
      Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           

All rights reserved. | See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. | | Last modified on Mon Jul 24 10:19:29 PDT 1995 by detlefs | modified on Fri Nov 18 17:32:30 PST 1994 by kalsow | modified on Sun Feb 21 14:18:42 PST 1993 by jdd | modified on Tue Jun 16 10:41:17 PDT 1992 by muller | modified on Mon Jun 8 11:25:23 PDT 1992 by meehan

RTutils provides information on the heap. This interface is subject to change without notice.


  HeapPresentation = { ByTypecode, ByNumber, ByByteCount };

PROCEDURE Heap (suppressZeros := FALSE;
                presentation := HeapPresentation.ByTypecode;
                byTypeHierarchy := FALSE;
                window := LAST(INTEGER));
This prints a table of all the known types and some simple statistics about them (count, total size in bytes for all such objects, average size). If suppressZeros is true, then nothing will be printed for a type that has no instances in the heap. The presentation argument controls the order in which types appear: ByTypeCode indicates that types are printed in ascending typecode order, ByNumber indicates they are presented in order of decreasing count, and ByByteCount indicates that they are printed in order of decreasing space usage. The byTypeHierarchy controls whether a separate report detailing the contents of the heap by the subtype relation is printed. That is, if object types B and C are (the only) subtypes of A, this report would include a line for A aggregating the numbers for B and C. The window arguments limits how many types are printed. The table is printed on stderr using RTIO.

PROCEDURE NewHeap (suppressZeros := TRUE;
                   presentation := HeapPresentation.ByTypecode;
                   byTypeHierarchy := FALSE;
                   window := LAST(INTEGER));
This prints only the incremental information since the last call to Heap or NewHeap. The arguments have the same meaning as in Heap.

END RTutils.