GENERIC MODULECompareSwap (Rep, Atomic); IMPORT CG, CallExpr, Expr, ExprRep, Procedure, Target, TInt, M3ID; IMPORT Value, Formal, Type, ProcType, Error, EnumExpr, Bool; VAR Z: CallExpr.MethodList; VAR formals: Value.T; PROCEDURECheck (ce: CallExpr.T; VAR cs: Expr.CheckState) = VAR order: Target.Int; t: Type.T; success, failure: INTEGER; BEGIN EVAL Formal.CheckArgs (cs, ce.args, formals, ce.proc); IF EnumExpr.Split (ce.args[3], order, t) AND TInt.ToInt (order, success) THEN CASE success OF | ORD(CG.MemoryOrder.Sequential) => (* ok *) ELSE Error.Warn (0, "CompareSwap currently only supports Order.Sequential"); END; ELSE success := ORD(CG.MemoryOrder.Sequential); Error.Msg ("success must be an enumeration constant"); END; IF EnumExpr.Split (ce.args[4], order, t) AND TInt.ToInt (order, failure) THEN CASE failure OF | ORD(CG.MemoryOrder.Release) => Error.Msg ("Order.Release not allowed for failure"); | ORD(CG.MemoryOrder.AcquireRelease) => Error.Msg ("Order.AcquireRelease not allowed for failure"); | ORD(CG.MemoryOrder.Sequential) => (* ok *) ELSE Error.Warn (0, "CompareSwap currently only supports Order.Sequential"); END; ELSE failure := ORD(CG.MemoryOrder.Sequential); Error.Msg ("failure must be an enumeration constant"); END; IF failure > success THEN Error.Msg ("failure is stronger than success"); END; ce.type := Bool.T; END Check; PROCEDUREPrep (ce: CallExpr.T) = BEGIN Expr.PrepLValue (ce.args[0], traced := TRUE); Expr.PrepLValue (ce.args[1], traced := TRUE); Expr.Prep (ce.args[2]); END Prep; PROCEDURECompile (ce: CallExpr.T) = VAR order: Target.Int; t: Type.T; success, failure: INTEGER; BEGIN Expr.CompileAddress (ce.args[0], traced := TRUE); CG.Force (); Expr.CompileLValue (ce.args[1], traced := TRUE); Expr.Compile (ce.args[2]); EVAL EnumExpr.Split (ce.args[3], order, t); EVAL TInt.ToInt (order, success); EVAL EnumExpr.Split (ce.args[4], order, t); EVAL TInt.ToInt (order, failure); CG.Compare_exchange (Type.CGType(Rep.T, in_memory := TRUE), success := VAL(success, CG.MemoryOrder), failure := VAL(failure, CG.MemoryOrder)); Expr.NoteWrite (ce.args[0]); Expr.NoteWrite (ce.args[1]); END Compile; PROCEDUREInitialize () = VAR var := Formal.Info { name := M3ID.Add ("var"), mode := Formal.Mode.mVAR, offset := 0, type := Atomic.T, dfault := NIL, unused := FALSE, trace := NIL }; expected := Formal.Info { name := M3ID.Add ("expected"), mode := Formal.Mode.mVAR, offset := 1, type := Rep.T, dfault := NIL, unused := FALSE, trace := NIL }; desired := Formal.NewBuiltin ("desired", 2, Rep.T); success := Formal.Info { name := M3ID.Add ("success"), mode := Formal.Mode.mVALUE, offset := 3, type := Atomic.Order, dfault := Atomic.Sequential, unused := FALSE, trace := NIL }; failure := Formal.Info { name := M3ID.Add ("failure"), mode := Formal.Mode.mVALUE, offset := 4, type := Atomic.Order, dfault := Atomic.Sequential, unused := FALSE, trace := NIL }; t0 := ProcType.New (Bool.T, Formal.New (var), Formal.New (expected), desired, Formal.New (success), Formal.New (failure)); BEGIN Z := CallExpr.NewMethodList (3, 5, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, Bool.T, NIL, CallExpr.NotAddressable, Check, Prep, Compile, CallExpr.NoLValue, CallExpr.NoLValue, CallExpr.NotBoolean, CallExpr.NotBoolean, CallExpr.NoValue, CallExpr.NoBounds, CallExpr.IsNever, (* writable *) CallExpr.IsNever, (* designator *) CallExpr.NotWritable (* noteWriter *)); Procedure.Define ("CompareSwap", Z, FALSE, t0); formals := ProcType.Formals (t0); END Initialize; BEGIN END CompareSwap.