File: MxCheck.m3 Last Modified On Mon Sep 19 14:29:36 PDT 1994 By kalsow Modified On Wed May 26 15:47:11 PDT 1993 By muller
MODULE------------------------------------------------------------------------; IMPORT Text, Fmt, Wr, Thread, Word; IMPORT Mx, MxRep, MxMap, M3ID, MxSet, MxVS, MxVSSet; <*FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> CONST Margin = 78; TYPE State = RECORD base : Mx.LinkSet; errors : Wr.T; failed : BOOLEAN := FALSE; opaques : MxMap.T := NIL; (* type name -> OpaqueInfo *) all_opaques: OpaqueInfo := NIL; import_err : ImportError := NIL; err_width : INTEGER := 0; bad_vs : MxVS.Info; END; TYPE UnitProc = PROCEDURE (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit); TYPE ImportError = REF RECORD import_name : Mx.Name; importer : Mx.Unit; next : ImportError; END; TYPE OpaqueInfo = REF RECORD next : OpaqueInfo := NIL; type : Mx.OpaqueType := NIL; t_unit : Mx.Unit := NIL; reveal : Mx.Revelation := NIL; r_unit : Mx.Unit := NIL; END; MxCheck
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------IsProgram (base: Mx.LinkSet; errors : Wr.T): BOOLEAN = VAR s: State; BEGIN InitState (s, base, errors); CheckUnits (s); IF (s.failed) THEN RETURN FALSE END; CheckMain (s); IF (s.failed) THEN RETURN FALSE END; CheckStamps (s); IF (s.failed) THEN RETURN FALSE END; CheckOpaques (s); IF (s.failed) THEN RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE; END IsProgram; PROCEDUREIsLibrary (base: Mx.LinkSet; errors : Wr.T): BOOLEAN = VAR s: State; BEGIN InitState (s, base, errors); CheckUnits (s); IF (s.failed) THEN RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE; END IsLibrary; PROCEDUREInitState (VAR s: State; base: Mx.LinkSet; errors: Wr.T) = BEGIN s.base := base; s.errors := errors; s.failed := FALSE; END InitState;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckUnits (VAR s: State) = BEGIN s.import_err := NIL; (* make sure that there are no virtual units remaining *) ForEachUnit (s, CheckVirtualUnit); (* check to make sure that all imports and exports are satisfied *) ForEachUnit (s, CheckUnitImports); IF (s.import_err # NIL) THEN DumpImportErrors (s, s.import_err) END; END CheckUnits; PROCEDURECheckVirtualUnit (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = BEGIN IF (u.virtual) THEN s.import_err := NEW (ImportError, next := s.import_err, importer := u, import_name := LAST(Mx.Name)); END; END CheckVirtualUnit; PROCEDURECheckUnitImports (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = BEGIN CheckUnitList (s, u, u.imported_units); CheckUnitList (s, u, u.exported_units); CheckUnitList (s, u, u.used_interfaces); END CheckUnitImports; PROCEDURECheckUnitList (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY n: Mx.InfoList) = VAR nm: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := n.start TO n.start + n.cnt - 1 DO nm := [i]; IF MxMap.Get (s.base.interfaces, nm) = NIL THEN s.import_err := NEW (ImportError, next := s.import_err, importer := u, import_name := nm); END; END; END CheckUnitList; PROCEDUREDumpImportErrors (VAR s: State; err: ImportError) = VAR new, match, tmp: ImportError; BEGIN WHILE (err # NIL) DO new := NIL; match := err; err :=; := NIL; WHILE (err # NIL) DO tmp :=; IF (err.import_name = match.import_name) THEN := match; match := err; ELSE := new; new := err; END; err := tmp; END; IF (match.import_name = LAST (Mx.Name)) THEN DumpMissingUnit (s, match); ELSE DumpImportErrorList (s, match); END; err := new; END; END DumpImportErrors; PROCEDUREDumpImportErrorList (VAR s: State; err: ImportError) = VAR name := M3ID.ToText (err.import_name); BEGIN Err (s, "missing compiled interface \"", name, ".io\" imported by: "); WHILE (err # NIL) DO Err (s, MxRep.UnitName (err.importer), " "); err :=; END; ErrNL (s); END DumpImportErrorList; PROCEDUREDumpMissingUnit (VAR s: State; err: ImportError) = CONST RSym = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { " = ", " <: " }; VAR u_name: TEXT; x: ImportError; r: Mx.Revelation; o: Mx.ObjectType; u: Mx.Unit; BEGIN x := err; WHILE (x # NIL) DO u := x.importer; u_name := MxRep.UnitName (u); IF (u.export_def_syms.cnt + u.export_use_syms.cnt > 0) THEN Err (s, u_name, ": missing exported symbols: "); DumpVSList (s, u, u.export_def_syms); DumpVSList (s, u, u.export_use_syms); ErrNL (s); END; r := u.revelations; IF (r # NIL) THEN Err (s, u_name, ": missing revelations: "); WHILE (r # NIL) DO Err (s, TName (s, r.lhs), RSym[r.partial], TName (s, r.rhs), " "); r :=; END; ErrNL (s); END; o := u.exported_objects; IF (o # NIL) THEN Err (s, u_name, ": missing object types: "); WHILE (o # NIL) DO Err (s, TName (s, o.type), " "); o :=; END; ErrNL (s); END; DumpClients (s, u); x :=; END; END DumpMissingUnit; PROCEDUREDumpVSList (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList) = VAR info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO MxVS.Get ([i], info); Err (s, M3ID.ToText (info.source), ".", M3ID.ToText (info.symbol)," "); END; END DumpVSList; PROCEDUREDumpClients (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = VAR cl: MxSet.T; ux: Mx.UnitList; BEGIN cl := MxMap.Get (s.base.clients,; ux := MxSet.ToList (cl); IF (ux = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; Err (s, "imported by: "); WHILE (ux # NIL) DO IF (ux.unit # u) THEN Err (s, MxRep.UnitName (ux.unit), " "); END; ux :=; END; ErrNL (s); END DumpClients;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckMain (VAR s: State) = (* check to make sure that "Main" is exported *) VAR main := M3ID.Add ("Main"); VAR unit := MxMap.Get (s.base.interfaces, main); BEGIN IF (unit = NIL) THEN Err (s, "missing \"Main\" module", Wr.EOL); ErrNL (s); END; END CheckMain;
PROCEDURECheckStamps (VAR s: State) = VAR c: MxVSSet.Contents; vs: MxVS.T; BEGIN (* make sure that every defined stamp is implemented *) c := MxVSSet.GetData (s.base.vs_exports); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (c^) DO vs := c[i]; IF (vs # MxVS.NoVS) THEN IF MxVSSet.Get (s.base.vs_impls, vs) = MxVS.NoVS THEN DumpStamp (s, vs, ": is exported, but not implemented: "); END; END; END; (* make sure that every implemented stamp is defined *) c := MxVSSet.GetData (s.base.vs_impls); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (c^) DO vs := c[i]; IF (vs # MxVS.NoVS) THEN IF MxVSSet.Get (s.base.vs_exports, vs) = MxVS.NoVS THEN DumpStamp (s, vs, ": is implemented, but not exported: "); END; END; END; END CheckStamps; PROCEDUREDumpStamp (VAR s: State; vs: MxVS.T; msg: TEXT) = VAR info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN MxVS.Get (vs, info); Err (s, M3ID.ToText (info.source), "."); Err (s, M3ID.ToText (info.symbol), msg); MxVS.Get (vs, s.bad_vs); ForEachUnit (s, DumpBadVS); ErrNL (s); END DumpStamp; PROCEDUREDumpBadVS (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = BEGIN IF DumpBadVStamps (s, u, u.export_def_syms, s.bad_vs) OR DumpBadVStamps (s, u, u.export_use_syms, s.bad_vs) OR DumpBadVStamps (s, u, u.import_def_syms, s.bad_vs) OR DumpBadVStamps (s, u, u.import_use_syms, s.bad_vs) THEN END; END DumpBadVS; PROCEDUREDumpBadVStamps (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList; READONLY bad: MxVS.Info): BOOLEAN = VAR info: MxVS.Info; vs: MxVS.T; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO vs := [i]; MxVS.Get (vs, info); IF (info.source = bad.source) AND (info.symbol = bad.symbol) THEN Err (s, MxRep.UnitName (u), " "); RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END DumpBadVStamps;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckOpaques (VAR s: State) = VAR o: OpaqueInfo; BEGIN s.opaques := MxMap.New (503); ForEachUnit (s, NoteOpaques); ForEachUnit (s, IdentifyOpaques); o := s.all_opaques; WHILE (o # NIL) DO IF (o.reveal = NIL) THEN Err (s, "opaque type never revealed: ", TName (s, o.type.type)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " defined in ", MxRep.UnitName (o.t_unit)); ErrNL (s); END; o :=; END; END CheckOpaques; PROCEDURENoteOpaques (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = VAR o: Mx.OpaqueType; z: OpaqueInfo; BEGIN o := u.opaques; WHILE (o # NIL) DO z := MxMap.Get (s.opaques, o.type); IF (z # NIL) THEN IF z.type.super_type # o.super_type THEN Err (s, "opaque type defined with different super-types: ", TName (s, z.type.type)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " defined in ", MxRep.UnitName (z.t_unit)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " with super-type: ", TName(s, z.type.super_type)); Err (s, " and also ", MxRep.UnitName (u)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " with super-type: ", TName(s, o.super_type)); END; ELSE z := NEW (OpaqueInfo, type := o, t_unit := u, next:= s.all_opaques); s.all_opaques := z; MxMap.Insert (s.opaques, o.type, z); END; o :=; END; END NoteOpaques; PROCEDUREIdentifyOpaques (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = VAR z: OpaqueInfo; r := u.revelations; BEGIN WHILE (r # NIL) DO IF (r.partial) OR (NOT r.export) THEN (* ignore for now *) ELSE z := MxMap.Get (s.opaques, r.lhs); IF (z # NIL) THEN IF (z.reveal # NIL) THEN Err (s, "multiple revelations for opaque type: ", TName(s, z.type.type)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " defined in ", MxRep.UnitName (z.t_unit)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " revealed in ", MxRep.UnitName (z.r_unit)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " and also in ", MxRep.UnitName (u)); ErrNL (s); ELSE z.reveal := r; z.r_unit := u; END; ELSE Err (s, "revelation without matching opaque type declaration: ", TName (s, r.lhs)); ErrNL (s); Err (s, " revealed in ", MxRep.UnitName (u)); ErrNL (s); END; END; r :=; END; END IdentifyOpaques;
PROCEDUREForEachUnit (VAR s: State; p: UnitProc) = VAR x: MxMap.Contents; u: Mx.Unit; BEGIN x := MxMap.GetData (s.base.interfaces); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (x^) DO u := x[i].value; IF (u # NIL) THEN p (s, u) END; END; x := MxMap.GetData (s.base.modules); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (x^) DO u := x[i].value; IF (u # NIL) THEN p (s, u) END; END; x := MxMap.GetData (s.base.virtuals); FOR i := 0 TO LAST (x^) DO u := x[i].value; IF (u # NIL) THEN p (s, u) END; END; END ForEachUnit; PROCEDURETName (<*UNUSED*> VAR s: State; t: Mx.TypeName): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN "_t" & Fmt.Unsigned (Word.And (t, 16_ffffffff), 16); END TName; PROCEDUREErr (VAR s: State; a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = VAR len: INTEGER; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errors = NIL) THEN RETURN END; len := 0; IF (a # NIL) THEN INC (len, Text.Length (a)); END; IF (b # NIL) THEN INC (len, Text.Length (b)); END; IF (c # NIL) THEN INC (len, Text.Length (c)); END; IF (d # NIL) THEN INC (len, Text.Length (d)); END; IF (s.err_width + len > Margin) THEN Wr.PutText (s.errors, Wr.EOL); Wr.PutText (s.errors, " "); s.err_width := 3; END; IF (a # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.errors, a); END; IF (b # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.errors, b); END; IF (c # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.errors, c); END; IF (d # NIL) THEN Wr.PutText (s.errors, d); END; INC (s.err_width, len); END Err; PROCEDUREErrNL (VAR s: State) = BEGIN IF (s.errors = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF (s.err_width > 0) THEN Wr.PutText (s.errors, Wr.EOL); s.err_width := 0; END; END ErrNL; BEGIN END MxCheck.