
 Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

Last modified on Thu May 4 10:54:10 PDT 1995 by kalsow modified on Fri May 28 14:34:04 PDT 1993 by muller modified on Tue Sep 8 11:51:46 PDT 1992 by jdd

RT0 is the bottom of the world. It contains types and constants that are shared by multiple modules of the runtime and/or the compiler and linker.

If you're using this interface, you're a wizard!

This interface and its implemenation MUST NOT import any other interface.

These types CANNOT be changed without a synchronized change to the output of the compiler and prelinker

------------------------------------ compiler generated data structures ---

  Byte        = [0 .. 255];              (* fits in 8 bits *)
  Typecode    = [0 .. 16_FFFFF];         (* can fit in 20 bits *)
  Fingerprint = ARRAY [0..7] OF BITS 8 FOR [0..255]; (* 64 bits *)
  String      = UNTRACED REF CHAR;       (* a '\000' terminated string *)
  ModulePtr   = UNTRACED REF ModuleInfo;
  ImportPtr   = UNTRACED REF ImportInfo;
  ProcPtr     = UNTRACED REF ProcInfo;
  Binder      = PROCEDURE (mode: INTEGER): ModulePtr;

TYPE (* allocated at offset 0 of each compilation unit's global data *)
  ModuleInfo = RECORD
    file           : String;
    type_cells     : TypeDefn;
    type_cell_ptrs : TypeLinkPtr;
    full_rev       : RevPtr;
    partial_rev    : RevPtr;
    proc_info      : ProcPtr;
    try_scopes     : ADDRESS;  (* RTExStack.Scope *)
    var_map        : ADDRESS;  (* RTTypeMap.T *)
    gc_map         : ADDRESS;  (* reduced RTTypeMap.T *)
    imports        : ImportPtr;
    link_state     : INTEGER;  (* 0=unlinked, 1=linking, 2=linked *)
    binder         : Binder;
    gc_flags       : INTEGER;  (* 0=none, 1=gen, 2=inc, 3=both *)

  GC_none = 0;
  GC_gen  = 1;
  GC_inc  = 2;
  GC_both = 3;

TYPE (* one of these is generated for each imported interface reference *)
  ImportInfo = RECORD
    import : ModulePtr;
    binder : Binder;    (* returns "import" pointer *)
    next   : ImportPtr;

TYPE (* one of these is generated for each top-level procedure *)
  ProcInfo = RECORD
    proc   : ADDRESS;
    name   : String;

  TypeLinkPtr = UNTRACED REF TypeLink;
  TypeLink = RECORD
    defn     : TypeDefn;  (* initially a pointer to the next TypeLink *)
    typecode : INTEGER;   (* initially the compile-time UID of the type *)

  RevPtr     = UNTRACED REF Revelation;
  Revelation = RECORD lhs_id, rhs_id: INTEGER; END;
------------------------------------------- linker generated type cells ---

  TypeKind = { Unknown, Ref, Obj, Array };

  TypeDefn = UNTRACED REF Typecell;
  Typecell = RECORD
    typecode         : INTEGER; (*Typecode*)
    selfID           : INTEGER;
    fp               : Fingerprint;
    traced           : Byte;  (* == ORD (BOOLEAN) *)
    kind             : Byte;  (* == ORD (TypeKind) *)
    link_state       : Byte;
    dataAlignment    : Byte;
    dataSize         : INTEGER;
    type_map         : ADDRESS;       (* RTTypeMap.T *)
    gc_map           : ADDRESS;       (* reduced RTTypeMap.T for collector *)
    type_desc        : ADDRESS;       (* enhanced RTTipe map for new pickles *)
    initProc         : TypeInitProc;  (* called by NEW *)
    brand_ptr        : BrandPtr;
    name             : String;
    next             : TypeDefn;

TYPE (* OBJECT types have this additional goo *)
  ObjectTypeDefn = UNTRACED REF ObjectTypecell;
  ObjectTypecell = RECORD
    common           : Typecell;
    parentID         : INTEGER;
    linkProc         : TypeSetupProc; (* called during initialization *)
    dataOffset       : INTEGER;
    methodOffset     : INTEGER;
    methodSize       : INTEGER;
    defaultMethods   : ADDRESS;
    parent           : TypeDefn;

TYPE (* and REF open array types have this additional goo *)
  ArrayTypeDefn = UNTRACED REF ArrayTypecell;
  ArrayTypecell = RECORD
    common           : Typecell;
    nDimensions      : INTEGER;
    elementSize      : INTEGER;

dataOffset: for object types, the quantity to add to the address of the object to get to the fields that belong to this object type; for refs, unused; for open arrays, the quantity to add to the address of the array to get to the elements dataSize: for object types, the size of the fields that belong to this type; for refs, the size of the referent; for open array types, the size of the open overhead, including padding to align the elements; i.e. ADR (a[0]) - ADR (a) dataAlignment: for object types, the alignment of the referent; for refs, the alignment of the referent; for open arrays, the alignment of the full array, including the header

  TypeInitProc  = PROCEDURE (ref: ADDRESS);
  TypeSetupProc = PROCEDURE (def: TypeDefn);

    length : INTEGER;
    chars  : ARRAY [0..16_ffffff (*length-1*)] OF CHAR;
----------------------------------------- compiler generated references ---

  NilTypecode       : Typecode = 0;
  TextLitTypecode   : Typecode = 1;
  AddressTypecode   : Typecode = 2;
  RefanyTypecode    : Typecode = 3;
  RootTypecode      : Typecode = 4;
  UnRootTypecode    : Typecode = 5;
  MutexTypecode     : Typecode = 6;
  FirstUserTypecode : Typecode = 7;

CONST (* Type UIDs for the builtin types *)
  MutexID       = 16_1541f475;
  TextLiteralID = 1837570855 (*16_6d871b27*);
    (* ARRAY BOOLEAN OF INTEGER { 1837570855 (*16_6d871b27*), 16_72558b22 }
       [BITSIZE (INTEGER) = 64]; *)

  SB = BITSIZE (ADDRESS) - 26;  (* # spare bits in a ref header *)

  RefHeader = RECORD
    forwarded : BITS  1 FOR BOOLEAN    := FALSE; (* used during collection *)
    typecode  : BITS 20 FOR Typecode   := 0;     (* the typecode *)
    dirty     : BITS  1 FOR BOOLEAN    := FALSE; (* used during collection *)
    gray      : BITS  1 FOR BOOLEAN    := FALSE; (* used during collection *)
    weak      : BITS  1 FOR BOOLEAN    := FALSE; (* any weakrefs? *)
    marka     : BITS  1 FOR BOOLEAN    := FALSE; (* used during collection *)
    markb     : BITS  1 FOR BOOLEAN    := FALSE; (* used during collection *)
    spare     : BITS SB FOR [0 .. 63]  := 0;     (* for future expansion *)
--------------------------------- compiler generated procedure closures ---

  ClosureMarker = -1;

  ProcedureClosure = RECORD
    marker : INTEGER; (* == -1 *)
    proc   : ADDRESS; (* address of a nested procedure's body *)
    frame  : ADDRESS; (* its parent's frame pointer *)
------------------------------------------------------------ exceptions ---

  ExceptionPtr    = UNTRACED REF ExceptionDesc;
  ExceptionUID    = INTEGER; (* == fingerprint of fully qualified name *)
  ExceptionArg    = ADDRESS; (* actually, it's an untyped 4-byte field *)
  ActivationPtr   = UNTRACED REF RaiseActivation;

  ExceptionDesc = RECORD
    uid      : ExceptionUID;
    name     : String;
    implicit : INTEGER;  (* == ORD (BOOLEAN) *)

  RaiseActivation = RECORD
    exception : ExceptionPtr;
    arg       : ExceptionArg;
    module    : ModulePtr;  (* if available, the raising module that called RAISE *)
    line      : INTEGER;    (* if available, the source line number of the RAISE *)
    pc        : ADDRESS;    (* if available, the PC of the RAISE *)
    info0     : ADDRESS;    (* misc. info *)
    info1     : ADDRESS;    (* misc. info *)
    un_except : ExceptionPtr; (* the unhandled exception being reported *)
    un_arg    : ExceptionArg; (* the argument to the unhandled exception *)