
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

Last modified on Mon Jun 20 10:57:39 PDT 1994 by kalsow

An RTTypeMap.T, type map, defines the layout of runtime values. Type maps are provided by the compiler.

A type map is a pointer to a byte stream that defines a program for a simple virtual machine. By executing that program each scalar field of a runtime value can be located. See RTMapOp for a detailed description of the virtual instructions.

  T    = ADDRESS;
  Mask = SET OF Kind;
  Kind = {
    Ref, UntracedRef, Proc,         (* traced ref, untraced ref, procedure *)
    Real, Longreal, Extended,       (* floating point value *)
    Int_1, Int_2, Int_4, Int_8,     (* 1, 2, 4, or 8 byte signed integer *)
    Word_1, Word_2, Word_4, Word_8, (* 1, 2, 4, or 8 byte unsigned integer *)
    Int_Field, Word_Field,          (* signed or unsigned bit field *)
    Set                             (* bit set *)

TYPE Visitor <: V_;
     V_ = OBJECT METHODS apply (field: ADDRESS;  k: Kind) RAISES ANY END;

PROCEDURE WalkRef (r: REFANY;  m: Mask;  v: Visitor) RAISES ANY;
Locate each scalar field of the referent r^. For each field with kind 'k' in 'm' that's found at address 'x', call 'v.apply(x, k)'. The only exceptions raised are those raised by 'v's apply method.

END RTTypeMap.