UNSAFE MODULEInternal computations of Dragon require the use of bignums. Also, the fraction of a floating-point number can occupy more bits than there are in a Word.T. We use an ad-hoc implementation of bignums, because only few of the arithmetic operations are needed, and only positive numbers are needed.; IMPORT Word; DragonInt
A DragonInt.T, b, represent the value:
sigma (0, b.s - 1, b.w[i] * 2 ^ Used * i)
that is, b.w[0] contains the Used least significant bits, b.w[1] the next Used significant bits and so on.
The most significant word of a DragonInt.T must be non-null.
The value Used is chosen to facilitate the implementation of the arithmetic operations needed by the Dragon.F routine: intermediate computations on individual Word.T of a DragonInt.T won't overflow.
-------------------------------------------------------------- sessions ---
VAR mu := NEW(MUTEX); availList: Session := NIL; availListSz: CARDINAL := 0;Since
's are large, they are returned to availList
at the end
of each session. The variable availListSz
counts the size of the
. Both availList
and availListSz
are protected by the mutex
CONST MaxAvailListSz = 10; InitBuffSz = 340;At most
sessions are stored on availList
at once. This
prevents a program from getting too bloated. Past that size, Session
objects are simply dropped on the floor.
is the initial size (in Word.T
's) of the Words
buffer in
each Session
object. Buffers are automatically expanded as necessary.
This value was chosen by running a test program that converted various real
numbers to decimal representation and examining the distribution of
required buffer sizes.
TYPE Words = REF ARRAY OF Word.T; REVEAL Session = BRANDED "DragonInt.Session" REF RECORD next: INTEGER; w: Words; nextSession: Session; END;A
is in use iff s.nextSession = s
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------- values ---NewSession (): Session = VAR s: Session; BEGIN LOCK mu DO IF availList = NIL THEN s := NEW (Session); s.w := NEW (Words, InitBuffSz); s.w[0] := 0; (* Zero *) s.w[1] := 1 (* One *) ELSE s := availList; availList := s.nextSession; DEC(availListSz) END END; s.next := 2; s.nextSession := s; RETURN s; END NewSession; PROCEDUREEndSession (s: Session) = BEGIN <* ASSERT s.nextSession = s *> LOCK mu DO IF availListSz < MaxAvailListSz THEN s.nextSession := availList; availList := s; INC(availListSz) ELSE s.nextSession := NIL END END; (*** maxHighWater := MAX (maxHighWater, s.next); INC (highWater [MIN (s.next DIV 10, LAST (highWater))]); INC (nSessions); ***) END EndSession;
CONST Used = 28; Reserved = Word.Size - Used; SigBits = Word.RightShift (Word.Not (0), Reserved); TopBit = 16_08000000; CONST (* masks to assemble 28-bit units from 32-bit words *) Mask1 = 16_0fffffff; (* bottom 28 *) Mask2B = 16_f0000000; (* top 4 of bottom 32 *) Mask2A = 16_00ffffff; (* bottom 24 of top 32 *) Mask3 = 16_ff000000; (* top 8 of top 32 *) TYPE Ptr = UNTRACED REF Word.T; PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- internal utilities ---New (s: Session; a, b: INTEGER): T = VAR res: T; x0, x1, x2: INTEGER; p: UNTRACED REF ARRAY [0..2] OF Word.T; BEGIN IF (a # 0) THEN x0 := Word.And (b, Mask1); x1 := Word.Or (Word.RightShift (Word.And (b, Mask2B), 28), Word.LeftShift (Word.And (a, Mask2A), 4)); x2 := Word.RightShift (Word.And (a, Mask3), 24); IF (x2 # 0) THEN p := InitValue (s, 3, res); p[0] := x0; p[1] := x1; p[2] := x2; ELSE p := InitValue (s, 2, res); p[0] := x0; p[1] := x1; END; ELSE (* a = 0 *) x0 := Word.And (b, Mask1); x1 := Word.RightShift (Word.And (b, Mask2B), 28); IF (x1 # 0) THEN p := InitValue (s, 2, res); p[0] := x0; p[1] := x1; ELSE p := InitValue (s, 1, res); p[0] := x0; END; END; RETURN res; END New; PROCEDUREcopy (s: Session; READONLY a: T): T = VAR res: T; BEGIN EVAL InitValue (s, a.s, res); SUBARRAY (s.w^, res.w, a.s) := SUBARRAY (s.w^, a.w, a.s); RETURN res; END copy; PROCEDUREadd (s: Session; READONLY a,b: T): T = VAR res: T; carry := 0; x: Word.T; ap, bp, cp: Ptr; a_w, b_w, a_s, b_s: INTEGER; BEGIN IF a.s < b.s THEN (* swap a & b *) a_w := b.w; a_s := b.s; b_w := a.w; b_s := a.s; ELSE a_w := a.w; a_s := a.s; b_w := b.w; b_s := b.s; END; (* INV: a.s >= b.s *) cp := InitValue (s, a_s + 1, res); VAR s_base := ADR (s.w[0]); BEGIN ap := s_base + a_w * ADRSIZE (Word.T); (* = ADR (s.w[a.w]) *) bp := s_base + b_w * ADRSIZE (Word.T); (* = ADR (s.w[b.w]) *) END; FOR i := 0 TO b_s - 1 DO x := Word.Plus (Word.Plus (ap^, bp^), carry); cp^ := Word.And (x, SigBits); carry := Word.RightShift (x, Used); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); INC (bp, ADRSIZE (bp^)); INC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; FOR i := b_s TO a_s - 1 DO x := Word.Plus (ap^, carry); cp^ := Word.And (x, SigBits); carry := Word.RightShift (x, Used); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); INC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; cp^ := carry; FixSize (s, res); RETURN res; END add; PROCEDUREdiff (s: Session; READONLY a,b: T): T = VAR res: T; borrow := 0; a_s := a.s; b_s := b.s; ap, bp, cp: Ptr; x: Word.T; BEGIN <* ASSERT a_s >= b_s *> cp := InitValue (s, a_s, res); VAR s_base := ADR (s.w[0]); BEGIN ap := s_base + a.w * ADRSIZE (Word.T); (* = ADR (s.w[a.w]) *) bp := s_base + b.w * ADRSIZE (Word.T); (* = ADR (s.w[b.w]) *) END; FOR i := 0 TO b_s - 1 DO x := Word.Minus (Word.Minus (ap^, bp^), borrow); cp^ := Word.And (x, SigBits); borrow := Word.And (Word.RightShift (x, Used), 1); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); INC (bp, ADRSIZE (bp^)); INC (cp, ADRSIZE(cp^)); END; FOR i := b_s TO a_s - 1 DO x := Word.Minus (ap^, borrow); cp^ := Word.And (x, SigBits); borrow := Word.And (Word.RightShift (x, Used), 1); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); INC (cp, ADRSIZE(cp^)); END; <*ASSERT borrow = 0*> FixSize (s, res); RETURN res; END diff; PROCEDUREcompare (s: Session; READONLY a, b: T): [-1..1] = VAR ap, bp : Ptr; a_s := a.s; b_s := b.s; BEGIN IF a_s < b_s THEN RETURN -1; ELSIF a_s > b_s THEN RETURN +1; END; VAR s_base := ADR (s.w[0]) + (a_s - 1) * ADRSIZE (Word.T); BEGIN ap := s_base + a.w * ADRSIZE (Word.T); (* = ADR (s.w[a.w + a.s - 1]) *) bp := s_base + b.w * ADRSIZE (Word.T); (* = ADR (s.w[b.w + a.s - 1]) *) END; FOR i := a_s - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO IF Word.LT (ap^, bp^) THEN RETURN -1; ELSIF Word.GT (ap^, bp^) THEN RETURN +1; END; DEC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); DEC (bp, ADRSIZE (bp^)); END; RETURN 0; END compare; PROCEDUREmax (s: Session; READONLY a, b: T): T = BEGIN IF compare (s, a, b) < 0 THEN RETURN copy (s, b); ELSE RETURN copy (s, a); END; END max; PROCEDUREshift (s: Session; READONLY a: T; n: INTEGER): T = (* to the left for positive n, to the right for negative n ==> a*2^n *) VAR res: T; k: INTEGER; carry := 0; ap, cp: Ptr; BEGIN IF n = 0 OR a.s = 0 THEN RETURN copy (s, a); END; IF n > 0 THEN (* shift left *) k := n DIV (Used); n := n MOD (Used); cp := InitValue (s, a.s + k + 1, res); ap := ADR (s.w[a.w]); FOR i := 0 TO k - 1 DO cp^ := 0; INC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; FOR i := 0 TO a.s - 1 DO cp^ := Word.Or (Word.And (Word.LeftShift (ap^, n), SigBits), carry); carry := Word.RightShift (ap^, Used - n); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); INC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; cp^ := carry; ELSE (* n < 0 *) (* shift right *) k := (-n) DIV Word.Size; n := (-n) MOD Word.Size; EVAL InitValue (s, a.s - k, res); WITH w = s.w^ DO ap := ADR (w[a.w + a.s - 1]); cp := ADR (w[res.w + res.s - 1]); END; FOR i := a.s - k - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO cp^ := Word.Or (carry, Word.RightShift (ap^, n)); carry := Word.And (Word.LeftShift (ap^, Used - n), SigBits); DEC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); DEC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; END; FixSize (s, res); RETURN res; END shift; PROCEDUREtimes2 (s: Session; READONLY a: T): T = (* ==> shift left 1 bit *) VAR res: T; new_sz: INTEGER; carry := 0; ap, cp: Ptr; a_s := a.s; a_w := a.w; BEGIN IF a_s = 0 THEN RETURN copy (s, a); END; new_sz := a_s; IF Word.And (s.w[a_w + a_s - 1], TopBit) # 0 THEN INC (new_sz); END; cp := InitValue (s, new_sz, res); ap := ADR (s.w[a_w]); FOR i := 0 TO a_s - 1 DO cp^ := Word.Or (Word.And (Word.LeftShift (ap^, 1), SigBits), carry); carry := Word.RightShift (ap^, Used - 1); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); INC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; IF (carry # 0) THEN cp^ := carry; END; RETURN res; END times2; PROCEDUREtimesTenInPlace (s: Session; VAR a: T): T = VAR res: T; carry := 0; x: Word.T; VAR ap: Ptr := ADR (s.w[a.w]); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO a.s - 1 DO x := Word.Plus (Word.Times (ap^, 10), carry); ap^ := Word.And (x, SigBits); carry := Word.RightShift (x, Used); INC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); END; IF carry = 0 THEN RETURN a; END; EVAL InitValue (s, a.s+1, res); SUBARRAY (s.w^, res.w, a.s) := SUBARRAY (s.w^, a.w, a.s); s.w[res.w+a.s] := carry; a := res; RETURN a; END timesTenInPlace; PROCEDUREdivideTen (s: Session; READONLY a: T): T = (* upper *) VAR res: T; carry := 0; x: INTEGER; ap, cp: Ptr; BEGIN EVAL InitValue (s, a.s, res); WITH w = s.w^, dw = a.s - 1 DO ap := ADR (w[a.w + dw]); cp := ADR (w[res.w + dw]); END; FOR i := a.s - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO x := Word.Or (Word.LeftShift (carry, Used), ap^); cp^ := Word.Divide (x, 10); carry := Word.Mod (x, 10); DEC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); DEC (cp, ADRSIZE (cp^)); END; FixSize (s, res); IF carry # 0 THEN res := add (s, res, One); END; RETURN res; END divideTen; PROCEDUREdivmod (s: Session; READONLY a, b : T; VAR(*OUT*) d: INTEGER): T = (* The div is known to be a base B digit *) VAR n := 1; nb := b; n1b := Zero; BEGIN WHILE compare (s, a, nb) >= 0 DO n1b := nb; INC (n); nb := add (s, nb, b); END; d := n - 1; RETURN diff (s, a, n1b); END divmod;
PROCEDUREInitValue (s: Session; n_words: INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) t: T): ADDRESS= (* allocates space in s.w, initializes t, and returns the address of the first word of t *) BEGIN (*** INC (allocates [MIN (n_words, LAST (allocates))]); INC (nAllocates); ***) t.s := n_words; t.w := s.next; INC (s.next, n_words); IF (s.next >= NUMBER (s.w^)) THEN Expand (s); END; RETURN ADR (s.w[t.w]); END InitValue; PROCEDUREExpand (s: Session) = VAR n := NUMBER (s.w^); new := NEW (Words, n + n); BEGIN SUBARRAY (new^, 0, n) := s.w^; s.w := new; END Expand; PROCEDUREFixSize (s: Session; VAR a: T) = (* computes a.s from a.w, by discarding the null most significant words *) VAR ap: Ptr := ADR (s.w[a.w + a.s - 1]); BEGIN WHILE a.s > 0 AND ap^ = 0 DO DEC (a.s); DEC (ap, ADRSIZE (ap^)); END; END FixSize; BEGIN END DragonInt.