File: TryStmt.m3 Last modified on Tue May 23 15:36:40 PDT 1995 by kalsow modified on Fri Oct 5 06:40:21 1990 by muller
MODULE------------------------------- handler info for Compiler.ThisException ---; IMPORT M3, M3ID, CG, Variable, Scope, Exceptionz, Value, Error, Marker; IMPORT Type, Stmt, StmtRep, TryFinStmt, Token; IMPORT Scanner, ESet, Target, M3RT, Tracer; FROM Scanner IMPORT Match, MatchID, GetToken, Fail, cur; TYPE P = Stmt.T OBJECT scope : Scope.T; body : Stmt.T; h_origin : INTEGER; handles : Handler; hasElse : BOOLEAN; elseBody : Stmt.T; handled : ESet.T; OVERRIDES check := Check; compile := Compile; outcomes := GetOutcome; END; TYPE Handler = REF RECORD next : Handler; tags : Except; type : Type.T; var : Variable.T; scope : Scope.T; body : Stmt.T; origin : INTEGER; END; TYPE Except = REF RECORD next : Except; name : M3.QID; obj : Value.T; END; PROCEDURE TryStmt Parse (): Stmt.T = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR s: Stmt.T; p: P; bar: BOOLEAN; here := Scanner.offset; BEGIN Match (TK.tTRY); s := Stmt.Parse (); IF (cur.token = TK.tFINALLY) THEN s := TryFinStmt.Parse (s); s.origin := here; RETURN s; END; p := NEW (P); StmtRep.Init (p); p.origin := here; p.scope := Scope.Top (); p.body := s; p.hasElse := FALSE; p.elseBody := NIL; p.handled := NIL; p.handles := NIL; Match (TK.tEXCEPT); p.h_origin := Scanner.offset; bar := (cur.token = TK.tBAR); IF (bar) THEN GetToken (); (* | *) END; LOOP IF (cur.token = TK.tELSE) THEN EXIT END; IF (cur.token = TK.tEND) THEN EXIT END; bar := FALSE; ParseHandler (p); IF (cur.token # TK.tBAR) THEN EXIT END; bar := TRUE; GetToken (); (* | *) END; ReverseHandlers (p); IF (bar) THEN Fail ("missing handler"); END; IF (cur.token = TK.tELSE) THEN GetToken (); (* ELSE *) p.hasElse := TRUE; p.elseBody := Stmt.Parse (); END; Match (TK.tEND); RETURN p; END Parse; PROCEDUREParseHandler (p: P) = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR h: Handler; e: Except; id: M3ID.T; trace: Tracer.T; BEGIN h := NEW (Handler); := p.handles; p.handles := h; h.tags := NIL; h.type := NIL; h.var := NIL; h.scope := NIL; h.body := NIL; h.origin := Scanner.offset; LOOP e := NEW (Except); := h.tags; h.tags := e; e.obj := NIL; := M3ID.NoID; := MatchID (); IF (cur.token = TK.tDOT) THEN GetToken (); (* . *) :=; := MatchID (); END; IF (cur.token # TK.tCOMMA) THEN EXIT END; GetToken (); (* , *) END; IF (cur.token = TK.tLPAREN) THEN GetToken (); (* ( *) id := MatchID (); trace := Variable.ParseTrace (); Match (TK.tRPAREN); h.var := Variable.New (id, FALSE); h.scope := Scope.New1 (h.var); Variable.BindTrace (h.var, trace); Match (TK.tIMPLIES); h.body := Stmt.Parse (); Scope.PopNew (); ELSE Match (TK.tIMPLIES); h.body := Stmt.Parse (); END; END ParseHandler; PROCEDUREReverseHandlers (p: P) = VAR h1, h2, h3: Handler; BEGIN h1 := p.handles; h3 := NIL; WHILE (h1 # NIL) DO h2 :=; := h3; h3 := h1; h1 := h2; END; p.handles := h3; END ReverseHandlers; PROCEDURECheck (p: P; VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState) = VAR h: Handler; handled: ESet.T; BEGIN h := p.handles; WHILE (h # NIL) DO CheckLabels (h, p.scope, cs); h :=; END; IF (p.hasElse) THEN Marker.PushTryElse (CG.No_label, CG.No_label, NIL); handled := ESet.NewAny (); ELSE handled := ESet.NewEmpty (p.scope); h := p.handles; WHILE (h # NIL) DO PushRaises (h, handled); h :=; END; p.handled := handled; Marker.PushTry (CG.No_label, CG.No_label, NIL, handled); END; ESet.TypeCheck (handled); ESet.Push (cs, handled, NIL, stop := FALSE); Stmt.TypeCheck (p.body, cs); ESet.Pop (cs, handled, NIL, stop := FALSE); Marker.Pop (); (* check each handler *) PushHandler (NIL, 0, FALSE); h := p.handles; WHILE (h # NIL) DO CheckHandler (h, cs); h :=; END; Stmt.TypeCheck (p.elseBody, cs); PopHandler (); END Check; PROCEDURECheckLabels (h: Handler; scope: Scope.T; VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState) = VAR e: Except; obj: Value.T; t: Type.T; BEGIN Scanner.offset := h.origin; e := h.tags; WHILE (e # NIL) DO obj := Scope.LookUpQID (scope,; IF (obj = NIL) THEN Error.QID (, "undefined") END; e.obj := obj; Value.TypeCheck (obj, cs); IF (Value.ClassOf (obj) # Value.Class.Exception) THEN Error.QID (, "is not an exception"); ELSE IF (h.scope # NIL) THEN t := Exceptionz.ArgType (obj); IF (e = h.tags) THEN (* first one *) h.type := t; ELSIF NOT Type.IsEqual (t, h.type, NIL) THEN Error.Msg ("exceptions have incompatible types"); END; END; END; e :=; END; END CheckLabels; PROCEDUREPushRaises (h: Handler; handled: ESet.T) = VAR e: Except; BEGIN Scanner.offset := h.origin; e := h.tags; WHILE (e # NIL) DO ESet.Add (handled,, e.obj); e :=; END; END PushRaises; PROCEDURECheckHandler (h: Handler; VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState) = VAR zz: Scope.T; BEGIN Scanner.offset := h.origin; IF (h.scope # NIL) THEN IF (h.type = NIL) THEN Error.Msg ("exception(s) don\'t have a return argument"); END; Variable.BindType (h.var, h.type, indirect := FALSE, readonly := FALSE, needs_init := FALSE, open_array_ok := FALSE); IF Exceptionz.ArgByReference (h.type) THEN Variable.NeedsAddress (h.var); END; Scope.TypeCheck (h.scope, cs); zz :=Scope.Push (h.scope); Stmt.TypeCheck (h.body, cs); Scope.WarnUnused (h.scope); Scope.Pop (zz); ELSE Stmt.TypeCheck (h.body, cs); END; END CheckHandler; PROCEDURECompile (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes = BEGIN IF (p.handles = NIL) AND (NOT p.hasElse) THEN RETURN Stmt.Compile (p.body); END; IF Target.Has_stack_walker THEN RETURN Compile1 (p); ELSE RETURN Compile2 (p); END; END Compile; PROCEDURECompile1 (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes = VAR oc: Stmt.Outcomes; h: Handler; l: CG.Label; info: CG.Var; next_handler: CG.Label; another: BOOLEAN; next_info: CG.Var; BEGIN (* declare and initialize the info record *) info := CG.Declare_local (M3ID.NoID, M3RT.EA_SIZE, Target.Address.align, CG.Type.Struct, 0, in_memory := TRUE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Never); CG.Load_nil (); CG.Store_addr (info, M3RT.EA_exception); (* compile the body *) l := CG.Next_label (3); CG.Set_label (l, barrier := TRUE); IF (p.hasElse) THEN Marker.PushTryElse (l, l+1, info); ELSE Marker.PushTry (l, l+1, info, p.handled); END; Marker.SaveFrame (); oc := Stmt.Compile (p.body); Marker.Pop (); CG.Jump (l+2); IF (p.hasElse) THEN (* EXITs and RETURNs from the body are caught by the ELSE clause *) oc := oc - Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.Returns, Stmt.Outcome.Exits}; END; (* check for enclosing handlers *) another := Marker.NextHandler (next_handler, next_info); (* set the "Compiler.ThisException()" globals *) PushHandler (info, 0, direct := TRUE); (* compile each of the handlers *) CG.Set_label (l+1, barrier := TRUE); Scanner.offset := p.h_origin; CG.Gen_location (p.h_origin); h := p.handles; WHILE (h # NIL) DO oc := oc + CompileHandler1 (h, info, l+2, (NOT p.hasElse) AND ( = NIL) AND (NOT another)); h :=; END; IF (p.hasElse) THEN oc := oc + Stmt.Compile (p.elseBody); ELSIF another THEN (* we didn't eat this exception => mark and invoke the next handler *) CG.Load_addr_of (next_info, 0, Target.Address.align); CG.Load_addr_of (info, 0, Target.Address.align); CG.Copy (M3RT.EA_SIZE, overlap := FALSE); CG.Jump (next_handler); END; (* restore the "Compiler.ThisException()" globals *) PopHandler (); CG.Set_label (l+2); RETURN oc; END Compile1; PROCEDURECompileHandler1 (h: Handler; info: CG.Var; resume: CG.Label; last: BOOLEAN): Stmt.Outcomes = VAR e: Except; oc: Stmt.Outcomes; zz: Scope.T; top: CG.Label; need_top := FALSE; t_info: Type.Info; BEGIN top := CG.Next_label (2); CG.Gen_location (h.origin); IF (NOT last) THEN (* check for a match *) e := h.tags; <*ASSERT e # NIL*> WHILE (e # NIL) DO CG.Load_addr (info, M3RT.EA_exception); CG.Boost_alignment (Target.Integer.align); CG.Load_indirect (Target.Integer.cg_type, 0, Target.Integer.size); CG.Load_intt (Exceptionz.UID (e.obj)); (** Value.Load (e.obj); **) e :=; IF (e # NIL) THEN CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.EQ, top, CG.Maybe); need_top := TRUE; ELSE CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.NE, top+1, CG.Maybe); END; END; (*** CG.Jump (top+1); ***) END; IF (need_top) THEN CG.Set_label (top) END; IF (h.scope # NIL) THEN zz := Scope.Push (h.scope); Scope.Enter (h.scope); Scope.InitValues (h.scope); Variable.LoadLValue (h.var); EVAL Type.CheckInfo (h.type, t_info); IF Exceptionz.ArgByReference (h.type) THEN CG.Load_addr (info, M3RT.EA_arg); CG.Boost_alignment (t_info.alignment); CG.Copy (t_info.size, overlap := FALSE); ELSE CG.Load_addr (info, M3RT.EA_arg); CG.Loophole (CG.Type.Addr, t_info.stk_type); CG.Store_indirect (t_info.stk_type, 0, t_info.size); END; Variable.ScheduleTrace (h.var); oc := Stmt.Compile (h.body); IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN oc) THEN CG.Jump (resume) END; (* for the debugger's sake, this Jump should be inside the scope *) Scope.Exit (h.scope); Scope.Pop (zz); ELSE oc := Stmt.Compile (h.body); IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN oc) THEN CG.Jump (resume) END; END; CG.Set_label (top+1); RETURN oc; END CompileHandler1; PROCEDURECompile2 (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes = VAR oc: Stmt.Outcomes; h: Handler; l: CG.Label; frame, eset: CG.Var; eoffset: INTEGER; BEGIN l := CG.Next_label (3); CG.Set_label (l, barrier := TRUE); (* declare and initialize the info record *) frame := CG.Declare_local (M3ID.NoID, M3RT.EF1_SIZE, Target.Address.align, CG.Type.Struct, 0, in_memory := TRUE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Never); (********************************************** (* mark the frame: no exception happened yet *) CG.Load_nil (); CG.Store_addr (frame, M3RT.EF1_exception); ***********************************************) IF (p.hasElse) THEN Marker.PushTryElse (l, l+1, frame); Marker.PushFrame (frame, M3RT.HandlerClass.ExceptElse); ELSE Marker.PushTry (l, l+1, frame, p.handled); ESet.GetAddress (p.handled, eset, eoffset); CG.Load_addr_of (eset, eoffset, Target.Address.align); CG.Store_addr (frame, M3RT.EF1_handles); Marker.PushFrame (frame, M3RT.HandlerClass.Except); END; (* capture the machine state *) Marker.CaptureState (frame, l+1); (* compile the body *) oc := Stmt.Compile (p.body); Marker.Pop (); IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN oc) THEN Marker.PopFrame (frame); CG.Jump (l+2); END; IF (p.hasElse) THEN (* EXITs and RETURNs from the body are caught by the ELSE clause *) oc := oc - Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.Returns, Stmt.Outcome.Exits}; END; (* set the "Compiler.ThisException()" globals *) PushHandler (frame, M3RT.EF1_info, direct := TRUE); (* compile each of the handlers *) CG.Set_label (l+1, barrier := TRUE); Scanner.offset := p.h_origin; CG.Gen_location (p.h_origin); h := p.handles; WHILE (h # NIL) DO oc := oc + CompileHandler2 (h, frame, l+2, (NOT p.hasElse) AND ( = NIL)); h :=; END; IF (p.hasElse) THEN oc := oc + Stmt.Compile (p.elseBody); END; (* restore the "Compiler.ThisException()" globals *) PopHandler (); CG.Set_label (l+2); RETURN oc; END Compile2; PROCEDURECompileHandler2 (h: Handler; frame: CG.Var; resume: CG.Label; last: BOOLEAN): Stmt.Outcomes = VAR e: Except; oc: Stmt.Outcomes; zz: Scope.T; top: CG.Label; need_top := FALSE; t_info: Type.Info; BEGIN top := CG.Next_label (2); CG.Gen_location (h.origin); IF (NOT last) THEN (* check for a match *) e := h.tags; <*ASSERT e # NIL*> WHILE (e # NIL) DO CG.Load_addr (frame, M3RT.EF1_info + M3RT.EA_exception); CG.Boost_alignment (Target.Integer.align); CG.Load_indirect (Target.Integer.cg_type, 0, Target.Integer.size); CG.Load_intt (Exceptionz.UID (e.obj)); (** Value.Load (e.obj); **) e :=; IF (e # NIL) THEN CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.EQ, top, CG.Maybe); need_top := TRUE; ELSE CG.If_compare (Target.Integer.cg_type, CG.Cmp.NE, top+1, CG.Maybe); END; END; (*** CG.Jump (top+1); ***) END; IF (need_top) THEN CG.Set_label (top) END; IF (h.scope # NIL) THEN zz := Scope.Push (h.scope); Scope.Enter (h.scope); Scope.InitValues (h.scope); Variable.LoadLValue (h.var); EVAL Type.CheckInfo (h.type, t_info); IF Exceptionz.ArgByReference (h.type) THEN CG.Load_addr (frame, M3RT.EF1_info + M3RT.EA_arg); CG.Boost_alignment (t_info.alignment); CG.Copy (t_info.size, overlap := FALSE); ELSE CG.Load_addr (frame, M3RT.EF1_info + M3RT.EA_arg); CG.Loophole (CG.Type.Addr, t_info.stk_type); CG.Store_indirect (t_info.stk_type, 0, t_info.size); END; Variable.ScheduleTrace (h.var); oc := Stmt.Compile (h.body); IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN oc) THEN CG.Jump (resume) END; (* for the debugger's sake, this Jump should be inside the scope *) Scope.Exit (h.scope); Scope.Pop (zz); ELSE oc := Stmt.Compile (h.body); IF (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN oc) THEN CG.Jump (resume) END; END; CG.Set_label (top+1); RETURN oc; END CompileHandler2; PROCEDUREGetOutcome (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes = VAR h: Handler; oc := Stmt.GetOutcome (p.body); BEGIN IF (p.hasElse) THEN (* EXITs and RETURNs from the body are caught by the ELSE clause *) oc := oc - Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.Returns, Stmt.Outcome.Exits}; END; h := p.handles; WHILE (h # NIL) DO oc := oc + Stmt.GetOutcome (h.body); h :=; END; IF (p.hasElse) THEN oc := oc + Stmt.GetOutcome (p.elseBody) END; RETURN oc; END GetOutcome;
TYPE HandlerInfo = RECORD info : CG.Var; offset : INTEGER; direct : BOOLEAN; END; VAR (* for "Compiler.ThisException()" *) tos : INTEGER := 0; stack : ARRAY [0..50] OF HandlerInfo; PROCEDUREPushHandler (info: CG.Var; offset: INTEGER; direct: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN WITH z = stack [tos] DO := info; z.offset := offset; := direct; END; INC (tos); END PushHandler; PROCEDUREPopHandler () = BEGIN DEC (tos); stack[tos].info := NIL; END PopHandler; PROCEDUREInHandler (): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (tos > 0); END InHandler; PROCEDURELoadInfoPtr () = BEGIN IF (tos <= 0) THEN CG.Load_nil (); RETURN; END; WITH z = stack[tos-1] DO IF THEN CG.Load_addr_of (, z.offset, Target.Address.align); ELSE CG.Load_addr (, z.offset); END; END; END LoadInfoPtr; BEGIN END TryStmt.