
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

File: CaseStmt.m3 Last modified on Fri Oct 21 14:37:48 PDT 1994 by kalsow modified on Fri Feb 15 04:03:38 1991 by muller

MODULE CaseStmt;

IMPORT CG, Expr, Stmt, StmtRep, Type, Error, Target, TInt, Host;
IMPORT EnumExpr, Token, IntegerExpr, Scanner, Word, ErrType;
FROM Scanner IMPORT Match, GetToken, Fail, cur;

  P = Stmt.T BRANDED "CaseStmt.P" OBJECT
        expr     : Expr.T   := NIL;
        tree     : Tree     := NIL;
        bodies   : StmtList := NIL;
        complete : BOOLEAN  := FALSE;
        hasElse  : BOOLEAN  := FALSE;
        badLabels: BOOLEAN  := FALSE;
        elseBody : Stmt.T   := NIL;
        nCases   : INTEGER  := 0;
        check       := Check;
        compile     := Compile;
        outcomes    := GetOutcome;

           less    : Tree;
           greater : Tree;
           emin    : Expr.T;
           emax    : Expr.T;
           min     : Target.Int;
           max     : Target.Int;
           body    : INTEGER;
           origin  : INTEGER;
           bad     : BOOLEAN;

  StmtList = REF ARRAY OF Stmt.T;

PROCEDURE Parse (): Stmt.T =
  TYPE TK = Token.T;
  VAR p: P;  bar: BOOLEAN;
    p := NEW (P);
    StmtRep.Init (p);
    p.bodies := NEW (StmtList, 8);

    Match (TK.tCASE);
    p.expr := Expr.Parse ();
    Match (TK.tOF);
    bar := (cur.token = TK.tBAR);
    IF (bar) THEN GetToken () (* | *)  END;
      IF (cur.token = TK.tELSE) THEN EXIT END;
      IF (cur.token = TK.tEND) THEN EXIT END;
      bar := FALSE;
      ParseCase (p);
      IF (cur.token # TK.tBAR) THEN EXIT END;
      bar := TRUE; GetToken (); (* | *)
    IF (bar) THEN
      Fail ("missing case");
    IF (cur.token = TK.tELSE) THEN
      GetToken (); (* ELSE *)
      p.hasElse := TRUE;
      p.elseBody := Stmt.Parse ();
    Match (TK.tEND);

    RETURN p;
  END Parse;

PROCEDURE ParseCase (p: P) =
  TYPE TK = Token.T;
  VAR t: Tree;
      t := NEW (Tree);
      t.origin  := Scanner.offset;
      t.less    := p.tree;   p.tree := t;
      t.greater := NIL;
      t.emin    := Expr.Parse ();
      t.emax    := NIL;
      t.body    := p.nCases;
      t.bad     := FALSE;
      IF (cur.token = TK.tDOTDOT) THEN
        GetToken (); (* .. *)
        t.emax := Expr.Parse ();
      IF (cur.token # TK.tCOMMA) THEN EXIT END;
      GetToken (); (* , *)
    Match (TK.tIMPLIES);
    IF (p.nCases > LAST (p.bodies^)) THEN ExpandBodies (p) END;
    p.bodies[p.nCases] := Stmt.Parse ();
    INC (p.nCases);
  END ParseCase;

PROCEDURE ExpandBodies (p: P) =
  VAR old, new: StmtList;
    old := p.bodies;
    new := NEW (StmtList, NUMBER (old^) * 2);
    FOR i := 0 TO LAST (old^) DO new[i] := old[i] END;
    p.bodies := new;
  END ExpandBodies;

PROCEDURE Check (p: P;  VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState) =
  VAR t, u, v: Tree;  type: Type.T;  min, max, minE, maxE: Target.Int;
    (* check out the selector *)
    Expr.TypeCheck (p.expr, cs);
    type := Expr.TypeOf (p.expr);
    IF NOT Type.IsOrdinal (type) THEN
      Error.Msg ("invalid expression type for case selector");
      p.badLabels := TRUE;
      type := ErrType.T;

    (* reverse the tree nodes so they're in source order *)
    t := p.tree;
    u := NIL;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      v := t.less;
      t.less := u;
      u := t;
      t := v;
    p.tree := u;

    (* type check the cases & build a tree *)
    EVAL Type.GetBounds (type, min, max);
    t := p.tree;
    p.tree := NIL;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      Scanner.offset := t.origin;
      u := t.less;
      p.tree := AddNode (p, p.tree, t, type, min, max, cs);
      t := u;

    (* type check the bodies *)
    FOR i := 0 TO p.nCases - 1 DO Stmt.TypeCheck (p.bodies[i], cs) END;

    (* check the else clause *)
    IF (p.hasElse) THEN Stmt.TypeCheck (p.elseBody, cs) END;

    (* check for a complete tree *)
    Expr.GetBounds (p.expr, minE, maxE);
    p.complete := p.hasElse OR CompleteTree (p.tree, minE, maxE);
    IF (NOT p.complete) AND (NOT p.badLabels) THEN
      Scanner.offset := p.origin;
      Error.Warn (1, "CASE statement does not handle all possible values");
  END Check;

PROCEDURE AddNode (p: P;  old, new: Tree;  type: Type.T;
                   READONLY min, max: Target.Int;
                   VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState): Tree =
    new.min := CheckLabel (p, new, new.emin, type, cs);
    IF (new.emax # NIL)
      THEN new.max := CheckLabel (p, new, new.emax, type, cs);
      ELSE new.max := new.min;

    IF (new.bad) OR (p.badLabels) THEN
      (* don't generate another error message *)
    ELSIF TInt.LT (new.min, min) OR TInt.LT (max, new.max) THEN
      Error.Msg ("case labels out of range");
      new.bad := TRUE;

    RETURN AddToTree (p, old, new);
  END AddNode;

PROCEDURE CheckLabel (p: P;  tree: Tree;  e: Expr.T;  type: Type.T;
                                         VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState): Target.Int =
  VAR t: Type.T;  i: Target.Int;  n_errs, n_xxx, n_warns: INTEGER;
    Error.Count (n_errs, n_warns);
      Expr.TypeCheck (e, cs);
    Error.Count (n_xxx, n_warns);
    IF (n_xxx > n_errs) THEN tree.bad := TRUE;  RETURN TInt.Zero; END;

    t := Expr.TypeOf (e);
    IF (NOT p.badLabels) AND NOT Type.IsAssignable (type, t) THEN
      Error.Msg ("case label not compatible with selector");
      tree.bad := TRUE;

    e := Expr.ConstValue (e);
    IF (e = NIL) AND (NOT tree.bad) THEN
      Error.Msg ("case label must be constant");
      tree.bad := TRUE;
    i := TInt.Zero;
    IF IntegerExpr.Split (e, i, t) OR EnumExpr.Split (e, i, t) THEN END;
    RETURN i;
  END CheckLabel;

PROCEDURE AddToTree (p: P;  old, new: Tree): Tree =
  VAR z: Tree;  new_min, new_max: BOOLEAN;
    new.less    := NIL;
    new.greater := NIL;
    IF (new.bad) OR (p.badLabels) THEN
      (* ignore this node *)
    ELSIF (old = NIL) THEN
      old := new;
    ELSIF TInt.LT (new.max, old.min) THEN
      old.less := AddToTree (p, old.less, new);
    ELSIF TInt.LT (old.max, new.min) THEN
      old.greater := AddToTree (p, old.greater, new);
    ELSIF (new.body # old.body) THEN
      Error.Msg ("duplicate labels in case statement");
      new.bad := TRUE;
      (* new and old overlap, but are in the same case arm *)
      Error.Warn (2, "repeated labels in case arm");
      new_min := TInt.LT (new.min, old.min);
      new_max := TInt.LT (old.max, new.max);
      IF new_min AND new_max THEN
        z := NEW (Tree);  z^ := new^;
        EVAL TInt.Subtract (old.min, TInt.One, z.max);
        old.less := AddToTree (p, old.less, z);
        EVAL TInt.Add (old.max, TInt.One, new.min);
        old.greater := AddToTree (p, old.greater, new);
      ELSIF new_min THEN
        EVAL TInt.Subtract (old.min, TInt.One, new.max);
        old.less := AddToTree (p, old.less, new);
      ELSIF new_max THEN
        EVAL TInt.Add (old.max, TInt.One, new.min);
        old.greater := AddToTree (p, old.greater, new);
    RETURN old;
  END AddToTree;

PROCEDURE CompleteTree (t: Tree;  min, max: Target.Int): BOOLEAN =
  VAR x, y: Target.Int;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      IF TInt.LT (t.max, min) OR TInt.LT (max, t.min) THEN
        RETURN TInt.LT (max, min);
      IF    TInt.Subtract (t.min, min, x)
        AND TInt.Subtract (max, t.max, y)
        AND TInt.LT (y, x) THEN
        IF TInt.Add (t.max, TInt.One, x)
          AND NOT TInt.LT (x, Target.Integer.min)
          AND NOT TInt.LT (Target.Integer.max, x) THEN
          IF NOT CompleteTree (t.greater, x, max) THEN RETURN FALSE END;
        IF NOT TInt.Subtract (t.min, TInt.One, max)
          OR TInt.LT (x, Target.Integer.min)
          OR TInt.LT (Target.Integer.max, x) THEN
          RETURN TRUE;
        t := t.less;
        IF TInt.Subtract (t.min, TInt.One, x)
          AND NOT TInt.LT (x, Target.Integer.min)
          AND NOT TInt.LT (Target.Integer.max, x) THEN
          IF NOT CompleteTree (t.less, min, x) THEN RETURN FALSE END;
        IF NOT TInt.Add (t.max, TInt.One, min)
          OR TInt.LT (x, Target.Integer.min)
          OR TInt.LT (Target.Integer.max, x) THEN
          RETURN TRUE;
        t := t.greater;
    RETURN TInt.LT (max, min);
  END CompleteTree;

PROCEDURE Compile (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes =
  VAR minL, maxL: Target.Int;  t: Tree;  oc: Stmt.Outcomes;
      min_L, max_L: INTEGER;
    (* find the smallest label *)
    minL := Target.Integer.max;
    t := p.tree;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      minL := t.min;
      t := t.less;

    (* find the largest label *)
    maxL := Target.Integer.min;
    t := p.tree;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      maxL := t.max;
      t := t.greater;

    (* collapse adjacent tree nodes *)
    p.tree := FlattenTree (p.tree, NIL);

    IF TInt.ToInt (minL, min_L) AND TInt.ToInt (maxL, max_L)
      AND ShouldBeIndexed (p, max_L, min_L) THEN
      (* generate an indexed table branch *)
      oc := GenIndexedBranch (p, min_L, max_L, minL, maxL);
      (* generate an IF-ELSE structure *)
      oc := GenIfTable (p);
 (* ELSE generate a binary search table... *)
    RETURN oc;
  END Compile;

PROCEDURE FlattenTree (t, tail: Tree): Tree =
    IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN tail END;
    t.greater := FlattenTree (t.greater, tail);
    RETURN FlattenTree (t.less, t);
  END FlattenTree;

PROCEDURE ShouldBeIndexed (p: P;  maxL, minL: INTEGER): BOOLEAN =
    t: Tree;
    last, zz: Target.Int;
    n_tests: INTEGER;
    n_slots := Word.Minus (maxL, minL);
    (* don't bother with huge tables *)
    IF (n_slots > 4096) OR (n_slots < 0) THEN RETURN FALSE END;

    (* don't bother with tiny tables *)
    (* => count the number of IF tests that would be needed *)
    n_tests := 0;
    last := Target.Integer.min;
    t := p.tree;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      IF TInt.Subtract (t.min, TInt.One, zz)
        AND TInt.LT (last, zz) THEN INC (n_tests) END;
      INC (n_tests);
      last := t.max;
      t := t.greater;
    IF (n_tests < 8) THEN RETURN FALSE END;

    (* always build small tables *)
    IF (maxL - minL) <= 256 THEN RETURN TRUE END;

    (* otherwise, use a table if the density is at least 0.05 *)
    RETURN (p.nCases * 20) > (maxL - minL);
  END ShouldBeIndexed;

PROCEDURE GenIndexedBranch (p: P;  l_min, l_max: INTEGER;
                            READONLY L_min, L_max: Target.Int): Stmt.Outcomes =
    t: Tree;
    x: CG.Val;
    b: BOOLEAN;
    oc, xc: Stmt.Outcomes;
    e_min, e_max: Target.Int;
    l_else, l_end, l_case, l_bodies: CG.Label;
    labels: REF ARRAY OF CG.Label;
    min, max, j: INTEGER;
    Expr.GetBounds (p.expr, e_min, e_max);

    (* allocate the label's we need *)
    l_bodies := CG.Next_label (p.nCases);
    l_else := CG.Next_label ();
    labels := NEW (REF ARRAY OF CG.Label, l_max - l_min + 1);
    FOR i := 0 TO LAST (labels^) DO labels[i] := l_else END;
    l_end := CG.Next_label ();

    (* initialize the label table *)
    t := p.tree;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      l_case := l_bodies + t.body;
      b := TInt.ToInt (t.min, min); <*ASSERT b*>
      b := TInt.ToInt (t.max, max); <*ASSERT b*>
      j := min - l_min;
      WHILE (j <= max - l_min) DO
        labels [j] := l_case;
        IF (j = max - l_min) THEN EXIT END;
        INC (j);
      t := t.greater;

    (* compute the index and translate it to a zero base *)
    Expr.Prep (p.expr);
    Expr.Compile (p.expr);
    IF (l_min # 0) THEN
      (* translate  [l_min .. l_max] => [0 .. l_max - l_min] *)
      CG.Load_intt (l_min);
      CG.Subtract (Target.Integer.cg_type);

    (* range check the index expression *)
    IF TInt.LE (L_min, e_min) AND TInt.LE (e_max, L_max) THEN
      (* no range checking is required *)
    ELSIF TInt.LE (L_min, e_min) THEN
      (* lower bound is OK *)
      x := CG.Pop ();
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Load_intt (l_max - l_min);
      CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.GT, l_else, CG.Never);
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Free (x);
    ELSIF TInt.LE (e_max, L_max) THEN
      (* upper bound is OK *)
      x := CG.Pop ();
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Load_integer (Target.Integer.cg_type, TInt.Zero);
      CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.LT, l_else, CG.Never);
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Free (x);
      (* need to check both bounds *)
      x := CG.Pop ();
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Load_integer (Target.Integer.cg_type, TInt.Zero);
      CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.LT, l_else, CG.Never);
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Load_intt (l_max - l_min);
      CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.GT, l_else, CG.Never);
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Free (x);

    (* generate the branch *)
    CG.Case_jump (labels^);

    (* generate the table entries *)
    oc := Stmt.Outcomes {};
    FOR i := 0 TO p.nCases - 1 DO
      CG.Set_label (l_bodies + i);
      xc := Stmt.Compile (p.bodies[i]);
      oc := oc + xc;
      IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN xc) THEN  CG.Jump (l_end)  END;

    (* generate the else clause *)
    CG.Set_label (l_else);
    IF (p.hasElse) THEN
      oc := oc + Stmt.Compile (p.elseBody);
    ELSIF (NOT p.complete) AND (Host.doCaseChk) THEN
      CG.Abort (CG.RuntimeError.UnhandledCase);

    CG.Set_label (l_end);
    RETURN oc;
  END GenIndexedBranch;

PROCEDURE GenIfTable (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes =
    t: Tree;
    x: CG.Val;
    e_min, e_max: Target.Int;
    next: Target.Int;
    oc, xc: Stmt.Outcomes;
    l_bodies, l_else, l_end: INTEGER;
    p.tree := CollapseTree (p.tree);
    l_bodies := CG.Next_label (p.nCases);
    l_else   := CG.Next_label ();
    l_end    := CG.Next_label ();
    oc := Stmt.Outcomes {};

    (* compile the tests & branches *)
    Expr.Prep (p.expr);
    Expr.Compile (p.expr);
    x := CG.Pop ();

    (* walk the list of labels generating the goto's *)
    Expr.GetBounds (p.expr, e_min, e_max);
    next := e_min;
    t := p.tree;
    WHILE (t # NIL) DO
      CG.Gen_location (t.origin);
      IF TInt.LT (next, t.min) THEN
        CG.Push (x);
        CG.Load_integer (Target.Integer.cg_type, t.min);
        CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.LT, l_else, CG.Never);
      CG.Push (x);
      CG.Load_integer (Target.Integer.cg_type, t.max);
      CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.LE, l_bodies+t.body, CG.Maybe);
      IF NOT TInt.Add (t.max, TInt.One, next)
        OR TInt.LT (next, Target.Integer.min)
        OR TInt.LT (Target.Integer.max, next) THEN
        IF (t.greater # NIL) THEN Error.Msg ("case label too large") END;
        next := t.max;
      t := t.greater;
    IF TInt.LE (next, e_max) THEN  CG.Jump (l_else)  END;
    CG.Free (x);

    (* generate the bodies *)
    FOR i := 0 TO p.nCases - 1 DO
      CG.Set_label (l_bodies + i);
      xc := Stmt.Compile (p.bodies[i]);
      oc := oc + xc;
      IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN xc) THEN  CG.Jump (l_end)  END;

    (* generate the else clause *)
    CG.Set_label (l_else);
    IF (p.hasElse) THEN
      oc := oc + Stmt.Compile (p.elseBody);
    ELSIF (NOT p.complete) AND (Host.doCaseChk) THEN
      CG.Abort (CG.RuntimeError.UnhandledCase);

    CG.Set_label (l_end);
    RETURN oc;
  END GenIfTable;

PROCEDURE CollapseTree (t: Tree): Tree =
  VAR t1, t2: Tree;  c: INTEGER;  x, xx: Target.Int;
    t1 := t;
    WHILE (t1 # NIL) DO
      c := t1.body;
      x := t1.max;
      t2 := t1.greater;
      WHILE (t2 # NIL) AND (t2.body = c)
        AND TInt.Add (x, TInt.One, xx)
        AND TInt.EQ (xx, t2.min) DO
        x := t2.max;
        t2 := t2.greater;
      t1.greater := t2;
      t1.max := x;
      t1 := t2;
    RETURN t;
  END CollapseTree;

PROCEDURE GetOutcome (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes =
  VAR oc := Stmt.Outcomes {};
    FOR i := 0 TO p.nCases - 1 DO
      oc := oc + Stmt.GetOutcome (p.bodies[i]);
    IF (p.hasElse) THEN
      oc := oc + Stmt.GetOutcome (p.elseBody);
    RETURN oc;
  END GetOutcome;

END CaseStmt.

interface Type is in:

interface Token is in: