.wr.NL (); END; size := TFloat.ToBytes(f, flarr); <* ASSERT size = 4 OR size = 8 *> pad_init(u, o); FOR i := 0 TO size - 1 DO u.obj.append(u.init_varstore.seg, flarr[i], 1); INC(u.init_count); END; END init_float; PROCEDUREpad_init (u: U; o: ByteOffset) = BEGIN <* ASSERT u.init_count <= o *> <* ASSERT o <= u.init_varstore.var_size *> FOR i := u.init_count TO o - 1 DO u.obj.append(u.init_varstore.seg, 0, 1); END; u.init_count := o; END pad_init;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ statements ---NewProc (u: U; n: Name; n_params: INTEGER; ret_type: Type; cc: CallingConvention): x86Proc = VAR p := NEW (x86Proc, tag := u.next_proc, n_params := n_params, proc_type := ret_type, stdcall := (cc.m3cg_id = 1)); BEGIN IF n = M3ID.NoID THEN := M3ID.Add("P$" & Fmt.Int(p.tag)); ELSE := n; END; p.templimit := 16; p.temparr := NEW(REF ARRAY OF Temp, p.templimit); INC (u.next_proc); RETURN p; END NewProc; PROCEDUREimport_procedure (u: U; n: Name; n_params: INTEGER; ret_type: Type; cc: CallingConvention): Proc = VAR p := NewProc (u, n, n_params, ret_type, cc); BEGIN p.import := TRUE; u.n_params := n_params; IF (n_params = 0 OR NOT p.stdcall) AND Text.Length(M3ID.ToText(n)) > 0 THEN := mangle_procname(, 0, p.stdcall); p.symbol := u.obj.import_symbol(; END; u.param_proc := p; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("import_procedure"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Int (n_params); u.wr.TName (ret_type); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN p; END import_procedure; PROCEDUREdeclare_procedure (u: U; n: Name; n_params: INTEGER; return_type: Type; lev: INTEGER; cc: CallingConvention; exported: BOOLEAN; parent: Proc): Proc = VAR p := NewProc (u, n, n_params, return_type, cc); BEGIN p.exported := exported; p.lev := lev; p.parent := parent; IF p.lev # 0 THEN INC(p.framesize, 4); END; u.n_params := n_params; IF n_params = 0 OR NOT p.stdcall THEN := mangle_procname(, 0, p.stdcall); p.symbol := u.obj.define_symbol(, Seg.Text, 0); IF exported THEN u.obj.export_symbol(p.symbol); END END; u.param_proc := p; IF NOT u.in_proc THEN u.current_proc := p; END; IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("declare_procedure"); u.wr.ZName (n); u.wr.Int (n_params); u.wr.TName (return_type); u.wr.Int (lev); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.Bool (exported); u.wr.PName (parent); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; RETURN p; END declare_procedure; PROCEDUREbegin_procedure (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR realproc := NARROW(p, x86Proc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_procedure"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.clearall (); <* ASSERT NOT u.in_proc *> u.in_proc := TRUE; u.current_proc := p;; u.vstack.set_current_proc(p); u.last_exitbranch := -1; u.exit_proclabel := -1; (* Mark non-volatiles as not used, until known otherwise. *) u.proc_reguse[EBX] := FALSE; u.proc_reguse[ESI] := FALSE; u.proc_reguse[EDI] := FALSE; realproc.offset := u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text); realproc.bound := TRUE; WHILE realproc.usage # NIL DO u.obj.patch(Seg.Text, realproc.usage.loc, realproc.offset - (realproc.usage.loc + 4), 4); realproc.usage :=; END; u.obj.move_symbol(realproc.symbol, realproc.offset); u.obj.begin_procedure(realproc.symbol);[EBP]);[EBP],[ESP]);,[ESP], TWordN.Max16); u.procframe_ptr := u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text) - 4;[EBX]);[ESI]);[EDI]); IF u.current_proc.lev # 0 THEN[ECX],[EBP], -4, Type.Addr); END; u.current_proc.tempsize := 0; <* ASSERT u.next_scope = 1 *> begin_block(u); END begin_procedure; PROCEDUREend_procedure (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR realproc := NARROW(p, x86Proc); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_procedure"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; procedure_epilogue(u); <* ASSERT u.in_proc *> <* ASSERT u.current_proc = p *> u.current_proc.framesize := Word.And(u.current_proc.framesize + 3, 16_FFFFFFFC); u.obj.patch(Seg.Text, u.procframe_ptr, u.current_proc.framesize, 4); u.in_proc := FALSE; u.obj.end_procedure(realproc.symbol); end_block(u); END end_procedure; PROCEDUREbegin_block (u: U) = (* marks the beginning of a nested anonymous block *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("begin_block"); u.wr.NL (); END; INC(u.next_scope); END begin_block; PROCEDUREend_block (u: U) = (* marks the ending of a nested anonymous block *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("end_block"); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.next_scope > 1 *> DEC(u.next_scope); free_locals(u, u.next_scope); END end_block; PROCEDUREfree_locals (u: U; scope: INTEGER) = BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO u.current_proc.tempsize - 1 DO IF (NOT u.current_proc.temparr[i].free) AND u.current_proc.temparr[i].var.scope = scope THEN u.current_proc.temparr[i].free := TRUE; END END END free_locals; PROCEDUREnote_procedure_origin (u: U; p: Proc) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("note_procedure_origin"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END END note_procedure_origin;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ load/store ---debug_set_label (u: U; label: Label) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.OutT ("set_label"); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); END; END debug_set_label; PROCEDUREset_label (u: U; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> barrier: BOOLEAN) = (* define 'label' to be at the current pc *) BEGIN; u.vstack.clearall(); END set_label; PROCEDUREjump (u: U; label: Label) = (* GOTO label *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("jump"); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); END;, label); END jump; PROCEDUREif_true (u: U; type: IType; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> f: Frequency) = (* IF (s0.type # 0) GOTO label ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("if_true"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doimm (Op.oCMP, TZero, FALSE); (Cond.NZ, label); END if_true; PROCEDUREif_false (u: U; type: IType; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> f: Frequency) = (* IF (s0.type = 0) GOTO label ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("if_false"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doimm (Op.oCMP, TZero, FALSE); (Cond.Z, label); END if_false; PROCEDUREif_compare (u: U; type: ZType; op: CompareOp; label: Label; <*UNUSED*> f: Frequency) = (* IF (s1.type op s0.type) GOTO label ; pop(2) *) VAR cond := CompareOpCond [op]; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("if_compare"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.OutT (CompareOpName [op]); u.wr.Lab (label); u.wr.NL (); END; CASE type OF | Type.Word32, Type.Int32, Type.Word64, Type.Int64, Type.Addr => u.vstack.unlock(); IF u.vstack.dobin(Op.oCMP, TRUE, FALSE, type) THEN cond := revcond[cond]; END; | Type.Reel, Type.LReel, Type.XReel => IF THEN (FOp.fCOMP, 1); ELSE (FOp.fCOMPP, 1); cond := revcond[cond]; END; u.vstack.discard (2); u.vstack.unlock (); u.vstack.corrupt (EAX, operandPart := 0); (FOp.fNSTSWAX); (Op.oSAHF); END; CASE type OF | Type.Word32, Type.Word64, Type.Addr, Type.Reel, Type.LReel, Type.XReel => (* FCOM sets the unsigned compare flags *) cond := unscond[cond]; ELSE END;, label); END if_compare; PROCEDUREcase_jump (u: U; type: IType; READONLY labels: ARRAY OF Label) = (* "GOTO labels[s0.type] ; pop" with no range checking on s0.type *) VAR stack0: INTEGER; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("case_jump"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (NUMBER(labels)); FOR i := FIRST (labels) TO LAST (labels) DO u.wr.Lab (labels [i]); END; u.wr.NL (); END; stack0 := u.vstack.pos(0, "case_jump"); u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg);, labels); u.vstack.discard(1); END case_jump; PROCEDUREexit_proc (u: U; type: Type) = (* Returns s0.type if type is not Void, otherwise returns no value. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("exit_proc"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF type # Type.Void THEN u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "exit_proc") DO IF Target.FloatType[type] THEN; ELSIF TypeIs64(type) THEN u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.regset, RegSet { EAX, EDX }); ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.regset, RegSet { EAX }); END END; u.vstack.discard(1); END; IF u.exit_proclabel = -1 THEN u.exit_proclabel :=, FALSE); END; u.last_exitbranch := u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text);, u.exit_proclabel); END exit_proc; PROCEDUREprocedure_epilogue (u: U) = CONST NOP = 16_90; BEGIN IF u.exit_proclabel = -1 THEN RETURN; (* Strange as it may seem, some procedures have no exit points. *) END; IF u.last_exitbranch = u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text) - 5 THEN (* Don't generate a branch to the epilogue at the last exit point of the procedure *), offset := -5); u.obj.backup(Seg.Text, 5); ELSE; END; IF u.proc_reguse[EDI] THEN[EDI]); ELSE u.obj.patch(Seg.Text, u.procframe_ptr + 6, NOP, 1); END; IF u.proc_reguse[ESI] THEN[ESI]); ELSE u.obj.patch(Seg.Text, u.procframe_ptr + 5, NOP, 1); END; IF u.proc_reguse[EBX] THEN[EBX]); ELSE u.obj.patch(Seg.Text, u.procframe_ptr + 4, NOP, 1); END;; IF u.current_proc.stdcall THEN - 8); ELSE; END END procedure_epilogue;
PROCEDUREload (u: U; v: Var; o: ByteOffset; type: MType; type_multiple_of_32: ZType) =
push; s0.u := Mem [ ADR(v) + o ].type ; The only allowed (type->u) conversions are {Int,Word}{8,16} -> {Int,Word}{32,64} and {Int,Word}32 -> {Int,Word}64. The source type, type, determines whether the value is sign-extended or zero-extended.
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> u.vstack.push(MVar {var := v, mvar_offset := o, mvar_type := type}); END load; PROCEDUREstore (u: U; v: Var; o: ByteOffset; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; type: MType; ) =
Mem [ ADR(v) + o ].u := s0.type; pop
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("store"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> u.vstack.pop(MVar {var := v, mvar_offset := o, mvar_type := type}); END store; PROCEDUREload_address (u: U; v: Var; o: ByteOffset) =
push; s0.A := ADR(v) + o
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_address"); u.wr.VName (v); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doloadaddress(v, o); END load_address; PROCEDUREload_indirect (u: U; o: ByteOffset; type: MType; type_multiple_of_32: ZType) =
s0.type_multiple_of_32 := Mem [s0.A + o].type
VAR newreg: ARRAY OperandPart OF Regno; size: OperandSize; regset: RegSet; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_indirect"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "load_indirect") DO u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE); IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN, o, type); u.vstack.dealloc_reg(stack0, operandPart := 0); u.vstack.set_fstack(stack0); ELSE size := GetTypeSize(type); <* ASSERT size = GetTypeSize(type_multiple_of_32) *> (* allocate the registers *) IF CG_Bytes[type] = 1 THEN <* ASSERT size = 1 *> regset := RegistersForByteOperations; ELSE regset := AllRegisters; END; FOR i := 0 TO size - 1 DO newreg[i] := u.vstack.freereg(regset, operandPart := i); regset := (regset - RegSet{newreg[i]}); <* ASSERT newreg[i] # -1 *> END; (* do the loads *) FOR i := 0 TO size - 1 DO[i], u.vstack.op(stack0), o + 4 * i, type); END; (* do the bookkeeping about the loads *) (* previous contents of stack0 was just an address, no loop over size *) u.vstack.dealloc_reg(stack0, operandPart := 0); FOR i := 0 TO size - 1 DO u.vstack.set_reg(stack0, newreg[i], operandPart := i); END; END; u.vstack.set_type(stack0, type_multiple_of_32); END END load_indirect; PROCEDUREstore_indirect (u: U; o: ByteOffset; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; type: MType) =
Mem [s1.A + o].type := s0.type_multiple_of_32; pop (2)
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("store_indirect"); u.wr.Int (o); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> u.vstack.unlock(); WITH (* stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "store_indirect"), *) stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "store_indirect") DO IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE);, o, type); u.vstack.discard(2); ELSE u.vstack.dostoreind(o, type); END END END store_indirect;-------------------------------------------------------------- literals ---
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ arithmetic ---load_nil (u: U) = (* push ; s0.A := a *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_nil"); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.pushimmT(TZero, Type.Addr); END load_nil; PROCEDUREload_integer (u: U; type: IType; READONLY j: Target.Int) = (* push ; s0.type := i *) VAR i := TIntN.FromTargetInt(j, CG_Bytes[type]); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_integer"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TInt (i); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.pushimmT(i, type); END load_integer; PROCEDUREload_float (u: U; type: RType; READONLY f: Target.Float) = (* push ; s0.type := f *) VAR flarr: FloatBytes; size: INTEGER; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_float"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Flt (f); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.any); size := TFloat.ToBytes(f, flarr); IF size # CG_Bytes[type] THEN Err(u, "Floating size mismatch in load_float"); END;, type); END load_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------ sets ---compare (u: U; type: ZType; result_type: IType; op: CompareOp) = (* s1.result_type := (s1.type op s0.type) ; pop *) (* Comparison often needs to convert part of EFLAGS to a register-sized boolean. Or if one is lucky, just do a conditional branch based on EFLAGS and never materialize a register-sized boolean. Historically Modula-3 m3back did comparisons like this. cmp setCcOp to memory temporary on stack; setcc only sets one byte xor result_reg, result_reg ; result_reg := 0 mov result_reg_low, memory ; now have a register-sized boolean We can do much better. setCcOp is a family of instructions that materialize a computation of EFLAGS as an 8 bit boolean. There is sete, setne, setg, setl, seta, setb, etc. Anything you might conditionally branch on jcc, also has setcc. A "catch" however is it only gives you an 8 bit boolean, and code often wants a register sized boolean. Let's take the following C code as representative of our tasks, and observe how the C compiler optimizes it, and match it. That is a general technique I often follow, look at the optimized C output and match it. signed int signed_LT(int a, int b) { return a < b; } xor eax, eax cmp setl al int signed_LE(int a, int b) { return a <= b; } xor eax, eax cmp setle al EQ and NE are the same for signed vs. unsigned int EQ(int a, int b) { return a == b; } xor eax, eax cmp sete al int NE(int a, int b) { return a != b; } xor eax, eax cmp setne al GE and GT are the same as LT and LE but with either operands reversed or the setcc condition altered. int signed_GE(int a, int b) { return a >= b; } xor eax, eax cmp setge al int signed_GT(int a, int b) { return a > b; } xor eax, eax cmp setg al unsigned int unsigned_LT(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a < b; } cmp sbb eax, eax neg eax Let's understand this. sbb is subtract with carry/borrow. subtract from self is zero, and then carry/borrow is one more -- either 0 or -1. And then neg to turn -1 to 1. So sbb, neg materialize carry as a register-sized boolean. int unsigned_LE(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a <= b; } cmp sbb eax, eax inc eax Let's understand this. sbb is subtract with carry/borrow. subtract from self is zero, and then carry/borrow is one more -- either 0 or -1. And then inc turns -1 to 0, 0 to 1. So sbb, inc materialize carry as a register-sized boolean, inverted. int unsigned_GE(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a >= b; } cmp parameters reversed vs. LT sbb eax, eax ; see unsigned_LE for explanation inc eax ; see unsigned_LE for explanation int unsigned_GT(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a > b; } cmp sbb eax, eax ; see unsigned_LT for explanation neg eax ; see unsigned_LE for explanation int unsigned_EQ(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a == b; } same as signed: xor eax, eax cmp sete al int unsigned_NE(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a != b; } same as signed: xor eax, eax cmp setne al Fill these in if they prove interesting. Actually they are. Signed comparison to zero of a value in a register is sometimes done with test reg, reg. Sometimes the zero for the return value in progress doubles as the zero for the comparison. Also unsigned compare to zero is special. For example, unsigned values are always GE zero, never LT zero. int signed_GE0(int a) { return a >= 0; } xor eax, eax if a is in memory cmp a to eax else if a is in register (__fastcall to simulate) test a, a setge al int signed_GT0(int a) { return a > 0; } xor eax, eax if a is in memory cmp a to eax else if a is in register (__fastcall to simulate) test a, a setg al int signed_LT0(int a) { return a < 0; } xor eax, eax if a is in memory cmp a to eax else if a is in register (__fastcall to simulate) test a, a setl al int signed_LE0(int a) { return a <= 0; } xor eax, eax cmp to eax setle al int signed_EQ0(int a) { return a == 0; } xor eax, eax cmp to eax sete al int signed_NE0(int a, int b) { return a != 0; } xor eax, eax cmp to eax setne al int unsigned_GE0(unsigned a) { return a >= 0; } This is always true. xor eax, eax inc eax int unsigned_GT0(unsigned a) { return a > 0; } xor eax, eax cmp to eax (reversed?) sbb eax, eax ; see unsigned_LT for explanation neg eax ; see unsigned_LT for explanation int unsigned_LT0(unsigned a) { return a < 0; } This is always false. xor eax, eax int unsigned_LE0(unsigned a) { return a <= 0; } Same as EQ0. int unsigned_EQ0(unsigned a) { return a == 0; } input is in memory xor eax, eax cmp to eax sete al int __fastcall unsigned_EQ0(unsigned a) { return a == 0; } input is in a register xor eax, eax test reg, reg sete al int unsigned_NE0(unsigned a) { return a != 0; } same as EQ0 but setne instead of set From the code for these functions, we observe that there are multiple approaches, depending on what in EFLAGS is needed. There is: xor reg,reg cmp setcc reg_low_byte and cmp some math involving EFLAGS, such as sbb. The xor presumably has to precede the cmp in order to not lose the EFLAGS. *) VAR r: Regno := -1; reversed := FALSE; cond := CompareOpCond [op]; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("compare"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TName (result_type); u.wr.OutT (CompareOpName [op]); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT cond # Cond.Z AND cond # Cond.NZ *> IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN condset(u, cond, type); RETURN; END; IF TypeIsSigned(type) OR op IN SET OF CompareOp{CompareOp.EQ, CompareOp.NE} THEN u.vstack.unlock(); r := u.vstack.freereg(RegistersForByteOperations, operandPart := 0);,[r],[r]); reversed := u.vstack.dobin(Op.oCMP, TRUE, FALSE, type); IF reversed THEN cond := revcond[cond]; END;[r], cond); ELSE u.vstack.unlock(); IF op IN SET OF CompareOp{CompareOp.LE, CompareOp.GT} THEN u.vstack.swap(); IF op = CompareOp.LE THEN op := CompareOp.GE; ELSE op := CompareOp.LT; END; END; reversed := u.vstack.dobin(Op.oCMP, FALSE, FALSE, type); <* ASSERT NOT reversed *> u.vstack.unlock(); r := u.vstack.freereg(operandPart := 0);,[r],[r]); IF op = CompareOp.LT THEN,[r]); ELSE[r]); END; END; u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Word32, Force.regset, RegSet{r}); END compare; PROCEDUREadd (u: U; type: AType) = (* s1.type := s1.type + s0.type ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("add"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN, 1); u.vstack.discard(1); ELSE u.vstack.unlock(); EVAL u.vstack.dobin(Op.oADD, TRUE, TRUE, type); END; END add; PROCEDUREsubtract (u: U; type: AType) = (* s1.type := s1.type - s0.type ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("subtract"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN, 1); u.vstack.discard(1); ELSE u.vstack.unlock(); EVAL u.vstack.dobin(Op.oSUB, FALSE, TRUE, type); END; END subtract; PROCEDUREmultiply (u: U; type: AType) = (* s1.type := s1.type * s0.type ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("multiply"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF TypeIs64(type) THEN start_int_proc (u, Builtin.mul64); pop_param(u, Type.Word64); pop_param(u, Type.Word64); call_64 (u, Builtin.mul64); ELSIF Target.FloatType [type] THEN, 1); u.vstack.discard(1); ELSIF type = Type.Int32 THEN u.vstack.doimul(); ELSE <* ASSERT type = Type.Word32 *> u.vstack.doumul(); END END multiply; PROCEDUREdivide (u: U; type: RType) = (* s1.type := s1.type / s0.type ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("divide"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END;, 1); u.vstack.discard(1); END divide; CONST SignName = ARRAY Sign OF TEXT { " P", " N", " X" }; PROCEDUREdiv (u: U; type: IType; a, b: Sign) = (* s1.type := s1.type DIV s0.type ; pop *) VAR builtin: Builtin; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("div"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.OutT (SignName [a]); u.wr.OutT (SignName [b]); u.wr.NL (); END; IF TypeIs64(type) THEN CASE type OF Type.Int64 => builtin := Builtin.div64; | Type.Word64 => builtin := Builtin.udiv64; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; u.vstack.swap(); start_int_proc (u, builtin); pop_param(u, Type.Word64); pop_param(u, Type.Word64); call_64 (u, builtin); RETURN; END; IF TypeIsUnsigned(type) THEN a := Sign.Positive; b := Sign.Positive; END; u.vstack.dodiv(a, b); END div; PROCEDUREmod (u: U; type: IType; a, b: Sign) = (* s1.type := s1.type MOD s0.type ; pop *) VAR builtin: Builtin; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("mod"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.OutT (SignName [a]); u.wr.OutT (SignName [b]); u.wr.NL (); END; IF TypeIs64(type) THEN CASE type OF Type.Int64 => builtin := Builtin.mod64; | Type.Word64 => builtin := Builtin.umod64; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; u.vstack.swap(); start_int_proc (u, builtin); pop_param(u, Type.Word64); pop_param(u, Type.Word64); call_64 (u, builtin); RETURN; END; IF TypeIsUnsigned(type) THEN a := Sign.Positive; b := Sign.Positive; END; u.vstack.domod(a, b); END mod; PROCEDUREnegate (u: U; type: AType) = (* s0.type := - s0.type *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("negate"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN; ELSE u.vstack.doneg(); END END negate; PROCEDUREabs (u: U; type: AType) = (* s0.type := ABS (s0.type) (noop on Words) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("abs"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF TypeIsUnsigned(type) THEN RETURN; ELSIF TypeIsSigned(type) THEN u.vstack.doabs(); ELSE; END END abs; PROCEDUREmax (u: U; type: ZType) = (* s1.type := MAX (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("max"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.domaxmin(type, MaxMin.Max); END max; PROCEDUREmin (u: U; type: ZType) = (* s1.type := MIN (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("min"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.domaxmin(type, MaxMin.Min); END min; PROCEDUREcvt_int (u: U; type: RType; x: IType; op: ConvertOp) = (* s0.x := ROUND (s0.type) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("cvt_int"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TName (x); u.wr.OutT (ConvertOpName [op]); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.fltoint(ConvertOpKind [op], x); END cvt_int; PROCEDUREcvt_float (u: U; type: AType; x: RType) = (* s0.x := FLOAT (s0.type, x) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("cvt_float"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TName (x); u.wr.NL (); END; IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN RETURN; END; u.vstack.inttoflt(); END cvt_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- Word.T bit operations ---set_op3 (u: U; s: ByteSize; builtin: Builtin) = (* s2.B := s1.B op s0.B ; pop(3) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd (BuiltinDesc[builtin].name); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.NL (); END; start_int_proc (u, builtin); load_stack_param (u, Type.Addr, 2); load_stack_param (u, Type.Addr, 1); load_stack_param (u, Type.Addr, 0); u.vstack.discard (3); u.vstack.pushimmI (s * 8, Type.Word32); pop_param (u, Type.Word32); call_int_proc (u, builtin); END set_op3; PROCEDUREset_union (u: U; s: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B + s0.B ; pop(3) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, s, Builtin.set_union); END set_union; PROCEDUREset_difference (u: U; s: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B - s0.B ; pop(3) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, s, Builtin.set_difference); END set_difference; PROCEDUREset_intersection (u: U; s: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B * s0.B ; pop(3) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, s, Builtin.set_intersection); END set_intersection; PROCEDUREset_sym_difference (u: U; s: ByteSize) = (* s2.B := s1.B / s0.B ; pop(3) *) BEGIN set_op3(u, s, Builtin.set_sym_difference); END set_sym_difference; PROCEDUREset_member (u: U; s: ByteSize; type: IType) = (* s1.type := (s0.type IN s1.B) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_member"); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "set_member"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "set_member") DO (* Better would be: IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) # OLoc.imm OR TWordN.GT(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, TWordN.Max8) THEN u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.any); END; u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.any); but we don't have things quite right, so settle. *) u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyreg);, u.vstack.op(stack0)); u.vstack.discard(2); END; u.vstack.unlock(); (* see the end of condset u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Word8, Force.mem); WITH stop0 = u.vstack.op(u.vstack.pos(0, "set_singleton")) DO stop0.mvar.var.stack_temp := FALSE;, Cond.B); B = unsigned below = C = carry END; 4 instructions: 0000003F: 0F 92 45 F0 setb byte ptr [ebp-10h] 00000043: 33 D2 xor edx,edx 00000045: 8A 55 F0 mov dl,byte ptr [ebp-10h] 00000048: 89 55 F4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],edx Let's try something else. Goal is to capture the carry flag as a boolean in a Word. *) (* Convert carry to register-sized boolean. *) u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Word32, Force.anyreg); WITH stop0 = u.vstack.op(u.vstack.pos(0, "set_member")) DO, stop0, stop0); (* 0 if carry was clear, -1 if carry was set *), stop0); (* 0 if carry was clear, 1 if carry was set *) END; END set_member; PROCEDUREset_compare (u: U; s: ByteSize; op: CompareOp; type: IType) = (* s1.type := (s1.B op s0.B) ; pop *) VAR proc: Builtin; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_compare"); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.OutT (CompareOpName [op]); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF op = CompareOp.EQ OR op = CompareOp.NE THEN proc := Builtin.memcmp; start_int_proc (u, proc); u.vstack.pushimmI(s, Type.Word32); pop_param(u, Type.Word32); pop_param(u, Type.Addr); pop_param(u, Type.Addr); call_int_proc (u, proc); (* If EAX = 0, we want 1, if EAX # 0, we want 0. * Compile this and match it: * int F1(); * int F2() { return F1() == 0; } * int F3() { return F1() != 0; } *),[EAX]);,[EAX],[EAX]); IF op = CompareOp.EQ THEN[EAX]); ELSE,[EAX]); END ELSE proc := CompareOpProc [op]; start_int_proc (u, proc); u.vstack.swap(); pop_param(u, Type.Addr); pop_param(u, Type.Addr); u.vstack.pushimmI(s * 8, Type.Word32); pop_param(u, Type.Word32); call_int_proc (u, proc); END; END set_compare; PROCEDUREset_range (u: U; s: ByteSize; type: IType) = (* s2.A [s1.type .. s0.type] := 1's; pop(3) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_range"); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; start_int_proc (u, Builtin.set_range); load_stack_param(u, Type.Addr, 2); load_stack_param(u, type, 1); pop_param(u, type); u.vstack.discard(2); call_int_proc (u, Builtin.set_range); END set_range; PROCEDUREset_singleton (u: U; s: ByteSize; type: IType) = (* s1.A [s0.type] := 1; pop(2) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("set_singleton"); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; (* bit test and set -- we don't care about the test *) WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "set_singleton"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "set_singleton") DO u.vstack.unlock(); (* single byte constants can be immediate * but the front end never generates that *) <* ASSERT u.vstack.loc(stack0) # OLoc.imm *> (*IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) # OLoc.imm OR TWordN.GT(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, TWordN.Max8) THEN*) u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); (*ELSE*) (*u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.any);*) (*END;*) u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.any);, u.vstack.op(stack0)); u.vstack.discard(2); END END set_singleton;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ misc. stack/memory ops ---not (u: U; type: IType) = (* s0.type := Word.Not (s0.type) *) VAR not: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("not"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "not") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN TWordN.Not (u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, not); u.vstack.set_imm(stack0, not); ELSE u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anytemp);, u.vstack.op(stack0)); u.vstack.newdest(u.vstack.op(stack0)); END END END not; PROCEDUREand (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.And (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("and"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); EVAL u.vstack.dobin(Op.oAND, TRUE, TRUE, type); END and; PROCEDUREor (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Or (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("or"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); EVAL u.vstack.dobin(Op.oOR, TRUE, TRUE, type); END or; PROCEDURExor (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Xor (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("xor"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); EVAL u.vstack.dobin(Op.oXOR, TRUE, TRUE, type); END xor; PROCEDUREshift_left (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Shift (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("shift_left"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; EVAL u.vstack.doshift (type, ShiftType.LeftAlreadyBounded); END shift_left; PROCEDUREshift_right (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Shift (s1.type, -s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("shift_right"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; EVAL u.vstack.doshift (type, ShiftType.RightAlreadyBounded); END shift_right; PROCEDUREshift (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Shift (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("shift"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; EVAL u.vstack.doshift (type, ShiftType.UnboundedPositiveIsLeft); END shift; PROCEDURErotate (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Rotate (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("rotate"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF u.vstack.dorotate(type) THEN RETURN; END; do_rotate_or_shift_64 (u, Builtin.rotate64); END rotate; PROCEDURErotate_left (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Rotate (s1.type, s0.type) ; pop *) VAR rotateCount: INTEGER; rotate: TIntN.T; and: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("rotate_left"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "rotate_left"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "rotate_left") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF u.vstack.loc(stack1) = OLoc.imm THEN IF NOT TIntN.ToHostInteger(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, rotateCount) THEN Err(u, "unable to convert rotate count to host integer"); END; TWordN.Rotate(u.vstack.op(stack1).imm, rotateCount, rotate); u.vstack.set_imm(stack1, rotate); ELSE TWordN.And(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, MaximumShift[type], and); u.vstack.set_imm(stack0, and); IF TypeIs64(type) THEN do_rotate_or_shift_64(u, Builtin.rotate_left64); RETURN; END; u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anytemp);, u.vstack.op(stack1), u.vstack.op(stack0).imm); u.vstack.newdest(u.vstack.op(stack1)); END ELSE IF TypeIs64(type) THEN do_rotate_or_shift_64(u, Builtin.rotate_left64); RETURN; END; u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.regset, RegSet {ECX}); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anytemp); IF u.vstack.loc(stack1) = OLoc.imm THEN u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyreg); END;, u.vstack.op(stack1)); u.vstack.newdest(u.vstack.op(stack1)); END; u.vstack.discard(1); END END rotate_left; PROCEDURErotate_right (u: U; type: IType) = (* s1.type := Word.Rotate (s1.type, -s0.type) ; pop *) VAR rotateCount: INTEGER; rotate: TIntN.T; and: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("rotate_right"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "rotate_right"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "rotate_right") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF u.vstack.loc(stack1) = OLoc.imm THEN IF NOT TIntN.ToHostInteger(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, rotateCount) THEN Err(u, "unable to convert rotate count to host integer"); END; TWordN.Rotate(u.vstack.op(stack1).imm, -rotateCount, rotate); u.vstack.set_imm(stack1, rotate); ELSE TWordN.And(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, MaximumShift[type], and); u.vstack.set_imm(stack0, and); IF TypeIs64(type) THEN do_rotate_or_shift_64(u, Builtin.rotate_right64); RETURN; END; u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anytemp);, u.vstack.op(stack1), u.vstack.op(stack0).imm); u.vstack.newdest(u.vstack.op(stack1)); END ELSE IF TypeIs64(type) THEN do_rotate_or_shift_64(u, Builtin.rotate_right64); RETURN; END; u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.regset, RegSet {ECX}); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anytemp); IF u.vstack.loc(stack1) = OLoc.imm THEN u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyreg); END;, u.vstack.op(stack1)); u.vstack.newdest(u.vstack.op(stack1)); END; u.vstack.discard(1); END END rotate_right; PROCEDUREwiden (u: U; sign_extend: BOOLEAN) = (* s0.I64 := s0.I32; IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s0; *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("widen"); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.NL (); END; <*ASSERT FALSE*> END widen; PROCEDUREchop (u: U) = (* s0.I32 := Word.And (s0.I64, 16_ffffffff); *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("chop"); u.wr.NL (); END; <*ASSERT FALSE*> END chop; PROCEDUREextract (u: U; type: IType; sign_extend: BOOLEAN) = (* s2.type := Word.Extract(s2.type, s1.type, s0.type); IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s2 END; pop(2) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("extract"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doextract(type, sign_extend); END extract; PROCEDUREextract_n (u: U; type: IType; sign_extend: BOOLEAN; n: CARDINAL) = (* s1.type := Word.Extract(s1.type, s0.type, n); IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s1 END; pop(1) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("extract_n"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doextract_n(type, sign_extend, n); END extract_n; PROCEDUREextract_mn (u: U; type: IType; sign_extend: BOOLEAN; m, n: CARDINAL) = (* s0.type := Word.Extract(s0.type, m, n); IF sign_extend THEN SignExtend s0 END; *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("extract_mn"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (sign_extend); u.wr.Int (m); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doextract_mn(type, sign_extend, m, n); END extract_mn; PROCEDUREinsert (u: U; type: IType) = (* s3.type := Word.Insert (s3.type, s2.type, s1.type, s0.type) ; pop(3) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("insert"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doinsert(type); END insert; PROCEDUREinsert_n (u: U; type: IType; n: CARDINAL) = (* s2.type := Word.Insert (s2.type, s1.type, s0.type, n) ; pop(2) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("insert_n"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doinsert_n(type, n); END insert_n; PROCEDUREinsert_mn (u: U; type: IType; m, n: CARDINAL) = (* s1.type := Word.Insert (s1.type, s0.type, m, n) ; pop(2) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("insert_mn"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (m); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doinsert_mn(type, m, n); END insert_mn;
PROCEDUREswap (u: U; a, b: Type) = (* tmp := s1 ; s1 := s0 ; s0 := tmp *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("swap"); u.wr.TName (a); u.wr.TName (b); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.swap(); END swap; PROCEDUREpop (u: U; type: Type) = (* pop(1) (i.e. discard s0) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "pop") DO <* ASSERT u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.fstack *>; END END; u.vstack.discard(1); END pop; PROCEDUREcopy_n (u: U; type_multiple_of_32: IType; type: MType; overlap: BOOLEAN) = (* Mem[s2.A:s0.type_multiple_of_32] := Mem[s1.A:s0.type_multiple_of_32]; pop(3)*) CONST Mover = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF Builtin { Builtin.memcpy, Builtin.memmove }; VAR n: INTEGER; mover := Mover [overlap]; shift: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("copy_n"); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (overlap); u.wr.NL (); END; WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "copy_n") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF NOT TIntN.ToHostInteger(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, n) THEN Err(u, "copy_n: unable to convert to host integer"); END; u.vstack.discard(1); copy(u, n, type, overlap); RETURN; END END; IF CG_Bytes[type] # 1 THEN WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "copy_n") DO u.vstack.unlock(); CASE CG_Bytes[type] OF 2 => shift := TIntN.One; | 4 => shift := TIntN.Two; | 8 => shift := TIntN.Three; ELSE Err(u, "Unknown MType size in copy_n"); END; u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg);, u.vstack.op(stack0), shift); END END; start_int_proc (u, mover); pop_param (u, type_multiple_of_32); pop_param (u, Type.Addr); pop_param (u, Type.Addr); call_int_proc (u, mover); u.vstack.discard(1); END copy_n; CONST MAXINLINECOPY = 8; CONST faketype = ARRAY [1 .. 4] OF MType { Type.Word8, Type.Word16, Type.Word32, Type.Word32 }; PROCEDUREinline_copy (u: U; n, size: INTEGER; forward: BOOLEAN) = VAR start, end, step: INTEGER; movereg: Regno; BEGIN IF forward THEN start := 0; end := n - 1; step := 1; ELSE start := n - 1; end := 0; step := -1; END; movereg := u.vstack.freereg(operandPart := 0); WITH stop0 = u.vstack.op(u.vstack.pos(0, "inline_copy")), stop1 = u.vstack.op(u.vstack.pos(1, "inline_copy")) DO FOR i := start TO end BY step DO, stop0, i * size, size);[movereg], stop1, i * size, faketype[size]); END END END inline_copy; PROCEDUREstring_copy (u: U; n, size: INTEGER; forward: BOOLEAN) = VAR tn, tNMinus1, tsize, tint: TIntN.T; BEGIN u.vstack.corrupt(ECX, operandPart := 0);[ECX], n); IF forward THEN; ELSE IF NOT TIntN.FromHostInteger(n, Target.Integer.bytes, tn) THEN Err(u, "string_copy: unable to convert n to target int"); END; IF NOT TIntN.FromHostInteger(size, Target.Integer.bytes, tsize) THEN Err(u, "string_copy: unable to convert size to target int"); END; IF NOT TIntN.Subtract(tn, TIntN.One, tNMinus1) THEN Err(u, "string_copy: Subtract overflowed"); END; IF NOT TIntN.Multiply(tNMinus1, tsize, tint) THEN Err(u, "string_copy: Multiply overflowed"); END;,[ESI], tint);,[EDI], tint);; END;; CASE size OF 1 =>; | 2 =>; | 4 =>; ELSE Err(u, "Illegal size in copy"); END; IF NOT forward THEN; END END string_copy; PROCEDUREcopy (u: U; n: INTEGER; type: MType; overlap: BOOLEAN) = (* Mem[s1.A:sz] := Mem[s0.A:sz]; pop(2)*) VAR size := CG_Bytes[type]; forward, end: Label := No_label; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("copy"); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Bool (overlap); u.wr.NL (); END; IF size = 1 AND Word.And(n, 3) = 0 THEN n := Word.Shift(n, -2); size := 4; END; IF size = 2 AND Word.And(n, 1) = 0 THEN n := Word.Shift(n, -1); size := 4; END; IF size = 8 THEN n := Word.Shift(n, 1); size := 4; END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "copy"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "copy") DO IF n > MAXINLINECOPY THEN u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.regset, RegSet { ESI } ); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.regset, RegSet { EDI } ); u.proc_reguse[ESI] := TRUE; u.proc_reguse[EDI] := TRUE; ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE); END END; IF overlap AND n > 1 THEN forward :=, TRUE); end :=, TRUE);,[ESI],[EDI]);, forward); IF n <= MAXINLINECOPY THEN inline_copy(u, n, size, FALSE); ELSE string_copy(u, n, size, FALSE); END;, end);; END; IF n <= MAXINLINECOPY THEN inline_copy(u, n, size, TRUE); ELSE string_copy(u, n, size, TRUE); END; IF overlap AND n > 1 THEN; END; IF n > MAXINLINECOPY THEN u.vstack.newdest([ESI]); u.vstack.newdest([EDI]); END; u.vstack.discard(2); END copy; PROCEDUREzero_n (u: U; type_multiple_of_32: IType; type: MType) = (* Mem[s1.A:s0.type_multiple_of_32] := 0; pop(2) *)
VAR n: INTEGER; shift: TIntN.T;
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("zero_n"); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT FALSE *> (* zero_n is implemented incorrectly in the gcc backend, * therefore it must not be used. WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "zero_n") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF NOT TIntN.ToHostInteger(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, n) THEN Err(u, "zero_n: unable to convert to host integer"); END; u.vstack.discard(1); zero(u, n, type); RETURN; END END; IF CG_Bytes[type] # 1 THEN WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "zero_n") DO u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); CASE CG_Bytes[type] OF 2 => shift := TIntN.One; | 4 => shift := TIntN.Two; | 8 => shift := TIntN.Three; ELSE Err(u, "Unknown MType size in zero_n"); END;, u.vstack.op(stack0), shift); END END; start_int_proc (u, Builtin.memset); pop_param (u, type_multiple_of_32); u.vstack.pushimmT (TZero, Type.Word32); pop_param (u, Type.Word32); pop_param (u, Type.Addr); call_int_proc (u, Builtin.memset); u.vstack.discard(1); *) END zero_n; PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------- internal procedures ---zero (u: U; n: INTEGER; type: MType) = (* Mem[s0.A:sz] := 0; pop(1) *) VAR size := CG_Bytes[type]; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("zero"); u.wr.Int (n); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; IF size = 1 AND Word.And(n, 3) = 0 THEN n := Word.Shift(n, -2); size := 4; END; IF size = 2 AND Word.And(n, 1) = 0 THEN n := Word.Shift(n, -1); size := 4; END; IF size = 8 THEN n := Word.Shift(n, 1); size := 4; END; u.vstack.unlock(); IF n > MAXINLINECOPY THEN u.vstack.find(u.vstack.pos(0, "zero"), Force.regset, RegSet { EDI } ); u.vstack.corrupt(EAX, operandPart := 0); u.vstack.corrupt(ECX, operandPart := 0);,[EAX],[EAX]);[ECX], n);;; CASE size OF 1 =>; | 2 =>; | 4 =>; ELSE Err(u, "Illegal size in zero"); END; u.vstack.newdest([EDI]); ELSE WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "zero"), stop0 = u.vstack.op(stack0) DO u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE); FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO { loc := OLoc.imm, imm := TZero, optype := type }, stop0, i * size, faketype[size]); END END END; u.vstack.discard(1); END zero;
TYPE Builtin = { set_union, set_difference, set_intersection, set_sym_difference, set_range, set_lt, set_le, set_gt, set_ge, memmove, memcpy, memset, memcmp, mul64, udiv64, umod64, div64, mod64, rotate_left64, rotate_right64, rotate64 };union .. sym_difference -> (n_bits, *c, *b, *a): Void range -> (b, a, *s): Void eq .. ge -> (n_bits, *b, *a): Int member -> (elt, *set): Int singleton -> (a, *s): Void
TYPE BP = RECORD name : TEXT; n_params : INTEGER; (* counted in 32bit words *) ret_type : Type; lang : TEXT; END; CONST BuiltinDesc = ARRAY Builtin OF BP { BP { "set_union", 4, Type.Void, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_difference", 4, Type.Void, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_intersection", 4, Type.Void, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_sym_difference", 4, Type.Void, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_range", 3, Type.Void, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_lt", 3, Type.Int32, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_le", 3, Type.Int32, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_gt", 3, Type.Int32, "__stdcall" }, BP { "set_ge", 3, Type.Int32, "__stdcall" }, BP { "memmove", 3, Type.Addr, "C" }, BP { "memcpy", 3, Type.Addr, "C" }, BP { "memset", 3, Type.Addr, "C" }, BP { "memcmp", 3, Type.Int32, "C" }, (* custom calling convention: parameters pushed, removed * by callee, but name is not __stdcall, call_64 pokes * the parameter size to 0 *) BP { "_allmul", 0, Type.Word64, "C" }, (* 64bit multiply; signed or unsigned *) BP { "_aulldiv", 0, Type.Word64, "C" }, (* 64bit unsigned divide *) BP { "_aullrem", 0, Type.Word64, "C" }, (* 64bit unsigned mod/remainder *) BP { "m3_div64", 4, Type.Int64, "__stdcall" }, BP { "m3_mod64", 4, Type.Int64, "__stdcall" }, BP { "m3_rotate_left64", 3, Type.Word64, "__stdcall" }, BP { "m3_rotate_right64",3, Type.Word64, "__stdcall" }, BP { "m3_rotate64", 3, Type.Word64, "__stdcall" } }; PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------- conversions ---start_int_proc (u: U; b: Builtin) = BEGIN WITH proc = u.builtins[b], desc = BuiltinDesc [b] DO IF proc = NIL THEN proc := import_procedure (u, M3ID.Add (, desc.n_params, desc.ret_type, Target.FindConvention (desc.lang)); FOR i := 1 TO desc.n_params DO EVAL declare_param (u, M3ID.NoID, 4, 4, Type.Word32, 0, FALSE, FALSE, 100); END; END; start_call_direct (u, proc, 0, desc.ret_type); END; END start_int_proc; PROCEDUREcall_int_proc (u: U; b: Builtin) = BEGIN call_direct (u, u.builtins[b], BuiltinDesc[b].ret_type); END call_int_proc;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ traps & runtime checks ---loophole (u: U; from, to: ZType) = (* := LOOPHOLE(s0.from, to) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("loophole"); u.wr.TName (from); u.wr.TName (to); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.doloophole(from, to); END loophole;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- address arithmetic ---abort (u: U; code: RuntimeError) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("abort"); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; reportfault(u, code); END abort; PROCEDUREcheck_nil (u: U; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.A = NIL) THEN abort(code) *) VAR safelab: Label; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_nil"); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "check_nil") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF TIntN.EQ(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, TZero) THEN reportfault(u, code); END ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE); IF NOT u.vstack.non_nil(u.vstack.reg(stack0)) THEN, u.vstack.op(stack0), TZero); safelab :=, TRUE);, safelab); reportfault(u, code);; END; u.vstack.set_non_nil(u.vstack.reg(stack0)); END; END; END check_nil; PROCEDUREcheck_lo (u: U; type: IType; READONLY j: Target.Int; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.type < i) THEN abort(code) *) VAR safelab: Label; i := TIntN.FromTargetInt(j, CG_Bytes[type]); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_lo"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TInt (i); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "check_lo") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF TIntN.LT(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, i) THEN reportfault(u, code); END ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); IF TIntN.GE(u.vstack.lower(u.vstack.reg(stack0)), i) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF TIntN.LT(u.vstack.upper(u.vstack.reg(stack0)), i) THEN reportfault(u, code); ELSE, u.vstack.op(stack0), i); safelab :=, TRUE);, safelab); reportfault(u, code);; u.vstack.set_lower(u.vstack.reg(stack0), i); END END END END check_lo; PROCEDUREcheck_hi (u: U; type: IType; READONLY j: Target.Int; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (i < s0.type) THEN abort(code) *) VAR safelab: Label; i := TIntN.FromTargetInt(j, CG_Bytes[type]); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_hi"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TInt (i); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "check_hi") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF TIntN.LT(i, u.vstack.op(stack0).imm) THEN reportfault(u, code); END ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); IF TIntN.LE(u.vstack.upper(u.vstack.reg(stack0)), i) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF TIntN.GT(u.vstack.lower(u.vstack.reg(stack0)), i) THEN reportfault(u, code); ELSE, u.vstack.op(stack0), i); safelab :=, TRUE);, safelab); reportfault(u, code);; u.vstack.set_upper(u.vstack.reg(stack0), i); END END END END check_hi; PROCEDUREcheck_range (u: U; type: IType; READONLY xa, xb: Target.Int; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.type < a) OR (b < s0.type) THEN abort(code) *) VAR lo, hi: TIntN.T; safelab, outrange: Label; a := TIntN.FromTargetInt(xa, CG_Bytes[type]); b := TIntN.FromTargetInt(xb, CG_Bytes[type]); BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_range"); u.wr.TInt (a); u.wr.TInt (b); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "check_range") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN lo := u.vstack.op(stack0).imm; IF TIntN.LT(lo, a) OR TIntN.LT(b, lo) THEN reportfault(u, code); END; RETURN; END; u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg); WITH reg = u.vstack.reg(stack0) DO lo := u.vstack.lower(reg); hi := u.vstack.upper(reg); IF TIntN.LE(a, lo) AND TIntN.LE(hi, b) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF TIntN.LT(hi, a) OR TIntN.LT(b, lo) THEN reportfault(u, code); ELSIF TIntN.LE(hi, b) THEN check_lo(u, type, xa, code); ELSIF TIntN.GE(lo, a) THEN check_hi(u, type, xb, code); ELSIF TIntN.EQ(a, TZero) THEN (* 0 <= x <= b ==> UNSIGNED(x) <= b *) safelab :=, TRUE);, u.vstack.op(stack0), b); [Cond.LE], safelab); reportfault(u, code);; u.vstack.set_upper(reg, b); u.vstack.set_lower(reg, a); ELSE safelab :=, TRUE); outrange :=, TRUE);, u.vstack.op(stack0), a);, outrange);, u.vstack.op(stack0), b);, safelab);; reportfault(u, code);; u.vstack.set_upper(reg, b); u.vstack.set_lower(reg, a); END; END END END check_range; PROCEDUREcheck_index (u: U; type: IType; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF NOT (0 <= s1.type < s0.type) THEN abort(code) END; pop *) (* s0.type is guaranteed to be positive so the unsigned check (s0.W <= s1.W) is sufficient. *) VAR safelab: Label; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_index"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "check_index"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "check_index") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm AND u.vstack.loc(stack1) = OLoc.imm THEN IF TWordN.LE(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, u.vstack.op(stack1).imm) THEN reportfault(u, code); END ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.any); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyregimm); IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.mem THEN u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyregimm); END; safelab :=, TRUE); IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN, u.vstack.op(stack1), u.vstack.op(stack0));, safelab); ELSE, u.vstack.op(stack0), u.vstack.op(stack1));, safelab); END; reportfault(u, code);; END; END; u.vstack.discard(1); END check_index; PROCEDUREcheck_eq (u: U; type: IType; code: RuntimeError) = (* IF (s0.type # s1.type) THEN abort(code); Pop (2) *) VAR safelab: Label; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("check_eq"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (ORD (code)); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "check_index"), stack1 = u.vstack.pos(1, "check_index") DO u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.any); u.vstack.find(stack1, Force.anyregimm); IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.mem THEN u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyregimm); END; IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN, u.vstack.op(stack1), u.vstack.op(stack0)); ELSE, u.vstack.op(stack0), u.vstack.op(stack1)); END; safelab :=, TRUE);, safelab); reportfault(u, code);; END; u.vstack.discard(2); END check_eq; PROCEDUREreportfault (u: U; code: RuntimeError) = (* 32: see M3CG.RuntimeError, RuntimeError.T *) VAR info := ORD (code) + u.lineno * 32; BEGIN <* ASSERT ORD (code) < 32 *> (* lose fault code not ok *) (* ASSERT u.lineno <= (LAST(INTEGER) DIV 32) *) (* losing line number ok *)[EAX], info);; u.usedfault := TRUE; END reportfault; PROCEDUREmakereportproc (u: U) = VAR repproc : Proc; labelname : TEXT; reportsymbol : INTEGER; BEGIN get_runtime_hook(u, M3ID.Add ("ReportFault"), repproc);; labelname := M3ID.ToText ( & "_CRASH"; reportsymbol := u.obj.define_symbol(M3ID.Add(labelname), Seg.Text, u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text)); u.obj.begin_procedure(reportsymbol);[EBP]);[EBP],[ESP]);[EAX]); (* runtime error code + line number *) IF (repproc # NIL) THEN start_call_direct(u, repproc, 0, Type.Void); INC(u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1], 4); (* remember error code *) load_address(u, u.global_var, 0); pop_param(u, Type.Addr); call_direct(u, repproc, Type.Void); ELSE u.Err ("cannot locate the runtime procedure: ReportFault !") END; u.obj.end_procedure(reportsymbol); END makereportproc;
PROCEDUREadd_offset (u: U; i: INTEGER) = (* s0.A := s0.A + i *) VAR ti, imm_plus_i: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("add_offset"); u.wr.Int (i); u.wr.NL (); END; IF NOT TIntN.FromHostInteger(i, Target.Integer.bytes, ti) THEN Err(u, "add_offset: failed to convert i to target integer"); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "add_offset") DO IF u.vstack.loc(stack0) = OLoc.imm THEN IF NOT TIntN.Add(u.vstack.op(stack0).imm, ti, imm_plus_i) THEN Err(u, "add_offset: Add overflowed"); END; u.vstack.set_imm(stack0, imm_plus_i); ELSE u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anytemp, AllRegisters, TRUE);, u.vstack.op(stack0), ti); u.vstack.newdest(u.vstack.op(stack0)); END END END add_offset; PROCEDURElog2 (int: INTEGER): INTEGER =
Return log2(int) if int is a power of 2, -1 if it is 0, otherwise -2
BEGIN IF Word.And(int, int-1) # 0 THEN RETURN -2; END; IF int = 0 THEN RETURN -1; END; FOR i := 0 TO 31 DO int := Word.Shift(int, -1); IF int = 0 THEN RETURN i; END; END; RETURN -1; END log2; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- procedure calls ---index_address (u: U; type: IType; size: INTEGER) = (* s1.A := s1.A + s0.type * size ; pop *) VAR shift: INTEGER; neg := FALSE; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("index_address"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (size); u.wr.NL (); END; IF size = 0 THEN Err(u, "size = 0 in index_address"); END; IF size < 0 THEN size := -size; neg := TRUE; END; shift := log2(size); u.vstack.doindex_address(shift, size, neg); END index_address;
PROCEDUREcall_64 (u: U; builtin: Builtin) = BEGIN (* all 64bit helpers pop their parameters, even if they are __cdecl named. *) u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1] := 0; (* There is a problem with our register bookkeeping, such * that we can't preserve non volatiles across function calls, * and we even get confused about volatiles (they * should be computed after the function call, not before). *) u.vstack.all_to_mem(); (* hack *) call_int_proc (u, builtin); END call_64; PROCEDUREdo_rotate_or_shift_64 (u: U; builtin: Builtin) = BEGIN start_int_proc (u, builtin); pop_param(u, Type.Word32); (* shift count *) pop_param(u, Type.Word64); (* value to shift *) call_64 (u, builtin); END do_rotate_or_shift_64; PROCEDUREstart_call_direct (u: U; p: Proc; lev: INTEGER; type: Type) = (* begin a procedure call to a procedure at static level 'lev'. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("start_call_direct"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.Int (lev); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; (* ASSERT u.in_proc_call < 2 *) (* ? *) u.static_link[u.in_proc_call] := NIL; u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call] := 0; INC(u.in_proc_call); END start_call_direct; PROCEDUREstart_call_indirect (u: U; type: Type; cc: CallingConvention) = (* begin a procedure call to a procedure at static level 'lev'. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("start_call_indirect"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.NL (); END; (* ASSERT u.in_proc_call < 2 *) (* ? *) u.static_link[u.in_proc_call] := NIL; u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call] := 0; INC(u.in_proc_call); END start_call_indirect; PROCEDUREpop_param (u: U; type: MType) = (* pop s0 and make it the "next" parameter in the current call *) BEGIN (*IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop_param"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END;*) load_stack_param(u, type, 0); u.vstack.discard(1); END pop_param; PROCEDUREload_stack_param (u: U; type: MType; depth: INTEGER) = (* make value at vstack[depth] the next parameter in the current call *) VAR opA: ARRAY OperandPart OF Operand; size: OperandSize; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_stack_param"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Int (depth); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); <* ASSERT u.in_proc_call > 0 *> WITH stack = u.vstack.pos(depth, "load_stack_param") DO IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN <* ASSERT depth = 0 *> IF type = Type.Reel THEN,[ESP], TIntN.Four); ELSE,[ESP], TIntN.Eight); END;[ESP], 0, type); ELSE u.vstack.find(stack, Force.anyregimm); size := SplitOperand(u.vstack.op(stack), opA); FOR i := size - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO[i]); END; END; END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type] <= 4 OR CG_Bytes[type] = 8 *> IF CG_Bytes[type] <= 4 THEN INC(u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1], 4); ELSE INC(u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1], 8); END END load_stack_param; PROCEDUREpop_struct (u: U; type: TypeUID; s: ByteSize; a: Alignment) = (* pop s0 and make it the "next" parameter in the current call * NOTE that we implement call by value, the struct is * copied to temporary space on the machine stack *) VAR ts: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop_struct"); u.wr.Tipe (type); u.wr.Int (s); u.wr.Int (a); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.in_proc_call > 0 *> (* round struct size up to multiple of 4 or 8 *) <* ASSERT a <= 4 OR a = 8 *> IF a <= 4 THEN s := Word.And(s + 3, 16_FFFFFFFC); ELSE s := Word.And(s + 7, Alignmask[8]); END; u.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "pop_struct") DO IF NOT TIntN.FromHostInteger(s, Target.Integer.bytes, ts) THEN Err(u, "pop_struct: unable to convert s to target int"); END; (* if the struct is "large", use rep mov to copy it to the machine stack *) IF TIntN.GT(ts, TIntN.ThirtyTwo) THEN,[ESP], ts); u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.regset, RegSet { ESI }); u.vstack.corrupt(EDI, operandPart := 0); u.vstack.corrupt(ECX, operandPart := 0);[EDI],[ESP]);[ECX], s DIV 4);;;; u.vstack.newdest([ESI]); ELSE (* if the struct is "small", use a few load/push to copy it to the machine stack *) u.vstack.find(stack0, Force.anyreg, AllRegisters, TRUE); WITH temp = u.vstack.freereg(operandPart := 0) DO FOR i := 1 TO (s DIV 4) DO, u.vstack.op(stack0), s - (i * 4), Type.Word32);[temp]); END END END END; u.vstack.discard(1); INC(u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1], s); END pop_struct; PROCEDUREpop_static_link (u: U) = BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("pop_static_link"); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.in_proc_call > 0 *> u.static_link[u.in_proc_call - 1] := declare_temp(u, 4, 4, Type.Addr, FALSE); u.vstack.pop(MVar {var := u.static_link[u.in_proc_call - 1], mvar_offset := 0, mvar_type := Type.Addr} ); END pop_static_link; PROCEDURETypeIs64 (type: Type): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN type IN (SET OF Type{Type.Int64, Type.Word64}); END TypeIs64; PROCEDURETypeIsUnsigned (type: Type): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN type IN (SET OF Type{Type.Word32, Type.Word64}); END TypeIsUnsigned; PROCEDURETypeIsSigned (type: Type): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN type IN (SET OF Type{Type.Int32, Type.Int64}); END TypeIsSigned; PROCEDURESplitMVar (READONLY mvar: MVar; VAR mvarA: ARRAY OperandPart OF MVar): OperandSize = VAR type := mvar.mvar_type; BEGIN mvarA[0] := mvar; IF NOT TypeIs64(type) THEN RETURN 1; END; mvarA[1] := mvar; IF mvar.var # NIL THEN (* <* ASSERT mvar.var.var_size = CG_Bytes[type] *> *) END; INC(mvarA[1].mvar_offset, 4); mvarA[0].mvar_type := Type.Word32; (* low part of 64bit integer is always unsigned *) IF type = Type.Int64 THEN mvarA[1].mvar_type := Type.Int32; (* high part signedness is same as unsplit type *) ELSIF type = Type.Word64 THEN mvarA[1].mvar_type := Type.Word32; (* high part signedness is same as unsplit type *) ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; RETURN 2; END SplitMVar; PROCEDURESplitImm (type: Type; READONLY imm: TIntN.T; VAR immA: ARRAY OperandPart OF TIntN.T): OperandSize = BEGIN TWordN.And(imm, TWordN.Max32, immA[0]); TWordN.RightShift(imm, 32, immA[1]); RETURN GetTypeSize(type); END SplitImm; PROCEDUREGetTypeSize (type: Type): OperandSize =
: 1 or 2
BEGIN RETURN 1 + ORD(TypeIs64(type)); END GetTypeSize; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- procedure and closure types ---GetOperandSize (READONLY op: Operand): OperandSize = BEGIN RETURN GetTypeSize(op.optype); END GetOperandSize; PROCEDURESplitOperand (READONLY op: Operand; VAR opA: ARRAY OperandPart OF Operand): OperandSize = VAR type := op.optype; mvarA: ARRAY OperandPart OF MVar; immA: ARRAY OperandPart OF TIntN.T; BEGIN opA[0] := op; IF GetTypeSize(type) = 1 THEN RETURN 1; END; opA[1] := op; opA[0].optype := Type.Word32; (* low part of 64bit integer is always unsigned *) IF type = Type.Int64 THEN opA[1].optype := Type.Int32; (* high part signedness is same as unsplit type *) ELSIF type = Type.Word64 THEN opA[1].optype := Type.Word32; (* high part signedness is same as unsplit type *) ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; CASE op.loc OF | OLoc.fstack => <* ASSERT FALSE *> | OLoc.imm => EVAL SplitImm(type, op.imm, immA); opA[0].imm := immA[0]; opA[1].imm := immA[1]; | OLoc.register => opA[0].reg[0] := op.reg[0]; opA[1].reg[0] := op.reg[1]; | OLoc.mem => EVAL SplitMVar(op.mvar, mvarA); opA[0].mvar := mvarA[0]; opA[1].mvar := mvarA[1]; END; RETURN 2; END SplitOperand; PROCEDUREcall_direct (u: U; p: Proc; type: Type) = VAR realproc := NARROW(p, x86Proc); call_param_size: TIntN.T; (* call the procedure identified by block b. The procedure returns a value of type type. *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("call_direct"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.in_proc_call > 0 *> IF realproc.lev # 0 THEN load_static_link_toC(u, p); END; u.vstack.releaseall(); IF realproc.import THEN; ELSE IF realproc.bound THEN - (u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text) + 5)); ELSE; realproc.usage := NEW(ProcList, loc := u.obj.cursor(Seg.Text) - 4, link := realproc.usage); END END; IF (NOT realproc.stdcall) (* => caller cleans *) AND u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1] > 0 THEN IF NOT TIntN.FromHostInteger(u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1], Target.Integer.bytes, call_param_size) THEN Err(u, "call_direct: unable to convert param_size to target integer"); END;,[ESP], call_param_size); END; IF type = Type.Struct THEN type := Type.Addr; END; IF type # Type.Void THEN IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.any);; ELSIF TypeIs64(type) THEN u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet { EAX, EDX }); ELSE u.vstack.pushnew(FixReturnValue(u, type), Force.regset, RegSet { EAX }); END END; DEC(u.in_proc_call); END call_direct; PROCEDUREcall_indirect (u: U; type: Type; cc: CallingConvention) = (* call the procedure whose address is in s0.A and pop s0. The procedure returns a value of type type. *) VAR call_param_size: TIntN.T; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("call_indirect"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.Txt (; u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.in_proc_call > 0 *> u.vstack.releaseall(); IF u.static_link[u.in_proc_call - 1] # NIL THEN (*u.vstack.corrupt(ECX, operandPart := 0);*)[ECX], Operand { loc := OLoc.mem, optype := Type.Addr, mvar := MVar { var := u.static_link[u.in_proc_call - 1], mvar_offset := 0, mvar_type := Type.Addr } } ); free_temp(u, u.static_link[u.in_proc_call - 1]); u.static_link[u.in_proc_call - 1] := NIL; END;, "call_indirect"))); u.vstack.discard(1); IF (cc.m3cg_id = 0) AND u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1] > 0 THEN (* caller-cleans calling convention *) IF NOT TIntN.FromHostInteger(u.call_param_size[u.in_proc_call - 1], Target.Integer.bytes, call_param_size) THEN Err(u, "call_indirect: unable to convert param_size to target integer"); END;,[ESP], call_param_size); END; IF type = Type.Struct THEN type := Type.Addr; END; IF type # Type.Void THEN IF Target.FloatType [type] THEN u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.any);; ELSIF TypeIs64(type) THEN u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet { EAX, EDX }); ELSE u.vstack.pushnew(FixReturnValue(u, type), Force.regset, RegSet { EAX }); END END; DEC(u.in_proc_call); END call_indirect; PROCEDUREFixReturnValue (u: U; type: Type): Type = (* The Microsoft C compiler does not return full 32-bit values in EAX for functions that return 8-bit return types. Likewise for 16-bit return types prior to Visual C++ 5.0. This code generator assumes that registers always contain 32-bit values. We compensate here. *) BEGIN CASE type OF | Type.Int8 => (* 8-bit signed integer *) (); (* AX := SIGN-EXTEND (AL) *) (Op.oCWDE); (* EAX := SIGN-EXTEND (AX) *) type := Type.Int32; | Type.Int16 => (* 16-bit signed integer *) (* EAX := SIGN-EXTEND (AX) *) (Op.oCWDE); type := Type.Int32; | Type.Word8 => (* 8-bit unsigned integer *) (Op.oAND,[EAX], TWordN.Max8); (* EAX &= 16_FF *) type := Type.Word32; | Type.Word16 => (* 16-bit unsigned integer *) (Op.oAND,[EAX], TWordN.Max16); (* EAX &= 16_FFFF *) type := Type.Word32; ELSE (* value is ok *) END; RETURN type; END FixReturnValue;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------- produce code ---load_procedure (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR realproc := NARROW(p, x86Proc); (* push; s0.A := ADDR (p's body) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_procedure"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Addr, Force.anyreg); WITH stack0 = u.vstack.pos(0, "load_procedure") DO, realproc.symbol); END END load_procedure; PROCEDUREload_static_link (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR realproc := NARROW(p, x86Proc); (* push; s0.A := (static link needed to call p, NIL for top-level procs) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_static_link"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; u.vstack.unlock(); IF realproc.lev = 0 THEN u.vstack.pushimmT(TZero, Type.Word32); ELSE u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Addr, Force.anyreg);, "load_static_link")).reg[0], realproc.parent, u.current_proc); END END load_static_link; PROCEDUREload_static_link_toC (u: U; p: Proc) = VAR realproc := NARROW(p, x86Proc); (* push; s0.A := (static link needed to call p, NIL for top-level procs) *) BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("load_static_link_toC"); u.wr.PName (p); u.wr.NL (); END; IF realproc.lev = 0 THEN u.vstack.corrupt(ECX, operandPart := 0);[ECX], TZero); ELSE u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.corrupt(ECX, operandPart := 0);, realproc.parent, u.current_proc); END END load_static_link_toC;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------------- misc. ---fltregcmp (u: U): BOOLEAN = VAR reversed := FALSE; BEGIN IF THEN, 1); ELSE, 1); reversed := TRUE; END; u.vstack.discard(2); u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.corrupt(EAX, operandPart := 0);;; RETURN reversed; END fltregcmp; PROCEDUREcondset (u: U; cond: Cond; type: ZType) = VAR reversed := FALSE; BEGIN (* This function used to deal with any integer type * as well, but that isn't needed presently. *) <* ASSERT Target.FloatType[type] *> reversed := fltregcmp(u); IF reversed THEN cond := revcond[cond]; END; (* FCOM sets the unsigned compare flags *) cond := unscond[cond]; u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Word8, Force.mem); WITH stop0 = u.vstack.op(u.vstack.pos(0, "condset")) DO stop0.mvar.var.stack_temp := FALSE;, cond); END END condset;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- atomics ---comment (u: U; a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = VAR i: INTEGER := -1; BEGIN Cmt (u, a, i); Cmt (u, b, i); Cmt (u, c, i); Cmt (u, d, i); Cmt (u, "\n", i); END comment; PROCEDURECmt (u: U; text: TEXT; VAR width: INTEGER) = VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF (NOT u.debug) OR (text = NIL) THEN RETURN END; FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length (text) - 1 DO ch := Text.GetChar (text, i); IF (ch = '\n' OR ch = '\r') THEN u.wr.OutC (ch); width := -1; ELSE IF (width = -1) THEN u.wr.OutT ("\t# "); width := 0; END; u.wr.OutC (ch); END END; END Cmt;
PROCEDUREstore_ordered (x: U; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; type: MType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
Mem [s1.A].u := s0.type; pop (2)
VAR retry: Label; BEGIN IF x.debug THEN x.wr.Cmd ("store_ordered"); x.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); x.wr.TName (type); x.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> IF TypeIs64(type) THEN (* see: * see fetch_and_op *) x.vstack.unlock(); x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{EDX, EAX}); WITH oldValue = x.vstack.pos(0, "fetch_and_op"), newValue = x.vstack.pos(1, "fetch_and_op"), atomicVariable = x.vstack.pos(2, "fetch_and_op") DO x.vstack.find(newValue, Force.regset, RegSet{ECX, EBX}); x.proc_reguse[EBX] := TRUE; (* x.vstack.find(atomicVariable, Force.any); bug *) x.vstack.find(atomicVariable, Force.anyreg);, x.vstack.op(atomicVariable), 0, type);, x.vstack.op(atomicVariable), 4, type); retry := x.next_label();;, x.vstack.op(newValue), type);, retry); x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(atomicVariable)); (* Is this needed? *) x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(newValue)); (* Is this needed? *) x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(oldValue)); (* Is this needed? *) x.vstack.discard(3); END; RETURN; END; x.fence(MemoryOrder.Sequential); x.vstack.unlock(); WITH stack0 = x.vstack.pos(0, "store_ordered"), stack1 = x.vstack.pos(1, "store_ordered") DO x.vstack.find(stack0, Force.any); x.vstack.find(stack1, Force.mem); x.vstack.dostoreind(0, type); END; x.fence(MemoryOrder.Sequential); END store_ordered; PROCEDUREload_ordered (x: U; type: MType; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
s0.type_multiple_of_32 := Mem [s0.A].type
BEGIN IF x.debug THEN x.wr.Cmd ("load_ordered"); x.wr.TName (type); x.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); x.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> IF TypeIs64(type) THEN (* see: *) x.vstack.pushimmT(TZero, Type.Word64); x.vstack.pushimmT(TZero, Type.Word64); compare_exchange_helper(x, type); x.vstack.unlock(); x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{EAX, EDX}); RETURN; END; x.vstack.unlock(); x.fence(MemoryOrder.Sequential); x.load_indirect(0, type, type_multiple_of_32); x.fence(MemoryOrder.Sequential); END load_ordered; PROCEDUREexchange (u: U; type: MType; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
tmp := Mem [s1.A + o].type; Mem [s1.A + o].type := s0.type_multiple_of_32; s0.type_multiple_of_32 := tmp; pop
VAR reg: Regno; BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("exchange"); u.wr.TName (type); u.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> IF TypeIs64(type) THEN (* Push arbitrary value for the first compare. *) u.vstack.pushimmT(TZero, Type.Word64); u.vstack.swap(); compare_exchange_helper(u, type); u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{EAX, EDX}); RETURN; END; WITH newValue = u.vstack.pos(0, "exchange"), atomicVariable = u.vstack.pos(1, "exchange") DO u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.find(newValue, Force.anyreg); u.vstack.find(atomicVariable, Force.anyreg); reg := u.vstack.op(newValue).reg[0];, u.vstack.op(newValue), type); u.vstack.discard(2); u.vstack.unlock(); u.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{reg}); END; END exchange; PROCEDUREcompare_exchange_helper (x: U; type: Type) = BEGIN x.vstack.unlock(); WITH newValue = x.vstack.pos(0, "compare_exchange"), compareValueAndOldValueIfFailed = x.vstack.pos(1, "compare_exchange"), atomicVariable = x.vstack.pos(2, "compare_exchange") DO IF TypeIs64(type) THEN (* * 64 bit form has very particular register allocation requirements. *) x.vstack.find(compareValueAndOldValueIfFailed, Force.regset, RegSet{EAX, EDX}); x.vstack.find(newValue, Force.regset, RegSet{ECX, EBX}); x.proc_reguse[EBX] := TRUE; ELSE x.vstack.find(compareValueAndOldValueIfFailed, Force.regset, RegSet{EAX}); x.vstack.find(newValue, Force.anyreg); END; x.vstack.find(atomicVariable, Force.anyreg);, x.vstack.op(newValue), type); x.vstack.discard(3); END; END compare_exchange_helper; PROCEDUREcompare_exchange (x: U; type: MType; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; result_type: IType; <*UNUSED*>success, failure: MemoryOrder) =
original := Mem[s2.A].type; spurious_failure := whatever; IF original = Mem[s1.A].type AND NOT spurious_failure THEN Mem [s2.A].type := s0.type_multiple_of_32; s2.result_type := 1; ELSE Mem [s2.A].type := original; x86 really does rewrite the original value, atomically s2.result_type := 0; END; pop(2); This is permitted to fail spuriously. That is, even if Mem[s2.a] = Mem[s1.a], we might still go down the then branch.
BEGIN IF x.debug THEN x.wr.Cmd ("compare_exchange"); x.wr.TName (type); x.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); x.wr.TName (result_type); x.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[result_type] = 4 *> compare_exchange_helper(x, type); (* Get the zero flag into a register. Is there a better way? *) x.vstack.unlock(); x.vstack.pushnew(Type.Word8, Force.mem); WITH stop0 = x.vstack.op(x.vstack.pos(0, "condset")) DO stop0.mvar.var.stack_temp := FALSE;, Cond.E); END; END compare_exchange; PROCEDUREfence (u: U; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
* Exchanging any memory with any register is a serializing instruction.
BEGIN IF u.debug THEN u.wr.Cmd ("fence"); u.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT u.in_proc *> <* ASSERT u.current_proc # NIL *> u.vstack.unlock(); IF u.current_proc.fenceVar = NIL THEN u.current_proc.fenceVar := get_temp_var(u, Type.Word32, 4, 4); END; u.vstack.push(MVar{u.current_proc.fenceVar, mvar_type := Type.Word32}); u.vstack.pushnew(Type.Word32, Force.anyreg); EVAL u.vstack.dobin(Op.oXCHG, TRUE, TRUE, Type.Word32); u.vstack.discard(1); END fence; CONST AtomicOpToOp = ARRAY AtomicOp OF Op { Op.oXADD, Op.oXADD, Op.oOR, Op.oAND, Op.oXOR }; CONST AtomicOpName = ARRAY AtomicOp OF TEXT { "add", "sub", "or", "and", "xor" }; CONST AtomicAddSub = SET OF AtomicOp { AtomicOp.Add, AtomicOp.Sub }; PROCEDUREfetch_and_op (x: U; atomic_op: AtomicOp; type: MType; type_multiple_of_32: ZType; <*UNUSED*>order: MemoryOrder) =
original := Mem [s1.A].type; Mem [s1.A].type := original op s0.type_multiple_of_32; s1.type_multiple_of_32 := original; pop=> store the new value, return the old value
Generally we use interlocked compare exchange loop. Some operations can be done better though.
VAR retry: Label; is64 := TypeIs64(type); addSub := (NOT is64) AND atomic_op IN AtomicAddSub; BEGIN IF x.debug THEN x.wr.Cmd ("fetch_and_op"); x.wr.OutT (AtomicOpName[atomic_op]); x.wr.TName (type); x.wr.TName (type_multiple_of_32); x.wr.NL (); END; <* ASSERT CG_Bytes[type_multiple_of_32] >= CG_Bytes[type] *> x.vstack.unlock(); IF addSub THEN x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.anyreg); (* any? *) x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.anyreg); (* any? *) ELSIF is64 THEN x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{EDX, EAX}); x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{ECX, EBX}); x.proc_reguse[EBX] := TRUE; ELSE x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.regset, RegSet{EAX}); x.vstack.pushnew(type, Force.anyreg); END;
mov oldValue, mem-or-reg; oldValue is EAX or EDX:EAX retry: mov newValue, oldValue; oldValue is EAX or EDX:EAX op newValue, secondOperand; newValue is whatever register allocator decides, or ECX:EBX lock cmpxchg[8b] BYTE OR WORD or DWORD or QWORD PTR [atomicVariable], newValue ; original value is in EAX or EDX:EAX, eq or ne. jne retry ; EAX or EDX:EAX contains old value
WITH newValue = x.vstack.pos(0, "fetch_and_op"), oldValue = x.vstack.pos(1, "fetch_and_op"), operand = x.vstack.pos(2, "fetch_and_op"), atomicVariable = x.vstack.pos(3, "fetch_and_op") DO IF CG_Bytes[type] < 4 THEN x.vstack.find(operand, Force.anyreg); ELSE x.vstack.find(operand, Force.any); END; (* x.vstack.find(atomicVariable, Force.any); bug *) x.vstack.find(atomicVariable, Force.anyreg); IF addSub THEN IF atomic_op = AtomicOp.Sub THEN x.vstack.doneg(operand); END;;[atomic_op], x.vstack.op(newValue), x.vstack.op(operand)); x.vstack.doneg(operand);[atomic_op], x.vstack.op(oldValue), x.vstack.op(operand)); ELSE, x.vstack.op(atomicVariable), 0, type); IF is64 THEN, x.vstack.op(atomicVariable), 4, type); END; retry := x.next_label();;, x.vstack.op(oldValue));[atomic_op], x.vstack.op(newValue), x.vstack.op(operand));, x.vstack.op(newValue), type);, retry); END; x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(atomicVariable)); (* Is this needed? Probably. *) x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(operand)); (* Is this needed? *) x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(newValue)); (* Is this needed? *) x.vstack.newdest(x.vstack.op(oldValue)); (* Is this needed? *) (* Store the new value (already done), return the old value (these discard/swaps). *) x.vstack.discard(1); x.vstack.swap(); x.vstack.discard(1); x.vstack.swap(); x.vstack.discard(1); END; END fetch_and_op; PROCEDUREErr (t: U; err: TEXT) = BEGIN t.Err(err); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END Err; BEGIN END M3x86.