
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation        
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
| Last modified on Thu May  4 14:00:29 PDT 1995 by kalsow  
|      modified on Tue Nov  9 12:17:47 PST 1993 by mcjones 
|      modified on Fri Jan 29 09:39:44 PST 1993 by jdd    
|      modified on Wed Jul 3 04:15:39 1991 by muller      

RTAllocator provides access to the runtime storage allocator. \index{allocator} \index{storage allocator} \index{heap}


FROM RTType IMPORT Typecode;
Each of the procedures described below allocates and initializes heap storage. Calling any of these procedures with a typecode tc that names a type T is equivalent to calling NEW for that type. It is a checked runtime error to pass a typecode that is not proper. (See RTType for the definition of proper typecode.)

PROCEDURE NewTraced(tc: Typecode): REFANY
  RAISES {OutOfMemory};
Return a reference to a freshly allocated and initialized, traced referent with typecode tc. It is a checked runtime error if tc does not name a traced reference type other than REFANY, or if its referent is an open array.

PROCEDURE NewUntraced(tc: Typecode): ADDRESS
  RAISES {OutOfMemory};
Return a reference to a freshly allocated and initialized, untraced referent with typecode tc. It is a checked runtime error if tc does not name an untraced reference type other than ADDRESS, or if it names an untraced object type, or if its referent is an open array.

PROCEDURE NewUntracedObject(tc: Typecode): UNTRACED ROOT
  RAISES {OutOfMemory};
Return a freshly allocated and initialized, untraced object with typecode tc. It is a checked runtime error if tc does not name an untraced object type.


PROCEDURE NewTracedArray(tc: Typecode; READONLY s: Shape): REFANY
  RAISES {OutOfMemory};
Return a reference to a freshly allocated and initialized, traced open array referent with typecode tc and sizes s[0], ..., s[LAST(s)]. It is a checked runtime error if tc does not name a traced reference to an open array, or if any s[i] is negative, or if NUMBER(s) does not equal the number of open dimensions of the array.

PROCEDURE NewUntracedArray(tc: Typecode; READONLY s: Shape): ADDRESS
  RAISES {OutOfMemory};
Return a reference to a freshly allocated and initialized, untraced open array referent with typecode tc and sizes s[0], ..., s[LAST(s)]. It is a checked runtime error if tc does not name an untraced reference to an open array, or if any s[i] is negative, or if NUMBER(s) does not equal the number of open dimensions of the array.

  RAISES {OutOfMemory};
Return a reference to a freshly allocated and initialized, traced reference, object or array. The new referent will have the same runtime type as ref and a copy of its contents, ref^.

Raised if the allocator was unable to allocate the requested object
--------------------------------------------------------- SRC only ---

VAR callback: PROCEDURE (ref: REFANY) := NIL;
If non-NIL, the allocator calls callback(r) just before returning a new traced reference r. See RTAllocStats for an example client.

END RTAllocator.