INTERFACEThis module defines the front-end interface of the Modula-3 compiler. The compiler is a monitor -- only one compilation can be active at a time.M3Front ;
IMPORT M3ID, M3Compiler; PROCEDURE ParseImports (READONLY input : SourceFile; env : Environment): IDList;
Returns the names of the interfaces directly imported by 'input'.
PROCEDURE Compile (READONLY input : SourceFile; env : Environment; READONLY options : ARRAY OF TEXT): BOOLEAN;Reads and compiles a Modula-3 unit from
. Evironmental queries
and reports are made through env
. The listing and diagnostic options
of the compiler are set by options
. Returns TRUE
iff the compilation
succeeded with no errors. It is the caller's responsibility to
initialize the Target interface prior to calling Compile.
TYPE IDList = REF RECORD interface: M3ID.T; next: IDList END; SourceFile = M3Compiler.SourceFile; Environment = M3Compiler.Environment; END M3Front.The recognized options are:
-v verbose mode
-g generate debugging information
-S don't generate version stamps
-wX print warnings at level X
and above
-w don't print warnings == -w99
-Z generate line-based profiling.
-En die on the n-th
error message.
-NoChecks disable all runtime checks
-NoAsserts disable <*ASSERT*> checks
-NoNarrowChk disable narrow checks
-NoRangeChk disable subscript and range checks
-NoReturnChk disable checks for functions that fail to return values
-NoCaseChk disable checks for unhandled CASE selectors
-NoTypecaseChk disable checks for unhandled TYPECASE selectors
-NoNilChk disable explicit NIL checks
-NoRaisesChk disable checks for unhandled exceptions
-InitFloats initialize all floating point values to zero
-vsdebug generate a trace of the fingerprint computations
-builtins compile
and emit the builtin symbols
-times print the elapsed time profile
-load_map generate the load map comment in the output
-No_load_map don't generate the load map comment in the output
-IncGC generate software read barrier for incremental GC
-GenGC generate software write barrier for generational GC