File: MxMerge.m3 Last Modified On Thu Jan 26 14:37:15 PST 1995 By kalsow
MODULE------------------------------------------------------------------------; IMPORT Text, Wr, Fmt; IMPORT M3ID, M3FP, M3Buf; IMPORT Mx, MxRep, MxMap, MxVS, MxSet, MxVSSet, MxIO; CONST Margin = 72; TYPE State = RECORD unit : Mx.Unit; base : Mx.LinkSet; errs : Wr.T; err_buf : M3Buf.T; failed : BOOLEAN; END; MxMerge
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------MergeUnit (unit : Mx.Unit; base : Mx.LinkSet; errors : Wr.T): Mx.UnitList = VAR s: State; v: Mx.Unit; map: MxMap.T; cl: MxSet.T; BEGIN IF (unit = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; <*ASSERT base # NIL*> s.unit := unit; s.base := base; s.errs := errors; s.failed := FALSE; (* check for an existing unit *) IF (unit.interface) THEN map := s.base.interfaces; ELSE map := s.base.modules; END; v := MxMap.Get (map,; IF (v # NIL) THEN RETURN Flush (s, DuplicateUnit (s, unit, v)); END; (* check the existing symbols with the new ones *) CheckUnit (s, unit); IF (s.failed) THEN RETURN Flush (s, NEW (Mx.UnitList, next := NIL, unit := unit)); END; (* add the new unit *) MxMap.Insert (map,, unit); (* and merge its symbols *) AddStamps (s, unit.export_def_syms, TRUE, TRUE); AddStamps (s, unit.export_use_syms, TRUE, FALSE); AddStamps (s, unit.import_def_syms, FALSE, TRUE); AddStamps (s, unit.import_use_syms, FALSE, FALSE); AddObjects (s, unit.imported_objects); AddRevelations (s, unit.revelations); AddExportedTypes (s, unit.exported_types); (* delete any existing virtual unit *) MxMap.Delete (s.base.virtuals,; (* and recheck any clients of the old virtual unit *) cl := MxMap.Get (s.base.clients,; IF (cl # NIL) THEN MxMap.Delete (s.base.clients,; RETURN Flush (s, FilterClients (s, MxSet.ToList (cl))); END; RETURN Flush (s, NIL); END MergeUnit; PROCEDUREFlush (VAR s: State; ux: Mx.UnitList): Mx.UnitList = BEGIN IF (s.errs # NIL) AND (s.err_buf # NIL) THEN M3Buf.Flush (s.err_buf, s.errs); END; RETURN ux; END Flush;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckUnit (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit) = BEGIN CheckStamps (s, u, u.export_def_syms, TRUE, TRUE); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckStamps (s, u, u.export_use_syms, TRUE, FALSE); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckStamps (s, u, u.import_def_syms, FALSE, TRUE); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckStamps (s, u, u.import_use_syms, FALSE, FALSE); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckImportedTypes (s, u.imported_types); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckObjects (s, u.exported_objects); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckObjects (s, u.imported_objects); IF (s.failed) AND (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; CheckRevelations (s, u.revelations); END CheckUnit;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------DuplicateUnit (VAR s: State; u, v: Mx.Unit): Mx.UnitList = VAR errs := NEW (Mx.UnitList, next := NIL, unit := u); BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN errs; END; Out (s, "duplicate ", MxRep.UnitName (u), ":", Wr.EOL); Out (s, " in ",, Wr.EOL); Out (s, " and ",, Wr.EOL); RETURN errs; END DuplicateUnit;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckStamps (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList; export, implement: BOOLEAN)= VAR uu: Mx.Unit; vs, x: MxVS.T; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO vs :=[i]; MxRep.GetStamp (s.base, s.base.vs_exports, vs, uu, x); IF (uu = NIL) AND (x = MxVS.NoVS) THEN (* ok, we'll add a virtual unit later *) ELSIF (x = MxVS.NoVS) THEN (* we don't know about this stamp yet *) IF (NOT uu.virtual) THEN (* it's too late to add another stamp *) IF MissingStamp (s, vs) THEN EXIT; END; END; ELSIF (x # vs) THEN IF BadStamps (s, uu, x, vs) THEN EXIT END; ELSIF (export) THEN (* this is the primary declaration *) IF NOT uu.virtual THEN IF DuplicateStamp (s, uu, x) THEN EXIT END; END; END; IF (implement) THEN (* check for a duplicate implementation *) MxRep.GetStamp (s.base, s.base.vs_impls, vs, uu, x); IF (x # MxVS.NoVS) THEN IF DuplicateStampImpl (s, uu, x) THEN EXIT END; END; END; END; END CheckStamps; PROCEDUREReCheckStamps (VAR s: State; client: Mx.Unit; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList)= VAR u: Mx.Unit; vs, x: MxVS.T; key :=; info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO vs :=[i]; MxVS.Get (vs, info); IF (info.source = key) THEN MxRep.GetStamp (s.base, s.base.vs_exports, vs, u, x); IF (u = NIL) OR (x = MxVS.NoVS) THEN (* we don't have a primary definition for this symbol *) IF (s.unit.interface) THEN (* it's too late to add a virtual interface... *) IF MissingStamp (s, vs) THEN EXIT; END; ELSE (* re-install the virtual unit & stamp *) AddVirtualExport (s, vs, client); END; END; END; END; END ReCheckStamps;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------AddStamps (VAR s: State; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList; export, implement: BOOLEAN) = VAR x, vs: MxVS.T; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO vs := [i]; IF (export) THEN (* this is the primary definition *) MxVSSet.Insert (s.base.vs_exports, vs); ELSE x := MxVSSet.Get (s.base.vs_exports, vs); IF (x = MxVS.NoVS) THEN (* this is the first reference to the stamp *) AddVirtualExport (s, vs, s.unit); END; END; IF (implement) THEN (* this is the primary implmentation *) MxVSSet.Insert (s.base.vs_impls, vs); END; END; END AddStamps; PROCEDUREAddVirtualExport (VAR s: State; vs: MxVS.T; client: Mx.Unit) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN MxVS.Get (vs, info); u := MxRep.GetVirtualUnit (s.base, info.source, client); (* MxRep.AddVirtualInfo (u, u.export_use_syms, vs); *) MxVSSet.Insert (s.base.vs_exports, vs); END AddVirtualExport;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------MissingStamp (VAR s: State; vs: MxVS.T): BOOLEAN = VAR info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; MxVS.Get (vs, info); Out (s, "missing export: ", M3ID.ToText (info.source)); Out (s, ".", M3ID.ToText (info.symbol), " imported by "); Out (s, MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), Wr.EOL); RETURN FALSE; END MissingStamp;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------DuplicateStamp (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; vs: MxVS.T): BOOLEAN = VAR info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; MxVS.Get (vs, info); Out (s, "multiple definitions: ", M3ID.ToText (info.source)); Out (s, ".", M3ID.ToText (info.symbol), " implemented by:", Wr.EOL); Out (s, " ", MxRep.UnitName (u), Wr.EOL); Out (s, " ", MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), Wr.EOL); RETURN FALSE; END DuplicateStamp;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------DuplicateStampImpl (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; vs: MxVS.T): BOOLEAN = VAR info: MxVS.Info; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; MxVS.Get (vs, info); Out (s, "multiple implementations: ", M3ID.ToText (info.source)); Out (s, ".", M3ID.ToText (info.symbol), " implemented by:", Wr.EOL); Out (s, " ", MxRep.UnitName (u), Wr.EOL); Out (s, " ", MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), Wr.EOL); RETURN FALSE; END DuplicateStampImpl;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------BadStamps (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; vs1, vs2: MxVS.T): BOOLEAN = VAR width := 20; ui: Mx.UnitList; cl: MxSet.T; info: MxVS.Info; PROCEDURE PrintUnit (x: Mx.Unit) = VAR name := MxRep.UnitName (x); len := Text.Length (name); BEGIN IF (width + len > Margin) THEN Out (s, Wr.EOL, " "); width := 5 END; Out (s, name, " "); INC (width, len + 2); END PrintUnit; PROCEDURE CheckUnitStamps (x: Mx.Unit; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList; vs: MxVS.T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO IF ([i] = vs) THEN PrintUnit (x); RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END CheckUnitStamps; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; MxVS.Get (vs2, info); Out (s, "version stamp mismatch: ", M3ID.ToText (info.source)); Out (s, ".", M3ID.ToText (info.symbol), Wr.EOL); OutX (s, info.stamp); MxVS.Get (vs1, info); Out (s, " => ", MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), Wr.EOL); OutX (s, info.stamp); Out (s, " => "); IF (NOT u.virtual) THEN PrintUnit (u) END; cl := MxMap.Get (s.base.clients, info.source); ui := MxSet.ToList (cl); WHILE (ui # NIL) DO u := ui.unit; IF CheckUnitStamps (u, u.export_def_syms, vs2) OR CheckUnitStamps (u, u.export_use_syms, vs2) OR CheckUnitStamps (u, u.import_def_syms, vs2) OR CheckUnitStamps (u, u.import_use_syms, vs2) THEN END; ui :=; END; IF (width > 0) THEN Out (s, Wr.EOL) END; RETURN FALSE; END BadStamps;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckRevelations (VAR s: State; r: Mx.Revelation) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; x: Mx.Revelation; BEGIN WHILE (r # NIL) DO IF (NOT r.export) THEN MxRep.GetExportedRevelation (s.base, r, u, x); IF (u = NIL) THEN (* Ok, we'll add a virtual unit later *) ELSIF (x = NIL) THEN (* we don't know about this revelation yet *) IF (NOT u.virtual) THEN (* it's too late to add another revelation *) IF MissingRevelation (s, r) THEN EXIT; END; END; END; END; r :=; END; END CheckRevelations; PROCEDUREReCheckRevelations (VAR s: State; r: Mx.Revelation; client: Mx.Unit) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; x: Mx.Revelation; key :=; BEGIN WHILE (r # NIL) DO IF (r.source = key) AND (NOT r.export) THEN MxRep.GetExportedRevelation (s.base, r, u, x); IF (x = NIL) OR (NOT x.export) THEN (* we don't have a definitive revelation *) IF (s.unit.interface) THEN (* it's too late to add a virtual interface... *) IF MissingRevelation (s, r) THEN EXIT; END; ELSE (* make sure somebody "exports" this revelation *) u := MxRep.GetVirtualUnit (s.base, r.source, client); x := NEW (Mx.Revelation); x^ := r^; := u.revelations; u.revelations := x; x.export := TRUE; END; END; END; r :=; END; END ReCheckRevelations; PROCEDUREMissingRevelation (VAR s: State; r: Mx.Revelation): BOOLEAN = CONST op = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "= ", "<: " }; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; Out (s, MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), ": missing imported revelation: "); OutT (s, r.lhs); Out (s, op[r.partial]); OutT (s, r.rhs); Out (s, "from ", M3ID.ToText (r.source), ".i3", Wr.EOL); RETURN FALSE; END MissingRevelation;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------------------------------AddRevelations (VAR s: State; r: Mx.Revelation) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; x: Mx.Revelation; BEGIN WHILE (r # NIL) DO IF (NOT r.export) THEN MxRep.GetExportedRevelation (s.base, r, u, x); IF (x = NIL) THEN (* make sure somebody "exports" this revelation *) u := MxRep.GetVirtualUnit (s.base, r.source, s.unit); x := NEW (Mx.Revelation); x^ := r^; := u.revelations; u.revelations := x; x.export := TRUE; END; END; r :=; END; END AddRevelations;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckImportedTypes (VAR s: State; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList) = VAR t: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO t := [i]; IF MxMap.Get (s.base.exported_types, t) = NIL THEN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; Out (s, MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), ": missing imported type: "); OutT (s, t); Out (s, Wr.EOL); END; END; END CheckImportedTypes; PROCEDUREAddExportedTypes (VAR s: State; READONLY z: Mx.InfoList) = VAR t: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := z.start TO z.start + z.cnt - 1 DO t := [i]; MxMap.Insert (s.base.exported_types, t, s.unit); END; END AddExportedTypes;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------CheckObjects (VAR s: State; o: Mx.ObjectType) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; x: Mx.ObjectType; BEGIN WHILE (o # NIL) DO IF (NOT o.export) THEN MxRep.GetExportedObject (s.base, o, u, x); IF (u = NIL) THEN (* ok, we'll create a virtual unit later *) ELSIF (x = NIL) THEN (* we don't know about this object type yet *) IF (NOT u.virtual) THEN (* it's too late to add this object type *) IF MissingObject (s, o) THEN EXIT; END; END; ELSIF (x.super_type # o.super_type) OR (x.data_size # o.data_size) OR (x.data_align # o.data_align) OR (x.method_size # o.method_size) OR (x.from_module # o.from_module) THEN IF BadObject (s, u, x, o) THEN EXIT; END; END; END; o :=; END; END CheckObjects; PROCEDUREReCheckObjects (VAR s: State; o: Mx.ObjectType; client: Mx.Unit) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; x: Mx.ObjectType; key :=; BEGIN WHILE (o # NIL) DO IF (o.source = key) AND (NOT o.export) THEN MxRep.GetExportedObject (s.base, o, u, x); IF (x = NIL) OR (NOT x.export) THEN (* we don't know about this object type yet *) IF (u # NIL) AND (NOT u.virtual) AND (u.interface # o.from_module) THEN (* it's too late to add it *) IF MissingObject (s, o) THEN EXIT; END; ELSE (* make sure somebody "exports" this object type *) u := MxRep.GetVirtualUnit (s.base, o.source, client); x := NEW (Mx.ObjectType); x^ := o^; := u.exported_objects; u.exported_objects := x; x.export := TRUE; END; END; END; o :=; END; END ReCheckObjects;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------MissingObject (VAR s: State; o: Mx.ObjectType): BOOLEAN = CONST Tag = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { ".i3", ".m3" }; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; Out (s, MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), ": "); Out (s, "missing opaque object info for type "); OutT (s, o.type); Out (s, "from ", M3ID.ToText (o.source), Tag[o.from_module]); Out (s, Wr.EOL); RETURN FALSE; END MissingObject;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------BadObject (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit; o1, o2: Mx.ObjectType): BOOLEAN = VAR width := 4; ui: Mx.UnitList; cl: MxSet.T; PROCEDURE PrintUnit (x: Mx.Unit) = VAR name := MxRep.UnitName (x); len := Text.Length (name); BEGIN IF (width + len > Margin) THEN Out (s, Wr.EOL, " "); width := 5 END; Out (s, name, " "); INC (width, len + 2); END PrintUnit; PROCEDURE CheckUnitObjs (x: Mx.Unit; o1, o2: Mx.ObjectType): BOOLEAN = BEGIN WHILE (o1 # NIL) DO IF (o1.source = o2.source) AND (o1.type = o2.type) AND (o1.from_module = o2.from_module) THEN PrintUnit (x); RETURN TRUE; END; o1 :=; END; RETURN FALSE; END CheckUnitObjs; BEGIN s.failed := TRUE; IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; Out (s, "inconsistent opaque object info for type "); OutT (s, o1.type); Out (s, Wr.EOL); DumpObj (s, o2); Out (s, " => ", MxRep.UnitName (s.unit), Wr.EOL); DumpObj (s, o1); Out (s, " => "); IF (NOT u.virtual) THEN PrintUnit (u) END; cl := MxMap.Get (s.base.clients, o1.source); ui := MxSet.ToList (cl); WHILE (ui # NIL) DO u := ui.unit; IF NOT CheckUnitObjs (u, u.exported_objects, o2) THEN EVAL CheckUnitObjs (u, u.imported_objects, o2); END; ui :=; END; RETURN FALSE; END BadObject; PROCEDUREDumpObj (VAR s: State; o: Mx.ObjectType) = BEGIN Out (s, "super type: "); OutT (s, o.super_type); Out (s, " data: ("); Out (s, "size: ", Fmt.Int (o.data_size)); Out (s, ", align: ", Fmt.Int (o.data_align)); Out (s, ") method: ("); Out (s, "size: ", Fmt.Int (o.method_size)); Out (s, ")", Wr.EOL); END DumpObj;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------AddObjects (VAR s: State; o: Mx.ObjectType) = VAR u: Mx.Unit; x: Mx.ObjectType; BEGIN WHILE (o # NIL) DO IF (NOT o.export) THEN MxRep.GetExportedObject (s.base, o, u, x); IF (x = NIL) THEN (* make sure somebody "exports" this object type *) u := MxRep.GetVirtualUnit (s.base, o.source, s.unit); x := NEW (Mx.ObjectType); x^ := o^; := u.exported_objects; u.exported_objects := x; x.export := TRUE; END; END; o :=; END; END AddObjects;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------------FilterClients (VAR s: State; ui: Mx.UnitList): Mx.UnitList = VAR bad_guys: MxSet.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE (ui # NIL) DO IF ReCheckUnit (s, ui.unit) THEN IF (bad_guys = NIL) THEN bad_guys := MxSet.New (); END; MxSet.Insert (bad_guys, ui.unit); ui.unit.virtual := TRUE; END; ui :=; END; RETURN MxSet.ToList (bad_guys); END FilterClients; PROCEDUREReCheckUnit (VAR s: State; u: Mx.Unit): BOOLEAN = VAR old_failed := s.failed; bad_unit := FALSE; BEGIN s.failed := FALSE; (* check the old importers against the new exporter *) IF (NOT s.failed) THEN ReCheckStamps (s, u, u.import_def_syms); END; IF (NOT s.failed) THEN ReCheckStamps (s, u, u.import_use_syms); END; IF (NOT s.failed) THEN ReCheckRevelations (s, u.revelations, u); END; IF (NOT s.failed) THEN ReCheckObjects (s, u.imported_objects, u); END; bad_unit := s.failed; s.failed := old_failed; RETURN bad_unit; END ReCheckUnit;
PROCEDUREOutT (VAR s: State; x: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF (s.err_buf = NIL) THEN s.err_buf := M3Buf.New (); END; MxIO.PutTxt (s.err_buf, "_t"); MxIO.PutHex (s.err_buf, x, " "); END OutT; PROCEDUREOutX (VAR s: State; READONLY x: M3FP.T) = BEGIN IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF (s.err_buf = NIL) THEN s.err_buf := M3Buf.New (); END; MxIO.PutTxt (s.err_buf, " <"); MxIO.PutFP (s.err_buf, x, ">"); END OutX; PROCEDUREOut (VAR s: State; a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL) = BEGIN IF (s.errs = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF (s.err_buf = NIL) THEN s.err_buf := M3Buf.New (); END; IF (a # NIL) THEN MxIO.PutTxt (s.err_buf, a); END; IF (b # NIL) THEN MxIO.PutTxt (s.err_buf, b); END; IF (c # NIL) THEN MxIO.PutTxt (s.err_buf, c); END; IF (d # NIL) THEN MxIO.PutTxt (s.err_buf, d); END; END Out; BEGIN END MxMerge.