File: Variable.m3 Last Modified On Tue Jun 20 09:58:08 PDT 1995 By kalsow Modified On Thu Jun 15 12:45:02 PDT 1995 By ericv Modified On Thu Dec 5 17:21:40 PST 1991 By muller
MODULE* -- this doesn't work with the current gcc-based backend. It chokes on VAR v: BITS 32 FOR CHAR := 'X' -- 10/9/96 WKK PROCEDURE FindAlignment (align: AlignVal; size: INTEGER): AlignVal = (* Fix the alignment of small local variables and parameters with BITS FOR types; IMPORT M3, M3ID, CG, Value, ValueRep, Type, Expr, Error, RunTyme; IMPORT Scope, AssignStmt, Formal, M3RT, IntegerExpr, TipeMap, M3String; IMPORT OpenArrayType, Target, TInt, Token, Ident, Module, CallExpr; IMPORT Decl, Null, Int, LInt, Fmt, Procedure, Tracer, TextExpr, NamedExpr; IMPORT PackedType, ErrType; FROM Scanner IMPORT GetToken, Match, cur; CONST Big_Local = 8192; (* x Target.Char.size *) Big_Param = 8; (* x Target.Integer.size *) Max_zero_global = 64; (* x Target.Integer.size *) REVEAL T = Value.T BRANDED "Variable.T" OBJECT tipe : Type.T; init : Expr.T; sibling : T; formal : Value.T; alias : T; trace : Tracer.T; bounds : BoundPair; cg_var : CG.Var; bss_var : CG.Var; next_cg_var : T; init_var : INTEGER; offset : INTEGER; size : INTEGER; align : AlignVal; cg_align : AlignVal; mem_type : BITS 4 FOR CG.Type; stk_type : BITS 4 FOR CG.Type; indirect : M3.Flag; open_ok : M3.Flag; need_addr : M3.Flag; no_type : M3.Flag; global : M3.Flag; initDone : M3.Flag; initZero : M3.Flag; initPending : M3.Flag; initStatic : M3.Flag; OVERRIDES typeCheck := Check; set_globals := SetGlobals; load := Load; declare := Declare; const_init := ConstInit; need_init := NeedInit; lang_init := LangInit; user_init := UserInit; toExpr := ValueRep.NoExpr; toType := ValueRep.NoType; typeOf := TypeOf; base := ValueRep.Self; add_fp_tag := AddFPTag; fp_type := TypeOf; END; TYPE AlignVal = [0..255]; TYPE BoundPair = REF RECORD min : Target.Int; max : Target.Int; END; VAR all_cg_vars: T := NIL; (* variables with attached M3CG values *) PROCEDURE Variable Reset () = VAR t, u: T; BEGIN (* release any M3CG nodes that we've created *) t := all_cg_vars; WHILE (t # NIL) DO u := t; t := t.next_cg_var; u.cg_var := NIL; u.bss_var := NIL; u.next_cg_var := NIL; END; all_cg_vars := NIL; END Reset; PROCEDUREParseDecl (READONLY att: Decl.Attributes) = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR t : T; type : Type.T; expr : Expr.T; j, n : INTEGER; trace : Tracer.T; alias : M3ID.T; BEGIN Match (TK.tVAR); WHILE (cur.token = TK.tIDENT) DO n := Ident.ParseList (); type := NIL; expr := NIL; IF (cur.token = TK.tCOLON) THEN GetToken (); (* : *) type := Type.Parse (); END; IF (cur.token = TK.tEQUAL) THEN Error.Msg ("variable initialization must begin with ':='"); cur.token := TK.tASSIGN; END; IF (cur.token = TK.tASSIGN) THEN GetToken (); (* := *) expr := Expr.Parse (); END; trace := ParseTrace (); IF (expr = NIL) AND (type = NIL) THEN Error.Msg("variable declaration must include a type or initial value"); END; IF att.isExternal AND att.alias # M3ID.NoID AND n > 1 THEN Error.WarnID (2, att.alias, "EXTERNAL alias applies to first variable"); END; alias := att.alias; j := - n; FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO t := New (Ident.stack[j + i], FALSE); t.origin := Ident.offset[j + i]; t.external := att.isExternal; t.unused := att.isUnused; t.obsolete := att.isObsolete; t.tipe := type; t.init := expr; t.no_type := (type = NIL); IF (att.isExternal) THEN IF (alias # M3ID.NoID) THEN t.extName := alias; alias := M3ID.NoID; ELSE t.extName :=; END; END; Scope.Insert (t); BindTrace (t, trace); END; DEC (, n); Match (TK.tSEMI); END; END ParseDecl; PROCEDURENew (name: M3ID.T; used: BOOLEAN): T = VAR t: T; BEGIN t := NEW (T); ValueRep.Init (t, name, Value.Class.Var); t.used := used; t.tipe := NIL; t.init := NIL; t.readonly := FALSE; t.indirect := FALSE; := FALSE; t.formal := NIL; t.alias := NIL; t.extName := M3ID.NoID; t.open_ok := FALSE; t.need_addr := FALSE; t.no_type := FALSE; t.initDone := FALSE; t.initZero := FALSE; t.initPending := FALSE; t.initStatic := FALSE; t.bounds := NIL; t.cg_align := 0; t.cg_var := NIL; t.bss_var := NIL; t.init_var := 0; t.offset := 0; t.size := 0; t.align := 0; t.mem_type := CG.Type.Void; t.stk_type := CG.Type.Void; t.trace := NIL; RETURN t; END New; PROCEDURENewFormal (formal: Value.T; name: M3ID.T): T = VAR t: T; f_info: Formal.Info; BEGIN t := New (name, FALSE); Formal.Split (formal, f_info); t.formal := formal; t.tipe := f_info.type; t.origin := formal.origin; t.indirect := (f_info.mode # Formal.Mode.mVALUE); t.readonly := (f_info.mode = Formal.Mode.mCONST); t.unused := f_info.unused; t.initDone := TRUE; t.imported := FALSE; (* in spite of Module.depth *) IF (NOT t.indirect) AND (OpenArrayType.Is (t.tipe)) THEN t.indirect := TRUE; END; t.trace := NIL; (* the caller must call BindTrace after the variable is inserted into a scope *) RETURN t; END NewFormal; PROCEDURESplit (t: T; VAR type: Type.T; VAR global, indirect, traced: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN <* ASSERT t.checked *> type := t.tipe; global :=; indirect := t.indirect; traced := t.traced; END Split; PROCEDUREBindType (t: T; type: Type.T; indirect, readonly, open_array_ok, needs_init: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN <* ASSERT t.tipe = NIL *> t.tipe := type; t.readonly := readonly; t.indirect := indirect; t.open_ok := open_array_ok; IF NOT needs_init THEN t.initDone := TRUE END; END BindType; PROCEDURENeedsAddress (t: T) = BEGIN IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN END; t.need_addr := TRUE; END NeedsAddress; PROCEDUREIsFormal (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t # NIL) AND (t.formal # NIL); END IsFormal; PROCEDUREHasClosure (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t # NIL) AND (t.formal # NIL) AND Formal.HasClosure (t.formal); END HasClosure; PROCEDURETypeOf (t: T): Type.T = BEGIN IF (t.tipe = NIL) THEN IF (t.init # NIL) THEN t.tipe := Expr.TypeOf (t.init) ELSIF (t.formal # NIL) THEN t.tipe := Value.TypeOf (t.formal) END; IF (t.tipe = NIL) THEN Error.ID (, "variable has no type"); t.tipe := ErrType.T; END; END; RETURN t.tipe; END TypeOf; PROCEDURECheck (t: T; VAR cs: Value.CheckState) = VAR dfault: Expr.T; min, max: Target.Int; info: Type.Info; ref: Type.T; BEGIN t.tipe := Type.CheckInfo (TypeOf (t), info); IF (info.class = Type.Class.Packed) AND (t.formal # NIL) AND (NOT t.indirect) THEN EVAL Type.CheckInfo (PackedType.Base (t.tipe), info); END; t.size := info.size; t.align := info.alignment; t.mem_type := info.mem_type; t.stk_type := info.stk_type; IF (info.class = Type.Class.OpenArray) AND (t.formal = NIL) AND (NOT t.open_ok) THEN Error.ID (, "variable cannot be an open array"); END; IF (info.isEmpty) THEN Error.ID (, "variable has empty type"); END; IF (t.no_type) AND (t.tipe # ErrType.T) AND Type.IsEqual (t.tipe, Null.T, NIL) THEN Error.WarnID (1,, "variable has type NULL"); END; := Scope.OuterMost (t.scope); t.checked := TRUE; (* allow recursions through the init expr *) IF (NOT t.indirect) AND (NOT THEN IF (t.formal # NIL) AND (info.size > Big_Param * Target.Integer.size) THEN Error.WarnID (1,, "large parameter passed by value (" & Fmt.Int (info.size DIV Target.Char.size) & " bytes)"); ELSIF (info.size > Big_Local * Target.Char.size) THEN Error.WarnID (1,, "large local variable (" & Fmt.Int (info.size DIV Target.Char.size) & " bytes)"); END; ELSIF (t.formal # NIL) AND (info.class = Type.Class.OpenArray) AND Formal.RefOpenArray (t.formal, ref) THEN Error.WarnID (1,, "open array passed by value"); END; IF Type.IsStructured (t.tipe) THEN t.need_addr := TRUE; (* every load requires an address *) END; Value.TypeCheck (t.formal, cs); IF (t.external) THEN IF (t.init # NIL) THEN Error.Msg ("<*EXTERNAL*> variables cannot be initialized"); Expr.TypeCheck (t.init, cs); AssignStmt.Check (t.tipe, t.init, cs); END; ELSIF (t.init # NIL) THEN Expr.TypeCheck (t.init, cs); AssignStmt.Check (t.tipe, t.init, cs); dfault := Expr.ConstValue (t.init); IF (dfault = NIL) THEN IF Module.IsInterface () THEN Error.ID (, "initial value is not a constant"); END; IF ( AND (info.size > Max_zero_global * Target.Integer.size) THEN <*ASSERT NOT t.indirect*> t.indirect := TRUE; END; ELSE (* initialize the variable to an explicit constant *) IF NOT t.indirect THEN t.initZero := Expr.IsZeroes (dfault); IF ( THEN IF (t.initZero) THEN t.initDone := TRUE; IF (info.size > Max_zero_global * Target.Integer.size) THEN <*ASSERT NOT t.indirect*> t.indirect := TRUE; END; END; ELSIF (NOT t.initZero) AND Type.IsStructured (t.tipe) THEN t.initStatic := TRUE; END; t.init := dfault; END; END; ELSIF ( THEN (* no explict initialization is given, but the var is global *) IF Type.InitCost (t.tipe, TRUE) <= 0 THEN IF (info.size > Max_zero_global * Target.Integer.size) THEN <*ASSERT NOT t.indirect*> t.indirect := TRUE; END; t.initDone := TRUE; ELSIF Type.GetBounds (t.tipe, min, max) THEN (* synthesize an initialization expression *) IF Type.IsSubtype (t.tipe, LInt.T) THEN t.init := IntegerExpr.New (LInt.T, min); ELSE t.init := IntegerExpr.New (Int.T, min); END; END; END; CheckTrace (t.trace, cs); END Check; PROCEDURELoad (t: T) = BEGIN t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); IF (t.initPending) THEN ForceInit (t); END; IF Type.IsStructured (t.tipe) THEN (* the RunTyme representation is an address *) IF (t.bss_var # NIL) THEN CG.Load_addr_of (t.bss_var, 0, t.cg_align); ELSIF (t.cg_var = NIL) THEN (* => global *) Module.LoadGlobalAddr (Scope.ToUnit (t), t.offset, is_const := FALSE); CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); ELSIF (t.indirect) THEN CG.Load_addr (t.cg_var, t.offset); CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); ELSE CG.Load_addr_of (t.cg_var, t.offset, t.cg_align); END; ELSE (* simple scalar *) IF (t.bss_var # NIL) THEN CG.Load (t.bss_var, 0, t.size, t.cg_align, t.stk_type); ELSIF (t.cg_var = NIL) THEN (* => global *) Module.LoadGlobalAddr (Scope.ToUnit (t), t.offset, is_const := FALSE); IF (t.indirect) THEN CG.Load_indirect (CG.Type.Addr, 0, Target.Address.size); END; CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); CG.Load_indirect (t.stk_type, 0, t.size); ELSIF (t.indirect) THEN CG.Load_addr (t.cg_var, t.offset); CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); CG.Load_indirect (t.stk_type, 0, t.size); ELSE CG.Load (t.cg_var, t.offset, t.size, t.cg_align, t.stk_type); END; END; END Load; PROCEDURELoadLValue (t: T) = BEGIN t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); IF (t.initPending) THEN ForceInit (t); END; IF (t.bss_var # NIL) THEN CG.Load_addr_of (t.bss_var, 0, t.cg_align); ELSIF (t.cg_var = NIL) THEN (* => global variable *) Module.LoadGlobalAddr (Scope.ToUnit (t), t.offset, is_const := FALSE); IF (t.indirect) THEN CG.Load_indirect (CG.Type.Addr, 0, Target.Address.size); END; ELSIF (t.indirect) THEN CG.Load_addr (t.cg_var, t.offset); ELSE CG.Load_addr_of (t.cg_var, t.offset, t.cg_align); END; CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); END LoadLValue; PROCEDURESetLValue (t: T) = VAR v: CG.Var; align: INTEGER; BEGIN t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); IF (t.initPending) THEN t.initPending := FALSE; END; v := t.cg_var; align := t.cg_align; IF (v = NIL) THEN v := Module.GlobalData (is_const := FALSE); align := CG.Max_alignment; END; <*ASSERT t.indirect *> CG.Boost_alignment (align); CG.Store_addr (v, t.offset); END SetLValue; PROCEDURELocalCGName (t: T; VAR unit: CG.Var; VAR offset: INTEGER) = BEGIN t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); IF (t.initPending) THEN ForceInit (t); END; <*ASSERT NOT t.imported*> IF (t.cg_var = NIL) THEN unit := Module.GlobalData (FALSE); offset := t.offset; ELSE unit := t.cg_var; offset := 0; END; END LocalCGName; PROCEDURESetBounds (t: T; READONLY min, max: Target.Int) = BEGIN IF (t.bounds = NIL) THEN t.bounds := NEW (BoundPair) END; t.bounds.min := min; t.bounds.max := max; END SetBounds; PROCEDUREGetBounds (t: T; VAR min, max: Target.Int) = VAR xx := t.bounds; BEGIN EVAL Type.GetBounds (t.tipe, min, max); IF (xx = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; IF TInt.LT (min, xx.min) THEN min := xx.min; END; IF TInt.LT (xx.max, max) THEN max := xx.max; END; END GetBounds; PROCEDURESetGlobals (t: T) = VAR size, align: INTEGER; BEGIN (* Type.SetGlobals (t.tipe); *) (* IF (t.init # NIL) THEN Type.SetGlobals (Expr.TypeOf (t.init)) END; *) IF (t.offset # 0) OR (NOT OR (t.external) THEN RETURN END; EVAL Type.Check (t.tipe); IF (t.indirect) THEN size := Target.Address.size; align := Target.Address.align; ELSIF OpenArrayType.Is (t.tipe) THEN align := MAX (Target.Address.align, Target.Integer.align); size := Target.Address.pack + OpenArrayType.OpenDepth(t.tipe) * Target.Integer.pack; ELSE size := t.size; align := t.align; END; (* declare the actual variable *) t.offset := Module.Allocate (size, align, FALSE, id :=; END SetGlobals; PROCEDUREDeclare (t: T): BOOLEAN = VAR size := t.size; align := t.align; type := Type.GlobalUID (t.tipe); mtype := Type.CGType (t.tipe, in_memory := TRUE); is_struct := Type.IsStructured (t.tipe); name : TEXT; extern_name : M3ID.T; BEGIN Type.Compile (t.tipe); t.cg_var := NIL; t.bss_var := NIL; IF (is_struct) THEN mtype := CG.Type.Struct; END; IF (t.indirect) THEN type := CG.Declare_indirect (type); size := Target.Address.size; align := Target.Address.align; mtype := CG.Type.Addr; END; (* declare the actual variable *) IF (t.external) THEN name := Value.GlobalName (t, dots := FALSE, with_module := FALSE); extern_name := M3ID.Add (name); t.next_cg_var := all_cg_vars; all_cg_vars := t; t.cg_var := CG.Import_global (extern_name, size, align, mtype, 0(*no mangling*)); t.cg_align := align; ELSIF (t.imported) THEN <*ASSERT t.offset # 0*> ELSIF ( THEN <*ASSERT t.offset # 0*> CG.Declare_global_field (, t.offset, size, type, FALSE); IF (t.initZero) THEN t.initDone := TRUE END; t.cg_align := align; IF (t.indirect) THEN t.cg_align := t.align; t.next_cg_var := all_cg_vars; all_cg_vars := t; t.bss_var := CG.Declare_global (M3ID.NoID, t.size, t.cg_align, CG.Type.Struct, Type.GlobalUID (t.tipe), exported := FALSE, init := FALSE); CG.Init_var (t.offset, t.bss_var, 0, FALSE); END; ELSIF (t.formal = NIL) THEN (* simple local variable *) IF (size < 0) THEN (* it's an open array local introduced by a WITH statement *) align := MAX (Target.Address.align, Target.Integer.align); size := Target.Address.pack + OpenArrayType.OpenDepth(t.tipe) * Target.Integer.pack; END; (** align := FindAlignment (align, size); **) t.cg_align := align; t.next_cg_var := all_cg_vars; all_cg_vars := t; t.cg_var := CG.Declare_local (, size, align, mtype, type, t.need_addr, t.up_level, CG.Maybe); ELSIF (t.indirect) THEN (* formal passed by reference => param is an address *) t.cg_align := align; t.next_cg_var := all_cg_vars; all_cg_vars := t; t.cg_var := CG.Declare_param (, size, align, mtype, type, t.need_addr, t.up_level, CG.Maybe); ELSE (* simple parameter *) (** align := FindAlignment (align, size); **) t.cg_align := align; t.next_cg_var := all_cg_vars; all_cg_vars := t; t.cg_var := CG.Declare_param (, size, align, mtype, type, t.need_addr, t.up_level, CG.Maybe); END; RETURN TRUE; END Declare;
BEGIN IF size < 0 THEN (*don't mess with open array alignments*) ELSIF size >= Target.Int_D.size THEN align := MAX (align, Target.Int_D.align); ELSIF size <= Target.Int_A.size THEN align := MAX (align, Target.Int_A.align); ELSIF size <= Target.Int_B.size THEN align := MAX (align, Target.Int_B.align); ELSIF size <= Target.Int_C.size THEN align := MAX (align, Target.Int_C.align); ELSE align := MAX (align, Target.Int_D.align); END; RETURN align; END FindAlignment; **) PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- trace support ---ConstInit (t: T) = VAR size := t.size; align := t.align; type : INTEGER; init_expr : Expr.T; name : TEXT; init_name : M3ID.T; BEGIN IF t.external OR t.imported THEN RETURN END; IF (NOT t.initStatic) AND (NOT THEN RETURN END; type := Type.GlobalUID (t.tipe); IF (t.indirect) THEN type := CG.Declare_indirect (type); size := Target.Address.size; align := Target.Address.align; END; IF (t.initStatic) THEN (* declare the holder for the initial value *) name := "_INIT_" & M3ID.ToText (; init_name := M3ID.Add (name); t.init_var := Module.Allocate (size, align, TRUE,"initial value for ",; CG.Declare_global_field (init_name, t.init_var, size, type, TRUE); CG.Comment (t.init_var, TRUE, "init expr for ",Value.GlobalName(t,TRUE,TRUE)); init_expr := Expr.ConstValue (t.init); Expr.PrepLiteral (init_expr, t.tipe, TRUE); Expr.GenLiteral (init_expr, t.init_var, t.tipe, TRUE); END; IF ( THEN (* try to statically initialize the variable *) <*ASSERT t.offset # 0*> init_expr := NIL; IF (t.init # NIL) AND (NOT t.initDone) AND (NOT t.initStatic) THEN init_expr := Expr.ConstValue (t.init); END; IF (init_expr # NIL) THEN Expr.PrepLiteral (init_expr, t.tipe, FALSE); Expr.GenLiteral (init_expr, t.offset, t.tipe, FALSE); t.initDone := TRUE; END; END; END ConstInit; PROCEDURENeedInit (t: T): BOOLEAN = VAR ref: Type.T; BEGIN IF (t.imported) OR (t.external) OR (t.initDone) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (t.formal # NIL) THEN RETURN (t.indirect) AND Formal.RefOpenArray (t.formal, ref); ELSIF (t.indirect) AND (NOT THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF ( AND (t.init # NIL) AND (NOT t.initStatic) AND (Expr.ConstValue (t.init) # NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (t.init # NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN Type.InitCost (t.tipe, FALSE) > 0; END; END NeedInit; PROCEDURELangInit (t: T) = VAR ref: Type.T; BEGIN IF (t.imported) OR (t.external) THEN t.initDone := TRUE; ELSIF (t.formal # NIL) THEN IF (t.indirect) AND Formal.RefOpenArray (t.formal, ref) THEN (* a by-value open array! *) CG.Gen_location (t.origin); CopyOpenArray (t, ref); END; (* formal parameters don't need any further initialization *) Tracer.Schedule (t.trace); t.initDone := TRUE; ELSIF (t.indirect) AND (NOT THEN (* is a WITH variable bound to a designator *) Tracer.Schedule (t.trace); t.initDone := TRUE; END; IF (t.initDone) THEN RETURN END; (* initialize the value *) IF (t.init # NIL) AND (NOT t.up_level) AND (NOT t.imported) THEN (* variable has a user specified init value and isn't referenced by any nested procedures => try to avoid the language defined init and wait until we get to the user defined initialization. *) t.initPending := TRUE; ELSE IF Type.InitCost (t.tipe, FALSE) > 0 THEN CG.Gen_location (t.origin); LoadLValue (t); Type.InitValue (t.tipe, FALSE); END; IF (t.trace # NIL) AND (NOT t.imported) THEN IF (t.init = NIL) OR (t.initDone) THEN (* there's no explicit user init => might as well trace it now *) CG.Gen_location (t.origin); Tracer.Schedule (t.trace); END; END; END; END LangInit; PROCEDUREForceInit (t: T) = BEGIN t.initPending := FALSE; CG.Gen_location (t.origin); LoadLValue (t); Type.InitValue (t.tipe, FALSE); END ForceInit; PROCEDURECopyOpenArray (t: T; ref: Type.T) = VAR ptr : CG.Val; depth := OpenArrayType.OpenDepth (t.tipe); align := OpenArrayType.EltAlign (t.tipe); pack := OpenArrayType.EltPack (t.tipe); sizes := CG.Declare_temp (Target.Address.pack + Target.Integer.pack, Target.Address.align, CG.Type.Struct, in_memory := TRUE); proc : Procedure.T; BEGIN (* build the dope vector that describes the array *) Load (t); CG.Add_offset (M3RT.OA_sizes); (*** CG.Check_byte_aligned (); ****) CG.Store_addr (sizes, M3RT.OA_elt_ptr); CG.Load_intt (depth); CG.Store_int (Target.Integer.cg_type, sizes, M3RT.OA_size_0); (* allocate the storage *) proc := RunTyme.LookUpProc (RunTyme.Hook.NewTracedArray); Procedure.StartCall (proc); IF Target.DefaultCall.args_left_to_right THEN Type.LoadInfo (ref, -1); CG.Pop_param (CG.Type.Addr); CG.Load_addr_of (sizes, 0, Target.Address.align); CG.Pop_param (CG.Type.Addr); ELSE CG.Load_addr_of (sizes, 0, Target.Address.align); CG.Pop_param (CG.Type.Addr); Type.LoadInfo (ref, -1); CG.Pop_param (CG.Type.Addr); END; ptr := Procedure.EmitValueCall (proc); (* load the destination and source addresses *) CG.Push (ptr); CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); CG.Open_elt_ptr (align); CG.Force (); Load (t); CG.Open_elt_ptr (align); CG.Force (); (* compute the number of elements *) FOR i := 0 TO depth - 1 DO Load (t); (* CG.Load_addr (sizes, M3RT.OA_elt_ptr); *) CG.Open_size (i); IF (i # 0) THEN CG.Multiply (Target.Word.cg_type) END; END; (* copy the actual argument into the new storage *) CG.Copy_n (pack, overlap := FALSE); (* set the formal parameter to refer to the new storage *) CG.Push (ptr); CG.Boost_alignment (t.align); CG.Store_addr (t.cg_var); (* free our temps *) CG.Free_temp (sizes); CG.Free (ptr); END CopyOpenArray; PROCEDUREUserInit (t: T) = BEGIN IF (t.init # NIL) AND (NOT t.initDone) AND (NOT t.imported) THEN CG.Gen_location (t.origin); IF (t.initZero) THEN t.initPending := FALSE; LoadLValue (t); Type.Zero (t.tipe); ELSIF (t.init_var # 0) THEN t.initPending := FALSE; LoadLValue (t); Module.LoadGlobalAddr (Scope.ToUnit (t), t.init_var, is_const := TRUE); CG.Copy (t.size, overlap := FALSE); ELSE t.initPending := FALSE; AssignStmt.PrepForEmit (t.tipe, t.init, initializing := TRUE); LoadLValue (t); AssignStmt.DoEmit (t.tipe, t.init); END; t.initDone := TRUE; Tracer.Schedule (t.trace); END; END UserInit; PROCEDUREGenGlobalMap (s: Scope.T): INTEGER = (* generate the garbage collector's map-proc for the variables of s *) VAR started := FALSE; info: Type.Info; v := Scope.ToList (s); BEGIN WHILE (v # NIL) DO TYPECASE Value.Base (v) OF | NULL => (* do nothing *) | T(t) => IF (NOT t.imported) AND (NOT t.external) THEN EVAL Type.CheckInfo (t.tipe, info); IF (info.isTraced) THEN IF (NOT started) THEN TipeMap.Start (); started := TRUE; END; t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); IF (t.indirect) THEN TipeMap.Add (t.offset, TipeMap.Op.PushPtr, 0); Type.GenMap (t.tipe, 0, -1, refs_only := TRUE); TipeMap.Add (t.size, TipeMap.Op.Return, 0); TipeMap.SetCursor (t.offset + Target.Address.size); ELSE Type.GenMap (t.tipe, t.offset, -1, refs_only := TRUE); END; END; END; ELSE (* do nothing *) END; v :=; END; IF (started) THEN RETURN TipeMap.Finish ("global type map"); ELSE RETURN -1; END; END GenGlobalMap; PROCEDURENeedGlobalInit (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (NOT t.initDone) AND (NOT t.external); END NeedGlobalInit; PROCEDUREInitGlobal (t: T) = BEGIN IF (NOT t.initDone) AND (NOT t.external) THEN LoadLValue (t); Type.InitValue (t.tipe, TRUE); END; END InitGlobal; PROCEDUREAddFPTag (t: T; VAR x: M3.FPInfo): CARDINAL = BEGIN ValueRep.FPStart (t, x, "VAR ", t.offset, global := TRUE); RETURN 1; END AddFPTag;
TYPE TraceNode = Tracer.T OBJECT handler : Expr.T := NIL; call : Expr.T := NIL; OVERRIDES apply := DoTrace; END; PROCEDUREParseTrace (): Tracer.T = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR e: Expr.T; BEGIN IF (cur.token # TK.tTRACE) THEN RETURN NIL END; Match (TK.tTRACE); e := Expr.Parse (); Match (TK.tENDPRAGMA); IF (e = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; RETURN NEW (TraceNode, handler := e); END ParseTrace; PROCEDUREBindTrace (t: T; xx: Tracer.T) = VAR x: TraceNode := xx; p: Scope.IDStack; z: M3String.T; args: Expr.List; BEGIN IF (xx = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF ( # NIL) THEN x := NEW (TraceNode, handler := x.handler); END; (* get the variable's full name *) := 0; Scope.NameToPrefix (t, p, dots := TRUE, with_module := TRUE); z := M3String.Add (Scope.StackToText (p)); (* build the trace procedure call *) args := NEW (Expr.List, 2); args[0] := TextExpr.New8 (z); args[1] := NamedExpr.FromValue (t); := CallExpr.New (x.handler, args); <*ASSERT t.trace = NIL*> t.trace := x; END BindTrace; PROCEDUREDoTrace (x: TraceNode) = BEGIN Expr.Prep (; Expr.Compile (; END DoTrace; PROCEDURECheckTrace (tt: Tracer.T; VAR cs: Value.CheckState) = VAR x: TraceNode := tt; BEGIN IF (x # NIL) THEN Expr.TypeCheck (x.handler, cs); Expr.TypeCheck (, cs); END; END CheckTrace; PROCEDUREScheduleTrace (t: T) = BEGIN Tracer.Schedule (t.trace); END ScheduleTrace; BEGIN END Variable.