
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Fri Feb 18 13:46:07 PST 1994 by kalsow     
      modified on Tue Feb 15 10:42:51 PST 1994 by mcjones    
      modified on Fri May  7 21:05:52 PDT 1993 by mjordan    
      modified on Thu Mar 05 14:55:33 PST 1992 by muller     
      modified on Tue Apr 24 16:38:45 1990 by jerome         


IMPORT Ctypes;

PROCEDURE CopyTtoS(t: TEXT): Ctypes.char_star;
Return a null-terminated C string with the same contents as t, but not sharing any storage with t. The result should be passed to FreeCopiedS after it is irrelevant.

PROCEDURE FreeCopiedS(s: Ctypes.char_star);
Free the storage for s, which must have been returned from a call of CopyTtoS. It is an unchecked runtime error to free s more than once or to use s after calling FreeCopiedS(s).

PROCEDURE SharedTtoS(t: TEXT): Ctypes.char_star;
Return a null-terminated C string with the same contents as t. If possible, the result will share storage with t. FreeSharedS should be called on the value returned by SharedTtoS.

PROCEDURE FreeSharedS(t: TEXT;  s: Ctypes.char_star);
Free the storage for s, which must have been returned from a call of SharedTtoS(t). It is an unchecked runtime error to free s more than once or to use s after calling FreeSharedS(s).

PROCEDURE FlatTtoS(t: TEXT): Ctypes.char_star;
Return a null-terminated C string with the same contents as t, where the result shares storage with t. It is a checked runtime if t is not a flat text of CHAR. The standard flat texts are Text8, Text8Short, Text8Literal, Text8CString.
 It is the client's responsibility to prevent the garbage collector
   from collecting or moving t while the result of SharedTtoS(t) is
   being used. One way to accomplish this is to maintain a reference
   to (or into) t on the stack or in the registers of any thread.
   Alternatively, the collector can be disabled.  See the
   RTCollector interface for details. 

PROCEDURE StoT(s: Ctypes.char_star): TEXT;
Return a text with the same contents as the null-terminated C string s and sharing storage with t. The result is invalid after s is freed.

PROCEDURE CopyStoT(s: Ctypes.char_star): TEXT;
Return a text with the same contents as the null-terminated C string s. This copies s, so the result is valid even if s is later freed.

END M3toC.