
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 File: M3Front.i3                                            
 Last modified on Thu Apr 11 1996 by kalsow@cmass.com        

This module defines the front-end interface of the Modula-3 compiler. The compiler is a monitor -- only one compilation can be active at a time.

IMPORT M3ID, M3Compiler;

PROCEDURE ParseImports (READONLY input : SourceFile;
                                 env   : Environment): IDList;
Returns the names of the interfaces directly imported by 'input'.

PROCEDURE Compile (READONLY input    : SourceFile;
                            env      : Environment;
                   READONLY options  : ARRAY OF TEXT): BOOLEAN;
Reads and compiles a Modula-3 unit from input. Evironmental queries and reports are made through env. The listing and diagnostic options of the compiler are set by options. Returns TRUE iff the compilation succeeded with no errors. It is the caller's responsibility to initialize the Target interface prior to calling Compile.

  IDList      = REF RECORD interface: M3ID.T;  next: IDList  END;
  SourceFile  = M3Compiler.SourceFile;
  Environment = M3Compiler.Environment;

END M3Front.
The recognized options are:

-v verbose mode -g generate debugging information -S don't generate version stamps -wX print warnings at level X and above -w don't print warnings == -w99 -Z generate line-based profiling. -En die on the n-th error message. -NoChecks disable all runtime checks -NoAsserts disable <*ASSERT*> checks -NoNarrowChk disable narrow checks -NoRangeChk disable subscript and range checks -NoReturnChk disable checks for functions that fail to return values -NoCaseChk disable checks for unhandled CASE selectors -NoTypecaseChk disable checks for unhandled TYPECASE selectors -NoNilChk disable explicit NIL checks -NoRaisesChk disable checks for unhandled exceptions -InitFloats initialize all floating point values to zero -vsdebug generate a trace of the fingerprint computations -builtins compile and emit the builtin symbols -times print the elapsed time profile -load_map generate the load map comment in the output -No_load_map don't generate the load map comment in the output -IncGC generate software read barrier for incremental GC -GenGC generate software write barrier for generational GC

interface M3ID is in: